I Reap Souls In DC

Chapter 141: Blasphemy.

20 advance chapters in my Patreon.



(Davian's P.O.V)

Using Reikaku I scanned the room, picking up on signs of Raven's demonic energy.

"Looks like a fight happened here. Who was Raven fighting?"

I asked floating to the torn up floor.

"How did you know that...nevermind." Nightwing begun before shaking his head and turning his attention to the device in his hands.

"I checked the footage. She was fighting Terra."

"The blonde chick."

I said, Dick nodding in confirmation.

Peering over his shoulder, I spotted a blinking dot moving away from the city.

"You put a tracking chip on her? I thought she was your teammate?"

I raised an eyebrow.

"Terra has expressed... difficulties fitting in. The tracking chip was for her own safety."

He replied.

I snorted, not even pretending to believe him.

"What are the chances that you have one on me?"

I questioned, crossing my hands together.

Nightwing's shoulders tensed.

"We're wasting time."

He said, walked towards the door.

"Let's go, the tracker has a range. If you're going to come with me, you need to know something. We don't kill."

I narrowed my eyes at his back.

"Fine. Your world, your rules."

Dick threw me a strange look over his shoulder.

"So Raven was right. You really are from another dimension."


I told him, following him through the door. We made our way down to the parking lot where he jumped on his bike and we were off.

I trailed after him from the sky as he revved the bike's engine and tore down the bridge connecting the Island Titan tower was on and the city.

Things went like this for sometime, Dick occasionally making turns through the city streets, as he sped his way towards the location the tracker was pinpointing.

(General P.O.V)

High in the towering spires of Brother Blood's cult headquarters, the cavernous chamber echoed with an eerie hush.

Rows upon rows of devout followers filled the hall, their faces illuminated by the flickering torches that adorned the walls.

They chanted in a rhythmic, hypnotic tone, their fervent devotion filling the air with an unsettling energy.

At the center of the gathering stood Brother Blood, a figure draped in dark crimson robes, his sinister eyes gleaming with a fanatical zeal.

He raised his hands, and the crowd fell silent, eagerly awaiting his words as if they were sacred scripture.

"My faithful followers," Brother Blood's voice boomed, resonating with an unsettling mix of charisma and menace.

"Today, we gather to witness the culmination of my divine plan. The time has come for my ascension into godhood, and nothing will stand in my way."

The crowd erupted into cheers and applause, their devotion unwavering.

They believed that he was the one who would lead them to greatness.

Brother Blood's eyes narrowed as he continued,

"For too long, the Teen Titans have been a thorn in my side, thwarting my efforts to attain true power. But no more! With the blood of the Titans, their very essence, flowing through my veins, I shall become unstoppable!"

Raven and the rest of the Teen Titans were bound to a massive machine that pulsed with ominous energy.

Their bodies were weakened. Despite the pain and exhaustion, Beast Boy glared defiantly not at Brother Blood, but Deathstroke.

"You bastard. What did you do to Terra?!"

The green skinned metahuman demanded.

"Nothing monkey boy. No one forced me into anything."

Terra replied, walking out from behind Deathstroke.


Starfire and the rest couldn't believe it.

Raven groaned, waking up from her unconsciousness. She looked around, finding herself restrained in a machine that was similarly holding down her teammates.

Her eyes landed on Terra.


Her voice was tinged with barely restrained fury.


Terra smiled maliciously.

With the crowd riled up, Brother Blood turned to Deathstroke.

"The contract is incomplete. Where is Nightwing?"

Deathstroke narrowed his eyes.

"I told you some deaths would be unavoidable."

Brother Blood frowned.

"And I told you, even in death, there is still essence to drain. Power to feed on. Without Grayson, the contract is incomplete."

His eyes jumped to Terra.

"I'll need a worthy replacement."


Terra backed away in fear. She looked at Deathstroke.

"Hey, this creep can't be serious right?"

Before she could get an answer, there was an impact on her chest. Looking down, Terra saw two darts sticking out of her Torso.

"Bless you my child."

Mother Mayhem, Brother Blood's lover and second in command said.

"Sorry Kid. A contract is a contract."

Deathstroke shrugged, checking his phone as he received the money.

With Terra strapped on the machine, Brother Blood walked once more before his congregation.

"You see before you the so-called heroes,"

He taunted, gesturing toward the captive Titans.

"Their arrogance and self-righteousness have blinded them to the truth. They fight for a world that does not deserve their protection. I, on the other hand, have the vision and the will to reshape this world into an utopia, under my benevolent rule!"

The crowd erupted into fervent applause once more, caught up in Brother Blood's charismatic words and the promise of a new world order.

They failed to see the darkness lurking beneath the charismatic facade, the malevolence that threatened to consume everything.


He gave the order, walking towards the device.

The machine activated, draining the Titans' blood, their powers dimming with each passing moment, Beast Boy mustered the strength to speak.

"You're... nothing but a power-hungry tyrant! You'll never be a god!"

The machine begun to feed power into Blood through his back.

Just then, the Cavern collapsed as something burst through the ceiling.

