I Reap Souls In DC

Chapter 142: We Need to Talk To Him.

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(Davian's P.O.V)

It was weird seeing such a scathing expression on a child.

For that is what Damian Wayne aka Robin was, a brat that had admittedly grown up in an environment that gave him power and the promise of a grand destiny.

That can go to anyone's head. Let alone an intelligent and capable Wayne.

Still, I didn't like the sneering face.

"Quit looking at me like that Brat. He was going to run away."

"Who are you calling a brat..."

He went to unsheathe his Katana, planning to point it my way.

"Never brandish your blade at a superior opponent, if you won't get the time to even use it. I will cut you down before you make a single move."

My Zanpakuto was halfway unsheathed, Chesha Neko's pommel stopping his hand from completely removing his Katana from its Scabbard.

A brief pulse of my Reiatsu gave him pause. The look on his face changed, growing contemplative.

"This is not over."

The young Wayne bit out and left, but not before throwing a frown my way.

"Threatening a child? How droll, my wielder."

Chase'voice spoke to me from my inner world.

"Old enough to kill is old enough to threaten as well Chase. Besides, he needs to learn that potential and talent doesn't equal victory. If he can't gauge an opponent's strength and react accordingly...well, the Wayne Bloodline will sadly end with Bruce."

I answered.

"Yes. Sadly. I'm sure you would be so heart broken by that."

Chase said in a bored tone.

I chuckled.

"You know me so well."

"You know, speaking to yourself is a worrying sight for a man with the power of a small army."

Deathstroke pointed out.

"Nope. You don't get to talk."

The bakudo 9: Horin's energy tape extended to cover his mouth.

Soon every cultist and bad guy was rounded up. I didn't like the way some of them were staring at me with wonder. Especially Mother Mayhem.

I didn't want some cultist to build a shrine for me or something. The stares were weird enough that even the Titans picked up on it. So I excused myself and left.

"So, now that you're back, did you find anything?"

I asked Chase.

My Zanpakuto spirit sighed in frustration.

"I have a few leads but none are too solid. I still think the answer lies with the Tattoo Shiva gave you. The other alternative is to go back into the Phantom Zone and then make your way back from there to our earth."


"There is one other thing we can consider. The Justice League."

I told him.

Chase was understandably skeptical.

"Are you sure? You don't do well with authority. Especially a group that has Batman in its ranks."

I would be the first to admit I was a dick at times. Especially when it came to someone telling me what to do.

However, my hate for authority and Batman aside, this was the only viable choice.

I flew for a short amount of time before making it back to the Titan's base of operations.

Nightwing and Starfire were missing. Blue Beetle was forthcoming and informed me they were left behind to handle the aftermath of the fight and talk to the cops.

(General P.O.V)

In the gleaming halls of the Watchtower, the Justice League assembled for a critical meeting.

Starfire and Nightwing, both leaders of the Titans, were invited to join the discussion.

The reason for their presence was the being called Davian, whose appearance and assistance during the clash with Brother Blood had raised concerns among the League members.

As the heroes settled into their seats, Batman, ever vigilant and cautious, addressed the room.

"3 days ago, a silver haired man appeared unannounced on Titan Tower. The Titans brought him in and provided whatever care they could, even though such matters are supposed to be handled by trained professionals."

The Dark Knight said, glaring at his protege.

Nightwing laughed sheepishly, scratching his head.

"Believe me, we had a good reason not to."

"Davian, as he is called proved instrumental in the battle against Blood and his cult. He is not a bad man. At least, I believe he is not."

Starfire chimed in, hands crossed over her impressive rack.

"That remains to be determined."

Wonder woman added her own thoughts.

"Yeah. He could have helped you just to get close to the Team. Like Terra."

The Flash's statements, seemed to make the mood in the chamber tense.

Nightwing tightened his fists.

"It wasn't her fault. Deathstroke saved her, trained her, indoctrinated her...used her."

"The fact remains, that he is an Unknown."

Superman amiably begun.

"If there is a chance that he might not be who he says, avoiding that betrayal should be easy if we treat him with the caution his circumstances deserve."

"Could you provide us with a detailed report on his abilities?"

Manhunter requested.

Nightwing nodded, his hand steady as he swiped his hand above his wrist computer, sending a document to the Watchtower's console.

"Davian is a formidable opponent."

A real time feed of Davian floating above the rooftop of Titan Tower while meditating appeared.

"He has displayed remarkable speed, possibly surpassing even Kid Flash's highest record."

"His strength is yet untested, but his swift dispatching of Brother Blood, who was then in possession of all the powers of the Titans, suggests it is substantial. He held him by the neck easily."

Nightwing rattled off.

"His durability is also noteworthy," Nightwing continued.

"He effortlessly broke through a cavern wall during the battle and emerged unscathed. Though that might have been because of the green shield."

Green Lantern raised an eyebrow.

"Green shield?"

