I Reap Souls In DC

Chapter 180: Cunning Aizen.

10+ advance chapters in my Patreon.


A/N: Focusing on IRSIMST till it's conclusion at chapter 200. All my other fics on Hold. 


(General P.O.V)

"Bakudo no.39: Enkonsen."

A round disk of rotating yellow Reiryoku appeared before the tip of Ichimaru Gin's sword, the captain of the 3rd Division. One of the four main combatant divisions.

The barrier blocked the errant whips of fire that reached them after Yamamoto had activated his Bankai.

"The Head Captain went all out from the beginning."

Gin whistled, his purple hair dancing in the air due to the immense shockwaves being produced.


"The opponent deserves nothing less. He is very powerful."

Aizen stated softly from beside Gin.

The barrier the latter had created to shield them gained cracks as the heat increased.

The fight had truly begun. And only the seals around the walls of the Underground Section were preventing the whole roof from coming down on their heads.

Gin tilted his head, staring at Aizen strangely.

"My my Captain Aizen, I have never heard you give such high praise."

"Well, he's not wrong exactly. Only forgot to mention the other two are just as powerful."

Kyoraku, the Captain of the 8th division pitched in from where he was seated on a rock.

A sharp light shone in his eyes as he gazed straight through the flames at Dr.Manhattan.

Manhattan felt the gaze and stared back.

Kyoraku tore his eyes away, the grip on his Zanpakuto tightening.

"We can't win this."

He said.

The other Captains and their lietenants around him heard his words, sending a wave of shock across through them all.

"Captain Kyoraku..."

His lietenant, Nanao Ise trailed off, staring at his powerful back.

She knew just how much strength he could wield, so hearing him admit such a thing was...

"That's unexpected."

Kenpachi cut in, unsheathing his sword and walking past his fellow Captains.

His towering figure, hardened face and wild hair contrasted with the cute little girl on his shoulders.

He stopped next to Captain Kyoraku.

"To hear such cowardly words from you, Kyoraku. I'm disappointed."

Kyoraku smiled helplessly, as he motioned forward.

"Be my guest. Try and attack then."

"Kenny cut em all down! I'll cheer for you!"

Yachiru, his lietenant clapped, standing upright on the large man's head.


Kenpachi replied with a battle hungry smirk.

"Stay put Yachiru. This won't take long "

He reached for his eye patch and savagely ripped it off.

Immediately the entire underground chamber begun shaking with the weight of his Reiatsu.

"Jeez, the oaf forgot he's not alone."

SoiFon complained, hands crossed over her modest chest.

"But...he has the right idea. I want to fight as well..."

She said, however, her eyes were locked on the other side of the fire storm.

At Urahara's group. Specifically, her. The Flash Goddess. She had a score to settle with Yoruichi.

The ground begun to crack under Kenpachi.

"Hahahahaha! Let me show them all how it's done!"

Letting loose a Shunpo, the Captain of the most unruly division in the Gotei 13; the 11th, burst forward like a freight train.

The difference in skill level was apparent. While Davian's Shunpo was clean and designed to waste no single drop of energy, Kenpachi's was the opposite.

Like the propulsion from a rocket engine, Spirit Energy exploded out of him in blazing waves.

In the blink of an eye, he was already above the barrier of flames enclosing the Head Captain and Davian's group.

The edge of Kenpachi's sword was chipped, yet the force with which it came down instantly parted the flames.

Shadows danced around the chamber as the fire surged to the ceiling.


Urahara called out, face illuminated by the scarlet flames.

Tessai, the former Kido corp's commander stepped forward.

"Bakudo 81: Danku."

An invisible wall of Spirit Energy rose up, stopping the storm of flames on its tracks.

Aizen stated at Tessai, only to meet urahara's gaze.

The two looked at each other without anyone saying a word. Then Aizen turned his attention to the battle once more.

A battle that was only getting heated.


With animalistic eyes glinting with malice, Kenpachi's blade came down on Davian's head.


The Captain of the 11th Division shouted in glee.


A pressure wave was produced, pushing the flames hot enough to disintegrate metal away from the group.

"Incredible. He blocked Captain Zaraki's blade with a single hand."

Nanao muttered, palm covering her mouth in shock.

(Davian's P.O.V)

I have to admit, I was enjoying myself. The old man could through around some nasty attacks.

None that could hurt me though, given that every attack he'd made was forcefully dispelled by my Reiatsu.

