I Reap Souls In DC

Chapter 34: Spoiling A Scheme part 2

12 advance chapters in my Pat.reon.



(General P.O.V)

[Green Lantern Corp headquarters]

"Everyone ready?"

Lantern Stewart addressed his teammates behind him. They all stood on a lift off pad, the huge Green Lantern structure looming over their heads.

"Do it."

Zatara spoke up for the rest. He hated staying away from his daughter for too long.

"How's our passenger?"

He asked Hal, who was standing next to a levitating stretcher. Inside lay a young man with blonde hair who was dressed in a white baggy outfit.

Jordan's ring pinged.

"Barry Allen's vitals are stable."

Hal smiled, patting the side of the streacher.

"You heard the ring. Sleeping Beauty here is fine."


Wonder Woman said, stepping forward.

"Then it is time."

She gave the go ahead.

Light left Stewart and Jordan's rings as around them, a ship begun to materialize. The inner workings forming around their forms. Instantly the noise from the outside disappeared. Hal sank his weight onto the flight pilot's chair.

"Well then, let's go home."


"The explosion collapsed the entrance but I'm not too sure that will keep them away for long."

Boy Wonder informed the older man as he jumped over the railing to get at the Batcomputer.

"He seemed to know about this place Alfred."

Boy Wonder informed the butler as he quickly moved down the stairs, headed towards the Batcomputer.

Alfred on the other hand, passed the huge Dinosaur on a display along with a massive mecha and arrived at a bar section.

"That guy managed to find the entrance to the Batcave on his own."

Dick added, wondering why his caretaker was quiet. He turned to see Alfred behind the bar.

The young boy frowned, pausing his fingers as they moved through the console.

"Huh Alfred, what are you doing?"

Alfred smiled, pressing something. The liquor shelf withdrew into the wall as a new section, filled with weaponry of all kinds appeared. Alfred grabbed an SA80 and begun to arm it.

"Not to worry sir." He replied to Dick.

"These are rubber bullets."

Dick blinked.

"Oookay." Robin turned to the computer. "Anyway. We have an information leak. Someone knows Batman's true identity." The young boy said gloomily.

"I'm hoping you won't mind if I take charge of the situation?"

Alfred sighed.

"Master Bruce left you in my care. However, seeing as this is something you were trained for, do you have a plan?" Alfred then quickly added,

"A safe one."

Dick's fingers flew over the keyboard of the batcomputer.

"Already ahead of you. The comms are down but I am working on disrupting the jammer signal. In the meantime..."

The young boy narrowed his eyes, pressing a button.

"I have a little surprise for our intruders."

[ Sentinel Program initiated]

The batcomputer signalled.

"And what would you have me do sir?"

Alfred wondered, hoisting his weapon as he approached the console.

Dick pressed another button on the wall next to the Batcomputer, before turning to Alfred.

"The police use an analog security alert system. I just signalled to them on the home invasion. If we can repurpose the system to accept my...Duck!"

Robin yelled suddenly.

His young body tackled Alfred to the ground as Bronze Tiger landed in between the two, claws flashing and digging onto the ground.

Birdarangs cut through the air but the mercenary simply blocked the projectiles with his claws while straightening up. Both birdarangs dug onto the wall of the Batcave before exploding. Dust covered the surroundings as Dick and Alfred got to their feet cautiously.

A shadow flashed before Alfred's eyes.

"Master D..."

Alfred went silent as Dick jumped over him to block the claws with his deployable staff. He hadn't seen the mercenary even move.

"Alfred! get out of here!"

The young boy shouted in urgency.

His distraction cost him when a foot was rammed onto his belly. Spit exploded out of his mouth, air leaving his lungs. Robin's chest burned. His eyes then widened when a hand managed to grab onto his throat.

"Master Dick!"

Alfred shouted, letting loose a few bullets that missed their mark when Bronze Tiger hid behind the back of the batcomputer, turning his grip into a chokehold. Robin found himself helpless against the man's superior strength.

"Keep struggling and I will break your neck."

The mercenary warned Robin, who immediately ceased moving. Strangely enough, Boy Wonder didn't seem to be afraid.

Alfred got to his feet, creeping to the left to find a good angle to shoot. A chop to the back of his neck and his body slumped to the floor. Out from behind him, Deathstroke appeared.

Bronze Tiger frowned, rising to his feet, hand still held around Robin's neck.

"I should have known Ra's would never trust me. I feel insulted, he should have known to trust in my skills, at the very least."

"You have to admit." Deathstroke replied, the two men facing each other inside the Batcave.

"This is a very sensitive...matter."

"Regardless." Tiger snarled.

