I Possessed a Character in an Academy Without a Protagonist

Chapter 39

“Please keep that a secret from Schlus…”

“What do you mean? What?”

“I licked my finger…”

At Iris’s quiet request, Erica tilted her head in confusion.

She said it was to assist with healing magic.

Isn’t that a medical procedure?

What reason is there to keep it a secret?


“Anyway! Promise me!”

“Ah, fine.”

But when Iris stammered and asked her to keep quiet, Erica had no choice but to comply.

It wasn’t like Iris usually made such requests.

No, she didn’t even put herself in situations where she asked for such things.

That’s why Iris’s sense of urgency felt more palpable.

“By the way, I don’t think I ever said we were dating.”

“Yeah. You didn’t.”

“Could it be that Schlus—”

“No. Schlus never said that either.”

“Then why did such a weird conclusion come up?”

Erica had to stifle a laugh at Iris’s reproachful gaze.

It was rare to see Iris, who always appeared composed and in control, so flustered.

“Whatever I ask, Iris never gives a proper answer. So I just guessed on my own. Wasn’t it? You two are dating?”


“Ha ha ha…”

“What’s so funny?!”

As Iris began to get angry, Erica couldn’t hold her laughter in anymore.

Usually, just Iris’s serious tone would make most people look down and tremble.

But seeing her openly get mad was nothing but cute, like watching a child throw a tantrum.

“Hmph. So now you’re going to tell me properly, huh? What you two are to each other.”

“Cheh… Fine.”

“Is it related to you seeing the future?”


At Erica’s nonchalant question, Iris’s mouth closed.

It wasn’t the first time she had mentioned having future sight.

When she was younger, she spoke about it several times.

But everyone laughed at her, treating it as a delusion, and in the end, she decided to keep the fact about her future sight a secret for life.

Erica might even remember her mentioning it once when they were kids.

But the fact that she still remembered it and believed it…

It gave her a mild shock.

“You still believe that?”

“Of course! Was it a lie?”


“Then it’s all good. What’s the problem?”

Iris, with that innocent reply, was left speechless again.

Erica wasn’t a fool.

She wasn’t the kind to take everyone’s words at face value and get scammed.

So the fact that she trusted Iris so deeply meant she would believe even the most absurd things.

Realizing that, Iris couldn’t help but feel grateful and touched, her smile faint.

“As Erica guessed, it’s about the future. Ever since meeting Schlus, I’ve continuously seen futures involving him.”

Iris’s future sight showed the future somewhat random, but it wasn’t entirely without rules.

The more deeply and significantly a future was related to Iris, the more it appeared and with greater intensity.

So, the fact that Schlus appeared frequently in her future visions indicated that in the future, Iris and Schlus would become closer, whether in a good or bad way.

“What kind of future was it?”

“A future where Schlus dies.”


A sigh escaped Erica, who had been expectantly listening.

“Schlus dies, sacrificing himself for others. I approached Schlus to try to change that future. But even if the time and method change, Schlus continues to die…”

How many times had she seen that future?

Now she had given up on counting.

No matter how much the future slightly changed, it eventually led to his death.

She thought she had prevented it this time by directly stopping him from being stabbed by a sword on the Day of Magic.

But Schlus would die once again in a different future, in a different place, for different people. Relentlessly.

Among them was a future where he threw himself to die for Erica.

“Schlus? Really?”


But she decided not to inform Erica of that fact.

Because she was too tender-hearted, it would be unreasonable for her to feel guilt over something that hadn’t even happened yet.

“That can’t be true…”

Meanwhile, Erica’s mind became increasingly complex.

It was certain that Schlus was a wicked man who had sold his lifespan to a demon for power.

Yet, he dies sacrificing himself for others?

That was simply hard to believe.

‘Maybe that was why he sold his lifespan to the demon?’

One possibility arose, and Erica became even more confused.

What if he sold his lifespan because he didn’t actually need it?

What if he gained such immense power to die for others, without needing to live long?

Then this mystery would be explained.

But she still couldn’t accept that Schlus could be such a nonsensical saint.

“So you want to stop that future where Schlus dies?”

“Kind of. After all, I’m a saint.”


“What’s so funny this time?”

“Nothing, heh.”

Being a saint…

If someone else had heard that, they would probably look up at Iris in admiration, but for Erica, it only made her laugh.

The Iris she knew was just a girl of that age, not the lofty and noble saint everyone imagined.

“I’ll help too. To make sure Schlus doesn’t die.”


“Yeah. Really.”

Iris looked a bit surprised, as if she hadn’t expected this.

She thought Erica disliked Schlus.

But Erica’s intentions were different.

‘If Iris’s future is correct, then Schlus becomes a hero, right? Without anyone knowing he sold his lifespan to a demon. I can’t let that happen.’

For whatever reason, making a contract with a demon could never be justified.

Being a devout believer, Erica held that belief firmly.

But if Iris’s words were correct, Schlus would sacrifice himself and die before his lifespan ended, gaining immense honor afterward.

That was unacceptable.

She had to save Schlus from dying.

When that would be, she didn’t know, but before his shortened lifespan ran out, he would wither and die young.

Then, the fact that he sold his lifespan would come to light, and his honor would greatly diminish.

That was the proper end for someone who made a contract with a demon.

‘I will make sure he dies of natural causes!’

Thus, Erica’s wicked plan to keep Schlus alive was established.


Let’s try to deduce the identity of the “VIP” Ludwig mentioned.

First, there’s that esteemed professor who is being referred to with such reverence, even though he’s not present.

It indicated that he held a significantly high position or was someone Ludwig respected.

Furthermore, we need to consider the timing.

Today is the day after capturing and subduing Crow Henderson.

