I Reap Souls In DC

Chapter 177: Repercussions part 2.

10 advance chapters in my Patreon. 



(General P.O.V)

"We should kill him."

Mr.Mxyzptlk said into the wide chamber.

"He's too much trouble. A guy I know got messed up for fuckin with him..."

He added with a grim expression.

"Absolutely not, Imp."

Rama Kushna refused vehemently, glaring at Mr.Mxyztplk who immediately hid behind the taciturn Spectre

Rama looked around,

"If anyone here wants to lay a hand on my beloved champion, they will have to go through me first."

"Alright, everyone settle down. No one wants to cause any trouble for anyone else."

The Wizard mediated.

"That said, I know the man myself. Maybe letting him live is the right call. Or maybe destroying him now is the easy way out of this."

"Or maybe you're all just a bunch of fools."

Rama Kushna spoke up.

"Going against him is declaring a war you cannot win."

"Troubling matters indeed."

A voice sounded out from the Left scales representing the masters of Order.

"The Lords of Order shall stand on the side of the Creator. Davian Mabuz should face death."

"As short sighted as ever I see."

A darker more conniving voice escaped the scales on the right.

"You Lords of Order will always be stuck in the past maintaining the Status Quo. How pitiful."

The Lords of chaos gave their opinion.

"And yet, out of everyone here, you Lords of Chaos have suffered a greater loss at his hands."

The Voice from the left scales replied.

"Rooting for the enemy, I see. How suitably chaotic. Kukukukuku."

Mxyzptlk giggled, fleeting from the Spectre's shoulder to hover above the weighing scales that were in perfect balance.

His eyes glinted with mischief as he asked,

"I wonder, how would he react if he knew you were the one to put Klarion up to his antics...Mordru."

"Does it matter?"

The scales on the right pulsed.

"We are on the side of progression. Of change. Klarion was weak and so he lost. The Reaper is anything but weak. He will usher in a time of unpredictability and chaos. We put our full support behind him."

"Very well then, that makes 2 votes out of 7. One for supporting him and the other for supporting the Creator."

The Wizard called out.

"Naturally, I am on Father's side."

Gabriel spoke up for the first time.

"However, I find myself in a unique position. We are pre-meditating murder. Is there truly no way to solve this amicably?"

Mr.Mxyptlk snorted,

"Get a load of this guy."

He pointed his thumb at Gabriel.

"You looking for a way to 'chicken' out Gabe?"

Gabriel stared at him blankly, then in the coldest tone,

"Insult me again and I will strike you down Imp."

Mxyzptlk gulped, hands raised.

"Ah...I was only joking around Gabe old boy."

"2 votes for the creator, 1 for the Reaper."

The Wizard announced.

"I believe my choice is no secret. I am on the side of my beloved. Fate weaves a strange pattern around him. No strings of Karma can touch him."

Rama Kushna said.

Now it was 2 votes against 2 votes. Only three of the individuals in the chamber were left.

"Mmph! I guess it's my turn then."

Mr. Mxyzptlk said, swiping his nose with a thumb. He cleared his throat.

"Fuck that guy. I'm on the side of truth, justice and the American way!!"

He declared, spreading his hands out in an onstentious way.

The chamber stayed silent. No one was impressed.

"Oh. Sorry, wrong quote."

Mxyzptlk coughed.

"Let me try that again. I irrevocably, completely, definitely, most assuredly, gallantly stand on the side of- the Big Guy."

A tiny finger pointed to the sky.

Applause sounded out along with a spray of confetti, as the Inter-dimensional Imp used his abilities to add what he would call 'Flavor' to his words.

"3 votes for God. 2 votes for Davian."

The Wizard stated.

All eyes turned towards one Individual.

The Spectre.

"What about you brother?"

Gabriel inquired.

The chamber went quiet as everyone waited with bated breath.

The Spectre's choice would decide it. The Wizard Shazam was impartial as the Overseer of the Orrery.

If he supported Davian then...The Wizard would be forced to participate.

If his vote was in favor of the Creator then...the Reaper would be in trouble. He would have the entire array of cosmic entities coming for him.

Cloth rustled, the Spectre's cloak waving in the air behind him. Then the Spirit of Vengeance looked up.

Mr.Mxyptlk popped away from his shoulder.

"Finally waking up huh? About time..."

The Imp snorted, but from the thin sheen of sweat on his forehead, one could tell he was terrified of the Spectre.

Green eyes glowed from underneath the Spectre's hood. Anyone who met his gaze felt as if a blade was placed under their chins.

This was the Wrath of God personified.

Rama Kushna on her part met his gaze head on, not even looking away.

The Spectre blinked. And then in a voice that reverberated across the entire chamber, he said,


Only a single word had left his mouth. A few seconds passed as the rest waited for him to elaborate.

"What do you mean by Him?"

Mr.Mxyzptlk demanded.

"You can't just say something so vague."


The Spectre repeated.

