I really don't want to be a trainer.

Chapter 11 You don't know how to be so simple? (Please recommend tickets!)

Chapter 11 You don't know how to be so simple? (Please recommend tickets!)

"For the professional course in the afternoon, I would like to ask you to act as an interpreter." Dr. Yamanashi said.

Lu Ye glanced at the Japanese translator beside Dr. Yamanashi, his counselor.

Isn't this already translated?

The counselor Zheng Sheng yelled with his lips: "What are you doing in a daze, promise!"

Any advice from Dr. Elf is extremely valuable.

The counselor sincerely hopes that Lu Ye will have more opportunities to display his talents.

"Is such that……"

Dr. Yamanashi cleared his throat, "It's not that Teacher Zheng's Japanese is not good, but some technical terms, which I think are worthy of careful discussion."

In the class just now, Lu Ye left a very deep impression on Dr. Yamanashi.

This also made him want to know more about this young man.

Having said that, Luye nodded, and went to the next class with Dr. Yamanashi.

"Can you help me get a few more grade points?" Lu Ye whispered to the counselor beside him.

"Stinky boy, it is possible to seize the opportunity and send him to Dongda University!"

Lu Ye curled his lips: "Tokyo University is just average. If I want to keep my research, I would have already transferred to economics."

The counselor twitched the corner of his mouth, but couldn't find a reason to refute for a moment.

In the following afternoon, rumors about Lu Ye began to spread throughout the grade.

"The translator who accompanied Dr. Yamanashi is so handsome!

"You're stupid! That's Lu Ye, the top student in the finance department!"

"Don't you know? Dr. Yamanashi made a slip of the tongue this afternoon, and Lu Ye corrected it in the translation!"

"I heard that Dr. Yamanashi invited Lu Ye to be his graduate student, but he was rejected?"

"I'll go. Is Lu Ye such a big name? You don't even want the chance to guarantee research!"

"The graduate school is still the Elf Academy, the ace major!"

"Isn't this a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to become a trainer?!"

Rumors abounded, but Dr. Yamanashi's invitation was not groundless.

Until the end of the day's visit, Dr. Yamanashi was still amazed at the knowledge and cultivation of the students of MoU.

Among them, the one who satisfied him the most was the handsome young man with excellent self-cultivation and knowledge.

"Lu Ye..." Dr. Yamanashi muttered to himself.

Recalling Lu Ye's reason for refusing the invitation, the corners of his mouth, which has always been serious, raised.

"Don't want to be a trainer?"

"Then it's good to come to my research institute to be a researcher!"

Dr. Yamanashi sighed, "Except for Zhulan, I have never met a young scholar who has studied history so well."

Chikuran, the champion of the Sinnoh region, is also a profound historian who worked as an assistant in Dr. Yamanashi's research institute.

Thinking of Lu Ye's confident look when he talked about Sinnoh's legend just now, Dr. Yamanashi murmured.

"If it's the two of them, maybe there will be a lot of common topics."

After calming down, Dr. Yamanashi wrote a letter and handed it to the translator beside him.

"Mr. Zheng, please give this letter of introduction to Lu Ye."

Dr. Yamanashi nodded.

"If Lu Ye is not interested in the University of Tokyo... I can recommend him to study at Yuhong University for a period of time."

The counselor looked at the recommendation letter in amazement, and suddenly had an incredible feeling in his heart.

Yuhong University has always been a sacred place in the minds of trainers all over the world!

Especially the Elven Academy and the Business Academy have cultivated powerful figures such as Da Mu Xuecheng and the president of Devon Company Zifuqi Mujin.

In the world university rankings, Yuhong University is on par with the top Ivy League schools, and even surpasses it repeatedly in the elf major!

The counselors were all excited for Lu Ye: "I will hand it over to him!"

"Please tell him again." Dr. Yamanashi said with a smile.

"If he wants to engage in academics, my research institute welcomes him at any time!""

In just one afternoon, Lu Ye left a very deep impression on Dr. Yamanashi.

Lu Ye's knowledge and insights into the evolution of elves alone are enough to amaze Dr. Yamanashi.

And the rumors about Xueba Lu Ye are still spreading wildly in Shanghai University.

