I Reap Souls In DC

Chapter 181: Going Home.

10+ advance chapters in my Patreon. 



(General P.O.V)

"What did I Miss?"

Chase' voice unexpectedly reached my mind.

"So, sleeping beauty finally decided to wake up huh?"

I playfully joked, a smirk on my face.


Chase grumbled.

"I've been hit before but that bastard was powerful."

My mind went to Obsidian or rather Darkseid-Negative. Why the name? Because he was the God of Evil, minus the power.

Chase could have taken him out himself if he hadn't been worried about me and fallen for a sneak attack.

"Don't worry. Raven took care of him for you."

I disclosed.


Chase inquired, shock apparent in his tone.

"You mean, the actual...Raven?"

My smile softened. I sent over my memories of the events.

"Yeah. And I know where she is...or I have an idea."

"Then... You're going to get her back right?"

He asked in a hopeful tone. He'd missed her just as much as I had, apparently.

I nodded.

"Bet. Just need to handle a few things first. It's the final curtain, Chase. All our enemies might be coming for us soon, I can feel it..."

Chase went silent.

I could feel his own Reikaku briefly surge out, encompassing the entire Bleach universe. Paired up with my recent memories, he immediately understood what was going on.

"I see. Then we'll just have to prepare and when they show up, do what we always do. Kick some ass."

My Zanpakuto spirit replied, determination pouring out of his voice.


I chuckled. Man, have I missed him.

"In the meantime, I'll just have to be satisfied with beating up the whole Bleach-verse."

It's worth noting that while I was talking to Chase, Aizen had begun to monologue to a defeated Urahara.

Every single Soup Reaper in the Underground Chamber was lying on the ground. Aizen had done something to immobilize everyone.

"...the plan was initially to use mortal souls to create an Oken. A key to access the Soul King's palace and kill It."

The Soul Reaper captain begun.

"But then, I figured why not substitute the mortal souls for something more powerful. Soul Reapers and not just any, but Captain and Lietenant class "

"Here you go, Captain Aizen."

Gin said, handing him something after ruffling through Urahara's clothing.

An almost exact replica of the Hogyoku on Aizen's other hand.

The Captain of the 5th division smiled.

"I knew you couldn't resist carrying it with you. Not when it could have provided you with an advantage. In that way, you are very predictable."

Aizen mocked.

"So this all looks bad. For the Gotei 13, I mean."

Chase commented.

I shrugged.

"You've seen my memories. Can you really blame me for not helping them? Kisuke brought us down here...to kill me. Having Aizen one up them is like killing 2 birds with one stone. I get my revenge and also get to fight someone powerful. Win-win."

That said, all this was taking too long.

"Hey yo? Could you hurry up and fuse the two Hogyokus already? That's what you're planning to do, right?"

I called out from my perch on the rock, cleaning an ear out with my pinky.

Aizen and Gin stared at each other.

"So impatient."

Aizen responded, bringing the two artefacts together. Reishi begun to roil around in a vortex surrounding him.

"You should know. You cannot rush genius."

He added.

I jumped off the rock outcrop, flash stepped and landed before the two Soul Reapers.

"And you should know...I don't care."

I sheathed my Zanpakuto, cracking my knuckles.

"Do not mistake my patience for tolerance, Aizen. You're wasting my time. It's either you Power up now, or I kick your ass and take the Hogyoku away from you, understand?"

"Is he always this...hardboiled?"

I heard Grail ask Dr.Manhattan. It almost felt as if she was...impressed?

Remember Davian, no sticking your dick in crazy. Then again, I wasn't exactly sane either. And it's been long...

"Focus. The last thing I want to see in your thoughts, is you fucking Darkseid's daughter."

Chase said bluntly.

I shook my head, the image of Darkseid's ugly mug ruined the fantasy for me too.

"Quick question, why do you want to fight so much?"

Gin asked, walking to stand before Aizen who was in the process of merging both Hogyokus.

"Is that a trick question?"

I cocked my head to the side. Was he not listening?

"I don't need a reason. I just love a good fight. The same way anyone would love a good anything. Good food. A good fuck. Though the last one might be an enigma to you...seeing as you have never really boned Rangiku...no matter how many times she gives off 'Fuck Me' energy."

