I Reap Souls In DC

Spoiling A Scheme part 1

12 advance chapters in my Patreon.



(General P.O.V)

"The security guards are down."

Shimmer spoke into her comms, foot laid on the back of a blue uniformed man.

"I have control of the surveillance room. Your call, Cheshire."

Black Spider called in.

The lid on the ventilation chamber was silently pushed out as a lithe body dressed in green, and a white mask, landed inside a hall way that read Sub-level 11, the R and D department.

A huge metallic door, as thick as a safe blocked her way inside.

She tapped the side of her mask and a red grid of lasers appeared in her vision. She snorted, then removed a small can from one of her pockets. She first shook it and then sprayed it at the grid. More scarlet lasers appeared, these ones humming ominously.


She said, one hand on her hip.

"How did you get here so fast?"

She addressed a shadow at the corner of the room.

Batman dropped from behind her.

"Cheshire. What are you doing here?"

He growled.

The Assassin turned around to him.

"I don't suppose 'sight seeing' is a believable enough excuse, is it?"

Her hand struck out and Batman quickly blocked the Sai she had thrown on his wrist guard. The weapon clattered away. Cheshire followed up by lobbying the can in her hands towards the lasers.

There was an explosion of smoke. Batman quickly crouched, shielding himself with the cape.

The smoke cleared away as Batman sounded the security alarm. He had stopped them from getting inside but something didn't add up. On the ground before him was a playing card.

He grabbed it off the floor and read the message.

[Wayne has a package we need. You know where to find me. P.S: Did you know that the Gotham Zoo has the third largest reptile section in North America?]

Batman's eyes widened as he turned it around.

On the other side was the picture of a bird.

A robin.

Just at that second, a prompt appeared on his wrist computer.

(Sentinel Program initiated.)

'Smart boy.' Batman thought as he ran towards the R and D department, he now knew what they were after.

Luckily there was a Zeta tube relay deep in Wayne Tower. He had to get to the Manor quickly, they were going to kidnap Robin.


"Robin to Batman, come in..."

Dick frowned, biting his lip as he hid outside the window to Bruce's study.

There was the sound of shuffling feet inside. A shadow moving through Bruce's things, looking for something. A tiny almost inaudible click rang out as the guy stepped infront of the book case.

'Oh no.'

Robin could only watch as the intruder found the entrance to the Batcave and opened it.

'Crap. This is bad.'

He tapped his wrist computer and cursed again. The communications were still jammed.

'Standard Operating Procedure says, I try to reach out. With the comms down, I have no choice but to engage.'

Robin thought, narrowing his eyes at the blurry figure though the window pane. The figure was still standing at the entrance to the Cave, not moving in.

Now was Robin's chance. He couldn't wait for Batman to realize that something was wrong. Realistically speaking, these were professionals and if it wasn't for Raven fighting the other; owing to the sounds of battle happening, he wouldn't be able to hold them back. However...if he could slip inside the cave first, then he could think of a few ways they could fight back.

The door to the study swung open just as Robin was coming up with a plan. Alfred walked in.


Robin bit out, moving to the left side of the ledge while preparing to intervene.

The Old Butler and Bronze Tiger froze, staring at one another wordlessly.


The mercenary warned, holding up his sharp claws for Alfred to see. Alfred's hand went for an old sword placed inside a case near the entrance of the study.

"This is private property. I'm going to have to ask you to leave."

Alfred chided with a stern glare before smashing his elbow on the case.

The sound of breaking glass covered the noise of the window latch being opened.

Robin kicked in with his foot aimed at Bronze Tiger's neck. The mercenary struck out like a snake, his forearm raised up to block the attack. The short boy felt his heart rise to his throat as his opponent lashed out with his other hand, aiming to grab him by the neck.

Robin put strength on his left leg, pushing off Tiger's arm to create more distance between them. Bronze Tiger was relentless, reaching out towards the Boy Wonder with his palm in the shape of a claw.

Then Alfred was there, slashing down at the offending hand. A kick aimed for the Butler's chest was instead received on his shoulder as he leaned to the side.

The glancing blow was still powerful enough to push Alfred away, his body smashing on the book case along the wall.

Then the whole room was filled with smoke as Robin threw down smoke pellets to cause a distraction.

Bronze Tiger looked around, his forearm placed over his face to avoid inhaling the smoke. Both Alfred and Robin were missing. He quickly turned to the entrance of the Batcave just as two birdarangs dug themselves on the ground below him.


Bronze Tiger said, ducking under the desk just as a massive explosion occured.

(Davian's P.O.V)

I could feel Raven's shock. Her eyes probably widened at my back.


She said asked.

"Fuck this shit. I never signed up for you."

Deadshot cut in, hoisting his rifle and releasing shots towards Raven. The ground under me cratered from a hasty Shunpo as I appeared infront of her, my own body blocking the bullets.

"Cheap move, Deadshot."

I told the Merc who was already running away.

