I reincarnated as a vampire, what’s the plan? Act II

The Heaven’s War – Part 2 [Hera]

[Zawar Orcubalis: Road to the Supernatural Rift]

About an hour has passed since the death of Othinus against me.


We are only halfway, I chose to go on foot because we could be intercepted by aerial means very easily, and teleporting us would only reveal our position too easily.


Besides, it's more entertaining that way.


-Do you know why Nergal wants Elise?


I decided to ask Morrigan, as I couldn't get the idea out of my head. Othinus would have told me what it was about before I killed him, he didn't like to keep secrets or anything like that.


And since I don't think many people know, I at least want to eliminate the likely options, so asking Morrigan is the best option right now.


We haven't spoken since I killed Othinus. Well... I guess she's heard what I've been hiding since that first defeat for me. There's no need for me to hide it anymore.


-I imagine it must be hilarious for a Death Goddess like you, the fact that someone who was mortal has the same abilities as any of you.


-Yes. You are not at all someone I can trust, Liselotte Sitri.


Ahh, it pains me a little to be told that.


-Mictlan was the first one I told about it, so it wasn't so much of a secret. Look, this is a very bad situation and I just want to get it over with as soon as I can. So I need your help if I want to get out of it.


-How do I know you're not going to kill me after it's all over?


-I would have done it already.




Morrigan seems to have realised that what I'm saying isn't a lie. Yes, I could have killed her when I had the chance inside the Deified Pantheon. But since she was of help when Elise needed it most, I decided to repay the favour instead of her.

-You'll do anything to protect Saeko, uh...


-Maxwell asked me.


-Is that enough to be here risking your life?


-That's right. I respect the last will of those who are about to die.


-Just as one of us would...


Well, I guess I've learned a few things from what they do. There are things that must be respected after all, it's a moral obligation for me, if I'm totally honest.


I don't think my immortal life would be peaceful if I didn't take the time to listen to the final wishes of those who deserve it. Obviously I won't let a cockroach make a last wish, I'm also not crazy enough to allow such a pleasure to an undeserving scumbag.




-So, what do you know, Morrigan?


-... very little... I had a few doubts when Nergal asked me to investigate how to contact the Elder Gods.




Shit, that could be a very bad thing. Really, really bad.


-Elise alone is a gateway... and also a half-empty vessel...


-What do you mean?


-It's simple to understand! Nishimiya Saeko no longer exists, so Elise's body has spiritual space for something else to reside.


-... huh?


Morrigan reacted just as I was expecting. She surely has a doubtful look on her face from what I just said.


It seems that even she isn't that aware of what's going on...


-Wait, that can't be possible... unless... oh, damn it.


-She told me it happened about two months ago, on the [14th Floor]. When the Orcs attacked her and the current Cross Family heroine. What was left of Nishimiya Saeko, a mentally unstable person because of what happened before she was reincarnated as Elise, finally faded away and...


-The System has been taking care of the body ever since... What level of "Valuation" did she have at that time?


-The maximum.


-For God's sake, it took me ten years to do that... and she did it in much less time than I did...


Just like me. And I don't have anything similar as a System-produced alter ego. That proves once again that something very strange is going on regarding Elise. As if she is a magnet for misfortune or something like that.


I would like to ask her directly, but at the moment that is impossible.


In fact, I've been feeling something strange for a while now, but I can't say exactly what it is...


Then. A powerful gale started around us, sending trees, bushes and some animals flying.


Shit, I knew it wasn't going to be easy just because we were close to our destination.



Liselotte's hunch was right.


For with the speed of the wind, easily surpassing the sound barrier, a man rushed at Liselotte, who, wielding Gungnir too easily, was able to stop the man in his tracks. The man fell without further delay.


Liselotte spins the spear in her hands, and then thrusts it into the earth, thus stopping the gale. Gungnir stopped inches from the fallen man's head.


The Lich and Morrigan watch the man...


-Ares... -. Morrigan murmurs.


Liselotte didn't really know the face of the god here, but she did know his name and the history he carries.


The least favourite son of Zeus, the one who was banished and had to change his name to enter another pantheon of Gods. A black-haired man, armed to the teeth in Spartan armour, shield and spear included.


There was no doubt that this was one of the much acclaimed Gods of War, the Unwanted Son, Ares.


He was easily swept aside by Liselotte, even though he is bigger than her and by far.


-At last we meet, Liselotte Sitri. A pity we met under these conditions.


A voice other than the man's was heard, setting off Liselotte's alerts to the clouds.


This was a trap, Ares was the bait and Liselotte fell right into the ruse.