Gin's face turned stormy.

"Now you're just going off on the wrong person."

Chase accused.

"Can you blame me? I just want to fight. I'll be a dick if it makes them attack."

I responded.

And sure enough,

"Shoot to kill, Shinsō."

The Purple haired Shinigami made the first move, all traces of humor gone from his face.

Oops, seems like I'd touched a nerve.

My right hand came up and slappes away Gin's blade. The thing could lengthen as fast as a bullet shot from a gun.

But I was faster. Way way faster.

He pulled it back and thrust it at even higher speeds. A golden shield of pure Tairyoku manifested infront of me.

The tip of his blade bounced off my barrier.

Still moving fast, it sliced apart the top of the rock outcrop I'd been sitting on. the upper section sliding to the ground.


Gin yelled, appearing like a shadow to my left. What's he talking about? He's the bastard for ruining my seat.

Shinso shot out towards my neck a few times but I leaned out of the way, hands in my pocket.

We flashed across the entire chamber, moving at speeds that would be invisible to anyone below the Lietenant level.

Each of his sword strikes was dodged or when I felt like it, deflected.

If I remember correctly, his Shikai Shinso was decently strong. Enough to push the main character back when he was in his Bankai form.

Not to mention, He was a master swordsman. And his Shunpo wasn't bad.

But to me...none of that mattered. He was still pitifully weak. Which is why I didn't bother fighting him with Chesha Neko.




He extended himself and I was suddenly there, coming up from under his shoulder, my palm about to cover his face.

Gin gulped, his eyes opening up wide in shock.

He hadn't anticipated I could be so much faster than him.

Please, I've been going up against Speedsters like the Black Racer. In comparison, Gin must have been moving like a toddler.

My palm covered his face.

"Hadō 7: Akai Inazuma."

It begun with a single red spark. Then electric streaks of energy escaped my palm, pouring into the purple haired Soul reaper's body.


Gin couldn't hold in the screams of agony.

His body was smoking from the erratic lightning wreaking havoc upon his soul.

I pivoted and in a move similar to how I'd taken out Kenpachi, I threw the 3rd Division Captain back to his buddy.

Gin's haori was nothing but strips of fabric hanging off his frame. He sailed through the air towards Aizen...

Only for a Garganta to appear infront of his body.

His form disappeared from my sight after plunging into the portal. What came out was something different. A barrage of blue colored balls. Ceros.

They moved fast, clearing the distance between the Garganta and I in the blink of an eye.

I spread my hands out, and using Energy transference absorbed the spirit energy within each.

A man with black hair, an eye patch, two pistols and wearing a fur coat appeared out of the Garganta.

I know him.

4 more Gargantas manifested around Aizen.

I used my Reikaku to scan the gate-portals just like I had been doing to every single Kido or Reiryoku manipulation I'd witnessed.

"You're growing your collection of spells much easily by simply witnessing them being performed. I can see why you decided to stop in this world first."

Chase observed.

"You can thank Manhattan for that. He's the one who brought us here. Now I'm thinking it was to prepare me for what's coming."

I replied.

"And now with the inclusion of the Arrancars, all you need is some Quincies and your Spirit energy skills will grow tremendously."

Chase told me.

And boy was he right.

Aizen had just called in backup. And from first glance, it was the strongest of the Espada who had arrived.

From Espada Numero uno Stark, to number 2, Barragan Luxembourg ( not the same one I'd fought before. This was the real version and he was weaker.)

Espada number 3 was the best Waifu in the series, Tier Harribel. I was tempted to call this whole thing off just to get a taste of-

"Ugh... you're getting more unrestrained in your thoughts. I don't need to know what you humans like doing to each other in your 'private' time."

Chase commented, causing me to laugh.

"Come on, it's been months since I had a girlfriend. Cut me some slack."

I shot back.

In case you were wondering...no, I wasn't taking any of this seriously.

There wasn't a point. I could stand here and let them rain their attacks on me and nothing would work.

The last two Espada were number 4 and 5.

To me, these two were the most interesting Arrancars in the series.