My skin smoked as the metal bounced off it. The Reiryoku being funneled through my skin and body blocking every single bullet with only minimal puncturing.

"Azarath metrion Zinthos!"

A black cloud of flame washed out from beside me, cutting off the mercenary's path. Deadshot cursed and jumped away. The black flames unfortunately turned the immaculate lawn into a blackened patch of land.

From behind a tree, I could hear Deadshot hiss in pain. Raven took to the skies.

"Don't carve him up too bad."

I called out.

"I make no promises."

She answered, then immediately staggered as something hit her on the side. There was an explosion and Raven fell to the ground, body smoking.

My heart stopped. I stepped and appeared infront of her, a green shield already deployed around us.

"Hey! Hey you okay?!"

She groaned, coughing slightly while cradling her side.

"Let me..."

I told her, pulling her arms away. A sigh of relief escaped me. The skin was blistered and burnt but luckily there was no puncture wound. The only thing left would be to see if there was any internal bleeding.

"How did you even survive that?"

I asked, part in anger at the one responsible and awe at the fact that this hadn't taken her down.

Sweat already matted her forehead. She tried to say something but it came out as a whimper of pain. I clenched my jaw, leaving the Sheath on herbchest while straightening up.

"Stay here. Then Shield will protect you."

I walked out of the dome while twirling Chesha Neko.

Then I roared,

"Show yourself coward!"

Something lumbered out from the darkness, a hiss escaping it's scaly form.

"I'll kill... you. Ssss."

The mutant snakeman promised, body coiling in tension as his muscles bunched up. Getsuga Tensho seemed to have left a large slash wound from his shoulder to his hip. Oh and also made him angry.

Chesha Neko's broad side received the smack of it's tail, only pushing me back slightly due to my lesser weight.

"Are you the one who did this?"

I asked it, staring deep into the serpentine eyes.

"Kill you..."

It grunted, tongue slithering out into the air.

"I guess not."

I ducked a fist and twirled Chesha Neko, digging it's hard pommel straight at the side of the Snake man. It hissed in pain, blindly throwing both it's hands around me, pulling my body close to try and squezze the life out of me like a Python.

Even had your nose flattened by someone's forehead? Yeah, I'd rather take a gunshot instead. The adrenaline keeps you going before you notice the pain. A broken nose on the other hand? It's loud and it's agonizing.

A spray of blood exploded out of it's nose as it staggered away from my forehead landing on his face. Hard.

I stepped up closer, the blade in my hand twirling in preparation to end this. I wasn't like Batman or the League. Leaving your enemies alive only had the prerequisite that you were okay with them getting revenge on your ass.

It wasn't about morality for me. No, it was about getting rid of the problem at its root. The Snake man's eyes widened underneath his pain, fear coursing through him as I stalked up to him like he was prey.

"Say your prayers..."

I advised and he swallowed.

"No... pleassssee... don't kill me."

He begged.

"Too late for that."

My words only made him shiver some more, especially the purple shroud of energy that started roiling above my skin.

A gun was pointed at the side of my head as I loomed over the fearful creature.

"I can't let you do that, friend." Deadshot told me, his costume a ragged mess of burnt fabric.

"His death will create problems for me with his people."

"The Snakemen?"

I wondered, not really aware of all the minor c list villains in DC.

"What?" Deadshot briefly blinked in confusion and I jumped on the slight opening.

Then a bullet rang out, my palm was enclosed over the gun as it went off a few centimeters above my head. Strands of my hair fell down. Deadshot and I stared at each other.

Then a foot connected with my knee, tripping me up during my step. His own knee rose up to connect with my chin in a devastating blow. The knee brushed past my cheek as I rolled onto the ground.

Bullets rippled through the ground of my previous position as a Shunpo, quickly threw me away. Chesha Neko dragged onto the ground as I ran around Deadshot.

"Why are you here Deadshot?!"

I shouted as he took a picosecond to reload and start blasting shots at me, that I ducked and dodged through the trees.

"I should be asking you the same."

Rifle fire ate away at most of the back of the tree next to me as he tried to find my location.

With Chesha Neko in hand I wanted until he stopped to reload, knowing how many mags were usually used in a rifle like that and counting.


I sprang from my hiding spot and quickly Shunpo'd to behind Deadshot. My sword cut through the air towards Deadshot's unsuspecting back, when an explosion from the side of the building produced a shockwave that messed with my footing.


My feet hurt as another Shunpo took me to her. Luckily the shield held. Unluckily, Deadshot seemed to be gone. The snakeman as well.

I sighed, turning my gaze to the burning side of the manor. I could hear the sounds of fighting even from here.

'You should probably go check that out, My wielder. We still have no idea where you are.'

Chase spoke to me from my inner world.

I looked down at Raven. The shield would protect her.

"You're right."

I responded while standing up.

"Besides, Gordon seems to have disappeared. I gotta look for him before the chain wears out and we have a hollow situation."

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