I Reap Souls In DC

Chapter 148: The Great Prophecy.

20 advance chapters in my Patreon.



(General P.O.V)

~Earth 16~

Zatara could remember the meeting that had happened between him and the Morningstar a few weeks ago.

He'd teleported right at the entrance of the Devil's Nightclub, a charm to dull his presence over his form, ensuring the droves of people moving in and out of the establishment did not notice him.


The magician read the name emblazoned above the double doors guarded by two mean looking bouncers.

He snorted.

"How ironic."

(It's rude to keep people waiting...)

A melodic voice drifted to his ears.

Zatara stared at the entrance to Lux as if it was the entrance to hell, which it may as well have been...and sighed.

No way about it. He'd come too far to go back.

Walking in through the doors, the environment transitioned from a relatively quiet atmosphere to loud music booming and bodies moving to the beat, pushing upon each other.

He ignored all that, tipping his hat lower to avoid being spotted by the cameras around the place before systematically working his way up the stairs to the loft.

He managed to catch the eye of the Bartender, a pretty dark skinned woman. Then she barred her teeth at his direction and he quietly looked away, stomping on his unreasonable dislike (read: hate) for demons.

The steps carried him to another set of ornate double doors. These ones were framed with gold on the edges.

They swung open into a loft with more vanity. Opulence couldn't exactly describe the room. Priceless paintings, expensive furniture and a fully stocked private bar with all manner of drinks.

His magical senses alerted him to a void in space to his left.

To his left, the chamber exited out into a balcony where the void he'd detected, turned out to be in the shape of a man, overlooking the fully loaded night club.

There was a certain essence in the air around the man. Zatara gulped. He'd faced down beings that could unmake him to his cells, sorcerers whose magical power dwarfed his own.

But nothing had ever prepared him for this.

Before approaching him, Zatara studied his back. He was tall, dressed in a white and black suit, black hair nicely trimmed and was leaning on the railing with an air of nonchalance.

"You can stare all night, I don't mind. But what will your daughter think if you're gone away for too long?"

Lucifer asked, throwing a small smile over his shoulder at Zatara.

The magician tightened his fingers into fists.

"Zatanna is growing into an exceptional woman. She understands that my job is very volatile."

He would not rise up to the bait.

The look in Lucifer's eyes changed. They narrowed.

"Interesting. I was expecting a man whose hatred for demons would blind him, causing him to lash out. I am not usually very wrong."

Lucifer turned to fully face him and Zatara had to do a double take. How could someone be so physically attractive? It was bordering on unnerving.

Unearthly beauty. That was what the former angel possessed.

"So what can I do for the Justice League's resident Logomancer?"

The Devil drawled, stepping into the room. He held up a hand before Zatara could speak.

"Let me guess...you want to see your wife? Maybe bargain for her soul? We can work something out you know."

Lucifer tempted with glowing red eyes, a conniving smile on his face.

As much as Zatara wanted to accept that there and then, he refused, tearing his eyes away from the Devil's gaze.

Instead, he reached into his pocket and retrieved a vial with a white liquid inside.

"Oh, the blood of an unicorn, given freely."

Lucifer observed with a glint in his eyes.

"Perfect for brewing or powering exceptionally useful enchantments. Something even I with all my advantages would have to exert a little too much influence to get."

Zatara knew very well just how priceless the vial was.

"I got it from John. He said that one day I would need to come and see you. A day he wished would never come."

Zatara responded, studying Lucifer's face to read his expression.

"Mmh...Old Johnny John up to his usual back up plans underneath back up plans. Where is he I wonder?"

Lucifer replied, walking around the private bar and grabbing two glasses.

"You drink?"

He offered.

Zatara caught himself about to say no.


The night was still young and he was stressed and needed a break and...

Zatara flexed his magic, glaring at the Devil.

"Stop that. Stop influencing my judgement."

He said curtly.

Lucifer chuckled.

"Apologies Mate, I'm the Devil. Making people fall is sort of my thing."

He shrugged.

"So...John sent you here. Pray do tell, where is he?"

"He's dead. But you already knew that."

Zatara answered, annoyed at the mind games he was being forced to play.

"Dead...I know dead."

Lucifer muttered, taking a sip from his glass.

"Are you sure 'he' is?"

Zatara blinked, placing both hands on the counter and leaning in, his pulse picking up slightly.

"You're saying he's not!?"

"I'm saying...he sent you here for a reason."

Lucifer held out a hand.

Zatara looked at the Unicorn blood in his palm. Magicians would literally kill for this. Even just as a collectors item, it was invaluable. With a lot of regret, he placed the vial in Lucifer's hand.

The Morningstar's fingers wrapped around the vial and when he opened his palm once more, it was gone.

"You want to know what you don't know."

Lucifer started.

"You want to know who or rather what the League's new Headache is. The kind of being that can survive seeing the end of time. One touched by the Endless. A child of one of the Extremes."

Zatara nodded resolutely.

"Let's start with what I don't know."

Lucifer smiled.

"Wise decision."

