I Reap Souls In DC

Chapter 158: Pseudo-Champion.

15 advance chapters in my Patreon.



(General P.O.V)

(Nanda Parbat)

The sun stood at its zenith, shining down on the white capped mountains.

The mountain range cast a shadow over a big chunk of the city of Nanda Parbat, to the point torches were lit across the walls surrounding the city.

At the highest part of the city however, a beautiful garden basked in the full glory of the local star, it's height enough to breach past the shadows.

The Goddess Rama Kushna sat in a meditative position staring out into the city of her devotees.

The time for the crisis that had been looming over them was at hand. The time for war, had arrived.

Rama could feel the strings of fate lightly ripple with the shockwaves caused by the battle happening in the future.

The impact was strong enough to be felt even in the past. And that was adding to the problem that they already had.

The one about the escape of the Forgotten gods from the Graveyard of the Gods.

The incursions had been set to happen later on in the new year but that timeline had been moved up now.

And the one destined to face these Forgotten Gods was nowhere to be found. Lost in Limbo. Even with her divine powers, she could only confirm that Davian was still alive, not his location nor who he was with.

The Earth needed a savior however. And it was for that reason...


The Goddess said.

Lady Shiva walked in from the back, followed closely by Boston Brand (Deadman) and Jade Nguyen (Cheshire).

"I respectfully disagree with this decision." Shiva immediately begun talking,

"While trained they lack the necessary fortitude to..."

"Then you will teach them what they lack."

Rama Kushna interrupted, not turning around from her meditative position. She opened her eyes before tilting her head up to stare at the sun.

"The emergence of darkness necessitates the birth of light to combat it. Our light is currently off training somewhere to get even stronger."

She looked over her shoulder.

"Which means that as his companions, it naturally falls on you to shoulder this burden."

Deadman and Cheshire stared at each other. An unspoken conversation seemed to go on between them.

Then they shifted their attention back to the Goddess.

"We're in."

Cheshire answered for both of them, Deadman only giving a curt nod.

"Good. Now the question remaining is, can you hunt down and kill a god?"


The streets of Metropolis were filled with pandemonium.

Concrete and debris from destroyed buildings and wrecked vehicles filled the shattered streets.

Civilians ran wildly, screaming in fear at the Para-demons swooping down and abducting Civilians, taking them to a massive alien ship off the coast of Metropolis.

The ship was designed to be intimidating and featured a matte' black color.

The wind blew past a group of Para-demons about to grab a bus full of young kids. The aliens were sent spiralling out into the surroundings as Superman manifested above the bus.

In Gotham, the Batwing circled the Wayne Tower in an evasive maneuver. Behind the craft was an entire troop of Para-demons following closely.

Some of the creatures released shots from their high tech energy weapons. Batman saw the attack from miles away and strafed to the right, dodging the beams.

Unfortunately they landed on Wayne Tower and decimated the top office.

"That is not what I meant by remodeling your office sir."

Alfred's voice spoke through Batman's comms.

The Dark Knight smirked slightly.

"Yoh know me, Alfred. I aim to exceed your expectations."

Central City, the Flash could be seen blitzing past, rescuing the people in the clutches of the Para-demons before doubling back to disarm them and tie them up with tough metallic cables.

"Didn't anyone ever tell you not to play with guns?"

The fastest man quipped.

The Para-demons struggled, trying to break through the cables but failed.

"Good luck getting out of those. It took me 0.07898 seconds to twine them up. Adios."

The speedster gave a wave and blitzed off.

In major cities across the United States, the same attacks were happening.

One minute, everything had been going okay, then the next, these alien ships had appeared out of nowhere, passing through Boom Tubes.

Para-demons, massive hulking humanoid aliens that could fly, had begun pouring forth from the ships and started snatching people away.


In San Francisco at a certain Tower, things were a bit different.

For starters, Raven was sneaking around in her own base as they sort to escape their pursuers.

She could normally create a portal to take her anywhere she wanted but something was wrong with her magic.

It felt as if it was being blocked.


Grail had said once Raven had brought up the matter.

"One of my father's lackeys. He's the smart but decidedly cruel one."

Grail further explained as they crawled through the ventilation shaft.

"He must have put up a magic negating field."

