I reincarnated as a vampire, what’s the plan? Act II

Third Interlude: Aunt and Me

----[Part 1]

[-In other news, police are still investigating what happened at the Fujitsu academy three months ago. There has been no conclusive evidence about the death of all the students and teachers yet].

My sense of hearing made it easy for me to elucidate the sound of the TV and to be able to separate it from the rest.

That means my aunt is at home...

What about us? We just infiltrated using my bedroom window. We showed up on the roof of the school, so we had to make a quick trip up here.

Fortunately, it's also nighttime, so there's nothing to worry about.

-Take as much time as you want. -. Liselotte says to me.

Looking around, I notice that my room is still intact, just as I left it that day.

As slowly and quietly as I can, I open the door of my room, in order to sneak out of here. Uh, I've gotten really good at this.

I feel like a burglar in my own house...

Wait for it.

The emotion of the moment fed on me, but at no point did I stop to think... What on earth am I going to say to my aunt?

"Hello aunt, I'm sorry I died, I'm here to see you."


She's probably going to have a heart attack if I show up out of nowhere and say something like that.

And on the way here, we managed to buy teriyaki chicken, which is my aunt's favourite food. Liselotte also had her share as it's something totally new to her.

Ahh, really, what can I tell her?

While I was complicating my life thinking about it, I was able to get to the living room. Still undetected.

Sitting on the sofa, staring off somewhere in space with a lost expression... there she was, my aunt. Time has indeed passed for her... I could hear it was three months since what happened that day.

Even she is crying a little bit...

A feeling of guilt attacked me.

And I couldn't resist the urge...

-Oba-chan! I'm back home! -. I raised my voice, speaking perfect Japanese.

I hadn't spoken this language for a long time...

My shout immediately alerted the person in question, who basically jumped out of his seat at the same shout. Who, in his surprise, could only ask...


As if unable to believe what was happening, my aunt asks, just to make sure.

I don't hesitate now.

-That's right, Oba-chan. It's me, Saeko. -. I give the most natural smile I can do.

And as I answered her, it was as if something had ignited in my aunt's brain, for her face changed from a somber one, to that of a child, filled with many tears.

She sobbed, and then burst into tears. My chest hurts a little to see this in the foreground...

I walk in her direction... and when I get far enough away, I embrace her.

The fragrance and warmth of my aunt's body is exactly the same as I remember when she used to hug me every day before going to school.

She reciprocates my embrace, using me as a support to keep crying. I knew something like this was going to happen, especially with how sensitive and emotional my aunt is. However, her sobs made my chest feel warm....

And I couldn't help but cry too.

-Sae-chan... hic...! I missed you so much...!

-I know! I'm sorry for everything, Oba-chan! Ugh... sorry, I didn't mean to wet you with my tears...

-It's... it's alright... hic... I filled you with snot... this isn't a dream, is it? I'm not hallucinating either?

-No, this is reality... hic... sorry for looking so different, some things have happened since the last time we saw each other...

When I mention that, my aunt separates her face from my chest... and until then, she notices my new appearance. Golden hair, pale skin and red eyes. Also pointed ears and fangs protruding slightly from between my lips.

And, of course, my clothes, which are those of a full-fledged adventurer.

-... Are you having your own isekai experience?


I knew you were going to say that, damn it!

Ahhh, how ashamed I feel all of a sudden! I feel like I'm going to die from all this! Swallow me earth...!

Of course, just like me, my aunt is also a hardcore otaku... Why is my whole family in this world just like me! My parents were otaku too, you don't know how embarrassed I felt when I saw my mother cosplaying as Rukia Kuchiki!

-Y, yes... my isekai experience...

I'm probably red as a tomato right now, I can't even make eye contact with my aunt. Seriously, may the earth swallow me up.

-I'm sorry for crying... -. Ahhh, my aunt has calmed down again!

And here I am, nervous and embarrassed at the same time.

I feel like a little dusty fry now...

-And, welcome back, Sae-chan. -. She smiles at me, just as she had done every time so far.


-Thank you. Here, I brought you something to eat... -. I pick up the teriyaki chicken I had put aside.

She receives it, and upon smelling the aroma, it was as if her appetite was suddenly activated as it didn't take her long to start eating.

