I Possessed a Character in an Academy Without a Protagonist

Chapter 38

To die or not to die, that is the question.

“Truly a problem. A problem…”

I can’t shake off what I just saw; my head feels like it’s going to explode.

Hamlet exists in this world.

Most likely just like the original Hamlet from my world.

The problem is, why is he here?

While writing this novel, I have never once borrowed elements from reality.

So if a character like Hamlet pops up in a world that’s supposed to be different, it would wreck the coherence, you know?

Then there’s only one answer.

A being that can disrupt the coherence of this world.

It’s definitely an element added by the reader who sent me here.

“But why?”

Here I am, back to square one.

The important thing is, why did they add something like this?

Did they throw it in thinking I might feel nostalgic for my original world?

Not a chance. That reader would have no such detailed consideration for me.

Maybe they just wanted to see me struggling over a few books.

“I don’t get it.”

I shook my head and stood up.

Thinking about what I don’t know isn’t going to make anything clearer.

I’d have to ask them directly when I return to my original world.

After delivering a solid punch to their face first.

“It’s about time.”

Damn, it’s the first period again.

Thanks to helping Emilia with cleaning, I barely had time to breathe before preparing to head out.

As I changed into my school uniform, I took another look around my room.

I thought the single dorm room was spacious, but this place was barren.

Even though there’s a desk, a full-length mirror, a queen-size bed, and a wardrobe… the empty space was just too vast.

It was definitely a place Alexia would hate and refuse to stay in.

I’m just glad I have a place to live.

Though Emilia might scream every time she cleans.

I’m already underpaying her, so I need to occasionally help her clean to avoid getting murdered later.

“Are you going to class?”

“Yes. No matter who it is, don’t open the door. I have food and water inside, so don’t come out either.”

Since Henderson is dead, I thought there wouldn’t be anyone able to break through the Imperial University’s Barrier…

But does the world ever flow as expected?

I had no clue Henderson was going to come.

So, I told Emilia to be careful as much as possible.

“Yes. I noticed someone was knocking on the barrier outside for a while… I intentionally didn’t open it.”

“Good job.”



I realized only after seeing Emilia’s flustered expression.

My hand was resting on top of Emilia’s head.

Unconsciously patting her head like I often did…

I coughed awkwardly and quickly withdrew my hand.

“I’m sorry. I apologize if that was unpleasant.”

“Oh, no. I was just surprised…”

Emilia forced a smile.

How awkward this is.

If Hertlocker hears about it, he might go crazy with rage.

“Then I’ll be off.”

“Okay. Please be careful.”

I left the mansion, leaving behind a slightly more bent-over Emilia.

Now that I think about it, someone keeps knocking on the barrier.

I should check out who they are.

As I approached the front gate, I saw someone in a deep hood standing beyond the bars.

They seemed smaller in stature than Schlus, but it was hard to guess their gender.

“Who are you?”

“Schlus Hainkel.”

“Yes. That’s Schlus Hainkel. Who might you be?”

I cautiously opened the gate and asked.

It’s unlikely for an assassin to enter the Imperial University this early in the morning, but anyone so bundled up looks suspicious.

Their voice was ambiguous, making it difficult to determine if they were male or female.

They sounded too feminine to be a man and too husky to be a woman.

“I can’t tell you that yet. If you follow me, I will let you know—”

“I’m busy; class is starting soon. Please come back after class.”

“It’ll just take a moment…”

“I’m in a hurry.”

What the heck are they mumbling about when I’m just asking who they are?

Annoyed, I walked past the identity-less person.

If they’re feeling disappointed and want to return, they will.

After walking a good distance from the mansion, I glanced back to see the hooded figure with their head tipped down, looking dejected.

A chill ran down my spine, and I felt like I just made a big mistake.

Probably just my imagination.

There’s no way anything bad will happen, right?



Emilia kept fiddling with her bangs, her lips twitching.

It was in response to Schlus’s touch earlier.

She hated anyone touching her hair, but bizarrely, it didn’t feel bad this time.

In fact, it even felt a bit comforting.


Emilia’s lips pouted.

She knew well why.

Since last night, after Crow Henderson stormed in, Emilia could no longer view Schlus the same way.

Schlus said it was the employer’s duty to protect their attendant.

That was a flawed statement.

That only applied in the world of nobles, between lord and vassal.

In the relationship between commoners, obligations like that are unheard of unless specified in a contract.

So, it was merely an excuse, and Emilia had picked up on that easily.

Schlus often concealed their goodwill in such ways.

But this time, it went beyond mere goodwill.

Schlus was putting their life on the line.

“That’s just insane. Insane…”

No matter how she thought about it, the only word that came to mind was madness.

How many people would risk their life to save someone else’s?

Especially for someone they hadn’t known for more than a month, not a family member or a lover.

In that sense, Schlus’s goodwill bordered on madness.

Three conditions could justify such actions.

One, they were desperate to die.

Two, they were absolutely certain they’d survive this.

Or three, they thought that losing their life to save someone meant that person was precious enough to them.


As she thought of the last possibility, Emilia’s cheeks heated up.

It sounded like… like Schlus might admire her.

“Ugh! I must be going crazy!”

Emilia covered her face with her hands and flopped back onto the sofa.

She could feel her face burning.

