I Reap Souls In DC

Chapter 178: Sides Have Been Taken.

10+ advance chapters in my Patreon. 



(General P.O.V)

"Well, that's unexpected."

Gabriel said in reference to what had just occured.

The Wizard's vote had changed everything...

And nothing good was going to come of it. He could already feel the heavy atmosphere in the chamber.

Sides had been taken...

"What is the meaning of this Wizard?"

Rama Kushna turned to the Old man, her tone dripping with icy coldness.

The Wizard said nothing. Instead, The Inter-dimensional Imp jumped in, glee apparent on his face.


Mr.Mxyzptlk smiled wolfishly, predatory eyes fixed on the Goddess of Karma and Balance.

"It means..."

The Imp trailed off, snapping his fingers.


Immediately, the entire chamber shifted from the Orrery space into a different dimension.

One where the laws of space and time were mere suggestions to the whimsical and mischievous denizens.

"And now, scatter!!!"

Mr.Mxyzptlk added, his reality warping abilities turning the walls of the chamber into rose petals that flew out, revealing a different scene.

The skies were blue, red, purple, white and all manner of colors.

Celestial bodies hang around close to the ground. Small homes built in all manner of architectural designs and color dotted the area in no rhyme or reason.

Fields of sunflowers, magnolias and lilys spread out as far as the eye could see.

Islands of verdant green fields hang around in the air, floating serenely over head.

The home of the Imps.

Rama Kushna looked around, they were standing on a stage. And before them were hundreds of Imps, each with enough power to alter the Cosmos.

Shouts ranging from,

"Welcome back Mr. President!!"


"Myx I love you!!!"

Permeated the area.

Flashing signs were held in tiny arms as the gathered Imps celebrated the return of Mr.Mxyzptlk. The strangest thing was the costumes some were wearing.

Outfits that resembled those of Earth's heroes like Aquaman, The Flash, Wonder-Woman...e.t.c.

There wasn't one of each, either. There were multiple Aquamen, Flashes, Wonder-Women and so on.

The only two notable heroes from the League without counterparts among the gathered Imps, were Superman and Batman.

That said, there was a Batman around. Or rather...a Batmite.

Standing away from the rest of the Imps, Batmite stared at Myxzptlk with anger in his face.

"That fool...he has no idea who he is messing with. None of them do..."

Then his eyes landed on Rama Kushna. With wide eyes full of terror, Batmite backed away.

It was...her. That woman! She was very dangerous!

He had to get out of here. Without a single word Batmite popped away.

Back on the stage, Myxzptlk ascended to the sky, body glowing with aura.

"Hahahahahaha yes! Yes! my friends and assorted heroes of the Mini League! Give me all your adoration!!!"

Mr.Mxyzptlk yelled.

"We love you!!"

"How did Superman Defeat you this time??!"

"Who are those behind you!!?"


Mr.Mxyzptlk basked in the glory, fleeting in the air from one side to another.

His body obeyed no laws.

One second he was swimming in the air like it was water, the next he was flying on a mini Imp-Krypto, an Imp that resembled Superman's dog, then the next he had majestic wings just as large as Gabriel's.

"Hey Gabe Old Boy, what do you think of these babies?"

Mr.Myxzptlk asked, flashing his wings at them.

Gabriel sighed in mild irritation.

"God give me strength."

Mr.Myxzptlk grew angry.

"Well he ain't here. I make the rules."

He clapped his hands and everything disappeared. The Imps, the Entire Fifth Dimension...only the stage remained where the other Cosmic Entities stood.

"See, I just destroyed everything."

He boasted, then clapped his hands once more.

Everything and everyone returned.

"Mmph! And now I just brought it all back. Can your goddddd do something like that?"

Gabriel said nothing, his long black hair shielding his face. That said, a hand was on the handle of his sword. Voice hard as granite, he spoke,

"I warned you Imp but you didn't listen. I-"

Mr.Mxyzptlk snapped his fingers. Gabriel instantly disappeared from the Fifth Dimension. The Imp had banished him from the Fifth Dimension.

"Jeez, can't even take a joke that guy. Angels are soooo uptight."

The Imp shrugged, picking his nose.

"Yeah. Boring Angels."

The Imps cheered in support.

"Your wings look sooo cool Mr.President!!"

"Marry me Myx!! I love you!!"

Mr.Myxzptlk smiled even wider, his lips reaching the corner of his eyes.

Giggling he spun in mid air.

"Yes! keep em coming loyal fans! Praise my creativity more!"

Rama Kushna stared at the rest of the Cosmic Entities, The Spectre was impassive as usual, the Wizard Shazam was floating in mid-air, eyes closed and...huh, there was supposed to be a scale representing the Lords of Order and Chaos but...they were now nowhere to be seen.

She looked up, knowing who was responsible. Myxzptlk. He must have sent them away the same way he did to Gabriel.

Two sharp looking Chakrams manifested in her hands.


Rama Kushna called out.

The entire field quieted down.

"We all know why you brought us here Imp."

She continued, her divinity roaring within her.

