I Reap Souls In DC

Chapter 161: Coordinated Attack.

15 advance chapters in my Patreon.



(General P.O.V)

It didn't take long for the whole League to gather in Metropolis.

Once there, they mounted a coordinated attack.

Batman, Superman and Aquaman moved on to deal with the Apokaliptian ship. The main aim being to shut down the hive-mind controlling the Para-demons and save the people who had already been abducted.

The rest of the League had the job of dealing with the Para-demons in the city that were wreaking havoc.

And that's how it had been for the last 20 minutes.


A glowing yellow rope snaked out through the air, wrapping around a group of Para-demons.

The Greek Demigod in control of the Lasso, danced in the air, releasing the Para-demons towards Shazam.

"Who's ready for some thunder?"

The Champion of the gods asked, throwing his hands out and unleashing a wave of yellow Lightning that devoured the Para-demons.

A few missiles blew up behind him, blackened Para-demons falling off the sky from the resulting smoke.

"What your back Shazam."

Cyborg told him, diving down towards a different group of the same creatures, his shoulder weapons priming up with energy.

A flash of yellow weaved through the streets, running rounds around the Para-demons and creating a tornado that blew them to the sky.

"You're welcome!"

The flash said, running off to another part of the city. 

Cyborg narrowed his eyes, his cybernetic eyes placing the Para-demons in his target. He had the shot.


Shazam yelled, sending several wild bolts of lightning down at the whirlwind, frying the Para-demons, before Cyborg could even pull the trigger. 

"I had that."

The half man half metal said blandly once the champion of the Gods reached him.

"I know."

Shazam replied cheekily.

Cyborg shook his head and they both flew down to the ground, joining Green Lantern and Wonder woman, who had a group of snarling Para-demons tied up on the floor by her Lasso.

The Para-demons fidgeted, releasing unintelligible animalistic howls at the Leaguers.

"What are they saying?"

Wonder Woman asked Green Lantern.

The space cop shrugged.

"How should I know? just because I know some aliens doesn't mean I know every alien language."

He cast a glance at the snarling creatures.

"If that is even a Language."

"No more fliers coming through this way."

Cyborg informed them once he landed.

Flash materialized beside them in a burst of speed.

"I've dealt with all the stray Para-demons in the city. I think we got them all."

He looked around.

"We're still missing two of us."

He said, referring to the Man of Steel and the Dark Knight.

Wonder Woman turned to regard the Apokaliptian Spaceship off into the ocean. It wasn't as clear from this far out but the vessel was smoking, seeming to have sustained attacks.

It was also falling slowly into the ocean.

"They should be done by now."

And speaking of the devil, Batman's jet flew over them, turning around at the end of the street, to hover beside the group.

The hatch opened up and Superman flew down with someone held in his hands by their collar.

A large man with a scraggly beard, savage eyes and a bloodthirsty smile on their face.

"Oh look at that, Supes brought a friend to work."

Flash commented as they all surrounded the pair.

Superman pushed the man forward.

"Guys, meet Kalibak. He's Darkseid's son. And you won't believe the story he has."

Superman said, introducing the New God.

(Elsewhere) ~OA~

Over millions of light years away another conflict was about to unfold.

This particular conflict wouldn't be confined to a single planet. The outcome carried with it the fate of thousands of sectors across different galaxies.

Trillions of sentient beings would be affected by the result.

Ganthet of the Guardians of the Universe watched with mounting unease as their once tranquil planet, Oa, became a battleground.

Every active Green Lantern Corps member had been summoned from every corner of the galaxy to defend their sacred home, the Central Power Battery, against 'THE' imminent threat.

Ganthet had known that sooner or later it would come to this.

And no matter what transpired here today, the Guardians could not lose. He looked at another of his race, the same determination gazed back at him.

There was the rumble of multiple Boomtubes.

From without, in the darkness of space, thousands of Apokaliptian spaceships entered OAn airspace, hovering on the outskirts of the Atmosphere.

"It is time."

Dennap another of the Guardians of the Universe said, her face beset with worry.

"For the sake of everything...let's hope we do not lose."

The sky overhead became a swirling mass of emerald energy constructs as thousands of Green Lanterns took their positions, rising up to form a formidable barrier around the planet.

More than half of them moved on ahead to face the advancing enemy.

The rest reinforced the barrier around the globe, concentrating most of their forces around the city.

The Apokaliptian vessels turned their weapons towards the Green Lantern. But they didn't stop there, the ship's hatch opened up and hundreds of thousands of Para-demons flew out to meet them.

Kilowog at the head of the attacking force tightened his hand.

"Lanterns! Say it with me! In brightest day..."

The corp chant was recited universally by every single Lantern. The emerald light of their environmental shields flaring up been brightly.

"Okay Poozers! Show me what you got!"

