I Reap Souls In DC

The Seven Deadly Sins part 1/2.

20 advance chapters in my Patreon.



(Davian's P.O.V)

Power ups were nothing new to me. That said, absorbing one of the Seven Deadly Sins had a wildly different effect than what I was expecting.

I could feel a well of power in the middle of my chest. Like a second heart pumping demonic energy as opposed to blood.

It was intoxicating.

It was addictive.

Especially for my inner Hollow. I could sense that side of me much more clearly now. The later memories of my fight with Doomsday had been cloudy and unfocused.

Now the fog in my mind was clearing and I could see a reflection of my face in Doomsday's eyes as I dominated It. 

I witnessed as it saw me for what I truly was mere nanoseconds before it's presence dimmed under the light of my blade.

(... his darker side. Death in its purest.

Reiryoku unrestrained by a physical vessel filled the air. Too potent for anyone to sense, yet the reserves surpassed even the


The memory felt so fresh and visceral. As if pulled from the recess of my mind by something.

It was hard forgetting the potent RAGE at such a creature defying my core existence.

At that moment I had wanted nothing more than to make Doomsday suffer. Despite that, I couldn't help but feel pity for a broken soul. In this case, Whatever Doomsday had been was even worse, a shattered soul.

With the confirmation given from Nick's memories, I learned that Doomsday had never chosen this path. Yet his existence had been one filled with pain.

Another casualty for the world to fuck.

Still, this was only one more lesson that I needed to learn. In life, only death was fair.

That reconfirmation of a base truth, allowed me to weed out what was actually influencing me and increasing my fury without my knowledge.

"You believe yourself strong enough to influence me but I have crushed gods, Sin of Anger."

I spoke, addressing the final vestiges of Anger within me left stirring in the wake of my devouring.

My will surged out, submerging Anger's own dastardly existence and entirely tearing it's soul apart.

Like a boat dancing in the violent waters of the ocean, the waves of my essence capsized his boat in its entirety.

A cooling sensation fell upon my mind as my anger subsided, immediately falling back under my control.

I blinked and the illusion disappeared, replaced by the sight of the wide cavern with stalactites adorning the high ceiling and 6 more seven deadly sins statues for me to absorb.

Anger had tried to influence my rage. I smiled in amusement, so, they could fight back huh?

The next statue belonged to a waif like being. It had elongated limbs, a droopy face and a pot-belly.

I didn't even need to absorb it to know it was Sloth. My strings extended with the striking speed of a cobra, ensnaring around the essence of the sin contained with the statue.

I pulled it into me without giving it time to even put up a fight.

Once Sloth disappeared into my soul, the dregs of demonic energy that had manifested within me after absorbing Anger, grew to a camp fire. Not much but still more impressive than a regular demon's reserves.

At least a mid ranking one. Similar to som of the ones Constantine had...

I lightly knocked my mind with the bottom of my palm as Nick's memories rose up to the forefront of my mind.

Smoke wafted off my shadow as my inner Hollow's fire was stoked by absorbing Sloth.

"This is taking too long."

I said, impatience welling up in me as I took to the air and extended all my strings out at the last five statues all at the same time.

Of course I knew it was Sloth's influence in me making me impatient but I couldn't discount the idea that came from that lazy part of me.

Why waste any more time and energy absorbing one sin after the other when I could simply devour them all in one instance? 

"And what do Nick's memories say about this crazy idea?"

Chase asked.

"The memories indicate my body will most likely break down. Why?"

I ended the statement with a question.

"Well, as the Seven Cardinal Sins are like lesser Anthropomorphic beings, whose existence is not tied to their physical vessel, they can't die."

Then I proceeded to answer it. 

"They can't die right? So how come Anger did?"

Chase wondered out loud.

My strings pierced into the layers of stones that was the Cardinal sins hide. 

"Because, it wasn't a true death. I tore Anger apart but sooner or later, the combined anger of all sentient creatures in the universe will eventually come together and reform into a new consciousness."

"It's why this is nothing more than a temporary boost in power. Sooner or later, the Sin's abilities and powers will slip out of me as Reality reforms them in hell."

The threads dug deep. The entire realm shook hard enough that I was worried the stalactites hanging on the ceiling would fall down.

My worry subsided when large inscription arrays flashed on the walls, stabilizing the quaking and trembling before it caused a shift in the Rock of Eternity's interior decor. 

My threads wove around all 5 of the Sin's essence. Their souls. 

Then I pierced that final layer and pulled their power into me. 

My body begun glowing as a black hole appeared on my chest, pulling everything into it. The wind picked up, carrying stones and dust my way as I focused heavily on the Seven enemies of man.

