I Reap Souls In DC

Chapter 146: The Seven Deadly Sins part 2.

20 advance chapters in my Patreon.



(Davian's P.O.V)

The locust's wings beat the air, producing a sound akin to heated metal thrown into an ice bath.

The Wizard remained unfazed. He swung out the staff in his hands, causing white flames to shoot out towards the cloud of ravenous insects.

I smiled.

"Wrong move."

The flames washed down the locusts' tiny bodies, doing absolutely no damage before the gluttonous insects begun to feed on the magic contained within the spell.


The Wizard exclaimed, another slam of his staff causing a tall wall of Earth to rise off the ground in the path of the insects.

"Impossible? What's that?"

I asked as the locusts didn't bother to even go around or over the earth wall. They ate through it.

"Cursed abomination! I am at the end of my patience."

The Wizard yelled, lifting both hands to the sky.

Golden magical circles manifested in the air. They were right under me as I hang from the Stalactites and right above the clouds of insects as they finished tearing through the earth wall.

"Heavenly light!"

Following the Wizard's spell incantation, arrows of light begun falling out of each circle, raining upwards to destroy me while simultaneously targeting my gluttonous locusts, by raining down as well.

The circles were shooting magic from both sides. Okay that was kinda cool.

I looked up, or rather down at the oncoming shower of arrows made of light, then I opened my mouth.

A vortex appeared before it, a suction force pulling the arrows into my mouth. The holy light glowed as it descended down my throat into Gluttony's bottomless stomach.

The light wreaked havoc on my insides, seeking to destroy me from my base, the cells. My organs squirmed, getting vaporized and healed over and over again but it was a slow process.

So I pulled on Lust's manipulation of the body's chemical components.

Using it, I released various growth hormones and enhanced cell division. Then boosted the process with Tairyoku.

My body healed back up, becoming stronger in the process. My bones evaporated under the heat before reforming back even harder. My flesh became even tougher, my skin transitioned into something darker.

Along with the manipulation of Tairyoku on top of that, my body changed, growing bigger and more menacing. I stretched out my wings, showing off my demonic form, with a hollow hole growing more and more prominent on my belly.

A certain red light begun to glow on my chest. I wonder what would happen if I mixed demonic energy and Reiryoku.

The cero that was a result of the stray thought, was created by Wrath's flames of rage and my hollow side's instinctive use of Reiryoku.

A rumble sounded out as I opened my mouth and let out an inhuman roar. Two different energies clashed in the air before my lips, gathering into a small scarlet marble.

Then I released it, the air blazed under me, the magic circles torn apart easily as the cero went on to leave a smoldering crater on the floor of the chamber.

My feet landed on the edges of the crater as I landed, the huge wings at my back blowing away the dust hanging in the air.

(General P.O.V)

The Wizard had a hand infront of his eyes to shield himself the dust.

The impact caused by his opponent's landing died down.

In all his thousands of existence, this wasn't the first time he had had to fight a power crazed individual.

The only problem was that this time...he didn't think he could win not without destroying the realm.

"Tell me something Wizard, why do you stand opposed to me?"

The enemy, now more demon than man asked, rising to his new height.

Davian held his hand up to the air. A second later, the locusts created by Gluttony's power flew around him, fusing into his being through the dark arm.

Priming his magic after finally deciding to get serious, the Wizard answered.

"You have no idea what unholy powers you wield. Powers not meant for mortals. This is my final warning, stand down and relinquish the seven deadly sins or..."

"You'll kill me?"

The man asked, now mere inches away from the Wizard.

A sharp claw was pressed onto the side of the Wizard's neck, causing blood to drip down and fall onto his pristine white beard.

"There are worse things than dying."

The Wizard replied, turning his gaze to stare at the intruder.

Davian narrowed his glowing eyes at the Wizard. Then he lowered his clawed hand.

"I apologize. My behavior has been horrendous." He chuckled without mirth.

"I came here to ask for help but I can see I overstayed my welcome. I shall leave now."

He said abruptly, turning on his heel and beginning to walk away.

The Wizard blinked in even more surprise. Usually the Sin's essence would influence the individual whom they were possessing yet...this man seemed to be in control of them. It was unheard-of.

Still...he had a duty.

"I cannot allow you to leave with the Cardinal sins."

The Wizard spoke up.

Davian waved a hand at his back as he kept on walking forward.

"I'll bring them back. I just need to kill someone strong to protect a friend. If you're worried about the Sins escaping, don't. My powers allow me full control of their abilities."

"You misunderstand, young man."

The Wizard's voice boomed.

"This is not up for discussion. You might be reasonable to an extent but I have a responsibility."

Magic begun to go haywire. A funnel of energy seemed to surround the Wizard, ruffling his clothes as he floated into the air.

Davian looked back, his expression impassive.

"You must have realized it by now. We can't fight without your Realm sustaining damage. You would risk that just to stop me?"

The Wizard held Davian's gaze stubbornly.

"The Rock of Eternity is the point Heaven meets hell, Creation meets destruction, the beginning meets the end. It is one of a kind. So no, I cannot allow it to be destroyed. But I am not without options. For example as the center of both heaven and hell, I can call upon certain helpers..."

A magical beam shot into the ceiling, slamming into the rocks above and causing four individual cracks to run down the walls.

The cracks glowed different colors as energy that felt like an unholy fusion of the divine and the demonic wafted out.

Davian looked at the cracks curiously, each one set roughly where the cardinal directions would be. North, East, South and West. The cracks widened, growing bigger.

"What is this?..."

