I Reap Souls In DC

Chapter 149: Batman’s Interlude.

20 advance chapters in my Patreon.



(General P.O.V)

~Earth 16~


In the dimly lit expanse of the Batcave, the Dark Knight's gloved hands quickly and with inhuman dexterity typed on the Batcomputer.

Blueprints for what looked like a large satellite were highlighted on the screen. A simulation running on how the station would be constructed.

The Lantern ring was off his finger, fixed on a port connecting to the Batcave's computer system. He was using it's superior functions to speed up the processing power of the Batcomputer.

The Dark Knight himself stood before a sophisticated holographic interface, his focused gaze fixed on the intricate blueprints of the massive satellite which would be suspended in orbit around the moon.

The purpose of this Satellite? A prison. One that would be virtually inescapable for anyone.

The Green Lantern ring pulsed gently, its green glow illuminating the cave's shadows.

Were there any other Green Lanterns present, they would have been shocked at the way Batman accessed the ring remotely.

"Ring," Batman's voice was steady, cutting through the hum of machinery that was the only sound in the facility.

"let's review the security protocols for the Meta Prison. We can't afford any breaches."

The AI embedded within the ring responded with a calm and concise tone, "Affirmative, Batman. The prison's outer shell consists of a specialized composite material, reinforced with a lattice of nth-metal alloy to withstand extreme forces. The surface is coated with a refractive layer to deflect energy-based attacks."

Batman nodded at the explanation, his fingers tapping on the holographic interface to zoom in on a section of the blueprints.

"And what about the energy field that's supposed to neutralize the prisoners powers?"

He enquired.

"The Nullification Field is a combination of advanced Tachyon emitters and a localized variation of the Thanagarian chronal technology," the AI explained, adding,

"It disrupts metahuman abilities by interfering with their bioelectric signatures, making their powers ineffective."


Batman hummed, satisfied yet concerned.

"We need redundancy. What's the backup plan if the field fails?"

The ring was ready with an answer.

"The secondary containment system employs a gravimetric lattice network using said principles of Thanagarian Chronal tech. Should the Nullification Field falter, this lattice will activate, subjecting the inmates to localized gravitational distortions that will render them immobilized and disoriented."

The ring explained.

Nth metal was truly invaluable.

Moving on to another section of the blueprints, Batman frowned as a thought occured to him.

"I want to ensure no unauthorized access to the control center. How is that being addressed?"

He asked.

The ring pulsed gently.

"The control center employs a quantum entanglement lock. It's accessible only through a unique biometric signature that I have stored. Any attempt to tamper with the control center's systems will trigger an immediate lockdown and summon a squad of Bat-Drones for response."

The AI replied.

"Good," Batman muttered, his eyes narrowing in scrutiny. That was hopefully enough to stop any clones, imposters or shape shifters.

"What about communication? I want this facility isolated from external contact."

"The prison will have a subspace communication relay."

the AI explained.

"It will operate on a frequency that's outside conventional detection, and it will be shielded by a quantum-frequency interference barrier, ensuring that all communications remain within the prison's network."

Batman studied the blueprints for a moment longer before turning to face the ring directly.

"I need this to be perfect. Not sufficient. Not convenient. Perfect. The security of this prison is paramount. We'll be dealing with some of the most dangerous metahuman villains, including...Him. And we can't afford any mistakes."

Davian's face flashed through the Dark Knight's mind. He knew that he hadn't died. And he knew that Davian was coming for him.

Sooner or later, he would arrive seeking retribution. This prison, built with technology from not just Earth but other worlds would be Batman's final card.

The AI within the Green Lantern ring responded with unwavering confidence.

"I understand, Batman. I will oversee every aspect of the construction process, and ensure that the security measures are executed flawlessly."

With a final nod, Batman left the holographic interface and approached the pedestal the ring was placed on. He pushed it onto his finger.

His hand traced the insignia of a Lantern embedded onto the crest.

For weeks, he had studied its potential, unlocking its secrets to revolutionize not just Gotham City, but the world. He hadn't stopped on just building a high tech prison.


"Ring designate the Meta Prison as the Vault. Then open up our other projects."

Batman addressed the AI.

It complied.

Around him, an intricate web of holographic displays flickered, showcasing a multitude of innovative technologies he had developed with the ring's help.

A hologram to his right, projected a desert landscape, transformed by an advanced water purification system that could provide clean drinking water to even the most arid regions.

Another display illustrated a sprawling array of solar panels, generating an abundance of renewable energy for remote communities.

On a separate screen, it showcased a modular medical unit, powered by the willpower, capable of diagnosing illnesses and performing surgeries remotely in underserved areas.

