I Reap Souls In DC

Chapter 185: Cosmic Authority.

Chapter 185: Cosmic Authority.

(Davian's P.O.V)

More crushing. Crush. Crush him. Crush it all.

Crush EVERYTHING. Destroy it all. Tear everything apart. Reduce this entire realm into nothing.

Respira Maximum!

Black flames blazed in my eyes, burning without heat across my body.

Then those flames fused with my Reiatsu, causing waves of decay energy to permeate out into the environment.

The zone around me changed, the black fire burning the very air. My cloak of energy pulsed with Respira's brand of unique energy.

Even more flames rushed out. And in an instant, everything went silent. It was jarring. As if time itself had taken a break.

I couldn't sense or feel Nekron anymore. Not his consciousness nor his essence.

'Did I just accidentally annihilate his soul? How careless of me. The plan had been to devour him. Oh well.'

He was only good for his memories anyway. The Realm was no longer shackled to him so I couldn't get any more benefits from absorbing his soul.

That's why the sore loser had decided to destroy it all.

'Speaking of, shouldn't there be a realm?

I wondered, looking around and finding...well less of it.

That's when the haze cleared out. My anger subsided and I blinked.

'Did I do this...?'

I thought to myself.

The Land of the Unliving was reduced to what the phantom zone had looked like, before fusing it with my Inner World.

Islands of floating rocks drifted lazily in space, going on for miles and miles.

The floating rocks seemed to revolve around me in a controlled orbit, similar to the sun.

In this case I was the sun, the center of it all. Simultaneously pulling them to me, Yet keeping them at bay by way of a strange force.

The Respira Maxima channeled through my Reiatsu had also changed. The black flames shifting into a dark purple color. No doubt it was influenced by the color of my Reiryoku.

The shadowy decay fused with the heavy Reiatsu, dancing around me in a chaotic rhythm, sending waves of heat and light outward at a controlled rate.

The light illuminated the entire space my Reiatsu occupied.

This seemed so familiar.

I dove into my Reiatsu using Reikaku to enhance my senses.

A whole new world appeared around me.

Oh my.

My Reiatsu was everywhere and simultaneously everything. And by everywhere I mean, it occupied the material and immaterial. The physical and the spiritual.

Let me explain.

You know gravity? Of course you do. It's the thing that holds everything together. The canvas upon which reality rests.

My Reiatsu emulated Gravity. It was gravity. It held the floating rocks up, attracting and repelling just enough that the rock islands would remain in the cycle indefinitely.

All without colliding into one another. As stated before, the islands were numerous. Like an asteroid field on one of the rings of Saturn. Only in this case I was Saturn, only bigger.

Confusing? Tell me about it. It was happening to me but even a simple explanation couldn't suffice to paint the full picture.

It was all too...unexpected and Strange. I had merely been aiming to punish Nekron but my anger had led to much more than that.

In a way it felt...natural.

The destruction of the Land of the Unliving. Or at least it's metamorphosis into...this copy of a Star System.

My Reikaku delved deeper, allowing me to see and understand more about this new space.

There were tiny spatial fractures hanging around, pulling in matter and sending it elsewhere.

To combat that however was my Reiatsu yet again. It was doing more than just emulating Gravity.

It was closing those tiny cracks the second they appeared, fixing my created reality.

How fascinating.

Then came the physical objects. The contents in the soup that was My Reiatsu, so to speak. For example, the floating rocks.

From the largest boulder to the tiniest pebble, everything was made of my energy. Of my Reiatsu. I'm not kidding.

Respira Maxima had destroyed every single drop of foreign energy (Unliving energy), in my Spirit pressure zone. Naturally that meant even matter wasn't spared.

The floating rock islands were the remains of Nekron's dimension only now they were filled to the brim with my essence. My mark so to speak.

Down to the atom. Down to the very layer separating reality from unreality. Even the veil around my reality was made out of my own Energy.

Reikaku was a massive help here. I finally got the full picture.

Everything in the created reality, a stated before, revolved around me. Around my soul self. The core of my being.

And radiating out from my core was my Reiatsu. Only it wasn't merely just Spiritual Pressure anymore. Now it contained something else. A Universal truth.

My very own COSMIC AUTHORITY. A present field in which I could do anything I wished.

A combo of all I was as the Reaper.

Tairyoku, Reiryoku and Fullbring all together with the essence of the Cardinal Sins and Respira Maxima.

All my abilities, combined into one Influence. That of the Reaper.

Culminating into my own Conceptual reality. My own Cosmic Authority.

