I Reap Souls In DC

Chapter 159: 24 Hours.

15 advance chapters in my Patreon.



(General P.O.V)

The air trembled as Zod rose to his feet, his hair waving wildly in the air. His face was twisted in a feral expression, and his presence alone pressured the Phantom Zone itself.

"What is this...power?"

One of the Kryptonians behind Davian wondered out loud.

His tone was full of awe and hope.


Faora, the other female Kryptonian muttered, trying and failing to get up from the ground.

Zod hit his chest with his one hand. A sign to his soldiers. One that was a promise of victory.

Then the rage filled man shifted his focus to the enemy. One who had taken away half of his heart.

The memory of Ursa's headless body falling into the depths of Limbo sent a fresh wave of hate and rage through him. This wasn't going to be a battle for conquest. But one for vengeance.


Zod begun, his eyes, two swirling black pools that threatened to pull anyone in and submerge them in their inky depths.

"I'll destroy you."

He told Davian, flying forward slowly.

He wanted to savor the look of fear on his face as he realized what was about to occur. Yet...he saw none.

Davian merely raised a single brow.

"Oooh I'm sooo scared."

He mocked in derision, cleaning his ear with a finger.

"Your threats are nothing I haven't heard before, Zod old boy. Can't you come up with something original?"

Such impudence!

How could the fool not sense the power Zod held within himself?! It shook the core of the Phantom Zone!

He must have overestimated Davian. That was the only thing that made sense. Taking his arm must have been a fluke! An accident.

In Zod's mind, there was no way Davian was as calm as he pretended to be. He must have been shaking in his boots and trying his best to appear blase'.

Very well...he wanted a real threat? Zod would do him one better.

He would make him a promise.

The Kryptonian' General's face twisted into an ugly sneer.

"How about this, I'll twist your head from your neck and beat your companion and that El bitch you're protecting to death with your spine."

He didn't stop there,

"Then I am going to find a way out of here, go to your world, kill everyone there, men, women and children. And in the ashes of your planet, I shall rebuild Krypton anew!"

Davian blinked, then he chuckled darkly.

The Reaper spread out his hands and declared,

"10/10! That delivery was flawless and intimidating! That's what I'm talking about! Then come! Show me how powerful you are, General Zod! Show me where you get the confidence to taunt Death itself!"

There was no more talking needed then.


Zod gave a loud yell before lunging forward with the force of a Rocket during takeoff.

His single hand was cocked back. It didn't matter that he had lost the other one. With this new power brimming within him, he would not only kill-


Why did it feel as if he was moving in slow motion?

He turned his head around. Limbo's inert atmosphere burned around him as he surpassed the speed of sound.

The air cried out as he poured more energy into his speed. It paid off, he was now moving above the speed of lightning in just a nano-second.

And yet his reaction time never lagged behind. Using the principles of Torquasm Vo, his body and mind reached a state of perfect unification.

He had ascended from a mere mortal into something else.

A God.

And that state allowed him to finally see what had been hidden from his gaze all these years spent in the Phantom Zone. There were so many rifts in space!

So many ways they could have escaped their unfair incarceration. All they had needed to do was simply push.

He wished he'd known that before. Maybe then Ursa would be alive. But that was in the past. He was a God now. He could bring her back.

After all he had power now. He was more powerful than anyone. More powerful than the Creature, Doomsday.

More powerful than even Rao himself.

He refocused his attention towards the Enemy.

More powerful than-




This presence. This aura.

(A miasma of black energy shooting upwards, penetrating the Phantom Zone's sky and then spreading outwardly with infinite strings attached to this skeleton with burning green fire, a green scythe in one hand and dark spirit wings flapping gently behind...)

He blinked. The vision disappeared.

Davian's cocky smile returned.

Zod snorted. That must have been a trick of light. He was power incarnate. Nothing and no one could stop him.

Least of all something-


There it was again!

This time the image lasted longer as Zod dove into it with his senses. And he found out the truth. Like a wound in space, the Reaper stood above all in Limbo.

How could anything be so completely... completely...



'Because you are witnessing Death's real form.'

The answer came unbidden to him. It just appeared in his mind.

And that's when reality struck. He couldn't win-

At that very instant, Davian raised his sword and smirked, not only moving at the same speeds that Zod was, but doing so easily.

"Chase...*it's feeding time.*

His tone changed, growing hollow as his presence grew even larger. Large enough to completely dominate any strength Zod thought he had.


Chase answered, from the depths of the Reaper's inner World.

The Blade in Davian's hand unravelled into purple strings that quickly reformed into a massive cat's head.

The cat opened it's maw and before Zod could even blink, he was swallowed whole in a single bite.


"That was much better than last time, my Wielder."

Chase commented, burping slightly.

Davian threw his head back and laughed.

"Oh man! That was so fucking cool! Dude actually thought I was going to waste my strength fighting him when he could pull infinite power from the Phantom Zone itself."

