I Reap Souls In DC

Chapter 160: Hold Down The Fort.

15 advance chapters in my Patreon.



(General P.O.V)

The instant Grail landed in the hallway, numerous Cross-bolts cut a path through the air, moving at fast speeds towards her.

Her eyes glowed and the light of the Omega beams promptly swallowed the projectiles. Kanto jumped back, dodging the eye beams, which tore off chunks from the floor.

"So feisty la fille."

Darkseid's chief assassin exclaimed dramatically, pulling on his weapon to send more sharp bolts at Grail.

Every single one of them was aimed at places meant to deal lethal damage.

Grail was prepared. She tensed her body, her flesh's natural resistance to damage coming into play. The bolts shattered on her impervious skin.

Kanto's hand trembled slightly.

"Oh dear. That is about the only trick I can do."

He said with a slightly bitter expression.

"Yeah well, now it's my turn! My Omega Beams will turn you to ashes!"

Grail yelled, releasing another twin attacks that zig zagged around the cramped up hallway.

Only for her head to whip to the side as Lashina to burst through the wall to Grail's left, landing a punch across the Amazon's face.

The resulting shockwave made the whole hallway shake, increasing the risk of the destroyed upper floors of the tower falling on top of their heads.

Grail spat to the side, her face twisted up in a bloodthirsty grin.

"You'll pay for that Fury bitch."

Lashina remained undeterred.

"For the daughter of Darkseid, you sure are surprisingly weak."

The Fury replied.

Kanto winced.

"Take that back Lashina or else she'll fry you."

Grail snapped. A roar rising up from her throat. Her eyes glowed in preparation for an attack, only for a few round pellets to fall onto the ground between the two women.

"Close your eyes and cup your ears!"

Raven said, jumping out of the shaft and pushing Grail to the ground.

The flash bombs exploded, filling the air with smoke.

Lashina and Kanto were unprepared, stumbling away disoriented.

Grail's form flew out of the smoke, slamming onto Lashina, sending her and Kanto both flying out of the building.

Raven hurried to the end of the hallway after them. She looked out through the hole the three had created but only spotted Grail hovering in mid air.

Lashina and Kanto had fallen into the bay.

That wasn't all. A shadow was cast over the smoking Titan's tower. Turning her eyes towards the sky, Raven's face paled.

A massive alien ship was floating above their base!

Para-demons flew into and out of the distant San Francisco, bringing civilians into the massive ship.

"I'm gonna go and bring that whole thing down."

Grail decided, slamming her fist into her open palm.

"Wait! We have to rescue the people inside first."

Raven cut in, stepping out into the open air while calling onto her magic.

With Kanto and Lashina out of the picture, her abilities seemed to return. Whatever was blocking her magic had stopped.

"Plus, that must be where they took my teammates. We need to work together to get them out. Not even you alone can take on all these creatures."

Raven added, flying beside Grail.

"Fine." Grail snorted.

"You can save your precious teammates but I have a bone to pick with that ugly bastard Desaad. He's mine."

With the fairly simple plan, both cut a path towards the ship.

(Davian's P.O.V)

"24 hours is too long Chase. By then Darkseid's armies could have already taken over the planet. We need a different solution."

Time was of the essence, and I needed all the power I had at my disposal to face the Evil God.

"Well, I'm out of ideas. 24 hours is reasonable if you consider the uncharted territory."

He answered.

That wasn't good enough for me however. What I needed was a way to bypass that timeframe.

I looked around, maybe I could take advantage of the Phantom Zone, pull on it's soul and influence the speed of time.

No, even with all my power that wouldn't be an easy task. Not to mention, Aethyr would fight for control. I had a feeling he wasn't a great fan of me. Especially considering I seemed to have a knack for destroying his realm whenever I was in it.

Mmmh. Maybe controlling Limbo was out of the question, but the idea had merit. Instead of manipulating the time difference in such a large scale, I could do so in a small field around me.

And fortunately for me, I had a skilled magician that I could use.

(General P.O.V)

"Time to make yourself useful Constantine."

Davian told the exorcist while approaching him.

"I need a time dilation field. One that can run at no less than 10 times faster than real-time."

Davian told the magician.

That would lessen the 24 hours into something under 30 minutes. For him it would still be 24 hours, but on the outside, an hour wouldn't have even gone by.

Constantine looked at him strangely.

"What do you need a time dilation field for?"

"Does it matter?"

Davian asked in a little annoyance.

"Can you do it?"

Constantine said nothing for a few seconds before he slowly nodded in thought.

"Theoretically, sure."

He shrugged.