While most of these were on still on the testing phase, some were complete and only waiting for a good marketing and distribution plan.

He also had to file for a lot of patents. Anything that Wayne Industries couldn't do would be outsourced. But whatever they could, would be used to make people's lives better.

"Open up a new file."

He ordered.

The Ring worked to achieve his orders and after that, Batman got lost in the complex algorithms dedicated to research and fine-tuning his ideas into workable projects.

"Disaster relief through flying medical drones that can drop vital supplies to disaster-stricken areas...well, you've certainly been busy Master Bruce."

Alfred commented, standing off to the side with a tray of breakfast


Bruce Wayne acknowledged.

"Alas, he speaks."

The older man said snidely, placing the tray on a table set aside from the work station.

"I've been busy trying to save the world Alfred."

Batman said curtly.

"Forgive me, Master Wayne. I forgot that it was your job to solve all the world's problems. Meanwhile young Dick came down here last night to talk to his father, only to receive a rather abrupt dismissal."

The butler responded.

Bruce winced.

"I was...working."

He sighed, running a hand over his face and removing his cowl.

"Wait, last night?"

The Dark Knight suddenly asked, a bit surprised at how fast time had slipped by.

"People typically have breakfast in the morning Master Bruce. Atleast in other households."

Alfred lightly admonished his adopted son.

Bruce looked down. Then he let out a long breath, kneading his temples to alleviate the stress he was in. Now that he took a second to notice it, he was actually very tired.

"I'll talk to Dick after he's back. I just need to finish up down here."

Bruce promised.

Alfred watched the boy he had seen grow up into a man and similarly sighed.

"Alright then. But I will add a stipulation, 2 hours then you rest. 2 hours and I'm cutting off the entire mansion's and the Batcave's power grid. 2 hours Master Bruce."

Then Alfred left.

5 minutes into his work and Batman noticed he wasn't alone. Thinking fast, he drew a batarrang and threw it on top of the staircase looking down at the Batcave.

The Batarrang was caught by a red clad hand.

"Hello Bruce."

The Flash greeted, his voice scratchy with either disuse or overuse.

And his general condition wasn't the best too. His nose was caked with fresh blood, he was missing a hand from the bicep down to the fingers and his costume was littered with scorch marks.

The look in his eyes...

He seemed lifeless. Unlike his Flash.

"You're not our Barry. Where are you from? An alternate timeline? A parallel universe? The future?"

Batman asked.

The flash used the railing for support with his free hand, as he descended down the stairs, coming to a stop below the steps.

"Right on the third one."

He snapped his fingers and pointed at Batman.

"You never lose your edge. Even when you're half dead on your feet. Too bad we still lose. Badly."

Batman narrowed his eyes.

"What do you mean?"

The Flash instead of answering, looked around the Batcave.

"So have you done it yet?"

He asked out of the blue.

"Done what?"

Batman responded with another question, his patience withering.

"Turned the Batcave into a super mecha. You do that in the future and it's a really cool moment. Too bad that it still doesn't help. Nothing does."

His tone turned grim, his eyes unfocused as he was pulled into his thoughts.

"He comes like a storm, blowing past every and anything. How can anyone come back from the end of time? He's never been a speedster so how..."

The Flash stated at Batman straight in the eyes.

"Do you know?"

(Ring, scan for any anomalies in the cave.)

Batman spoke to the ring through the mental link he had established.

(Affirmative. Temporal fluctuations detected, 3 meters to your left.)

The ring answered.

3 meters to his left was where the Flash was standing.

"You've become really savvy with that thing. Better than Hal and even John."

The Flash commented.

Then he groaned in pain, falling to his knees as his body lost energy. Batman hurried to his side.

"Flash! Stay with me! Who did this?!"

The Flash chuckled, wheezing.

"You already know. He- he...took my hand Bruce and even now, it's still disappearing, being de- devoured by time."

Batman looked at the dismembered limb and spotted a miasma of black, slowly but steadily disintegrating the flesh, bone and cloth on what was left of Barry's arm.

"I can't vibrate fast enough to hold off the effects anymore. I used up most of speed coming back."

The Flash told him.

"Ring scan..."

Batman begun, only for the Flash to stop him by holding his hand.

"We all die Bruce. In a few months time, he will be back and we'll pay for our sins. He's- the Reaper is coming for us. But more importantly, he's coming for you Bruce. For your soul!"

The Flash warned, his eyes crazed.

His body stopped vibrating. Stopped staving off the effects of Respira...the Flash disappeared into flakes of black energy that drifted through the air, leaving the Dark Knight shell-shocked in one place, staring at the spot one of his friends had occupied a few seconds prior.

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