"In this realm of pure imagination. The realm you're most powerful in...you want to end us. The ones who support my beloved champion."

Mr.Myxzptlk looked at her blankly for a few seconds.

Then...the smile returned. Only this time it didn't reach his eyes. It was more calculated. Sharper.

And in a normal tone, he asked a question that instantly caught Rama Kushna off guard.

"Who's 'we'?"


The Goddess of Karma and Balance blinked.

"What games are you playing now Imp? The others-"

She turned to look to her sides.

Only to find herself alone on the stage.

The Spectre was nowhere to be seen. Neither was the Wizard.

"Where did all of them go...?"

Rama Kushna questioned. Her divinity would have informed her had they left. She had Karmic strings with all of them.

Threads that could not be severed.

Not when the fate of all creation hang in the balance and she and the others represented the factions at the crux of it all.

That's when things begun to change.

Cruel laughter escaped the gathered Imps. Most of whom were looking at her with derisive, borderline sadistic gazes.

"You still don't get it do ya, lassy?! Hahahaha."

Mr.Myxptlk chuckled.

"It was a ruse! A con! One that I pulled off elegantly! The performance of a lifetime! I made you see what you wanted to see!"

The Imp flew down to her.

"Lemme spell it out, Rama...the vote was cast! Death to the Reaper!!"

He spread his hands out.

"Death to the Reaper!"

"Death to the Reaper!"

"Death to the Reaper!"

The other Imps joined in on the cheer.

Rama Kushna looked on, surprise evident on her face. While Imps were generally mischievous and playful, none of them except a few were this aggressive. Or even violent.

Something was wrong.

"What have you done to them?"

Rama Kushna demanded, referring to the Imps.

"I cannot see their karmic strings! Have you corrupted them somehow Mxyzptlk?"

"Tch." Mr.Myxzptlk's eye twitched in annoyance.

"I would be more worried about myself, if I were you. The others, they all agreed on following through with the plan and you...Are. The. Bait."

Rama Kushna gasped, then her face turned red with anger.

"I understand now. You are all in it. They are gathering their forces for an attack, aren't they?"

She bit out.

"You're going to use me to lure my beloved Champion to the Fifth Dimension, where he shall fight against the armies of heaven, the Lords of Chaos and Order, The Spectre and lastly the Wizard and his Divine champions. It's an execution."

She accused.

"Ah, tut tut, you forgot about us...the Toon Force!!"

Mr.Myxzptlk said, spreading his hands out.

The Imps behind him roared in cheer.

(Davian's P.O.V)

"That's some good sake."

Davian commented, licking his lips while placing the cup down.

"And this wine ain't half bad."

Urahara returned the compliment, taking a chug right out of the bottle.

"So uncultured."

Davian said with a shake of his head. Then he grabbed another bottle from the pocket dimension in the gem.

And with a wide smile, he raised it up.

"Gotta say, you're my kind of company Urahara! Hahahah!"

Urahara burst out in laughter as well.

Grail, sitting next to a stiff, expressionless Manhattan who was facing a similarly impassive Tessai, managed to make eye contact with Yoruichi in her cat form.

Needless to say the silent conversation going on between the two women, was not favorable to either Urahara or Davian.

"I hope you stay for lunch Davian..."

Urahara offered.

"But of course."

Davian smirked.

"How could I refuse such an offer? Although I don't need to eat... I've found the Japanese cuisine to be very delicious."

"Tessai makes the best Curry rice you will find in all the country."

Urahara bragged,

"As long as you don't mind a little spiciness in your food."

"Are you kidding?! I love things with a little heat in them."

Davian was quick to answer.

"Is that why you're walking around with one planet Destroyer and someone with the aura of an advanced Captain?"

The unexpected question came from Yoruichi, her voice deep and manly as Davian's.

The latter's eyes sharpened.

"Your senses are quite something...Flash Goddess."

The mood in the room immediately grew tense. Yoruichi narrowed her eyes.

"How do you know that name?"

Urahara raised the bottle of wine in his hands, taking another large gulp before placing it on the small table before them.

"Such information in the wrong hands could be... dangerous for us, Davian."

The former captain of the Research Division of the Gotei 13 said.

"I am well aware."

Davian answered.

"Rest assured, I am not working for or with Aizen. The reason I know that name is because... I'm powerful enough to do so."

Yoruichi jumped off Urahara's shoulder.

"Really now? Powerful you said?"

The feline smiled playfully.

"Then how about this...a demonstration of your prodigious power."

Davian took a sip of his sake, a lighthearted smile appearing on his handsome face.

"I don't mind sparring with any of you guys. I could learn a lot."

He responded in an easy tone.

Looking closer, no one would have missed the glint of sharp excitement in his eyes.

Yoruichi snorted, seeing through his facade.

"Another battle junkie huh?"

She turned to Urahara.

"What do you say Kisuke, you up for it?"

Urahara scratched his head.

"I'm not sure I like you serving me up like that Yoru. But,"

His gaze sharpened as well. Eyes clashing with Davian.

"I can't say I'm not interested. I've never studied an Otherworlder's Reiryoku before. This could be prime research material."

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