I reincarnated as a vampire, what’s the plan? Act II

The Codex of World Knowledge – Pt. 3 – Interruption

----[Part 0] 


After returning from the original world... 


-Nn... -. Elise made that groan. 


She had woken up after some time like this. And by the time she opened her eyes, she realized that she was back in [The Codex]. 


Elise lifted the upper half of her body. And then, she noticed that there was a sheet of paper resting on her lap. 


She was slow to react to it... but not so slow to read what was on it. 


"Dear Elise. I am writing this letter to notify you that I will be away for a few days. I kindly ask you to help me clean up while I'm gone. I will give you extra lessons after I return. Sincerely, Liselotte."


Looks like... she's going to have some time off. 


----[Part 1] 


I had to leave the dungeon for a while, as I had to attend a summons to the [Deified Pantheon], specifically to that branch where the unpopular [Gods of Death] are located. 


I'm sorry for Elise, but classes are going to be interrupted for a while unless this is resolved quickly. 


-My name is Mictlan, and I am the representative of my [Immortal], Miss Liselotte Sitri to you all. And she in turn, comes as the representative of the reincarnated Nishimiya Saeko, otherwise known as Elise. 


A giant skeleton, wearing feathers and golden pieces covering some parts of his bones is the one who speaks. 


He is Mictlan, the [God of Death] who was assigned to keep an eye on me since I became a lich. We haven't always hit it off, but he has been of very good use so far as he doesn't refuse my orders as long as he's not busy. 


The purpose for which we gather today, around the council of [Gods of Death] is for the very reason it was made, a trial to determine whether an immortal deserves to live or not. 


I... I'm here because they're judging Elise. But since she doesn't have a [God of Death] to defend her, then I had to come in her place. 


-I'm here to defend Elise from the sudden decision you all have made. -. I take the initiative to speak and communicate directly what I come for. 


It is only a formality to enter here that Mictlan accompanies me, but I am capable of defending myself on my own. 


-Why do they want to kill Elise? Has she done something to them? 


Among the [Gods of Death], there is one in particular who is the centre of this whole pantheon of gods. This man, in the guise of a dragon is called Nergal. 


He is basically the [Law of Death] incarnate. Among all these gods, there is none that can compare to him.

On closer inspection, I notice that Morrigan is not present. This is strange, since a unanimous decision cannot be made without her vote. 


Something smells fishy here. 


-Lich, we know that you have every liberty at your disposal to the point where not even all of us together are a threat to you. However, we cannot turn a blind eye to this...


In front of me, a scroll appears and on it is written in detail the reason for the summons. 


But it is better that he explains it himself. 


-We don't want to get into trouble with you, all we need is for you to get out of the way to kill the reincarnate. 




-From the beginning she has been an irregularity that has caught the attention of all of us. We have seen her at her worst and at her best. We have seen her rise to the top and fall back to the bottom numerous times. We know what she's capable of, but... 


I know. I know what I did the other time... 


-She broke the rules. We'll ignore that you helped her do it, so just understand that. 


-... she wanted to see her aunt... 


-Huh? Did you say something, Lich? 


-I said she just wanted to see her aunt Grave that into your fucking skull, asshole!

-There's no need to get upset, Lich. We don't need to know why, she perpetrated the rules imposed on reincarnated souls in this world. And it is punishable by death.

-Don't tell me not to get upset, you unhappy bastard.

All around me, the characteristic [Aura of Death] begins to manifest. The hostility in me only grows and grows as I continue to listen to this asshole.

-Hey Lich, calm down, we don't need to take this to a one-sided massacre!

Nergal is trying to calm me down. It's only natural, we've met several times over the last thousand years, so he knows what I'm thinking.

-You damned gods are like always. You manipulative bastards who only care about saving your own fucking asses...

-The problem isn't with you! It's with Elise! We're here for her!

-And what did Morrigan say?

-... Morrigan...? What's she got to do with all this?

'What does she have to do with all this?'

It's weird, why doesn't she know? It's not like it's something easy to hide or anything. They must have found out...

Yeah, there's no way Morrigan would have gotten involved without consulting first.

-Let Morrigan decide. She'll know what to do.

-Morrigan's only a minor goddess, she's not of much value to our council.

-You heard me. Morrigan decides what we're going to do.

-Lich... What are you up to?

-Nothing in particular, it's just my [Greed] being a bit active right now.

That's true, I feel the need to know more about what's really going on.

I don't feel it's natural that the individual related to Elise is not in this place. She and only she is the one who can make sure about what they want to do.

-May I know why you require my presence in this audience, Lady Sitri?

A woman emerged from the shadows, as if she shaped the shadows as she defined her figure. White hair and skin, as if she were dead. Wearing dark nun's robes, matching her dead look.

We immediately make eye contact. Through the veil she wears over her head, I can see her eyes.