“There’s no way! You idiot!”

There’s no reason for Schlus to like someone like her.

Emilia calmed her pounding heart, repeating that in her mind.

Schlus, who was on their way to a higher status, has no reason to like a commoner like me.

Love, after all, doesn’t come with a reason. It just appears suddenly one day.

Eric’s famous quote popped into her mind, but she shook her head and quickly discarded it.

Still, it felt too far-fetched.

The idea of Schlus coming from another world was just as ridiculous.

“Hey, let’s get a grip.”

Emilia put a hand to her still heated face and stood up.

Unaware of why she was overreacting.

With her constantly racing heart, she was wandering around the living room when she suddenly tilted her head at the view outside.

“What’s that person doing?”

The hooded figure from earlier was still standing in front of the door.

Only now, they looked a little dejected, their head bowed low.

With her keen eyesight, she quickly scanned them and noticed smooth and delicate hands.

From that, she could only guess they were from a noble household.


“When will I get to hear a thank you?”


Iris casually sat next to me, which was fine and all.

However, the constant stares were a bit uncomfortable; I could excuse that.

But why is this girl always saying weird things to me?

“What do you mean thank you?”

“Really don’t know?”


I wanted to slap her and tell her not to beat around the bush like that.

Why did I create Iris with this personality…?

If I could go back, I’d fix her way of speaking right away.

“If you keep this up, you’ll never hear a thank you.”

“You’re not even trying to remember… Fine, here’s a hint. I told you someone was in danger before. You don’t remember?”

Someone was in danger…

Ah. I finally remembered.

Iris had warned me that my attendant was in danger.

Back then, I didn’t understand what she meant and neglected it, forgetting about it until now.

So I’m not entirely useless, I suppose, because last night, even though I was tired, I couldn’t sleep for some reason.

Perhaps I was unconsciously thinking of Iris’s words and was on guard.

“I remember now.”

“Then how about the thank you?”


I delivered a half-hearted thank you.

Though, it was a bit vague to say my life was saved this time…

Iris seemed dissatisfied with my response, puffing up her cheeks and turning her head aside.

“If you keep this up, I might not cooperate.”

“I didn’t ask you to cooperate.”

“Whaaat?! Are you serious? You can’t trust me yet?”

She looked a bit hurt, but I couldn’t help it.

I know her shifty nature well. How could I trust her?

If you want to blame someone, blame the person who made you like this.

Ah, that’s me.

Forget what I just said.

“Can’t you make it so I can trust you?”

“Is saving my life not enough?”

“I need a bit more certainty.”

“Wow. You’re basically saying I should just dedicate myself to you.”

“Weren’t we supposed to be close partners? Or is this kind of dedication too much for you?”


With a dissatisfied look, Iris glared at me.

I had no retort.

If Iris’s hinting was correct that we might end up being special, she could likely do anything for me.

If I truly trusted her and she helped me for free, that would benefit her too.

If she quit halfway, that would basically mean she admitted to her lies.

Iris was in a bind.

“I’ve devoted myself to you, Schlus… I didn’t expect you to have this mindset. You’re too much.”

Iris pretended to wipe her eyes.

It was so obviously fake that I couldn’t even laugh.

Did she think such cheap theatrics would move my heart?

At that moment, Erika hurried over, causing a racket.

“What, what?! Iris is crying?!”


I knew it seemed off from the start.

Iris wasn’t the one trying to deceive me; it must have been Erika all along.

As Erika rushed to embrace the visibly sobbing Iris, she shot me a glare.

I caught a glimpse of Iris’s smirk peeking out from Erika’s arms.

She’s trying to kick off a public opinion war…

How tiresome.

“Schlus Hainkel!”

“What is it?”

“Did you do something wrong?”

“No. I’ll ask you back. What do you know to question me?”

“Well… I know you guys are fighting.”

“Even if it’s true we had a fight, why do you think it’s my fault?”

“I don’t think it’s solely your fault. After all, a fight between lovers doesn’t start from just one side, right?”


“So first, talk things out to clear up misunderstandings…”

“Wait a minute, Erika!”

Iris couldn’t hold back anymore, jumping up to cut Erika off.

Her cheeks were unusually red.

I don’t think I’ve seen Iris react like this even in the original story.

Erika’s innocent scheming is indeed scary.

“Why on earth are you assuming we are lovers?”

“Weren’t you?! Last time you were hugging and sucking fingers, I thought…”

What the heck does sucking fingers even mean?

As I looked at Iris, she avoided my gaze and darted her eyes around.

This is suspicious.


Just then, a low voice reverberated from the podium.

It was Ludwig, dressed neatly as always.

“As class is about to start, please be quiet. And, Schlus Hainkel.”


“I’ll tell you this in advance since time is short. A dignitary is waiting, so please meet them as soon as class is over.”


The crowd began to murmur.

I couldn’t grasp the meaning of his words either.

After pondering for a while…


I think I finally figured out who the “dignitary” Ludwig was referring to.

There aren’t many people Ludwig would choose to elevate by calling them “dignitary” when they’re not physically present.

He wouldn’t refer to Alexia as a dignitary.

Taking into account the unusual event from yesterday, it’s now narrowed down to one person.

Come to think of it, the person who was standing before the main gate, hooded…

“Oh no. This is bad.”

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