A sonorous voice escaped one of the cracks. The North one to be specific. Blood begun pouring out of it, spreading across the floor and causing misshapen and grotesque forms to rise from it.

They cried out in inhuman voices. The hands of those dead in a battlefield clawing at the air while crawling towards a calm Davian.

"This power brothers...it feels like Death."

A second voice wheezed from within the East crack.

Mosquitos carrying all manner of diseases buzzed out from within, filling the air with an even denser cloud of insects than before.

They would not only destroy all plant life merely by existing but they would suck everything and anything of sustenance, causing untold famine and drought.

"He's more like me than death."

Another deep voice spoke up from the Southern crack.

"See the promise of conquest in his eyes."

The neigh of countless marching horses, and the sound of trumpets signalling victory reached Davian's ears from this particular crack.

Davian looked around with interest, seeing the effects each crack was causing onto the chamber. Add the fact that he felt something familiar from the last crack; the one on the west, and everything made finally made sense.

"I see."

He said addressing the Wizard behind him.

"You opened mini portals into the realms of the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse. But the portals are only partially open because you do not want to risk release them upon this reality."

The Wizard didn't answer. He was too busy chanting a long series of incantation. But David managed to catch the Wizard's increased heart rate as confirmation.

Additionally Davian didn't bother stopping the Wizard's chants. No, something more interesting had appeared.

The Horsemen were powerful beings. That fact carried some interesting prospects.

"An apt description. I can feel the Wizard's meddlesome touch. This spell restricts much of our power from coming through."

The North crack, the one belonging to War said.

"War is right. I can only push through some of my crestions. They haven't had the taste of life force in soooo long." Famine bemoaned from the East crack.

"I can just feel the vibrant energy buzzing within you...let me have a small taste, yes?"

He addressed Davian.

The mosquitoes in the air, changed directions instantly, flying towards him on the ground.

The soul reaper snorted, releasing his Reiatsu.

The cloud of buzzing insects was forcefully smashed into a thick black paste that gathered above Davian's hands in a ball.

"Restricted or not, you have no idea who you're in the presence of."

The now Demonic looking Davian replied.

"Incredible power. He's no normal being."

Conquest commented.

"Forgive Famine. He's always been a reckless fool."

War said amiably, the Northern crack widening slightly, causing more blood to flow out.

"Twas but a mere test, brother."

Famine said.

"Ignore the other two. I believe it is about time we introduced ourselves. I am Conquest of the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse. When the final bell tolls, we shall walk the world uncontested and Victory shall be claimed on the battlefield."

His statement ended with a pulse of light from the south crack.

"I am War. Glorious war. Release us for you are Kin and we shall help you destroy the Wizard. Then the world."

War declared from the Northern crack.

"Kukuku...I am Famine and I care not for war or conquest. I have been famished for millennia. My objective is much more basic. More natural. Feeding. I want to dedicate my existence to this lone endeavor, devouring everything."

The East crack announced.

"I don't think that exactly helps with your case."

Davian said, crossing his hands above his chest.

He'd let them talk because he needed information.

So he was right.

The four horsemen huh?

What an opportunity. If he could absorb them...the power he already had stacked on top of the abilities of the Four Horsemen would guarantee that Darkseid and anyone else standing in his way would fall.

"I don't think I need to scream 'trap' for you to see through the Wizard's machinations, right?"

Chase said.

"He wants me to try and absorb them. That's what you mean."

Davian responded.

"Exactly. There must be something he knows will happen to you if you do. You need to be careful."

Chase warned.

Davian knew that Chase was right. However a part of him wanted to try it out regardless. All he has to do was extend his strings forth into the gaps and pull in their power.

Now the question was, should he take the bait or...


A voice spoke directly into his soul.

Davian made no reaction but inside he was surprised. That wasn't Chase. And Chase was the only one who could communicate with his soul.

(I can feel the threads of death binding us together. You are as much a facet of her as I am. Maybe even more.)

Tentatively, Davian extended his Reiryoku out, his eyes falling onto the final crack. The west crack

(You're the fourth. Death.)

(Call me the Headless One. You are more closer to her than I am.)

Death answered.

(My brother's bicker but they fail to see the truth. I am sensing a lot of power from the Wizard, he's been concentrating all his energy into the staff. I would caution you to be wary.)

Death added.

"Hate to break it to both of you but you're too late. The Wizard guy seems to be ready to unleash his attack."

Chase informed Davian.

The soul reaper shifted his attention from the Horsemen to the Wizard. His hand wrapped around the handle of Chesha Neko. He was confident he could take on anything the Wizard could throw at him.

But he truly didn't want to kill him. The grip on the Zanpakuto loosened. Maybe this time going about things differently was the right call.

Davian raised his hands in a gesture I'd surrender.

"Okay okay, Old man. Time out. I'll hear you out if you hear me out. No need to bring the whole place down over a misunderstanding."

For the first time ever, Davian stood down.

The Wizard who had been in the process of binding Davian by using the powers of the Horsemen stopped.

Davian sat cross legged on the ground, placing Chesha Neko next to him. His body shrunk, the bulky and muscular physique from before disappearing.

The phantom wings unravelled into a smoke that was absorbed back into his body. The Wizard found himself staring at a relatively young man with silver hair.

"Can we just talk it out? We can still fight afterwards if you want."

Davian's hand plunged into the red Gem on the sheathe, coming out with a half empty bottle of liquor.

"Join me for a drink Wizard, I doubt you get a lot of guests here."

The silver haired man offered.

The storm of magic around the Wizard died down as he descended into the ground.

"Very well. I shall share a drink with you and lend a ear."

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