"No... General..."

Faora said slowly. Her and the rest of the Kryptonians couldn't believe it. One minute their salvation had seemed at hand.

Then the next...


Davian heard her.

He looked over his shoulder, his face impassive as his now loose hair hang over his eyes.

"Chase, how many of them do you need for the spell?"

The Soul Reaper enquired. It didn't feel as if he was talking about lives. His tone contained no remorse over what he had done or...what he was about to.

Chesha Neko's strings, quickly wove together to build the rest of Chase's body. Towering over 15 feet, the cat's monstrous figure prowled, shifting it's body to walk around Davian.

"Bullocks...that's one huge cat."

Constantine muttered to himself as he took a few steps back.

The female Kryptonian in his arms shifted, the commotion seeming to rouse her.

Chase licked it's teeth, tongue running along their length.


He finally answered.

Some of the Kryptonians yelped in fear as the massive creature approached.

"Please...spare..." Faora begun, only for long tentacles to emerge out of the cat's mouth, grab onto every last one of the remaining Kryptonians and pull them inside the Zanpakuto Spirit.


Chase commented on the quality of the food.

"And you say I don't get you nice things. What's nicer than 9 arrogant Kryptonians who thought themselves above everyone else?"

Davian asked his Zanpakuto spirit, patting it's leg.

"I thank you. And with this... we'll be able to handle your little sin situation, my Wielder."

Chase' voice rumbled, its form folding upon itself before it turned into a Zanpakuto, gripped in Davian's hand.

The latter stared at the sword in his hands with appreciation.

"Call me Davi, Chase. And good work."

Constantine looked grossed out with everything that had happened.

(Davian's P.O.V)

"Did you just...eat them?"

The Exorcist spoke up from his position, face twisted in disgust.


I looked at him weirdly.

"Don't be preposterous. I didn't eat them, my Cat did."


He scoffed, staring at me strangely.

"Your cat...that thing is a cat?"

I couldn't help it, once more I found myself laughing as I moved past the confused Exorcist, patting him on the shoulder.

"What you think you know about me is nothing compared to what I actually am."

I held up the Mother-box in my hand, connecting with it's essence by diving into its soul.

Yes, she had a soul. And it was one of the purest I had ever seen. I hadn't needed to interact with her so directly before. Creating Boom Tubes was like the most basic of her functions.

But what I had planned needed more than that.

(You're very efficient.)

I complimented the sentient computer.

Calling her that was akin to telling her she was beautiful.

She pinged at me, sending pulses and beeps that I could easily interpret as gratitude and endearment.

"Okay Chase, now-"


I stopped, eyes narrowing as something tugged at my senses.

My eyes drifted down to Chesha Neko's sheath and the red gem that was sending a beacon at me.

I had the gem connected to the New Earth's Raven, so that if she was in any form of danger that she couldn't protect or save herself from, I would be informed.

No matter where I was or what I was doing.

"You're right. I can sense through the rifts in space that all 52 universes in the known multiverse are facing a crisis, my Wielder."

Chase informed me.

"A crisis of the Apokalips kind."


I said out loud.

So he has begun to make his move.

"What! How do you know that name?!"

Power girl who had been pretending to be asleep, immediately jumped out of Constantine's arms and demanded.

I looked at her quizzically. At her torn costume, the bedraggled appearance and instantly it all clicked.

"That's who you were fighting isn't it? Darkseid or rather his forces"

I said in realization.

Powergirl opened her mouth in surprise, then closed it, pressing her lips together as a flash of pain appeared on her face.

She gently drifted down to the ground, her body trembling with hate and rage at what seemed like bad memories.

"They swarmed us. Kal used the only thing he could to save me, the Phantom Zone projector. I lost another home."

She bit out painfully.

"First Krypton and now..."

Powergirl looked away.

"I know all about losing homes. And the people you care about. I understand what you mean."

I told her with a sigh, sympathetic to her plight.

She turned her baby blue eyes my way and gave a shaky nod.

"Sorry for attacking you. I thought you were with-"

I raised a hand, stopping her.

Then lowered it for a handshake.

"Let's start over...my name is Davian. Davian Mabuz."

Powergirl stared at the hand and eventually grasped it.

"I'm Powergirl...but my real name is Kara Zor-El. Not that a secret identity matters now..."

She greeted, a small smile spreading across her beautiful face.

"Constantine's the name, love. Though it doesn't seem as if you care that much."

The magician introduced himself.

The Kryptonian turned to him.

"I know who you are. Or rather a version of you."

Kara responded, hands held across her ample chest.

"The League had a protocol in place, in case you ever went rogue."

"Oh...so not charmed huh?"

Constantine chuckled nervously, while scratching his hair.

"Not even close."

Powergirl replied blandly.

Meanwhile, I was in discussion with Chase.

"How long will the spell take?"

I asked, only to receive some unfortunate news.

"24 hours."

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