It's strange, as it feels like I'm being sucked into a spiral of darkness as I look into this woman's eyes, it's strange... especially...

Oh. I see it... my [Omniscience] doesn't lie... I understand why she wasn't here in the first place...

-I just have one question...

-Go ahead.

In order to get the most effective answer in this situation, I have to drop my usual good girl appearance.

Of course, Morrigan won't be honest if I stay as usual. Even all the other [Gods of Death] won't take me seriously if I stay this way.

I remove the glove from my left hand, letting out that cadaverous hand I usually keep hidden. And the moment I touched my glasses with that same hand to take them off, they instantly split in two.

It's worth mentioning that I only wear the glasses because I got used to wearing them, but I don't really need them.

Because any affliction, any feeling, I lost everything.

This is the reason why I am not worthy of loving Elise. Underneath this pleasant appearance there is something that is quite unpleasant to the eye of the rest.

All around me, a black miasma begins to spread. From the inside of my robe until it fills the whole room with this vapour.

At that moment, the [Gods of Death] swallowed saliva in unison.

----[Part 2]

When Entity No.0 began the [Titanomachy], it was governed by the most primitive sense of what is known as [Hunger].

At first, she did not attract the attention of the other beings like her, but the moment the primitive senses of the victims became aware of what was happening, something else was born.

At that moment, the first concept of [Death] was conceived as the "Non-regression after being devoured by Entity No.0". Because that is what happened when the primal vampire consumed its victims, no trace of their souls remained.

And therefore, the first feeling that most of the original entities felt moments before being erased from existence was also born...

It is a feeling that could be explained as just another of the senses that human beings have. No. Even that is an understatement.

It's something that everyone in Gamma has. Just by having a soul that was fundamentally designed from the grotesque amalgam of primitive emotions that Entity No. 0 was before it gained a better use of reason.

Humans, monsters, even [Gods] possess this native feeling.


Nergal's back was coated with icy sweat, and he was using every part of his body that the will allows him to control to not drop a single drop of that sweat.

His reptilian eyes were focused on that existence among existences which is the only one without this kind of feeling. The origin of this fear.

Among the seven [Gods of Death] in this room, only Mictlan, as the one closest to Liselotte Sitri is the one who can ignore his feeling of fear.

But all the others, even the expressionless Morrigan can't stop her knees from trembling slightly...

It is wrong to say that the [Gods of Death] are the ones who emit the most powerful aura of death. Because around this girl, it seems like even oxygen is dying because of the way the gods' lungs are barely gathering enough air to stay alive.

The black miasma that surrounded them barely up to their ankles, quickly covered the room completely, swallowing even the light of the place.

The gods could only put on the most serious expressions possible, as any gesture that was misinterpreted could cost them all their lives.

On the other hand, the Lich, who had remained inert in her place until then, only let out a sentence.

The question she was going to ask.

-Who planned all this? -. The Lich... Liselotte asks.

Nergal feels a chill. A feeling he had never experienced before. Nergal had interacted with Liselotte before, but to date, she had never presented herself as this violent.

And Morrigan...

-I'm sorry... this was all my idea... -. She had put aside her divinity, and on the other hand, began to behave as she would have behaved as a mere mortal.

At her response, Liselotte replies:

-Lie. -. As she did, she did not hesitate to say it.

Morrigan felt the pressure imposed on her suddenly increase.

In another situation, she might have fallen to her knees, but her pride prevented that. Her heels broke, and what was left of them became embedded in her previously immaculate feet.

The pressure became so great that Morrigan's feet pierced the floor by a few millimetres.

Morrigan didn't want to show that she was terrified of Liselotte. But the other party couldn't care less what Morrigan felt or thought.

Liselotte walked a few steps, until she was able to stand, face to face against Morrigan.

Small tears were forming at the corners of Morrigan's eyes. The horror she felt now was incomparable to anything she had ever experienced in her life.

Liselotte touches a small lock of Morrigan's hair, in the gesture of wanting to see her eyes. Those few hairs were cut in a straight line, falling to the floor.

Such a level of intimidation is only possible for someone who embodies death itself.

Morrigan was not capable of facing Liselotte in any way. The Lich would destroy the goddess' soul before she could even move her staff.

-Don't be a bad girl. Just answer me.

Liselotte then, grabs Morrigan's neck with her left hand. The same hand that resembles that of a skeleton.

Morrigan's feet are pulled off the ground, as she is lifted up by the Lich, who is slightly shorter than her.

-"I am death." -. Liselotte mutters.

Hearing such words, the goddess of death felt like all the blood was drained from her body.

-No...! No, no, no, no, no! Don't do this to me!

Morrigan began to scream like a child. Her fear of Liselotte was overtaken by the fear of death running through her body.

But Liselotte still doesn't get the answer she wants.

-"... unstoppable, inevitable, unassailable. Everything with a soul will know me...".

