I Reap Souls In DC

Chapter 183: Revolution.

15 advance chapters In my Patreon. 



(Davian's P.O.V)

"Jeez, I don't like the way you're looking at me Nekron. One might think I'm bullying you."

I complained at the potent rage I could sense in him.

"That is exactly what you're doing."

Chase grumbled from behind me.

"Hush you. I'm trying to be nice to the guy."

I whispered to my Zanpakuto spirit.

Under us, Nekron swallowed in bitter anger. For starters, I had entered his Kingdom without permission, kicked his ass, sat on it and now I was forcing him to answer my questions.

It was humiliation.

Especially given the fact that this was his realm. So I guess I could understand his hatred. That said, I didn't care whether he was mad or not. This fucker had been spying on me for months.

He should be grateful all I was doing was sitting on his chest.

"Okay, Nekron old buddy. First question is worth a hundred points. Lie to me and I'll know. Did you impersonate Mistress Death to try and fuck with me?"

I asked, my face set in a stony expression.




He finally answered.

"Mmh. I see."

I hummed.

Unexpectedly, I got to my feet.

"Okay. Chase, we're done here."

I told my Zanpakuto spirit.

Chase blinked at me as if I was crazy.

"Done? That's all you wanted to ask?"

He inquired.


I told him, sheathing Chesha Neko and withdrawing my Reiatsu. I sneered at the Lord of the Unliving.

"There's nothing else for us to do here. This guy is weak. Pitifully so. We're wasting time."

Nekron said nothing but the fury in his eyes only kept on growing.

I jumped onto Chase's back, promptly ignoring the Gigantic Skeleton deity.

"I miss Rama and the others. It's time to go home."

I said, patting the Zanpakuto's soft furred back.

"If you say so."

Chase complied, jumping off the skeleton. The wind passed by us and before we could crash, Chase popped away, landing softly on the soul infested ground.

The spirits drifted away from our path, wary of the power hanging around Chase.

I smirked as I heard the sound of shifting rock and rubble behind me. Unbelievable amounts of energy gathered within Nekron as he got to his feet.

Through my Reikaku, I felt him manifest two sharp scythes, the blades longer than my entire body. The blade vibrated with Unliving energy, compressed to form an ultra thin edge.

Perfect. Now attack me.

The ground trembled as Nekron took powerful steps towards me, his long skeletal limbs pulled back.

"Die!!! Child of Death!!!"

He slashed out.

How cruel. Judging by the Scythe's trajectory, he's trying to dissect me shoulder to hip.

Very well then...I will show you no mercy either.

I spread out my hands, pouring my entire presence into Nekron's realm, the land of the Unliving. It's entire foundations shook. One might think I was aiming to destroy it.

But my motives were much more beneficial to the denizens of the realm. Upon it's destruction these souls would be torn apart by the void.


Let's not do that.

I have a much better idea.

Up until now, I didn't really have a realm or dimension I could call my own.

And I had already lived my human life as a hobo. There was no way I would spend my immortal one without a seat of power.

So, why not make this dimension my own? The energy meshed well with me. As was the purpose of the realm. The Afterlife.

I was already associated with death and souls. It was basically perfect for me. But I couldn't just up and steal it away. A few Ancient Laws prohibited that.

So why not change tactics? Instead of snatching the realm from Nekron...what if I allowed the souls here to choose who the better master was.

I poured in all the power I had gathered and stored using Energy Transference (Man, absorbing the Seven Deadly Sins was the best idea I'd ever come up with)

All that energy was molded and compressed on the palm of my open hand. Then I added Tairyoku in large amounts, for equal measure

A pulsing golden sphere appeared above my palm, facing the sky.

"Here comes salvation."

I mumbled to myself, then released it.

The ball shot to the sky, exploding into flecks of energy resembling the Life Entity's life giving power.

Nekron's hold on the dimension begun to shatter apart in a second, Unliving and living energy colliding in the air.

You see, I'd learned something from fighting Aethyr. A cosmic entity in it's own realm was the Primary power.

They were in full control. All powerful, all knowing, all sensing...all that crap.

But that hadn't deterred me. He'd still gotten his ass kicked and devoured. His realm? The phantom zone? Was integrated into my own Realm.

Frankly I didn't give a fuck. Whenever it was a contest of strength, I was confident in myself.

Whether it was in their realms or outside, anyone that fucked with me was getting bodied.

As long as there was a body to punch or slice apart with Chesha Neko, I wouldn't fear anyone.

And that unyielding mindset was what had brought me this far.