But things were only getting more exciting. Someone had interrupted the fight by coming at me.

I stared up at the Soul Reaper dumb enough to come in between the Old Man and I.

Then a smile broke out across my face as my eyes came into contact with a monster's.

A Kin. Someone cut from the same cloth as I.

Kenpachi Zaraki.

"You're not strong enough to challenge me yet, Zaraki. Get Unohana to train you a little first."

I told him, his chipped Zanpakuto held within my palm.

"Is that right?"

He asked, gritting his teeth as his Reiryoku increased. The ground below me cracked, his spiritual pressure pressing down on my shoulders.

I chuckled a little at the weak force. While his power was immense, To me, there wasn't a difference between him and a seated officer.

I exerted a little strength through the hand holding his Zanpakuto.


The blade shattered like brittle glass.

There was an explosion of Spiritual Energy as the battle maniac's Spirit Energy went haywire. He flew back, haori shredded apart to reveal his scarred physique.

But I wasn't done.

My forearm turned black as I pulled on Tairyoku.

Strings covered his back towing him towards me as I prepared to deliver a punch straight at his face.

"Bakudō # 99: Kin."

An elderly voice called out.

The ground trembled as a white fabric spread out on it's path to me.

Only for it to disappear under the light of scarlet beams. I recognize that attack.

"Hey, stay out of this. It's my fight."

I told Grail, annoyed that she had intervened.

The New God rolled her eyes at me. This woman...

Through my Reikaku, something unexpected happened. I immediately looked towards the Captains side.

Another Bakudo Spell, this time from Kyoraku was cast. The spell manifested as a spiritual rope that wrapped around Kenpachi's waist, pulling him away from me.

Oh no you don't.

Shunpo took me to the air.

Chesha Neko slashed out, cutting the tether apart. Kenpachi's body begun to drop only for me to grab him by his hair, spin and send him hurtling towards Kyoraku.

But that wasn't what had grabbed my attention. No one seemed to notice it, but Aizen was up to something. His actions seemed blind to the rest.

"Pay attention."

The Head Captain's voice reached me, necessitating me to focus on him.

"Hadō # 57: Daichi Tenyō."

Another Hado?

He was pointing his Zanpakuto to the ceiling.

Looking up, I found out why.

Burning meteors were descending upon my position. I could already feel the heat.

"Not bad, Old Man Yama. Guess I have to respond in kind. Cheshire Spider Web!"

I called out the name of the attack like a Shonen protagonist.

Purple strings manifested above me, shooting out and connecting to the walls of the chamber. The strings wove together like a spider's web.

The meteors halted in their descent, held at bay by the web.

"Mmh... powerful."

He tried to whisper but I still heard the Head Captain's reluctant compliment.

This was powerful?

Wow, these guys are really weak if they're impressed this easily.

My feet landed on a string, holding me aloft in the air. That explains why I shattered Kenpachi's sword so easily.

The fire around Yamamoto disappeared, seemingly absorbed by his sword.

"I take back my earlier compliment."

I said, using Fullbring to project my voice through the air.

"You guys are pitifully weak."

"That power..."

Urahara said in reference to the green shroud around my sheath.

I'm not surprised that he knows about Fullbring. If anyone would, it would be him.

Not that it mattered right now. No, I wanted a fight. A real challenging fight that would push me to my brink.

I didn't know how powerful I was. And I suspected that I had to.

Something was coming.

Something bigger than anything I had ever faced before. I could feel it in the air. Hear it in the shadows. And this...pale woman only confirmed that...it was already here.

So this fight had to happen.

"Either you give me a good fight...or I burn this whole place down to the ground and spare your enemy the trouble!"

I declared.

(General P.O.V)

"This man. He's troublesome."

Captain Komamura, the final captain in the group said.

"Yeah. He just called us weak. I feel insulted."

His Lietenant, Tetsuzaemon Iba added, a frown on his glasses clad face.

"Insolent Junior!"

Yamamoto yelled, slashing out towards Davian. A dragon made up flames rose up to meet him.

Davian allowed himself to drop towards the ground. He raised his hand and using life force to mold his flesh, his hand increased in size, a layer of black energy covering the fist.

He punched out, destroying the flame construct and pushing back Yamamoto.

The Head Captain was not to be outdone. He speared the tip of his Zanpakuto down onto the ground.