Only then was I able to calm down.

-You don't look so good, Oba-chan... What... happened to you?

I reached out my hand, to touch my aunt's hair. It's hard and greasy. Also her face, it looks like she hasn't slept properly in months... and this place is a dump.


There are bottles of sake, beer, tequila, vodka... various kinds of alcohol. I get it...

She's not like she smells like the best of fragrances either, but I don't really mind this about her. I'm sure she's smelled worse among all the times she's dragged me out of my room for locking me in...

-So much has happened... since your death... sorry I'm not well dressed, I haven't been out of the house for weeks...

-And your work?

-Too much workload, I couldn't resist it all...

-Can you stand up?

-I don't think I can stand upright... it's been several days since I last stood up...


I'll wait until my aunt finishes eating to help her in any way I can.

-Oba-chan, I'll take care of the cleaning in the meantime.

I'm trying to use [Recreation] to create rubbish bags... but absolutely nothing comes out.


Hey, it should work...

- - -

┈┈┈┈✦Restricted use: The rules of this world do not allow the use of magic.

- - -


I didn't know about that. At least, Liselotte create a 'link' to the another world, in contrary case, we could be trapped in this world.

And now that I realize it, I can't access my [Inventory] or [Status]. It seems I'm currently just like an ordinary human.

I get up, to go to the kitchen. And right in the place I remember are the rubbish bags. I grab them all and go to pick up the bottles that are scattered around the living room.

I'm even a little surprised that she hasn't gone into alcoholic shock from all the alcohol she consumed.

It doesn't take me long to pick it all up. And I get ready to open the curtains, so that at least the night sky can be seen in this darkness.

My aunt didn't say a single word while I was doing this...

-Sae-chan, you don't need to do something you didn't do before... I can take care of that...

-No, I won't let you do it. I've changed now, Oba-chan, I have no problem with doing this for you.

-What did you do to my niece... damn fantasy world?

-I'm still me! Can't you see my face is the same? -Besides, it's been a long time since I've been home! I'm excited to be here.

-...thank you very much, Sae-chan...as you can see, your Oba-san has had some difficult times...

I noticed. You never liked being in such a mess before.

I feel a knot in my chest as I never thought I would ever see such an expression on my aunt's face. She was always cheerful in front of me, but how she's doing her best to keep a smile on her face in my presence makes me feel a little bad.

-Sae-chan... Is it true that you killed those girls?

And the truth... I was already looking forward to this question. I knew she was going to ask me that.

Knowing my aunt, she must have trusted me enough not to believe that I did that.

I even took my precautions by erasing the serial number of the gun so it wouldn't be traced back to my aunt in any way.

But if I had a gun in my hand at the time the police arrived, it was obvious that they would come to search the house for papers related to the gun, but I had already gotten rid of those.

And although there are so many things I am saying in my mind, there are no real words coming out of my throat right now. I can't make any excuses or lie about it.

It would be taking credit away from what Saeko did....

Wait, killing three people who were harassing you is a credit?

Uh, my senses of ethics and morals are pretty disparate right now. I don't think in this world it's something to be proud of...

Anyway... I can't stay without giving you an answer...

-I'm not going to lie to you, Oba-chan... yes, I did. And I apologise for that.

-... Sae-chan, have you killed... in the fantasy world?


I lose strength in my hands, and drop the bag with the bottles. I hear how some of them even broke.

I turn to my aunt, and in a brief off-balance walk, I drop to my knees and rest my head in my aunt's lap.

And I couldn't help but start crying... the tears came out of my eyes on their own.

-I'm sorry... sorry for turning into this... I never meant for my actions to extend to this extent! Because of my selfishness, many lives were lost!


-It's all my fault... hic...! Ah, I-I... I... I was just afraid... hic... those girls almost killed me that time.... I know that n-nothing justifies me killing them...! ...but I...! ...I was just afraid of dying, Oba-chan...


-And in the fantasy world... I got a lot of sapient monsters killed by waging a shoddy war in which we all almost died... that time, I was being consumed by anger and I couldn't think rationally...


-No matter how hard I tried, I couldn't save those lives that I myself compromised... and yet, no one blames me for bringing about genocide! No one has come to hate me for what I did! And I... I feel so guilty...! But there is still no one to come and reproach or punish me for my actions!