This is true power.

Everything orbiting around me was symbolic. It was a new state of being where I could create a stable existence on a whim.

I was an actual God. Let that sink in. My strength, speed, durability and Energy Reserves already placed me above the likes of Darkseid and the Black Racer.

Now that I could fuse all my abilities into one singular thing known as Cosmic Authority, I was untouchable. The potential things I could do with my Reiatsu were mind boggling.

Like this, I could sneeze and kill the me from 3 days ago. The same guy who caused this whole thing to happen in the first place. Thanks me.

As for how it could be three days?

I guess I'd gotten caught up in my anger and lost track of time. Man,it had been some time before someone pissed off like that.


The good thing was this-

I call it the Davi Star System.

There are no planets yet and it's a bunch of rocks floating around but at least the Unliving Energy had cleared out, having been absorbed and broken down by Reiatsu.

One might notice the similarities between Cosmic Authority and Nekron's localized reality warping field. It was basically the same thing.

My Cosmic Authority was a large zone around me that emulated a star system. Within the Davi Star System, which measured over a hundred light years across in its infancy, I could control everything.

I was both God and the Devil.


For all that power and influence, the Davi Star System felt incomplete and too small. To be fair, a hundred light years across was no joke.

The Sol System where Earth was, measured 12 trillion miles across. In comparison, my Davi Star System was 50 times bigger.

A part of me however, found it lacking. Davi Star System was created from the foundations of a massive Dimension. An afterlife no less. Meaning there had been no conceivable boundaries for the Land of the Unliving.

There was still more I could do to upgrade it. My entire being demanded it. A bigger zone for my Cosmic Authority to work with only made sense.

It's time. That bastard Manhattan mst have foreseen this. That, despite my refusal I would end up doing it anyway...

Here and now... I shall create the core of the Fifth World.

Time lost all meaning...

(General P.O.V)

Surrounded by a field of energy, a group of individuals floated on top of a massive boulder in orbit around Davian.

"Whew...I thought we were going to die."

Grail said, breathing heavily while gazing up at the dark purple sky.

"I expected this but not this fast. Or to such a degree."

Manhattan muttered from her side, a shimmering blue barrier around the two of them.

"You expected him to destroy the realm, almost killing us in the process?"

Grail asked with a raise of her brows, propping herself up on her elbows.


Manhattan replied without hesitation.

"The Reaper is in a state only few ever reach. He has begun crafting the seed of his own Reality. The creation of The Fifth World is underway. Everything else is inconsequential to him. Even us."

Grail blinked, speechless. She thought she understood Davian but if anything, she was realizing how much of an Enigma he actually was.

It was as if, his hidden layers had hidden layers.

"Fifth world huh..."

She muttered staring at the dark purple sun in the middle of the realm.

And within the sun was a handsome man, body shrouded with black flames.


Dr.Manhattan responded.

Grail felt a shiver spread down her spine, and turned to stare at the blue Cosmic Entity behind her, meeting his soulless gaze.

"Why are you staring at me like that?"

She questioned with a frown.

"The time has come, Daughter of Darkseid. The reason the Reaper spared you and your machinations was for Apokalips. Will you give up your heritage for his sake or not?"

Manhattan's question filled her with a strange feeling.

Then her mind went back to the fight with her father's forces. Davian had dominated the great Darkseid. For all her power, she knew she was weaker than Darkseid's pinky finger.

Yet Davian had halted his invasion and killed him.

When all is said and done, Strength was might. And only the strong got to decide what they wanted.

She made her choice.

Eyes burning with resolve, she got to her feet, staring at the strongest man she had ever laid her eyes on. Davian Mabuz.

"Anything the Reaper needs from me... I'll provide."

Unbeknownst to her, a small smile graced Manhattan's face before it was quickly gone.

"So be it."

Manhattan replied,

"Let us witness this momentous event. I assure you, few if any such beings can lay claim to the same."

(With Chase)

"Master Chesha Neko."

Hal Jordan, who seemed to have gotten used to his role as The Captain of the Soul Lanterns, was on a knee behind Chase.

"We are yours to command while the Lord is occupied."

The rest of the Soul Lanterns had copied him, all million of them showing respect to the Purple Furred Zanpakuto Spirit.

Chase on his part was staring at Davian. He, more than anyone else could feel what Davian was trying to do.

"He is really going to attempt it now?"

The Zanpakuto spirit muttered to himself.

"Then again, he wouldn't be Davi if he did the expected."