"I refuse to be made a fool of. This is my mission, tell Ra's to keep his end of the bargain instead of sending a babysitter."

Deathstroke narrowed his eyes at the blatant dismissal.

"As for you..."

The Tiger themed Merc addressed Robin.

"Oh don't mind me." The young kid smiled, trying to talk through the vice grip on his throat.

"I'm just trying to stay whelmed."

Just then, Deathstroke's instincts screamed at him. The Merc felt something hard connect with his back in a blow whose force was only lessened due to his quick reaction. The mercenary allowed his body to go slack as he was thrown away by a metallic fist.

He hit the ground and rolled, standing up next to the staircase with his swords drawn out of their sheaths.

"Who dares?"

Two glowing white eyes emerged from the darkness. Something huge stepped around Alfred's unconscious body, standing at 7'0, the Batbot glared at the two mercenaries.

"A robot?"

Bronze Tiger wondered out loud. It was a collection of grey metal panels covering electric inner components in the shape of a human. A glowing bat symbol took up most of it's chest. It radiated power, an electric charge humming around it.

"Not just any robot. The Sentinel. A robot programmed with Batman's ability matrix. His skills and martial arts."

Dick was quick to answer.

What Robin refused to tell them was that the Sentinel had an adaptive fighting program. It was the last resort incase the cave was ever compromised by hostiles.

"You're trespassing."

Batman's harsh voice sounded from the bot.

It raised it's hand and shot something towards Deathstroke's general direction.

The one eyed mercenary growled as he diverted the attack with his swords, a clash of metal ringing out around the room.

"You missed."

Deathstroke gloated.

"No, he didn't."

Robin said, slapping the electric buzzer he had concealed on Bronze Tiger's wrist. The electric charge made the mercenary's body spasm.

Deathstroke turned to see what the Boy Wonder meant, spotting a line whose end was rammed onto the massive figurine of the Dinosaur on display. The huge structure begun falling on him as the Batbot pulled.

Robin managed to slip out of the hold. Then he slammed his feet onto Tiger's belly. His young flexible body extended into a flip which would shift into a roll and a cartwheel to get him out of range. The plan failed as the next second Robin knew pain when his back met the ground in a devastating blow. He passed out immediately.

Bronze Tiger watched the young boy go unconscious, his palm flat on the boy's chest. He had used it to slam Boy Wonder into the floor.

Deathstroke on the other side, sprang out from the dust with a snarl, swords flashing as he tried to decapitate the robot. A blade extended out of the Batbot's wrist, blocking the skillfully executed attacks from the flurry of slashes. Electric energy begun dancing along the Batbot's blade. Deathstroke grunted, his suit was fortunately resistance.

One of the swords was discarded as his hand went for his handgun. Then his feet was pulled out from under him before his body was launched off into the air, swinging from a zip line attached to the ceiling of the cave. He had been baited, Deathstroke realized.

The Batbot looked up.

"Make yourself at home."

"I like the way you think."

Light clapping could be heard from Bronze Tiger. The robot turned and it's eye holes seemed to narrow somewhat. Robin was slung over Tiger's shoulder.

"See, I Know you Bruce. I knew that no matter how prepared we thought we were, breaking into the Batcave and getting what we want was almost an impossible task."

Tiger spoke up.

"It was a complicated set of guidelines and plans that would have probably never worked. No, what we needed was a sure fire way to get the other half of the code. A guarantee. A bargaining chip. Threatening to expose your identity is not enough."

"Turner, let the boy go. You and I have no quarrel."

The Batbot demanded.

Bronze Tiger's jaw clenched.

"Really? Would you say that to my face if she was here? You're programed to think and act like Bruce. Does that mean he truly believes he's blameless?"

Up in the air, Deathstroke uncapped a small pen, revealing a red dial at the top.

"Hey, you forgot something."

He called out, bringing attention to himself.

"This isn't the first time I've fought Batman."

With that, the Merc pressed on the dial and the Batbot's side exploded in a shower of metal and wiring.

"I guess he didn't feel the bomb I placed on him."

Deathstroke chuckled, blade flashing through the zip line to deposit him onto the floor.

"We don't have time to argue. We need to leave before the real deal gets here."

Deathstroke then proposed, sheathing both of his swords.

"Real deal? I hope you guys are talking about me. I feel like I need a bump in my street cred."

Standing on top of the staircase, Davian looked down at the two mercs with his sword gleaming dangerously.


Deathstroke muttered, hand going for his gun.


Davian twirled Chesha Neko. He knew these two. He knew how dangerous they could be.

"Come forth from the weave of eternity, Chesha Neko: Release."

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