In the dormitory, Liang Dayou elbowed Lu Ye excitedly.

"Brother Lu Zi, what did the old man ask you?"

"The evolution of Menus."

Lu Ye was indifferent, "There is also a view on the phenomenon of the red Gyarados."

"Damn it, you know how to do such a difficult question?!"

"Fuck, you can't even answer such a simple question?!"

Lu Ye thought, shouldn't everyone know these questions?

In this world, it can still be regarded as a major scientific research topic? !

At this time, the counselor knocked on the door of the dormitory and asked Lu Ye to come out.

"This is a letter of introduction from Dr. Yamanashi."

The counselor swallowed.

"Look clearly, this time it's not an ordinary school like Dongda!"

"This time is Yuhong University, the sacred place in the hearts of trainers all over the world!"

Hearing the word "trainer", Lu Ye immediately put down the hand that had just picked up the letter of introduction.

Lu Ye said solemnly: "It's not that I don't want to go to Yuhong University, the main reason is that I love Moda."

"You can pull it down!" The counselor hated iron but steel.

"This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to become a Trainer!"

"I was serious."

Lu Ye's face was full of sincerity, and tears even came out of his eyes, "I love Shanghai University deeply."

The counselor wished he could drown Lu Ye with his saliva, so he forced the letter of introduction to Lu Ye, and gritted his teeth.

"I don't care about you anymore, whatever you love!"

Looking at the neatly written letter, Lu Ye let out a long sigh, but still closed it and stuffed it into his pocket.

Go back to dorms.

Liang Dayou, who was reviewing the "Criminal Law" at the bedside, rubbed the hairline of those who heard it and those who saw it were crying, and said casually.

"By the way, third child, why did you refuse Dr. Yamanashi's medical insurance?"

Lu Ye glanced at the Criminal Law.

"I'm afraid of death!"

In addition to the trainer, the researcher is the second profession that Lu Ye resists.

Don't you see, the recognized industry leader Dr. Oki was almost suffocated by the smelly mud;

Dr. Zhenghui, the No.1 in communication science, swapped bodies with Little Lada and staged "Your Name";

Dr. Oda Scroll in Fengyuan area is chased and bitten by a serpentine bear every day...

This is not an animation. If a person is hit by [-] volts, he will definitely die!

The bloody example is right in front of you.

Therefore, trainers are untouchable, and researchers are even more untouchable!

In the dormitory, Tian Youwei, who wanted to be a trainer and was dressed expensively, was flipping through the paper version of the elf illustration book.

"Brother Lu Zi, there is a 'Bogaman Cup' trainer competition held by Bogaman Company in Pudong District, do you want to participate?"

"Did you send the head to the Spirit Academy?"

Liang Dayou snorted, "Besides, the third child doesn't even have elves, so take the lead!"

"I have an initial elf."

"What the hell? When did you catch it!"

Lu Ye took out the poke ball, the red light flickered, and the room temperature suddenly dropped by 5°C.

Tian Youwei was inquiring about how to sign up, when he suddenly saw a grimace protruding from his phone, he was so frightened that he fell to the ground.

"I'll go! I'm scared to death!"

Liang Dayou rolled on the bed with joy: "You idiot, you are afraid of even a ghost!"

During the speech, Guisi turned his head slowly, grinning from the corner of his mouth to the root of his tongue, revealing a long scarlet tongue, and showing a kind and friendly smile to Brother Dayou.

Brother Dayou's complexion turned pale.

"I'll go, Brother Lu, you ghost is fine!"

Tian Youwei looked at Guisi excitedly.

"It looks much better than that ghost in the battle department next door!"


Guisi grinned triumphantly, squinted his eyes and nodded towards Tian Youwei.

Brother, you are very good!

Lu Ye took Guisi back: "Okay, I won't be poor with you, I have to go back to the rental room to live broadcast."

"What, brother Lu Zi, you don't plan to participate?!"

"How many times have I told you that I don't want to be a trainer!""

Tickets for new issues are really important.

Chuanbao begs for a recommendation ticket o( ̄ε ̄*)

 Please recommend a ticket!


(End of this chapter)

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