"Your eyes are doing the glowy thing."

Chase pointed out, trying hard to seem impassive about everything. 

However, I could tell he was curious to see what would happen if I absorbed all seven of the Sins.

Gluttony fell to my power fairly quickly. And with it's demise came memories of a time long past. 

Absorbing Envy reinforced those memories. I could see a beautiful child, burdened with inglorious purpose. 

Absorbing Greed gave me a time for when the sins had arrived on Earth. 8000 bc.

Devouring lust only seemed to give me a deeper understanding of my own body. The ability also felt like it would be an immense help at getting a date.

"Good. You need to get laid. Maybe that will fix your...well everything."

Chase didn't miss the chance to tease me.

Unfortunately for the trickster cat, I was on the last Sin and my mind was currently occupied by a fight for dominance against the strongest Sin of all. 

Pride could resist my threads to an extent. It's core self was hard to crack. It's will more than often surged up to clash with my own, seeking to use it's brethrens' powers that lay within me to bring me to heel.

I snorted, releasing Spirit Pressure and making the entire chamber vibrate. I floated to the ground gently, looming over the last Statue belonging to Pride. 

"You will obey me, Pride. I leave you no choice. Let go of your innate arrogance and bow."

I addressed the Sin with an evil smile.

"Wow, telling the Anthropomorphic presentation of pride to let that same pride go. Conniving."

Chase commented.

"Conniving but also merciful. So what will you choose?"

I questioned.

Before the Statue could decide, I wielded Reiatsu like a hammer and crashed it into small stones and rocks.

The phantom of a roar sounded out before disappearing through the halls of the Rock of Eternity.

Devouring pride gave me everything else. Pride brought with it more concrete memories. 

The sins had been released from their initial prison by Pandora. She was the one who had inadvertently caused their creation.

And now that I had all the powers of the Sins, I could do it.

I could use Demonic energy as a bridge to fuse Tairyoku and Reiryoku. 

At least for the fight again Darkseid. It wouldn't be anything like Bankai but because I couldn't force a Hollow transformation like before, this was the viable path to victory.

By using borrowed power...

A traitorous part of me whispered. I ignored that voice. For Raven. For her safety.

The black hole on my chest stopped pulling everything into it. I held my body closer to myself, feeling the build up of something huge within my chest. 

A certain heat that I had to release.

With a roar, I unleashed it, causing an eruption of dark demonic flames to erupt out of me. 

The dark flames ride on the coattails of a shockwave that made the strings holding the Wizard captive tremble slightly, failing to stop the Wizard from uttering one single word.


A blue lightning bolt appeared out of the fucking ceiling and hit his staff. The strings around his body were shredded by divine energy.


I yelled, pulling back my hand and creating millions of strings from the destroyed ones, before sending them towards the Wizard at fast speeds. 

The Wizard's eyes widened at the oncoming onslaught. With deep glaring eyes locked onto my own, he slammed the bottom of his staff onto the floor. 

Another pressure burst, this time from him, threw back several threads. I twined the threads tighter and sent them into the ground.

"I do not wish to fight."

I declared, my voice an amalgamation of different voices. 

"So says the intruder."

The wizard snorted. 

The magical arrays covering the walls flashed golden. With my strings inches way from him, about to tear through the floor and ensnare his feet, golden chains shot out of every crack in the walls, every hole in the rocks and every crevice in the chamber. 

Funnily enough, he didn't use the chains to defend himself. Instead, he sent them towards me while leaving himself wide open.

A second later I knew why. The gem on top of his staff glowed.

My strings bounced off an invisible shield and I understood his play. Meanwhile this was as good a time as any to test out the Sins deadly abilities.

I pulled on Sloth's innate power, causing time to go into a slowed state in a small zone around my body. The chains stalled long enough that I slipped into a Shunpo, disappearing from his gaze.

I appeared on the ceiling, the claws on my feet grabbing the Stalactites while I hid my body within my phantom dark wings. 


Clawed feet? Phantom wings. 

I did a scan of my biology with Tairyoku and came up with some interesting results.

"You have horns too, incase you're Wondering."

Chase told me. 

"How do you feel? Any overwhelming urge to plunge the world in a state of chaos?"

He continued on to ask. 

"I feel- I feel...Strong. powerful."

I declared, opening up my wings to reveal millions of chittering locusts that fell down towards the Wizard in a massive cloud. 

Each of these insects were created by Gluttony's abilities. Each of them had one purpose. Feed.

I was turning into a demon...and I was loving it. 

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