Forget all that, this is not a question about my strength. It's a question about how to use it.

While a Cosmic Entity was all powerful in his realm, all you had to do was take away their hold on it. Basically...

Obliterate their essence from the realm itself. Erase their mark in the air, the soil, the environment. In some cases even the Life. All that just to kill them.

Had I wanted to do that, I would have used Respira on Nekron.

But...I had made him a promise that I would not harm him as long as he answered my question.

And at my new level, giving your word shackled you to the Ancient Laws. Don't worry, I was planning on dealing with those pesky laws soon...

Because of that, I needed a method to make him...disappear. Attacking me had given me the reason( even though I had engineered that by turning my back to him).

Now all I needed was a way.

And what better way than...by causing a revolution!!

The next question would be, why the weird move? And my answer? What happens when you pour water on fire?

One puts out the other.

So I introduced Tairyoku, which is Living energy, into the Unliving realm. And despite Nekron having eons of experience against me...our altercation had bowed him.

He was now afraid of me. His sneak attack was nothing than a desperate attempt at survival. His will was weak.

Or rather my own was powerful enough to shatter apart his mark on the realm with my Life Force.

My smile widened as the Tairyoku infused in the air begun to infect the land of the Unliving with life.

Grass, plants and trees blossomed in an instant, a wave of green spreading out over the barren wasteland full of rocks and hard ground.

It was a repeat of what had happened after upgrading my Inner World.

On Nekron's first eye-blink, the green had already covered the mountains.

By the time he realized what was going on, half of his realm was a paradise teaming with life.

And as Tairyoku flowed within the ground, it formed large cavities and pools of water; oceans, seas and lakes spread out.

It begun with a single worm. And on Nekron's second blink, birds soared in the sky.

Animals, real flesh and blood walked about, deers prancing over to watering spots as predators like tigers waited patiently, hoping to grab unsuspecting prey.

By the time he realized what was happening, the Tairyoku was affecting the souls in his realm.

His very subjects. The reason the land of the Unliving was called: the land of the Unliving.

But instead of the Tairyoku affecting them in the same wondrous way it was affecting Nekron's barren dimension, I held back some of its potency.

There was no such thing as a free gift. My benevolence, grace and blessings; the souls were going to have to earn them.

Standing on top of Chase's back, surrounded by roiling green hills, white humanoid figures floating around and a gigantic Skeleton at my back, about to eviscerate me from top to bottom, I realized something.

My life...was fucking awesome.

"Show me you're worthy of my mercy!"

I spoke to every soul spread out across the entire realm.

I spoke into their very cores, using the little Tairyoku I allowed in them to awaken their consciousness.

But only that. Too much Tairyoku would either disrupt their soul forms, Killing them. Or give them physical bodies.

Both outcomes were undesirable. I only used a little bit of Tairyoku to give them back their minds.

The entire Realm had a dulling effect on the Spirits.

Whether because Nekron had wanted obedient subjects or another equally inane reason, I shattered the effect.

Now they stared, listened and waited atentively as I offered them a way to salvation.


I declared to every unbound spirit in the realm.

"Me, or this asshole who has let you wander in this barren wasteland like zombies, will-less and aimless for eons."

"How dare you?!!"

Nekron roared, completing his swing. The blade slashed down.

"What will you choose? Submission or Salvation!?"

I announced, Chase offhandedly commenting that my eyes were glowing purple.

Inches away from my neck, the momentum of the Scythe halted. I snickered, pressing on the tip of the blade with my finger.

Sharp weapons. And they also contain his essence. I think I might keep them when I'm done with him.

Speaking of which,

"What?! No! Stay back you pests!!!"

Nekron yelled in fury.

"I shall obliterate you from existence!!"

Looking behind me, a proud smile split my face in two.

Thousands of Souls had jumped him. They were holding onto his bones, climbing up his limbs and trying to snatch the Scythes away from him.

"You are truly cunning my Wielder."

Chase commented.

"Hahahahaha! It's not cunning Chase! If you oppress a people for too long, eventually they form a revolution!"

I declared, millions of emboldened souls passing by me, all flying towards Nekron.

(?? P.O.V)

I don't know who I was before.

But I remember feeling frustrated before I died.

Frustrated with myself. I had died tired, sad and lonely.

But instead of achieving eternal rest like many religions so carelessly throw around, there was nothing.

The only thing I know for a fact is that I found no rest from my existence.

I am still as tired, sad and lonely...only this time without even knowing why.

And then...

I heard HIS VOICE.




And so we moved on to carry his bidding.

He showed us the way. We have to show him we're worthy of... being saved!