Then he proceeded to speak and Zatara's eyes widened. The shock was so great, he sat down on the stool provided, removed his hat and asked for a drink.

"Is...is any of it true?"

Zatara asked, hoping beyond all reason that it was not.

For the first time ever, Lucifer looked at him with seriousness.

"I never lie."




~Earth ??~


The wind blew past the barren wasteland, screaming as it slapped against the huge rock formation stretching from north to east.

The sun glared down at the desert from straight overhead, sending rays of heat down at the two groups locked in battle.

Though calling it a battle was an overstatement.

"Bloody hell Luv, when you said things would get nasty, I didn't think you meant it literally!"

John Constantine, a man who had survived almost everything complained as he followed behind his captor and savior.

He had to step over dead bodies belonging to Intergang members. All of them together hadn't even stood a chance. His captor had mowed them all down.

Their high tech laser canons had been sliced to pieces by a simple slash from her sword. Their armored vehicles had been crushed and swatted away as if they were flies.

And still, he had a feeling she hadn't shown every iota of her power. Well, what could you expect from the daughter of THE Evil god?

"Quit whining. If I'd known you would be this much trouble, I would have gone for your parallel version."

Grail, the Daughter of Darkseid said.

"Sorry Luv." Constantine smirked.

"I'm afraid you're stuck with me. You wouldn't go through the trouble of grabbing me out of hell and bringing me to another Universe just for shits and giggles. If you'd wanted a simple Spell-breaker, any efficient Magus would have sufficed, but you chose me. You need me."

The question was why?

His eyes, staring at the gray skinned beautiful woman infront of him narrowed. Why indeed had she chosen him?

"Ugh. Do you have to be insufferable about it?"

Grail asked, moving through the wreck of vehicles and bodies while approaching the entrance of the Cave.

A bullet pinged off her cheek. She stopped, looking to her left, a maniacal smile spreading across her face.

"Alright human, I gave you your chance and you failed to kill me. Come out and die with honor."

She called out to the one who had shot her.

A couple more bullets bounced off her chest.

Grail's eyes glowed red.


Twin Omega beams were launched out of them, curving around the air and the smoking wreckage before utterly destroying the rest of Intergang who had been hiding behind cover.

It was fast. It was unexpected and Constantine knew there and then he couldn't take her on. He needed to observe her some more.

If it came down to it, he had 'Him' to rely on. With 'His' power he could maybe stand a chance.

"Forget it Magician. I shall never align myself with a mortal being."

Trigon spoke up from within Constantine's soul after sensing his intentions.

Constantine bit back a curse. He was alone in this, possibly up against someone who could crush him like an Ant. Nothing too surprising there.

"You want to know why I rescued you? Brought you into another Universe?" Grail asked, sheathing her swords.

"A prophecy, eons in the making."

She added, her voice soft and grim.

And so she begun. Her explanation almost mirroring what Lucifer had revealed to Zatara.


Constantine snorted.

"I've learned not to stake a lot of..."

"You doubt me Magician."

She said, looking over her shoulder at him, her red eyes glowing menacingly.

"The prophecy exists. And it heralds the arrival of the Fifth world. You see, the Source is solely responsible for the Old and New Gods. The Old Gods peverted the gifts granted to them and so like weeds, were quickly uprooted. Their power plundered by those who came to be known as the New Gods."

"But the New Gods were imperfect beings as well. And so, a prophecy was given to Allfather once he sought counsel on his eternal war with my Father. And the Source spoke of a Fifth world. One that will be rebuilt from the ashes of the Fourth."

Constantine made no sound, too entranced by her words.

"And a man with silver hair and a sword with an edge sharper than a divine weapon would be the catalyst. Darkseid will get his hands on the ANTI-LIFE equation and only this man, with unholy and holy powers, shall stand between the God of Evil and the destruction of countless worlds."

Man with silver hair?

Constantine knew exactly who that was. How ironic it was that even after coming back to life he couldn't escape the Grim Reaper?


The magician called out.

"What about the two of us. Where do we belong in all this?"

Grail was silent, then she ran a hand over her hair, her back standing straight with regal authority.

"Do you honestly believe I would let anyone else kill my father? Darkseid will fall at the hands of his daughter. I will stop the fall of the Fourth World and shatter that prophecy!"

Her tone was full of conviction.

The pieces all started to add up.

That's why they were in Kahndaq. The kingdom of Black Adam. Yet...the crypt where his body had been imprisoned was only recently discovered in this world, unlike his own where he'd been active for a decade already.

"But for you to achieve all that, you need power and because the New Gods can kill and absorb the divine essence of the Old Gods...who better to act as a conduit for you other than...Teth Adam. The champion of the Egyptian Gods."

Constantine concluded.

"Well done Magician. I'm impressed, You were able to connect the dots easily."

Grail smiled.

"Now you understand why I especially came for you. ."

She complimented, staring at the entry way into the cave.

"You are going to help me gain power and in exchange, I will get rid of the prisoner jailed in your soul."

She told him, walking into the cave.

"Join me and let's break a prophecy."

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