I Reap Souls In DC

Chapter 184: Soul Lanterns.

10+ advance chapters in my Patreon. 



(?? P.O.V)

Nekron was mowing us down like weeds. A single slash of his scythe unravelled the spirits around me into pure energy.

Yet we persisted, afraid but unyielding. This was more than about fearing death. This was proving God right. That his mercy was not unjustified. That it was not without reward.

Our undying loyalty and unquestionable submission.

So I flew in with my compatriots, a hunger for revolution burning within my chest.

My soul naturally aligned itself in the dry and empty air of the land of the dead. My right hand stretched out before me, as if pulled by a tether around my finger.

Like a ring...

A green ring...

Huh? What nonsense could I be thinking of now when God is counting on me?!!

Nekron, the bastard had to pay. It was God's Will.

And so it shall be done.

But it wasn't easy. Not even close. Sure, we could temporarily hold him down. But that was because he was shocked that we would dare attack him.

Thus his anger was followed by another reaping of souls.

I don't even remember dying.

All I saw was another Scythe slash, a gray energy around it's blade and then, I was floating- lighter than I had ever been.

I felt myself become undone from the inside out, my soul body fading away into energy.

Energy that was rising towards the sky, joining the rest of my compatriots. Only there was no coming back from this.

This was actual death. Soon non-existence would kick in and this caricature of life in death will cease.

But I found freedom in this state. No longer would I have to feel this unending frustration.

It was a new lease. Not in life or death but acceptance of the non-existence. I had served my purpose and now I could let go...


(Show me you're worthy of saving!)

God's words jarred me from my self deprecation. Accepting the end while noble in its own right, was also stupid.

It was in simple terms... giving up.

How was this showing him I was worthy of saving?

With strength I didn't know I had, I held onto my fading conscious. No longer able to retain my soul body, I became a formless cloud of energy, fusing with the pool of soul energy in the sky.

Even then I refused to rest. I refused to give up.

The soul pool was dense and thick. Almost like a cloud of infinite energy and potential. It was filled with multiple swirling pockets of chaotic nature.

The pockets acted like vacuum cleaners, pulling in all the energy they could.

I started feeling the pull as well.

It was God's power. Instead of fighting against it, I allowed his power to guide me.

His presence was greater than a billion Nekrons. No, it was greater than an infinite number of the skeletal bastard.

I was in awe of his splendor, able to sense it so clearly now. I couldn't be wrong. This was truly God.

The fusion was seamless. I melded into the collective consciousness of all the spirits in the Soul Pool.

Immediately, a fight for supremacy arose. And I understood the task God had given me. It was to lead them. It was to come out on top and take over.

Willpower surged out of me and instead of getting pulled into the vortexes of energy around the strongest souls, I pulled them into me.

I used their energy to replace what I had lost. Portions of my very soul. Quickly it became apparent that I was different.

My pull was greater than all the other consciousnesses fighting for dominance.

I pulled in all of them. The losers and winners. And I told them...

(It's God's Will)

And they listened.

My soul started reforming, quickly gaining substance. And with the reformation, came memories. My memories.

And one thing stood out.

"Hal Jordan of Earth, You have the ability to overcome great fear..."

(Davian's P.O.V)

"You totally knew this was going to happen, didn't you?"

Chase asked, staring at me curiously.

I kept my face blank.

"I have no idea what you're talking about Chase. It's kinda worrying that you think I'm some kind of genius. Do you really think I specifically set all this in motion just to create an army of Soul Lanterns, name pending, led by arguably the greatest Lantern in DC? Please... that's the kinda thing Urahara would do."


He hummed, unconvinced.

"Planning things out is not my style. You know I like to get up close and murderous."

I added.


He hummed once more, still not convinced.

Okay, okay, okay!

...He's right. I did plan it all out. Muhahahahaha.

Beware my strategic mind, peasants!

I should use it more often. It was satisfying to plan something and watch it succeed.

Not as satisfying as punching someone or finding ways to Power up but close enough.

"I'm just happy you're not as reckless this time around."

Chase admitted.

He even had the gall to look relieved! Whaaa...that's the best thing about me! I was Reckless Davian. That was my thing!

"In any case...this changes a lot of things."

He added staring at the battle occuring, in particular the subject of our discussion. The revived and completely subservient to me, Hal Jordan.

"If the League hated you before...now they will hate you even more.

"You're right."

I nodded,

"Those fools won't look at the bright side. They won't see this for what it is, a new life. But who cares? I've outgrown them all."