Starfire hummed in confirmation.

"He has shown the ability to form green spherical constructs to aid him in his battles."

"Those are all impressive abilities. Concerning especially for someone who appeared out of nowhere. Are there any more powers or abilities we should be aware of?"

Cyborg enquired.

"Indeed," Nightwing confirmed.

"We've talked about how he can create a shield construct in a vibrant green hue, offering him added protection."

"On top of that, he has also displayed control over the wind, manipulating it expertly. Additionally, he possesses heightened sensory perception, allowing him to sense his surroundings keenly."

Nightwing's explanation was clear cut and direct.

Flash whistled.

"This guy sounds like a heavy-hitter. Do we know at all, where he came from? And is he a metahuman, alien or one of those ancient Sorcerer types maybe? What do you think Zatanna?"

Most of the heads turned to stare at the resident magician.

"You don't need magic to give the impression that you can do magic Flash. Your run-ins with Abracadabra is proof enough."


Batman asked, knowing Zatanna wasn't saying everything.

"I felt something...3 days ago. Not magic but something else. An energy that doesn't come from this dimension."

She explained, the implications easy enough for everyone to understand.

"So he could very well be from another universe or dimension then? Like the Crime Syndicate."

Shazam proposed.

Starfire stepped forward, her ethereal beauty complemented by her serene yet authoritative demeanor.

"We have not been able to determine his origin as of yet. It is possible that he hails from another dimension but he has remained elusive on that matter."

She shared a brief look with Nightwing.

"We suspect he's looking for a way back."

Wonder Woman nodded thoughtfully.

"I'm curious about something. Did he give any indication of why he helped the Teen Titans?"

Nightwing hesitated before answering.

"It's...strange. He seems to know Raven on a personal level. Though Raven swears she's never seen him before."

"Maybe not this Raven." Superman rubbed his jaw.

"If we're right about him hailing from a different universe, maybe he has a connection with a parallel version of Raven? Did he act like that with anyone else?"

Nightwing shook his head.

"Not really. But he wasn't surprised at us. I mean BeastBoy alone can be something that can take some time getting used to but he paid him no attention."

"What about Raven herself? How did she react to his presence?"

Zatanna asked.

"She's joined him for a couple of meditation sessions and he's been teaching her how to use her magic better."

Nightwing answered.

"On what she feels...Raven is not the most outspoken of us. She struggles to open up and usually keeps to herself."

"So that's why you decided to keep him in the tower. There's a chance he knows of your secret identities and you need him somewhere you can watch him. Smart."

Flash complimented.

"Learned from the best."

Nightwing said, eyes briefly landing on Batman.

The conversation went through a brief lull.

Batman leaned forward.

"We need to talk to him."

"So soon?"

Wonder Woman asked skeptically.

"We must proceed with caution, Batman. A being with such extraordinary powers and unknown intentions could be a significant threat. I propose we monitor him before approach."

Martian Manhunter interjected.

"I agree with J'onn. We all know you Bruce. You'll turn the meeting into an interrogation the second he steps through that entrance. At least let him acclimate to this world before the rough welcome."

Hal said.

"Giving him enough time to plan his next move if he has more than innocent motives on our world."

Cyborg shook his head.

"I'm with Bats on this, a quick meeting will give us information to work with in case things go wrong "

From there the meeting devolved into the League discussing on the matter. Some were for meeting (interrogating) Davian and the rest were against that. Opting for watching him from a distant.

"Does it always end like this?"

Starfire questioned her boyfriend.

They had excused themselves as the League took a vote on the matter.

Nightwing sighed at Starfire's question.

"Not really. This whole Davian thing has them worried. It's not like the League to be worried."

Starfire frowned, looking down at the ground, a lot of thoughts running around her mind.

Nightwing seeing this winced, a caring expression appearing on his face.

"That said, I'm sure we will pull through just like we always do."

He told her softly, rubbing her back.

Starfire looked up, smiling at her boyfriend. She leaned in and they kissed.

Stepping back She smiled at him.

"You know, Mr.Grayson you've been an excellent boyfriend these past few days."

"Oh? Really, please tell me more."

Dick smirked at his girlfriend.

The entrance to the League's meeting hall suddenly retracted to the walls, Shazam stepping out. He took one look at them and smiled sneakily.

"You guys were so about to make out!"

He looked at their flushed faces, realized what he had said and quickly apologized.

"Oh sorry. They're ready for you."

Once inside, Martian Manhunter grabbed the initiative to talk.

"It has been decided that the sooner we meet our new friend the better. In addition, the League has resources that can be used to help him find a way back to his own world."

Nightwing's eyes briefly landed on the stoic Batman. He was wondering how he'd convinced the rest.

Despite that, he accepted the task with a resolute nod.

"I'll do my best to bring him in. I agree that we need to ascertain if he can be an ally. After what I saw, I don't think we want him as an enemy."

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