The Cat spirit looked around.

"However, to think he could create his own big bang and then use the resulting impact to combine everything into Reiatsu. How ingenious."

And he was still far from being done.

'Which means...'

Chase briefly turned his sights on Grail and Manhattan.

'He is going to need her soon. This created reality exists outside of time and space, meaning it needs a physical anchor. And what better anchor than Apokalips?'

Things would only get rockier and meta from here.

"I gotta get these brats out of here before they die by accident."

Chase decided, a little of his attention split to maintain a barrier around the Soul Lanterns, protecting them from Davian's Spirit pressure.

Otherwise their souls would be instantly crushed.

The cat turned around to face them.

"Listen up. I am going to send you some place safer. I'll bring you out when Davi is done doing his thing. We don't want to interrupt or distract him, got it?"

The Soul Lanterns lowered themselves to the ground even more.

"Of course. Anything for the Reaper!"

Hal stated with fervent dedication.

"""Anything for the Reaper!!"""

999,999 more voices joined him in his declaration.

'Not bad.' Chase thought to himself.

'Davi finally has an army of his own.'

The trickster cat opened his jaws impossibly wide, and in one smooth motion, he sucked in the air. Or rather, the one million Soul Lanterns below him.

They all disappeared into his open maw.

His form turned into a shadow as he jumped off the rock island, flash stepping across the rest of the way, on a path to Manhattan and Grail.

"Time for the next step. Preparations."

(Davian's P.O.V)

It's. Not. Working...

Sweat poured down my face as I glared at the 2 glowing spheres of energy above my open palms.

On my right hand was a light purple sphere of energy and on the left was a dark purple sphere.

The light purple was the essence of my Inner World, the Graveyard. The entire Inner World had undergone changes however.

It now looked like a veritable paradise. The dry and barren desert landscape of Hueco Mundo was replaced by verdant green hills and all manner of vegetation.

Perhaps the biggest change was the Reishi, otherwise known as natural energy, that was passively being producing.

The Dark Sphere on the other hand was this new Reality. The Davi Star System. One formed from the remains of the Land of Unliving.

I was trying to fuse them together. That would in turn upgrade my Cosmic Authority.

But it felt as if I was pushing against all of creation trying to combine the two realities. A barrier of energy separated the two and no matter what I did, I couldn't get past it.

Not even by using Fullbring to pull on the very souls of both realities worked.

Okay, time to change tactics. What am I missing?

My mind begun processing information faster than the fastest Supercomputer.

I pushed Reikaku to it's limit, trying to study both spheres and find out what was keeping them apart.

"That's it."

I figured it out after a few more minutes of trial and error.

The realities were too similar. Which you would think would be a good thing but it wasn't.

When you place like poles of two magnets near each other (north to north or south to south), they will repel each other.

The same thing was happening here. I needed a counterforce. Or rather a binding agent. But what?

Wait, the reason they repelled each other was because both realities were spiritual in a sense. Meaning they didn't exist in the physical world.

One was created from the remains of the Land of the Unliving which was an Afterlife and the other was my Inner World.

Which existed only within me.

So all I need is a physical anchor...

My head whirled around, Reikaku extended out for hundreds of light years.


I found who I was looking for, Grail. She was standing next to Chase and Manhattan on one of the floating rocks. Our eyes met and I knew she understood her role.

Good. That saves me time.

I stared at Chase and he nodded. A second later, his body unravelled into purple Strings that flooded the rock island, flowing around Grail.

She closed her eyes, Chesha Neko's threads spearing through her flesh without hurting her. It weaved through her muscles, her organs and bones, going even deeper.

Upon reaching her eyes, I felt connected to a pool of infinite energy. The Omega Effect.

But that was not my goal. The strings went even deeper, diving into the connection her soul had with the Omega Effect before finally...

Got it. The blaze of heat from the firepits, the cloying stench of machines from a merciless world and the almost faded essence that belonged to Darkseid.

The Fourth World. Apokalips.

Grail's body levitated up, covered in an intricate Chesha Neko thread armor.

Thousands of feet above the Rock Island, her eyes started glowing red. Following that, scarlet beams of energy escaped them, shooting towards me at light speeds.

The distance was cleared instantaneously. And the beams finally landed right in the middle of both spheres.

A red sphere begun forming, the essence of the Fourth World collecting and being compressed. Immediately there was a pull from the new marble.

Tendrils of energy extended from the left and the right, the light purple marble and the dark purple one.

And then...

I succeeded.

The balls fused.

Reality shattered.

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