"That said, I don't think I can get you to 10 times. Not unless..."

His eyes drifted to the gem embedded on Chesha Neko's scabbard.

His eyes gained a glint.

"That gem is a powerful magic conduit. If you can store your spirit energy inside it, I can use it to power up a spell formation that can speed up your personal time. That can only go up to 7× however."

He mused to himself, sounding unsure.

Davian's eyes grew unfocused as he had brief conversation with Chase.

Then he looked back to the exorcist.

"Fine. That's still doable."

He unstrapped the scabbard on his hip, removed the gem and held it up.

Next, Davian pulled on his Reiryoku and begun pumping in a ridiculous amount of it into the gem. The gem devoured it ravenously, glowing a mixture of purple and red.

Then with a reluctant frown, the Reaper dropped the stone into Constantine's open palm. The Exorcist closed his fingers around the gem brimming with the most exotic energy he had ever sensed.

The things he could do with this energy were endless. Severing the connection between him and Ultron being chief among them.

Davian grabbed his wrist in a vice grip.

"It's no secret I don't trust you Constantine. Don't mess this up."

The Reaper warned, flexing his Reiatsu.

Constantine gulped, his magical senses briefly overwhelmed by Davian's Reiatsu.

"Trust me mate, I'm not suicidal. I'll only use it for it's intended purpose then give it right back."

The Exorcist assured, taking a knee and beginning to make alterations to the magic formation he had previously created to escape the Phantom Zone.

"I wouldn't need to use it as a battery, if I had enough reserves to do it myself."

He grumbled, throwing a glance at Davian and a silent Powergirl.

"And for all your power, neither of you are exactly magic savvy."

"I don't need magic to pommel your face in."

Powergirl snorted.

"You're a very violent individual, you know that?"

Constantine responded with a sigh.

"I'm glad you noticed."

Kara said, walking towards the magician with a hostile look on his face.

"It will make it easier for me to beat you to a pulp WHEN you do eventually betray us."

Even Davian seemed caught off guard by her intensity.

"One thing I didn't tell you was what happened when Darkseid came for my world. A minor detail in the grand scheme of things, sure but important none the less."

She stopped before him, fixing him a heated glare.

"While everyone stood to fight, you ran away like a coward! You left Zatanna and the rest of the League to fend for themselves! The truth is that in every world John Constantine, you are a fucking PIECE OF SHIT WHO ONLY LOOKS OUT FOR ONE PERSON! YOURSELF."

Powergirl yelled accusingly, eyes glowing with hate as she regarded the magician.

Constantine cocked his head to the side, looking unfazed.

"That's right sweetheart, I'm an asshole. I never once pretended to be anything else. That version of me that ran away had the right idea. Why die when he could live to fight another day?"

Powergirl found her punch blocked by Davian's palm before it could land on the Exorcist's cheek and take off his head.

"You can't trust him."

Powergirl told Davian, trying to overpower him.

"I know."

Davian agreed softly.

"But for all his faults, he's useful."

"Tch. Screw this."

Powergirl said, breathing harshly while backing away.

"I'm outta here."

She took to the air and flew away.

The two of them watched her go, then Constantine sighed, turning to Davian.

"Thats the third time I've almost died today. Staying with you is bad for my health."

"Less talking, more doing."

Davian told the magician, walking a distance away before sitting at the edge of the Rock Island in a meditative pose.

He placed Chesha Neko across his lap and begun to prepare himself for the process, ignoring the magician at his back.

Constantine stared at the direction Powergirl had flown in and frowned.

Then he shifted his entire focus to drawing the formation.


"Batman to all League members, anyone free to gather in Metropolis. I know how we can take them all out."

The Dark Knight called into his comms.

"Why Metropolis?"

Green Lantern asked,

"I have my hands full with Coast City."

"The bulk of their forces seem to be concentrated in Metropolis, no doubt due to Superman's presence."

Batman explained, his jet plowing through dozens of Para-demons as he approached the Alien Ship above Gotham bay.

"The other reason is that the vessel above Metropolis seems to be their main control hub. The Para-demons are connected via a group link and the origin of the signal coordinating their movements is coming from..."


Superman concluded, his freeze breath freezing the wings of a few Para-demons in the sky.

The humans they held within their grasp fell to the ground, only for a scarlet blur to streak through the street, grabbing them before they could land.

"First one here."

Flash said through the comm link.


Batman said, ducking a volley of attacks from the Apokaliptian vessel's security measures before deploying a missile that struck the ship on it's side, causing it to tilt and fall into the Gotham bay.

"Hold down the fort before the rest of us get there."

The Dark Knight told his teammates.

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