Number 4, Ulquiorra was a taciturn pale figure that could give Manhattan a run for his money in being stoic.

And number 5, was another Kenpachi, Nnoitra Gilga.

Behind each of them were their Fraccione, and a bunch of more hollows.

All in all I counted a force of over 50 hollows. All of them stronger than a Gillian.

I couldn't help but clap.

The sound, managed to grab even Aizen's attention away from the Hogyoku; which was halfway merged in to it's true form.

"Gotta say Aizen, smart of you to bring your army here just to buy yourself more time."

I started.

"How long do you think they will last against me? I'm a-"

I stopped in the middle of my statement.

Wait...the energy waves coming off the Hogyoku, felt strangely familiar. Familiar as in, I'd felt that brand of energy before.

"Chase, can you feel that?"

I asked.

"Yeah...it feels like, one of them. The Entities who've been watching us for the last few months."

He answered, proving my suspicions to be true.

This changes things.

My true Reiatsu poured out.

Immediately everyone standing fell like puppets without strings.

The Gargantas were forcefully closed as my Spirit pressure collapsed the holes in reality.

It didn't matter who it was. From Espada 1 to 5, everyone passed out. Had it been me from 3 months ago, maybe this fight would have been challenging.

Even Aizen fell to his knees, a shroud of power surrounding him, pulsing forth from the Hogyoku.

"I guess you won't get to witness the Espada's moves."

Chase asked.

I didn't say anything for a few seconds. Up until I arrived before the kneeling Aizen.

My gaze was on the Hogyoku infront of him.

"You- said you would wait..."

Aizen spat out hatefully, glaring at me from his position on the ground.

How fitting.

"That's before I felt the kind of energy coming off this thing."

I replied, watching as his expression changed.

"Initially, I thought you were going to use the Hogyoku to evolve yourself to a higher life form. That's why I said nothing when you used your Kyoka suigetsu to secretly place Spirit locking seals on everyone here."

I'd seen him Flash step around, placing patches of papers on everyone's back, excluding Yamamoto as during that time...we had been fighting.

"But that wasn't your plan at all, was it? The Hogyoku's power...is not meant to be this... ominous."

I touched the halfway merged artefact.

"It feels more like death energy in the form of a bomb, amplified to take out not only the mortal universe but the entire dimension. This whole reality would have been devoured by death energy. You haven't been real with me Aizen."

Contrary to what I was expecting, Aizen begun to chuckle. Then the chuckles changed to full out laughter.

"They tried to hide it from us...but I know what this world truly is. She told me..."

He said in a crazed tone.

"It's all Fake, isn't it?! This world...me, I don't really exist do I? The soul king...meant to be the strongest thing alive, is just a figment of imagination, created by a normal weak everyday man."

"He's gone off his rockers..."

Chase commented.

"So why does it matter if I create a bomb to take out this fake reality?! It's not real in the first place!!!"

He concluded, breathing harshly.

"I'm... disappointed in you."

I admitted, grabbing the Hogyoku off the air and sending it to my Pocket Dimension.

Aizen struggled to unsheathe his Zanpakuto due to the pressure on his shoulders.

He then stabbed it on the ground, fingers tight around the grip.

"We made a deal...I deliver your death and I get...True Existence."

He told me, trying to get up and fight.

I stared at his eyes through his glasses and saw that he knew he'd been tricked.

Not just tricked... he'd been manipulated.

"You're not the Aizen I thought you'd be."

I unsheathed Chesha Neko, placing it on his neck.

"But, I still respect you for fighting till the end. Seek Truth in death."

Chesha Neko slashed out. Blood painted the air.

I didn't look back to see his head fall onto the ground. Chesha Neko made a ringing sound as I placed it back in its sheath.

A single step and I was standing next to Manhattan and Grail.

"We're leaving."

I informed them, walking past both and towards the exit to this place.

I was angry.

Nothing had turned out like I'd expected. I hadn't had a super one vs many fight and I hadn't gotten to fight Aizen at his full Hogyoku evolved form.

Someone had spoiled it for me.

This...Pale Woman. I had a feeling I knew who it was. And with the distinct energy in the Hogyoku, I could track her down.

It was time to go home and finish this.

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