A green shield appeared from above them, slowly floating to the ground.

"Stop the atheists!"

Mother Mayhem yelled, removing a gun and beginning to shoot at the green bubble shield.

The cultists followed her example and started unloading their weapons at the shield.

The shield rippled but held strong.

"You're going to have to do better than that."

Davian proclaimed with a small smile.

They had followed the tracker to this location some distance out of the city. 

Meanwhile, Nightwing creeped behind the machine, throwing an explosive battarang at the machine and blowing a huge chunk of it up.


A guttural yell sounded out. Scarlet light flashed as the glow from the machine died down.

"I see you Grayson!"

Brother Blood roared, pulling his hand up, causing a section of the ground under Nightwing to break off and fly towards Blood.

The chunk of rock came with a few battarangs stabbed into it. The whole thing exploded into small rocks that pelted the surroundings.

The dust from the dynamic entry settled down, revealing Brother Blood. His body had undergone some very heavy changes. One of his arms was a dark purple, vibrating with magic.

His other hand was an earthy brown and his torso was a fusion of different colors matching the Titan's costumes.

The process of transferring their powers had worked. Brother Blood could feel the power running through his veins. The new blood within him was hot with anticipation.

"You cannot hide from-Ack!"

A green bolt of energy slammed onto the back of his head, making him stumble a few steps forward.

"Titans, Go!"

Starfire called out as the rest of the team managed to extricate themselves from their bonds.

Blue Beetle took flight, one of his hands changing into a high tech energy weapon while the other formed into a shield that blocked the rocks thrown his way by Blood. 

"Bout to teach you a lesson Ése."

The Scarab clad hero said, releasing blinding shots at the self proclaimed god.

"I'll let you handle that."

Nightwing told Starfire as he turned his attention to the fleeing Deathstroke.

"I have another fish to fry."


In the sky, Davian gazed down. The ruse was successful. He stormed in through the ceiling as distraction while Nightwing worked to free Raven and the rest.

There was no more reason to keep playing. So he released his Reiatsu, selectively focusing it on the cultists.

"You wanted to see a real god? Look no further."

With glowing purple eyes, the Spirit Pressure released by his soul wreaked havoc among the ranks as cultists fell one after the other.

Mother Mayhem looked around in shock.


She stated, her legs losing strength.

"Don't look so surprised."

Davian said, standing beside her as if he'd always been there.

"Against true power all else is inconsequential. Watch as I demonstrate that fact beyond all irrevocable proof."

He begun walking forwards to where Brother Blood was fighting the Teen Titans. His steps were slow.

Beast Boy in a Buffalo's form ran forward trying to ram into Brother Blood.

Brother Blood grasped the Buffalo's horns and spun, throwing the animal towards Raven who was in the middle of casting a spell.

Davian appeared before her, hand held out, he pulled on the soul of the air, creating a coccoon of wind around Beast Boy.

The latter shifted into a hawk, screeching put a thanks as it dipped towards Blood once again.

"Don't let your guard down." Davian pointed out to Raven.

"Invest more in learning about your magic. There are some crazy shit you can do if you put your mind to it."

That said, he decided that the fight had gone on for too long.

Raven blinked her eyes in surprise as Davian disappeared at crazy speeds.

She had never seen anyone move that fast before. Not even Kid Flash.

Starfire stopped in midair as an impact rang out from Blood's position.


Beast Boy said reverting back to his human form while standing next to Raven.

Blood was grasped by the neck, struggling to pull away while choking.

"Im... impossible..."

The self proclaimed God stuttered, staring into Davian's bored eyes. 

Blood's right arm pulsed with magic. Shadows crept up from below them, seeking to bind Davian. With a flex of his Reiatsu, the shadows were expelled.

The whole cavern begun to shake as Blood begun to use Terra's abilities.

"None of that."

Davian said, grabbing Brother Blood's hands and tearing both of them off.

Blood sprayed out along with a surprised cry. The scarlet life essence escaping through the missing portion of the Cult leader's limbs, covered the ground around them.

Brother Blood's mouth was opened in both fear and pain.

"I promised someone I wouldn't kill you and this won't. Consider this a worthy punishment for your blasphemy."

Leaving the Cult leader on the ground, Davian floated up.

Now that this affair was over, he could get back to looking for a way out of here. His mind want to the butterfly Tattoo on his wrist, he'd tried to connect to it but that hadn't worked. 

Chase was yet to tell him if he found anything too. Maybe it was time to seek out experts in dimensional travel and...

"Deathstroke!!! I will kill you!!"

Of course that's when Terra roused from her sleep and decided to bring the whole cavern down on them in anger.

Davian sighed.

"Good grief."

He flash-stepped to her back and chopped her neck, causing her to fall like a puppet with it's strings cut.

As for Deathstroke who was trying to sneak away, Davian's hand lit up as he released a chant less Bakudo spell.

Ropes of fiery yellow energy formed by Bakudo no. 9: Horin, ensnared Deathstroke, holding him captive.

"I had him."

Robin said in a grouchy tone. 

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