I really don't want to be a trainer.

Chapter 10 Dr. Yamanashi's Visit

Chapter 10 The Visit of Dr. Yamanashi (Please recommend!)

The two-day weekend holiday is over, and Lu Ye has to go back to school again.

It's just that after the change of the world line, Shanghai University has also undergone earth-shaking changes.

Walking in the campus, you can see boys and girls carrying elf balls everywhere, and some of them simply let the elves follow them.

Most of them are small elves, such as Bobo, Cardi Dog, Xiangwei Cat, etc., and there are also students who ride straight bears and soar past.

"It's forbidden to fight elves with each other in the school!"

"Supervisor, calm down, it's for the battle department, and it's training today!"

Lu Ye checked the official website and found that there was indeed an additional "Trainer Academy" on the South Campus.

Among them, "Elf Battle" and "Elf Breeding" are still the first-level key majors.

However, these have little to do with Lu Ye, who majored in finance.

Although there are a few elf elective courses added to the schedule, the content of Lu Ye's professional courses has not changed much.

"Fortunately, there is still time to review, otherwise the scholarship for this semester will be suspended." Lu Ye murmured.

That's right, while Lu Ye is a game anchor, he is also a top student.

The major is among the best, and has always been in the top three in the department. In the second half of the year, there will be a chance to win the national award.

Although he is a freshman, but with good looks and good grades, Lu Ye is extremely popular in all grades.

The first class I took in the morning was "The History of the Sinnoh Elves".

When I came to the lecture theater, the classroom was full, and it was already full of people.

"Brother Lu Zi, here it is!"

Lu Ye's roommate, Liang Dayou, who majored in law and computer science, beckoned to Lu Ye.

Although he kept a round inch, the M-shaped hairline has deeply betrayed Brother Dayou, and people can't help feeling deeply:

This is a strong man!

When he came to the place occupied by his roommate, Lu Ye whispered, "Why are there so many people here today? The teacher didn't even take a roll call!"

Liang Dayou smiled and said, "Didn't you read the news in the group? Today's class is taught by a foreign teacher, and he is a doctor of elves."

Lu Ye was slightly taken aback: "Where is the Doctor Elf?"

"Sinnoh area, Dr. Yamanashi!"

Suddenly, there was thunderous applause in the auditorium, which was full of seats, and a few journalists with shoulder-mounted equipment even slipped in from the back row.

An old man with a mustache and a dignified expression walked into the classroom slowly carrying a briefcase.

With gray hair and gelled hair, Dr. Yamanashi was wearing a gray coat, a blue velvet vest, and a tie. He coughed and greeted him in English:

"I'm Yamanashi from the Sinnoh area, and I'm here to give you this lesson today."

In the classroom, there was a burst of exclamation.

Liang Dayou lowered his voice, unable to hide the excitement on his face: "Dr. Yamanashi is an expert in the study of evolution, known as the No. 1 Sinnoh scholar!"

Lu Ye looked complicated: "I know."

"you recognize?"

Nonsense, can Lu Ye not know him?

Isn't this the Dr. Elf who sent the novice Yusanjia in the Sinnoh region?

The excitement turned into excitement, and the students quickly calmed down and began to listen carefully.

Although the lectures are all in English, the majestic old man tells the profound things in a simple way, which makes people immerse themselves in it.

"The history of Sinnoh's elves originated in the age of mythology, and it can also be regarded as a microcosm of the history of the world's elves."

"In myths and legends, the singularity formed after the big bang gave birth to the oldest creation god, Arceus."

"Afterwards, Arceus created the gods in charge of time, space and antimatter... On the third day, Arceus endowed creatures with emotion, will and knowledge..."

While everyone was immersed in it, Dr. Yamanashi suddenly knocked on the blackboard and said solemnly:

"Maybe many of you will never touch these elves' histories again in your lifetime."

"But history is a treasure of mankind, and it is also a precious treasure for you."

The key disciplines of Shanghai Metropolitan University are majors in literature and history.

Presumably this is why the school invited Dr. Yamanashi to give lectures.

Just as Lu Ye was contemplating, Liang Dayou elbowed Lu Ye in a panic.

Dr. Yamanashi said solemnly: "Among you, does anyone know the names of the elves in these myths and epics?"

The atmosphere in the classroom was a little tense.

After all, few people would specifically recite those obscure names.

Putting it in a parallel world is like memorizing the names of several heroes in "Homer's Epic". FGO players are not fully sure that they can call them all correctly.

Seeing that no one answered, Dr. Yamanashi stroked his mustache, "It doesn't matter if you can't scream, you can talk about your views on the history of elves."

Looking around the classroom, Dr. Yamanashi nodded and said, "That handsome boy in the front row, come and talk."

When the word handsome was mentioned, the eyes of the whole classroom were focused on Lu Ye.

Brother Dayou gleefully elbowed Lu Ye, suppressed a crazily smile, and smiled as if there were tears running down the corner of his eyes.

If it wasn't for the hairline, why wouldn't my brother Dayou be a handsome man?

"Teacher, can I answer the last question?"

"of course."

Dr. Yamanashi nodded in surprise, "The three gods who endow living beings with emotions, will and knowledge are..."

"Emlidor, Yaknom and Yuxi."

Lu Ye answered unhurriedly.

"According to legend, they inhabit Sinnoh's Xinqi Lake, Lizhi Lake and Wisdom Lake respectively."

The classroom was quiet.

Liang Dayou turned his head and saw that the girls in the back row were staring at Lu Ye in a daze.

Dr. Yamanashi was slightly taken aback, because Lu Ye specially translated several proper nouns in Japanese for the sake of accurate expression.

"...Yes, you expressed it quite accurately!"

Dr. Yamanashi nodded with emotion and took the lead in applauding.

There was thunderous applause, and the shutter of the camera in the back row sounded, but Lu Ye had a strange expression.

That's it?

Is it so strange to know the name of a mythical beast?

I also know the ultimate Necrozma, I will scare you to death!

"As expected of Lu Ye, the top three student in the grade!"

"When did he learn Japanese? The pronunciation is nice..."

"Xiao Nizi, are you yearning for spring?"


Brother Dayou listened to the teasing laughter in the back row, and took out a copy of "JAVA Programming Language" from his bag expressionlessly.

Learning, only continuous learning can make yourself stronger!

After class, the students passed by Dr. Yamanashi respectfully, and Dr. Yamanashi nodded solemnly.

A group of teachers surrounded Dr. Yamanashi, and Lu Ye was about to leave, but was suddenly stopped.

"Lu Ye, I'm sorry, do you have any plans for the afternoon?"

Dr. Yamanashi specifically named Lu Ye.

Lu Ye was slightly startled, and under the envious eyes of the people around him, Liang Dayou pushed forward.

"Hi professor, I don't have any other classes this afternoon."

Dr. Yamanashi's brows stretched: "There are several professional courses in the afternoon, and I would like to ask you to act as an interpreter for my peers."

Suddenly there was a low voice of envy.

Those who are known as Dr. Elf are all leaders in various academic fields.

Being able to walk with them is definitely something that countless people dream of.

But at this moment, Dr. Yamanashi took the initiative to invite Lu Ye.

Obviously, this is Dr. Yamanashi's favor for Lu Ye, and he should be given a chance to practice!

 The recommendation ticket for the new book issue is really important, please ask for a ticket~QAQ


(End of this chapter)

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