(General P.O.V)

"This is crazy!!"

Grail said, almost tearing her hair out in frustration and disbelief.

"How did he do that?! How could anyone!? Defeating Nekron is one thing, but turning the entire realm against it's own master!!?"

"The Reaper is not any normal Entity."

Dr.Manhattan informed her while also gazing at Davian with a complicated look.

The Reaper was atop the biggest and most ferocious Tiger Grail had ever seen.

"Even amongst Cosmic Beings, few can rival his potential or more importantly, his tenacity."

Dr.Manhattan continued.

The New God next to him shook her head.

"He just...terra-formed the fucking Afterlife."

Grail added, still shocked.

"I saw that and you saw it too..."


Manhattan replied, the complicated look changing into a thoughtful one.

"I wonder what his true limits are."

(Davian's P.O.V)

Was I cackling like a mad man watching things play out?


Was I enjoying the havoc and chaos I had wittingly caused?


On the other hand, Nekron didn't share the same feelings.

"How dare you!!"

The God of the Unliving was being accosted by his very own subjects, right after losing control of his realm.

It would be an understatement to call him mad. Especially when the souls kept up piling on him, immobilizing his skeletal frame and generally being a nuisance.

"Get him! everybody!"

I cheered.

"Get him with the power of teamwork!!"

My words emboldened the souls and more of them attacked Nekron. I had never laughed so hard in my life.

"You do know there is no way they can take him down right?"

Chase asked.

I couldn't stop the snicker that escaped me.

"It's not about taking him down Chase. I wanna see how this plays out. I showed them a way, and they took it. Gave them a rope and now they want to hang him on it. Nekron has been a massive dick to his 'subjects'. And now they're going to make him pay, even if they have to die in the process."

I responded.

My words might seem harsh- indeed they were. Yet I had no time for freeloaders. If they couldn't fight for themselves why should I?


Finally tired of the nuisances, Nekron's full presence rippled out, immediately destroying the souls around him, turning them into pure soul energy.

"Pathetic weaklings! I am your God! How dare you Oppose me?! I am Nekron, God of the Unliving and I shall not be DENIED!"

He pulled back his Scythe and slashed out, mowing down millions more.

Instantly, the number of souls I could perceive in my Reikaku drastically dwindled.

Soul energy hang in the air around him as he begun to take large steps towards Chase and I, black eyeholes staring right at me.

"Now what?"

Chase inquired.

I licked my lips.

"Now for the unexpected plot twist."

I aimed my hand at Nekron. Or rather, the Soul Energy above him.

More souls flew past us, all advancing towards Nekron.


A single Scythe slash had an area of effect counted in miles. Only by using Reiatsu in a barrier like way, was I blocking the attacks.

Everything else, even the life I had so meticulously created, rotted under his Unliving energy. The grass, trees and animals died.

The hills behind us lost their upper sections from a single slash. The green disappeared as it became a barren wasteland once more.

And yet the attacks continued on, targeting every soul in the Infinite realm.

Nekron had gone insane. It wasn't hard to see what he was planning. Now that the realm wasn't his...he would destroy everything and everyone in it.

Too bad I'm here.

The soul energy in the air finally gathered together under my control.

And using a combination of Fullbring, Tairyoku and Reiryoku...I begun to create souls by injecting Seeds of Sentience into them.

A seed of sentience was just a fancy name for a compressed ball of Tairyoku and Reiryoku bound together through Fullbring.

The soul energy had belonged to approximately 17 billion souls. In only a few seconds, Nekron had destroyed that many.

Say what you will about his bitchy attitude but he had power. Lots of it.

Compressing the Soul Energy of 17 billion spirits and adding in the Seeds of Sentience...had a strange effect.

Immediately...the entire dimension groaned at the collective power that appeared out of nowhere.

Millions of lieutenant class Reiatsus emerged as 1 million brand new souls, each containing the combined soul energy of about 17000 sapient spirits appeared.


These souls glowed Golden instead of white and their combined aura halted Nekron in his tracks.

The God of Unliving looked around him, noticing the golden humanoids hanging in the air, waiting for my orders.

"Impossible!! How?!"

The God of Unliving demanded in horror.

He backed away. 1 million souls, each with the power of a Lietenant of the Gotei 13 was nothing to scoff at.

"Even for you my Wielder...this is too insane..."

Chase commented, slack jawed.

Meanwhile, I raised a single hand to the sky. Then brought it down, finger pointed at Nekron.

"Bring me his head!"

I gave the command and my new subjects were all too eager to please. 

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