It’s only logical that such a distinguished guest’s sudden visit today stems from yesterday’s events.

But the problem is, yesterday’s incident was kept under wraps, and thus no media outlet has covered it yet. It must have been a measure taken considering the societal ripple effects.

So, the number of places to gain this information wouldn’t be too many, but if a distinguished figure would rush over upon hearing this news…

“Ah, damn it.”

The Crown Prince. The Emperor’s first grandson.

No one else came to mind.

Recalling the hooded guest I met this morning made me even more anxious.

I had to head to the Chairwoman’s residence right after class without looking back.

“Could it be? Could it be?”

Nah. It can’t be.

As I thought so, I recalled the Crown Prince’s voice described in the original work.

A slightly husky, androgynous voice.

Yeah. It was the same voice I’d heard from that hood this morning.


Upon arriving at the mansion, the hood was still lingering by the front door.

Did they leave for a bit? Or had they been waiting all this time while I attended my class?

Considering the Crown Prince’s rigid personality, the latter seemed more plausible.

This was really bad news.

“Are you still waiting?”

“Well, I was just—”

“Yes, there’s time. Come on in, Your Highness.”


Startled, the Crown Prince flinched as I opened the door and invited him inside.

He was the second most dignified person on the continent, after the Majins.

I needed to make sure I didn’t offend him, so I should give Emilia a heads up too.

Oh, but I probably already offended him.

“Hainkel? Who is that person…?”

“He’s a guest. Please prepare some tea.”


It seems the hooded figure, dressed in long clothes, looked rather peculiar.

I sent the Crown Prince first to the sofa in the living room, and then created a small information suppression barrier to ensure no one could overhear us.

“This is His Highness. Please keep that in mind and show the utmost respect. We cannot allow any discourtesy.”

“Y-Your Highness?”

“I’m deactivating the barrier now.”

Since my mana was running low, I dispelled it immediately and followed closely behind the Crown Prince without even looking back at an agape Emilia.

Surely, that’s genuine surprise written all over her face.

I wonder if this was the second time in which I broke Emilia’s act to reveal her true emotions?

I felt a bit proud of that.

“Who told you?”

“What do you mean?”

“That I’m the Crown Prince?”

He said that as he tossed back his hood.

Beautiful golden hair and sharp eyes emerged; a strikingly beautiful woman’s face came to view.

To be honest, it looked exactly like the image I’d always imagined.

She took out her long golden hair, which she had hidden behind her back, and sat gracefully on the sofa across from me.

Wow, those locks shine! I want to touch them.

…Of course, I will restrain myself. I couldn’t add any more offense.

“No one told me.”

“Just a guess, then?”

“Yes. Indeed lucky.”


Ariya tilted her head slightly, appearing displeased.

Should I not call her Ariya yet?

She hasn’t undergone her coming-of-age ceremony, so she doesn’t have a name.

Following the original plot, she would eventually be called Ariya Viktor Friedrich von Freya, shortened to Ariya.

“You live quite lavishly, it seems.”

“This is provided by the school. If I lose my position as valedictorian, I’ll be expelled immediately.”

“How cold-hearted of them. Is this a den for magicians?”

I responded courteously to her remarks while keeping an eye on her.

Should I apologize for treating her harshly this morning and making her wait over two hours?

Judging from her silence, she seemed to not care too much.

“It seems to be a rather important class. To leave me hanging for it.”


Oh great.

She was clearly holding a grudge.

Ariya’s chilling smile made my hands tremble involuntarily under the table.

One word from her could decide my life or death.

Here, I needed to choose my words carefully.

Should I just bow my head and ask for forgiveness?

That sounds like a good idea. Unless I want to cut ties with Ariya forever.

Ariya despises people who don’t acknowledge their mistakes, but that doesn’t mean she likes people who do.

What she prefers are people who never make mistakes.

In other words, I need to make the blunder I made this morning not count as a blunder.

What? You don’t understand?

Honestly, neither do I.

“Yes. It was a major class.”

“Oh. So that was more important than meeting me?”

“Yes. If one misses the class, they can’t take it again, but I can meet with the Crown Prince again, right?”


Silence filled the room.

This is bad. I’ve really messed up.

As I didn’t see this as a blunder, it became a blunder… a total contradiction.

Honestly, I sensed something was off from earlier, but I just went with it.

Picking up my words would only anger Ariya.

Seems I’ve already made a bigger mess.

“*Hmph…* You’re quite amusing.”

“I didn’t intend to make you laugh. I’m glad you find it enjoyable.”

“I’d heard rumors that commoners were cocky, but seeing you in person just proves the nobility’s aversion.”

“I’ll take that as a compliment.”

“Yes, hoho… do so.”

Ariya let out a laugh.

It felt strangely different than I expected.

I wasn’t sure if she liked me, but if she laughed, it must mean I didn’t get on her nerves, right?

Ariya was straightforward with her emotions, unlike Emilia, who was the complete opposite.

“Here comes the tea. Please enjoy it slowly.”

“Thank you, Emilia.”

Soon, Emilia appeared, wheeling in a cart with teacups and cake.

By the way, she really nailed that stuttered speech.

Anyone would think she was genuinely nervous.

Of all people, Emilia could never be tense.

After placing the tea and cake down, Emilia seemed to escape the living room in a hurry.

What a supreme performance to wrap it all up.

“How curious. A servant who speaks to their master with politeness.”

“She’s not a servant. It’s merely a relationship forged by contract. There’s no reason to look down on a commoner.”

“A commoner? That’s no longer the case.”

“What do you mean by that, Your Highness?”

“Schlus Hainkel. I wish to grant you a title. If there’s anything you desire, please speak.”


What a stroke of luck.

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