The Wizard, Shazam blinked.

"Ah, I see."

He got to his feet, the tip of his long beard licking the floor.

"I guess the decision falls to me then, seeing as it's 3 votes for God and 3 for Mabuz."

"Whaaaaaaatt???!! You chose Him??!!"

Mxyzptlk couldn't believe it, his hands were pulling on the ends of his hair.

"The Spirit of Vengeance betrayed it's own self?!"

"That is Impossible!"

The scales on the Left pulsed erratically, glowing yellow as the Unified voice of the Lords of Order voiced their disbelief.

"How can the Spectre make such a mistake??! How could you abandon your duty and your God?!!"

"Hahahahahahaha. Who knew things would get this interesting?"

The Unified voice of the Lords of Chaos interjected, the scales on the right glowing a dark red.

"Gabriel old buddy."

Mxyzptlk turned to the Arch-angel.

"You gotta talk to your angel pal. This is madness!! And take it from me, I have more than a few screws loose!!"

The Imp implored.

Gabriel on his part was staring at the Spectre in thought. One could see the turmoil in his gaze.

Closing his eyes, he sighed.

"I understand. May his Will be done."

"What are you talking about?"

Mxyzptlk questioned the angel.

"Are you telling me that...you don't have an issue with this!!? You're just going to let it be?!"

Instead of Gabriel answering, someone else cut in.

"You are the one with the issue here."

Rama Kushna pointed out, the suddenness throwing off Mxyzptlk.

The Goddess of Karma and Balance stepped closer, stormy eyes locked on the Fifth Dimension entity.

"Tell me something Imp, out of everyone here, you seem to hold a special grudge towards Davian. Why is that? What has he ever done to you?"

"I admit, I am curious as well."

Gabriel pitched in.

"It's too out of character for the Imp indeed."

The Lords of Chaos added.

Mxyzptlk looked around the chamber, gritting his teeth.

"You would all like to know wouldn't you? You would all like to hear about my humiliation. My shame. The reason I hate Davian Mabuz...is because, he showed up the greatest champion of all. He embarrassed Superman!!"

His face changed into a beastly shape. The eyes were cold and evil, his chin sharpened and giant fangs sprouted from his upper jaw.

"I WILL NEVER FORGIVE HIM!! The Bastard deserves nothing less than death for humiliating Supes!!! No one else but me can do that!!"

Harsh breaths left his tiny chest, fingers curled into fists.

"Mmmh." Rama Kushna hummed, a cold light flashing in her eyes.

"It's decided then...you are my enemy Imp."

Divinity begun to pulse around her body. Her long hair waved in the air, an oppressive power no less than Mxyzptlk's radiating out into the surroundings.

"Oh, what's this?"

Mr. Mxyzptlk sneered.

"As the Goddess of Balance, you are not allowed to intervene in the matters of the Mortal world. Yet it's because of you that we are in this mess in the first place."

"Is this true? If it is, Goddess or not, she should be punished."

The Lords of Order eagerly cut in.

"How droll. Like a mongrel jumping at scraps. Now you want to flex whatever measly power you have."

Their opposites interjected.

"Whatever side you Weaklings of Order stand on, we shall be on the opposite."


Rama Kushna grinned savagely.

"With what power little Imp? I am not your average God."

She turned her gaze to the chamber.

"Do not presume I am afraid of any of you. No matter what happens here, conflict is inevitable. I have seen it. What matters now is the side you're on."

"Oh my, that sounds as if you're declaring war on the Fifth Dimension."

Mr.Mxyzptlk said, his lips turning up into a wide grin that reached the corner of his eyes.

"And on the Lords of Order too."

The scales on the Left pulsed with the Statement.

"I don't care what or who you are."

Rama replied with a smile.

"Even if you do defeat me...do you think you can stand up to...'Him?'"

The chamber instantly went quiet.

Rama Kushna snorted.

"I didn't think so. My champion will survive and thrive. I have foreseen it."

Mr.Mxyzptlk grit his teeth in Indignation and anger as he stared at the goddess.

Both their sights clashed in mid-air. The entire chamber begun to rock with the release of their power.


The Wizard spoke up after a while. The words didn't seem to have any effect though. The Goddess and Imp still looked ready to trade blows.

"I tire of this as well."

Gabriel added, coming in between the two.

"Fighting is not allowed in the Orrery. You could damage the Multiverse due to your recklessness."

He flared his wings, holy power radiating off them.

Everyone, even the feuding two couldn't help but look his way.

"Do you understand me?"

Gabriel demanded.

"Mmph. Fine. I won't cause any trouble."

Mr.Myxzptlk said, before adding,

"For now."

"Keep him away from me and we are good."

Rama Kushna said with a roll of her eyes.

"Good. Now that that's settled, it's time for me to break the tie."

The Wizard said.

All attention was refocused on him.

"And my vote...goes to...The Presence."

There was a moment of silence...and then pandemonium hit the chamber.

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