"Wait, he can do that?"

Raven was incredulous. For starters her 'magic' wasn't actually pure magic. It was more like demonic energy with the flavor of the mysticness.

"There is little that you cannot do with a Mother-box. Let alone it's stronger counterpart...a Fatherbox."

Grail answered, her eyes shining in a little greed.

If she got her hands on one of those...

A dull thunk! Sounded out as a crossbolt dug itself through the base of the ventilation shaft.

Grail smiled.

"They found us! Which means it's time to fight! Hiyaaa!!"

She yelled with glee, tearing apart the shaft with her Omega Beams before jumping through.

(Davian's P.O.V)

"Okay so how do we do this?"

In response to my question, Chase sent forth a single word.


Immediately, I smiled, knowing exactly what he had meant by that.

"I don't like the look in your eyes. What are you planning?"

Constantine questioned.

"Keep an eye on her. We won't be here for too long."

I told him, getting close to Ursa who was still caught in my Reiryoku field.

Her soul seemed to have been stunned by the weight of my Reiatsu as she made no move even as I stopped beside her.

My eyes made contact with Zod. They drifted from my face to my hand and what I had clutched in my fingers.

His dismembered arm.

Then they drifted back to my face and the small smile tugging at my lips. My eyes said it all, 'keep watching.'

His heart seemed to skip a beat as he realized what was about to happen.


Zod bit out, legs trembling as he stood on his feet.

"Don't you dare..."


Before he could complete his statement, the arm swung out, making contact with Ursa's head.

At that instant, I felt a surge of glee and strength rush into my hand. A maniacal smile tore across my face, causing me to exert more strength than I had planned.

This was payback for the cheap-shot.

I wanted to see if I could burst apart her head. A heat was burning within my chest. Fury, I realized, my face actually hurting from the crazed grin stretching my lips.

There was a pressure wave that rushed out into Limbo's inert air. My clothes ruffled as the dust died down to reveal a gruesome scene.

A headless Ursa fell to her knees, her body tilted on its side as she fell off the edge of the Rock Island into the darkness below.

Silence reigned.

"Mmh, wasn't intending for that to get messy so quick."

I said with a frown, already suspecting what had happened.

"I told you not to use the Sin's abilities before we dealt with the issue of control."

Chase chastised.

I shrugged.

"Yeah yeah...I was already going to kill her anyway. Plus she was a bitch."

I could see her soul rise up to try and leave for the afterlife. Unfortunately, Limbo was a spiritual realm. The only outcome for her would be to join with the realms's essence.

But fortunately or unfortunately for her, I had plans for her soul.

I held out a hand and the soul gently approached it. It was a grey thing. Almost bordering on black.


I told Chase smugly.

"Her murky soul confirms it. She really was a bitch during her life."

Mmh. I looked up, sensing a disturbance in the force( haha). Seriously though, I was about to witness something that could only be scene in an anime.

A rage moment.


Zod muttered, staring down at the ground.


The stones around him begun to float into the air. The aura around him changed, a shroud of gray energy cladding his body.

"Is it just me or is that energy familiar?"

I asked my Zanpakuto, fully unsheathing Chesha Neko.

Zod looked up, revealing completely black eyes.

"No doubt about it...the memories are foggy but I remember someone who had this exact energy signature."

I added, leaning forward slightly.

"Not someone- something. Specifically, the consciousness of Limbo itself. It has attached to Zod's soul, making him a pseudo champion."

Chase, reliable as usual came through with an answer.

"That's what expelled me out of the Phantom Zone."

I realized.

"Yes. And you know what that means..."

Chase prompted.

"I'm no longer fighting just Zod. I'm fighting the Phantom Zone itself."

(General P.O.V)

"I spared you once Child of Death, on account to your lineage. No more. This time, you shall die and forever be trapped in my realm."

Aethyr, hidden behind layers of space said, looking on at the battle about to unfold.


Never had he felt such rage.

And with that rage came power. Power strong enough to move mountains. Strong enough to break planets.

Zod's brilliant strategic mind was replaced by this animalistic urge to tear apart his enemy.

All reasonable thought fled from his mind, leaving one singular thought, kill. With a single lunge, he spelled his doom.

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