Along with Kilowog's yell, a construct was formed from his extended hand. A large emerald shield, bolstered by the immense will of the gathered Lanterns covered their front.

The first of the attacks landed on it, drowning the much smaller group of Lanterns under heat and light.

The atmosphere on Oa was heavy with tension, the very air charged with the palpable fear of the Lanterns left manning the barrier around the planet.

Down on the ground, the Guardians looked on as the battle truly begun.

Ganthet found himself skeptical of their chances yet again.

The Corps had faced countless adversaries throughout the eons, but this was different. This was a threat of cosmic proportions.

A threat that no longer saw the need to sit out the fight.

A sudden hush fell over the assembly of Guardians.

"He has arrived."

Ganthet said gravely, a Boomtube directly appearing above the barrier around the city.

To be specific, right in the sky over the Central Power Battery.

The Guardians exchanged grave looks as they ascended to the sky. No matter what, the Central Power Battery could not be lost.

Out from the swirling yellow portal, emerged a hulking figure, his presence casting an ominous shadow over Oa.

The intruder had ashy gray skin that seemed to absorb the light around him. His muscular build radiated power, and his glowing red eyes pierced through the darkness.

The Green Lanterns recognized him instantly, and a shiver ran down their spines. Darkseid had arrived.

"Lanterns! Remember your duty!"

Tomar-Re, the commander of the barrier squad yelled as he flew towards Darkseid, followed by hundreds of his fellow Lanterns.

"For the Univer- "

Tomar-Re's head and Torso disappeared as twin Omega Beams disintegrated his upper body. Then the beams danced through the air, zig-zagging through hundreds of Green Lanterns in a single second.

"How cruel."

Dennap muttered looking away from the horrifying sight.

"We should consider a retreat."

Another of the Guardians suggested with a gulp. Ganthet didn't pay attention who it was due to the dire circumstances.

"It's too late for that."

Ganthet said flying forward.

"We finish this now."

The statement seemed to bring back focus. He felt his colleagues energies flare up as they tapped into their innate abilities.

Another Green Lantern turned to ash before they could reach Darkseid. The latter not even paying attention to the Lantern.

The Lord of Apokolips floated down to the surface of Oa with an eerie grace, his presence spreading out and pressuring the Green Lantern barrier under him.

"Halt! Lord of Apokalips. We have no quarrel with you. This unprovoked attack shall be answered with the necessary backash."

Pazu Pinder Pol, a Guardian with a bald spot declared.

Darkseid remained silent, gazing down at the barrier with an impassive expression.

Then a wide grip split across his face.

"You think this can keep me out? Laughable!"

He pulled back his arm and slammed a massive fist down.

The whole planet shook from the impact.

The barrier shattered like broken glass. The Lanterns maintaining the barrier convulsing, most of them going into a catatonic state.

Ganthet and the rest of the Guardians slowed the ones who fell through telekinesis, gently lowering them to the ground while their full attention was still on the sky. 

"I am Entropy."

Darkseid's booming voice echoed across the desolate landscape.

"I am the end of all. I am Darkseid and all is mine."

He sneered, his voice dripping with malice. 

"The only reason I have allowed you to live this long was because you were inconsequential. A bunch of old men and women playing at god."

The Guardians, their diminutive forms surrounded by an aura of authority, remained undaunted. 

Ganthet, the eldest of the Guardians, flowted forward, his voice unwavering. 

"The Cosmos has a structure. A balance that needs to be maintained at all times. There are rules in place even you are subject to."

A defiant murmur of agreement rose from the Green Lanterns around, their power rings glowing brighter in response to their determination.

Darkseid's lips curled into a malevolent grin.

"You seek to deter me with words of caution now? Just look around, your soldiers are dying, yet you do nothing."

The New God taunted.

Ganthet remained unfazed.

Darkseid's smile seemed to widen. 

"You're right however. Light needs Darkness and Darkness needs light. Death gives meaning to Life and vice versa."

Ganthet's heart skipped a beat at the evil grin on the god of Evil's face.

"However, the master of the ANTI-LIFE equation is essentially above such base distinctions. I can rework reality to my image. The perfect Utopia or Dystopia depending on your view."

So that was what he was after? 

"You would subjugate Countless lives for what, to escape your fate of forever being locked in a stalemate with Good?"

Dannep asked in horror.

Darkseid finally managed to reach the ground.

"Not to escape. To fulfill it. My fate has always been to rule. To conquer. I conquered the Old Gods and took their power. You are next Maltusians but have no worry, with the Central Power Battery, I will be thus closer to the missing piece."

"Then its decided. There is no more need for talk."

Ganthet cut in, streams of blue energy shrouding his body.

"You truly are despicable, Darkseid."

Darkseid's eyes glowed red hot.

"Don't die too quickly Maltusians."

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