Pillars of flames burst out of the floor. Davian wove around each easily.

With clawed hands, he slashed out, five sharp strings vibrating with Respira, launching at Yamamoto.

The Head Captain sensed the ominous energy contained in the attack and took off in a Shunpo.

A wheel of flames then came at Davian from his left.

Placing a hand before him, a shield of green energy covered his side. The fire washed around Davian who used his other hand to absorb it with energy transference.

The Reaper proceeded to aim the hand at the Head Captain.


A brilliant beam of purple Reiryoku surged out.

"That was a chantless Hado 88: Hiryū Gekizoku Shinten Raihō."

Tessai said in a shocked tone.

"He can cast Kido? But how?"

Nanao asked in a similarly surprised tone.


The Head Captain snorted.

"Bakudo 81:Danku!"

An invisible barrier appeared around him. In addition, the storm of flames burning on his position, surrounded the shield for more protection.

The Hado clashed with the barrier, resulting in Wild arcs of energy rippling out across the entire chamber.

The whole place was shaking terribly and pieces of the ceiling were starting to fall towards the ground.

Unexpectedly, Yamamoto's shield could not block Davian's attack for more than a second.

The demonic lightning infused Hado burst through Danku almost immediately.

A massive pressure wave spread out, obscuring their position.

"I can't see anything...what happened?"

Tetsuzaemon questioned.

"Head Captain..."

The Lietenant of the first Division, Chojiro Sasakibe said worriedly.

He had never seen the Head Captain so overwhelmed before.

Silence reigned for a few more seconds. Then...





Kyoraku looked to his side, only to find Aizen walking towards Urahara's group.

"Captain Aizen? Where to?"

The flowery haori wearing Kyoraku inquired.

Aizen said nothing.

His steps were measured and slow.

Soon enough, everyone had turned away from the results of the fight to curiously watch Aizen.

He slowed down as he arrived before Urahara and his team.

"That's far enough, you bastard."

Yoruuchi warned, ready to pounce.

Urahara's hand on her shoulder stopped her from making a move.


Urahara greeted.


The enigmatic 5th division Captain replied, a small smile on his face.

"We cannot defeat them. Not without sacrifices."

Aizen continued, reaching into his Haori. His hand came out holding something.

A purple ball inside a dodecahedron prism.

Urahara's face twisted into shock.

"A...Hogyoku...you succeeded? How!? I made sure to delete all records-"

"I have my ways."

Aizen stated, the light from his glasses glinting.

"I know yours is more complete. You also understand what needs to be done. Both pieces of The Hogyoku combined can grant the desires of those around it. With it-"

"We have a chance at taking them down."

Urahara finished.


Aizen agreed.

"Captain Kyoraku, what's a Hogyoku?"

Nanao, his lieutenant inquired.

"Something that shouldn't exist."

Kyoraku replied in a serious tone.

'Aizen...what are you planning?'


Urahara adjusted his hat.

"Not the worst of plans."

He finally admitted.

"That said, why would I trust you of all people?"

Instead of answering, Aizen merely stepped to the side.

Something fast moving passed over shoulder, plunging through Urahara's chest before any of them could react.


The other Captains were rendered speechless.


Yoruichi called out, grabbing hold of Kisuke's falling body byjust as Gin's zanpakuto retracted.

A trail of blood flowed down his chest. The sword seemed to have pierced through his Saketsu.

"Aizen!!!! You will pay for this!"

Tessai yelled, Reiryoku pulsing within him.

On the side of the Captains, everyone turned to face a smiling Gin.

"What is the meaning of this Captain Ichimaru? Why did you attack him?"

Captain Komamura asked, unsheathing his Zanpakuto.

"Settle down, will you? Your incessant babbling is annoying."

Aizen called out.

Immediately, everyone gathered in the chamber, except for Gin and Davian's group went ramrod stiff.

And then, one by one, they all fell to the ground, immobile.

"Now then," Aizen begun, turning to his side to address Davian who was seating cross legged on a rock out crop, old man Yama's defeated form on the ground before him.

"I suppose you want to know what is happening."

Davian looked around at the fallen captains.

At his new 'friend' Urahara who had proceeded to betray him only minutes after welcoming him to his home.

"Nah, not really."

The Reaper shook his head.

"I suspect you're about to Power Up. Do what you need to, as long as you give me a good fight, I'll be satisfied."

Davian shrugged.

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