Batman, Superman, Wonder Woman...my power eclipsed their strongest forms.

Cosmic Armor Superman was a different story. That dude was bigger than Limbo itself. At least from Nick's memories. What a fight it would be if we clashed...

The only other being on his level from the League, would be Wonder Woman fueled with Anti-crisis energy. (But that future was not going to happen due to my interference)

My grip on Chesha Neko tightened thinking about the strongest beings that stood on the upper echelon of the multiverse. I wanted that...and I would get it.

"...if they keep this up they might even win."

Chase's voice brought my mind back to what was happening.

Hal Jordan was outperforming everyone else.

While the rest could be termed as judicious in their efforts, he was a stand out. He was dealing out actual damage.

Dressed in a golden black costume reminiscent of his regular Green Lantern suit,

He sent massive gold constructs at Nekron, actively pushing him back. The rest of the souls while not impressive were powerful as well.

Let me go back a little.

There were billions upon billions of souls in the Land of the Unliving. And it was just Earth alone. To be exact my earth. This Davian's Earth.

Yes...that calls to question if whatever remained of Davian's soul was here in this afterlife. I had scanned for him the second I'd arrived.

But there was nothing...

Somehow, that stood out to me.

But enough about that.

Out of that number, only 17 billion souls had had enough Will to fight back. They were the most resentful. The most bitter. The most obstinate.

And all of them...were combatants in their own way and practice. Having had a lifetime of expertise as Emperors, Kings, Warlords, warriors, soldiers, archers, mass murderers, Serial Killers, just your run of the mill Human Monsters.

And then I had fused them together, combining sets of 17000 of them into one soul. A golden soul. One that possessed Lieutenant class Spirit Energy reserves.

And that was only the start. The Seeds of Sentience within each of them, created a matrix that allowed each soul to try and absorb the rest.

They battled it out...

With only the greatest of the 17000 becoming the Dominant consciousness.

My army was literally filled with the best of the best. The ones with the most force of will and fortitude.

The ones who WOULD keep on going even when there was no destination.

But that didn't mean the rest just disappeared. NO.

They were turned into experiences and know how. All their skills and talents transferred into the dominant consciousness.

That is scary to imagine.

Well to my enemies at least. My seeds of sentience ensured that they were beholden to me. Completely and fully under my control. They died and lived under me.

I could fuse them. Unfuse them. Turn them into automatons, delete and change their memories, personalities, past and even their future by weaving the threads of existence through their souls.

I could regenerate from them...take possession. Devour for more power...

"Ah, you have this scary look on your face right now. It's like you're hungry and hard at the same time."

Chase commented, drawing me back to reality.

Bad Reaper.

No eating loyal Subjects. Unless...

"Should I...leave you to yourself for a bit?..."

Chase asked.

Oh you furry purple cat. When are you gonna learn? There is nothing in this world as orgasmic as gaining power. And more POWER! And fighting with that Powaah! And fucking everybody up just because you got the...


I yelled out, my voice serving as more motivation to my army of loyal Soul Lanterns!

(Hal Jordan's P.O.V))


The master's powerful voice reached my ears, spurring me on.

Truly a Worthy Lord! Even his lungs are godly!

"You hear our Lord? He blesses us! We shall not fail the Reaper!!"

"""We shall not fail the Reaper!!"""

My men, All our God's men called out in a cheer. Our souls ignited, pushing us to become stronger and faster as we descended upon the faker.

I allowed instinct and experience to take over. The Soul Energy within me was easy to control. No doubt due to God's blessings.

It weaved around my finger, reinforcing the Golden Ring construct on my finger, giving it even more detail and design.

The ring had a weird insignia on it's head. The same insignia that was branded on the rest of my Soul Brothers.

It was a symbol to show that we belonged to him, our master. A Cat skull with burning flames in its eyes surrounded by a circle of Enochian script.

I willed and numerous golden constructs were built in an instant.

I could have gone for my signature Army of Constructs. It was strong enough to go up against Larfreeze and his army of Orange Lantern constructs.

But instead I went for John's iconic style.


And lots of guns.

And more guns.

Galaxy busters. Universal shakers, dark matter powered blasters, temporal and spatial rending bazookas and of course the ever reliable machine guns with an infinite cache of ammo.

Because I just wanted to vent. I wanted to let it all out. To destroy this thing that dared to even breath the same air as God!

Die! Die!