-If no one punishes you, it's because they see your actions as the right ones!

Saying that, my aunt starts stroking my head.

This feeling she transmits to me... it's motherly love...

-You've suffered a lot too, huh, Sae-chan... you can rest assured, this is your safe place.

-Oba-chan... -. I lift my pitiful and sobbing face, to see my aunt's expression.

She is smiling. She is mostly keeping her gentle and kind face, full of affection towards me. An expression that forgives me for all I have done.

-Don't cry... you don't need to, you've apologised enough, Sae-chan.

-Ah... ah... ah... gah... -. I try to say something, but the wailing prevents me from articulating even a single word.

-I don't care what you've done in this world or the other, you're still my beloved niece... you were always good at hiding your emotions from the rest, but at the end of the day, you always came to my lap to cry.

-Uh... uh... -. Her sweet words hit straight to my chest and all I can do is keep crying.

She knows what I'm really like...

-You're like my daughter, Saeko. And I feel that you look at me as if I were your own mother. I'm glad that despite how hard it's been for you, you still haven't changed, sweetheart.


-Even though... I'm a murderer now...? Don't you hate me...? Ah, ah... I... I...! I don't deserve this...

-Of course you do, Saeko. Even though you've killed, you're not proud of it, and it'll be like that in the future too, won't it? I don't really care about your actions, just don't change the beautiful person you are, Saeko.

-But...! What if that changes...?! What if I start to get satisfaction from killing others?! Would you still love me?! Could you tell me all these things?!

-Of course. I would still love you. And I'll love you forever, Saeko. If something like this happens, it's because circumstances forced you to become like this. But... -. She cuts herself off for a moment.

And then, the warmth rises again. She is hugging me again. And unlike before, here she is conveying all her love directly to me.

-Still, even if I can't hate you... I'd hate it if everyone else saw you that way, Saeko. So don't become the kind of person who earns the hatred of others. Get allies. Don't be afraid to trust others. And don't think everything you do is wrong even if it means taking lives.


-And most of all... thank you for coming, Saeko... I'm so, so happy to see you that I can't finish expressing it. You don't know how happy I am that my niece is still alive in spite of everything...


-I forgive you for everything you've done, Saeko... you don't have to live with the weight of all those deaths. I'm not saying you're not guilty, just keep being the beautiful niece I love and nothing more.

Those words finished breaking my façade. I had tried so hard to let it all out, but in the end it was in vain because I couldn't take it anymore.

And I kept crying until I got tired, and fell asleep in my aunt's lap.

----[Part 2]

-Madam... madam... -. I hear a voice speaking to me.

At the same time, I feel movements pushing me from one side to the other, as if trying to wake me up.

It's been a while since I've been able to sleep this well... and it's all thanks to Sae-chan, who's still asleep next to me on the couch.

What time is it... Why are the curtains closed again?

-Madam, please wake up... Saeko and I have to go.

My eyelids finished opening, and I spotted a girl in front of me, short hair, white skin and a pair of circular glasses. Uh, they remind me of the Harry Potter ones, but in a big edition...

-Who... are... you...? -. That question came out of my mouth.

-I'm sorry if I can't speak the language well, I just learned it a while ago... I'm a friend of Saeko's, who helped her to come here. It's a pleasure to meet you and I'm sorry to come to ruin your reunion.


It's the first time she heard something like this, Sae-chan has a friend...? Especially one as cute as her...?

-What's wrong...?

-It's already dawn, and it's going to be a problem if she's still here...

-Why would it be a problem? -. What she said quickly piqued my interest, and even made me lose sleep.

Her expression is a bit complicated, but it doesn't take long for her to answer me...

-She's no longer human. She's a vampire now. I think she knows what will happen if she's exposed to even a little sunlight...

... vampire?

Sae-chan is a vampire?

Uh... I think that explains her new appearance to a large extent. I thought she was some mix between human and elf because of her golden hair and pointy ears, but besides that, she now has red eyes and her fangs stick out a bit more now that she's asleep.

I didn't think too much of it when she told me that she came from a fantasy world, which is where she was reincarnated.