-Mictlan, stop her...! We've been friends for centuries, don't let her kill me!

Morrigan is desperate, and tries to get Mictlan to help her.

To which the oversized skeleton could only reply...

-Do what she demands of you. -. says Mictlan, in a totally serious voice.

And then. Morrigan broke.

She who was so pure, so divine, with such a flat expression... now she lost all trace of that divinity that made her seem untouchable.

Tears began to spill from Morrigan's face, like those of a little girl who fears with all her being what is happening right now.

-No... no, no...! ... I really don't know anything...! Why would I want to kill Elise?! All this council bullshit was raised without my vote...!

Morrigan's voice pierced Liselotte's ears; a voice that sounded as if it would break if she raised it an octave higher. That was how desperate Morrigan was.

The Lich got the message perfectly. And then she dropped Morrigan.

All the black miasma vanished.

And the gods could take a brief respite.

----[Part 3]

-Let me get this straight. Nergal, you lied to me.

The situation is different now. I was about to explode in anger, but I don't want any of them to find out.

I want it to be a bit of a surprise, hehe.

The main problem was...

-This whole thing is ridiculous, Lich. You're wasting your time and ours by interfering.

A woman with a dark complexion, black hair, white robes with gold trim and a hat in the shape of a jackal. That is the description of the goddess who spoke in Nergal's stead.

-Anubis, do not interfere. -. Mictlan warns.

Yes, don't interfere, can't you see I'm thinking of being slightly merciful to you? I don't need to be violent every time!

But... contradicting the warning Mictlan gave her, she continues speaking:

-Simply no, Mictlan. Don't you realise how childish and ridiculous this conversation has become?

-There are lines you mustn't cross, Anubis... -. Now it is Nergal who warns.

Anubis frowns, as if annoyed by what was being said. And she does not budge from her position.

-I'm just telling the truth. Come on, Lich. Abandon Maxwell's ideals and seek your own. It's time to let that scum go.


-You wasted a thousand years of your immortality in pursuit of some idiot's goal that nearly destroyed all of Gamma. In actuality, I don't understand the benefit of a vampire now.


-Not to be a jerk to you, Lich, but we really don't need her. She steals lives, resources, knowledge and all we do is stand idly by while we let that little shit grow. The world is fine as it is, we don't need that leech.

-Anubis. -. Mictlan utters, just after Anubis has finished speaking.

-What's the matter? -. Anubis herself asks.

-I'm sorry, you're dead.

The skeleton's words immediately disturbed Anubis, who now, unable to keep calm, thought of fleeing by teleporting...

However, Anubis' spell was stopped in record time, and subsequently, without reciting a single incantation, I pierced Anubis' chest with my left hand.

The heart was torn out cleanly. The golden blood that coursed through Anubis' veins spilled pitifully on the floor through my arm.

Said heart, reached the stage of necrosis in a matter of seconds just by the simple fact of being in contact with me. After necrosis, the soft tissue of the heart detached from the muscles, the mitral valve fell apart like mincemeat and this spread throughout the rest of the organ.

But not only in the heart was this happening, I now have a close-up view of Anubis' body decomposing in the same way and at the same speed as her heart.

It is more than obvious, I killed her.

I had no choice. I wasn't going to put up with her shitty attitude any longer. On the other hand, the other gods were petrified in the same position they were in.

I see no one expected me to kill her just like that...

I raise my arm forcefully, tearing apart the upper half of Anubis' body, which in the end, spills out onto the floor during the last phase of putrefaction.

I turn around, and just say as if it were an order:

-No one is going to kill Elise. That's the end of that conversation.

I drop down from the platform where the gods stand to conduct the council. And I walk on, passing Morrigan who was still crying like a little girl.

Uh, I think I overdid it with her.

I'm sorry, this wouldn't have happened if you had mentioned to me that you didn't accept this council from the beginning. I can only apologise from the bottom of my soul for that.

Of course, I could have been less violent...

Overcoming my speed of perception for having let my guard down, I could feel the sudden imbalance in my gait by a very simple to understand fact...

My right leg was torn off in a single attack. And a luminous spear is to blame for that happening.

-We're not done yet, Lich. -. I hear Nergal's voice, from the same place where he has been all this time.

I barely turn to look at him. You bastard, you have no idea what you just did.

-I wouldn't have minded if you killed Morrigan, who is now basically a defector to this council. And I can't overlook the fact that you killed Anubis.

Ah, I see... so this is what you were planning all along, you son of a bitch.

I get it. I almost fell for it.

-We give you an hour's head start. You'll feel all the power the gods can provide and you'll regret defying us!


-Morrigan, let's go. -. I say to the white-haired goddess.


-I said, let's go! We're gonna get killed if we don't leave now!

I rush over to grab Morrigan's arm. It was hard to do that with only one leg, but that alone was enough to make us teleport.

This is bad.

This was just the calm before the storm.

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