My guns blazed, tearing off chunks of Nekron's bones and pushing him back.

His own field of energy, a localized zone that the self created ring on my finger informed me he could use to warp reality, quickly adapted to my relentless attacks.

The zone grew stronger in response, nullifying the most lethal of attacks.

My soul brothers followed my lead. And even more devastating attacks landed on his field.

The shadowy zone of influence flared out, disrupting our Soul Energy and detonating the attacks before they could reach him.

He's sacrificing defense for utility. How unthinkable! He strategizes instead of grovelling in hopelessness below the Master's feet!!!

How dare he? We can strategize too!!

"Soul brothers! Switch to physical attacks only!"

"Okay Soul Bro."

"You got it man."

A few... eccentric ones used soul kido to project their voices outward. Those fools. The master is watching. I'mma fuck em up later.

It was a switch to physical attacks. So I abandoned John's style of attack and went for Kyle's.

A huge robotic Samurai appeared around me. Outfitted with all manner of blades, hooks, shuriken and daggers.

My soul body shot forward, sparks flying out as I parried the Scythe Slash attack coming our way.

Nekron switched his focus to me.

"You. I remember you, Lantern. Even in death you cause trouble. Begone!!"

Another Scythe slash came down on my head.

But the skeletal bastard forgot I wasn't alone.

My soul brothers poured in around me, blocking the slash and leaving all manner of blows on Nekron. Attacks which caused shockwaves to ripple out.

A punch lifted him up, A hammer strike threw him to the ground and an axe cracked his skull.

I pulled back in, joining the action by cutting off his fingers, making him drop one of the Scythes.

I sent an order through two of my soul brothers. The scythe would be a good tribute to our God. They swooped in and grabbed it.

Unexpectedly, Nekron took offence to that. But he fucked up. Massively.


Nekron called out in fury.

"Face me yourself Coward! Face me like a real man or are you a spineless little brat that Mama Death chose to leave behind because you were...weak."

I am ashamed to say all we could do was survive from there on.

The master was terrifying when angry.

(Davian's P.O.V)

My world ground to a screeching halt.

By association, the world ground to a halt itself.

What did that bitch just say?

(General P.O.V)

"Ohhh fuck..."

Chase sighed out, fur sticking out of his back as he stepped away from Davian. Slowly.

He threw a hate filled glare Nekron's way. That idiot had no idea what he had just done.

Davian had a secret. One that he had kept to himself but one that Chase had deduced due to their connection.

The Reaper wasn't all there. He wasn't right in the head.

And that showed itself in how he chased after more power. Almost with wild abandon. It was why he never backed down from a fight. And that was because he hated being weak.

But what he hated even more...was for someone to call him weak.


For grail, it instantly became harder to breath. Out of nowhere, Davian's full presence burst forth and everything in the Land of the Unliving froze.

Manhattan's hand gently landed on Grail's shoulder.

"Let us withdraw for now. It would be in the best interest of our health."

He told her.

Grail couldn't even nod. But there was nothing more she wanted than to get out of there.

(Davian's P.O.V)

I took a step forward. My Arny of Soul Lanterns immediately retreated to my back.

Space made way for me and Nekron's face appeared below. Shocked, he tried to back away but could not. I held him in place by sheer presence.

I crouched in midair, one hand on my cheek as I stared the skeleton down, expressionless.

"Why are you still on your feet?"

My question was followed by an earthshaking impact as my Reiatsu pressed down on him.


The Lord of Unliving pitifully mewled, his bones shattered and ground to dust. The localized zone around him reformed his body. Only for Reiatsu to break it down again.

And again.

And again.

At some point he started apologizing.

"Forgive me! I-I am sorry. I-"

"Don't care."

I threw out, crushing him to dust once again.

And again.

And again.

The pleading changed to trying to make a deal with me.

"I'll tell you everything Reaper! I'll tell you who- who planned this! The mastermind!"

"Don't care."

I would probably know from his memories once I devour him anyway.

More crushing force broke his bones. His rate of reformation was slowing down. He couldn't keep up. How sad. And...WEAK.

I continued crushing him to nothing without fail. And as I did so, I made sure to make it as agonizing as possible.

At some point...he went into Spirit Shock. His own consciousness was breaking down.

I didn't care...

More crushing.

He called me weak. How dare he? More crushing, this time adding Respira to the mix.

Nobody called me Weak. I had more than earned my strength. I was a God, a simple fact.

I wasn't weak.


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