I carefully got up from the sofa.... It took me a while, I hadn't stretched my legs for a while, but I was able to keep myself stable without any problems. And the best thing is that Saeko is still asleep.

-Thank you for bringing her here. I see you're very close to Sae-chan, since you came to wake me up first before her. Now that's a good consideration.

-Well... it's my duty as her ally. I don't want to inconvenience her at all.

She speaks to me in a rather colloquial tone. Well, I'm not surprised from someone who comes from another world.

-What's your name, girl?

-Uhm, I don't know how I could pronounce it... but you can call me Rise, if you like.

-I understand, come with me. Are you of age, Rise?

I reach for a half-empty bottle of whiskey, and hurry to the kitchen to get two glasses to pour us both some.

-Oh, yes. Well, I'm actually much older than you.

Rise follows me into the kitchen, where I give her a small nod to take a seat in the dining room.

Then, I pass her the glass with her shot of whiskey in it. She looks at it in confusion for a moment, but when she sees me take it smoothly, she does too.

Oh, no reaction at all. Looks like she's a good drinker.

-Rise, do you like Sae-chan?

-Yes. Even though she killed my pet when we first met...

-Hey... I'm sorry for not raising her well...

-Don't worry, my pet tried to kill her first so she practically asked for it. And it's not like I hold a grudge against Saeko.

-Did you have an alligator for a pet?!

-It was a giant worm about three hundred metres long.

-Then I'm even more surprised that Sae-chan is still alive!

-Haha, you have the same reactions as Saeko. I see where you learned them from.

Uh, I feel embarrassed that someone would say that to me... I really didn't mean to be a bad influence on her or anything.

Although really, her parents weren't much better! You think you know what cringe is?! Cringe is watching your older sister modeling a Rukia Kuchiki cosplay in front of your niece! I've had enough cringe for the rest of my life!


My drunkenness had passed, but here I am, drinking again....

It would be better if I started going to AA...

-Also, thanks for taking care of Sae-chan. It's the first time I've met a friend of hers... I feel so proud right now.

-It's not something I should be thankful for. She's the one who told me we were friends in the first place... she became the first friend I've had in a long time...

-Hehehe... don't break her heart, okay? If she falls in love with you, it would be best if you don't play with her feelings. She's a very introverted girl even now.

-We don't have that kind of relationship...

-But it's possible that you do. And I'm sure she'll be the first to say so. She may be introverted, but she's serious when she falls in love with someone.

-... I don't think she deserves it...

-Why? Are you a murderer too?

-! Ah, I... Well, you're not wrong. But my deeds are heavier than Saeko's. I don't think I'm worthy of loving a person.

-Don't worry about that. I'm sure Sae-chan won't even care.

-I'll keep it in mind.

The girl stood up again, and made a small bow to me, a sign of her farewell.

-I'm sorry I have to leave while we were talking, but it's going to be dangerous if Saeko is still here. The slightest ingress of light could be lethal to her.

-I understand... really, thank you.

-I promise to bring her back to visit from time to time. Not that often, as doing so takes a lot of magical energy that I have trouble recovering, but we'll visit from time to time.

-I hope the next time we meet you'll have a ring on your finger, daughter-in-law!

-Aw, you joke about it like Elise too! Seriously, we don't have that kind of relationship!

And yet, you don't deny or affirm if you like her. Really, my niece has got herself a cute girl.

A flash of light illuminated my eyes, and by the time I realised it, they were gone.

And how do I feel after all this?


Honestly, I'm very happy that everything seems to have come back. The tiredness I had disappeared as if it had never existed. And all of this, all that I thought of abandoning and throwing away?

I had regained colour.

I lost myself for too long. I think it's about time I got my life back...

-Hello? Yes, Yamazaki. It's me. I'm going back to the office. Mm? Sure, I'm feeling much better now. I'm sorry for the inconvenience.

I think many things will be different from now on. But I'm not afraid.

That's right, Saeko. Don't be afraid anymore. You can always come back to this place. At least as long as I stay alive and pay my taxes, of course.

-Come back soon, Sae-chan.

I'd better start getting ready. I don't want to be late on my first day back to work. It's going to be a busy day and I'm hungover, dammit! Where did I leave my sunglasses?!

And this short story has a happy ending.

Sorry for the late.

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