Space warped around the three of them, in so many shapes and angles that all that would have awaited them was to become mincemeat. Liselotte then activated one of her most useful abilities in situations like this... "Zero Time Space".


Immediately, everything stopped. Time and space, except for the one who used the ability, Liselotte.


She looked around, finding the source of the voice that proclaimed death for the three of them. Being a white-haired Goddess herself, wrapped in a toga of the same colour as her hair and skin, the beauty of this woman was overwhelming... and by her powers, Liselotte knew who it was.


It was none other than Hera... some centuries ago, the news spread among all immortals that Zeus had died, and this was due to the incurable wounds he got from his final confrontation against his father mother, Kronos. Zeus, before he died, gave all his power to his wife, Hera. Who then, and only then, became the Queen of Olympus.


Therefore, the Hera present here was an amalgam of power. A being almost on the level of omnipotence that was going to be a problem if the problem was not nipped in the bud.


Liselotte returns her gaze to the ground, to look at Ares.


The War God's expression is calm, accepting his death at the hands of his own mother.


Liselotte felt a lump in her throat, for what was going to happen if she didn't defend herself from the attack. It was obvious that Ares was not doing this at will, he was just a pawn in Hera's ruse?


A possible ally was something Liselotte couldn't let go.


So she made a simple decision.



One thing Othinus never told anyone about Gungnir, is one of the abilities the weapon possesses.


In "Zero Time Space", I passed the tip of this spear over the spatial warps that formed around us. And then these were erased from existence without any problem.


Once that was resolved, I spun on my own feet to build up momentum, and using a skill that allows me to calculate the trajectory of my throws, and simply threw Gungnir while deactivating the "Zero Time Space".


That way, Hera's belly was impaled with Gungnir, and she herself, knocked down with a single impact.


I didn't activate the "Concept of Non-Existence" because I didn't want to kill her so easily. She might have some information that would be useful to me.




Ares' expression was filled with surprise and nothing else. Stifling a scream, as if suppressing the voice that would come out when his body was mutilated.


I keep my eyes on Hera, and just say to Ares...


-It must have been hell for you to have to obey everything that bitch told you. You can rest assured, I'm going to kill that coward.


Then I start running in the direction of where Hera fell, who couldn't get free from Gungnir, so she decided to attack at various random points looking to hit me somehow.


My feet are nimble, so I had no problem dodging these uncoordinated attacks.


I got to Hera's location very quickly, and to stop her stupid attacks I plunged my left foot into her throat, at the same time pulling Gungnir in my direction to get her off her body.


When I had the spear in my hands...


-You are too stupid!


Faster than my reaction time, an intense light blinded my field of vision for a few moments. I can't be faster than the light, or what comes next.


I try to let go of Gungnir, but it was too late.


My entire right arm was pulverised to nothingness by the impact in Gungnir.


I felt all this energy spreading through my body, it is different from ordinary lightning as it is imbued with divine energy. Therefore, my body started to draw blood from every orifice, even the pores of my skin.


I was about to explode when I finally let go of Gungnir, and the driving ended.


I collapsed easily to my knees, and very soon after my body was already on the ground completely. That attack could have killed me.


Hera recovered too quickly from the wound Gungnir inflicted on her, and was able to stand up again.


I wanted to activate "Zero Time Space" again, but...


-No, not this time.


With a single wave of her arm, Hera stopped my ability. Oh, it seems she not only has the powers of Zeus now, but also of Kronos...


Fucking cheating bitch.


Despite the pain, I struggle back to my feet. My posture is unbalanced and I look like I'm going to collapse at any moment.


I pull another vial of phalna from my inventory, and instead of putting it on one of my wounds, I decide to drink it.


-And to think that the fairies my husband created ended up in that foul fluid you're ingesting.


I don't care about Hera's words and finish with the phalna.


The regeneration kicked in, so the bleeding stopped.


-Tell me, Lich, why did you show no mercy to Othinus, but you showed mercy to my worthless son?


Hera is preparing to fight directly. Not from a distance.


We start going in circles, keeping our eyes on each other.


I use earth magic to create a temporary arm to replace the one I just lost. I reinforce it with solidification magic so it won't fall apart easily for what's to come.


I'm going to have to rely on my left side for brute force. The imbalance is also going to be against me.


-Othinus' death is worth more than Ares'.


-What made you think that?


-I don't know, maybe it's because Othinus almost killed me in the past, you idiot. I've never even seen your son's face before.


-But still, it's disrespectful to Othinus' death...


-Why do you care so much? Oh... don't tell me, you traded Zeus for him and now you want revenge. Ridiculous old woman, I can tell the years have made you horny, eh, bitch?


-Enough! I won't let you insult me anymore!


A crack in space formed right in front of my eyes, that could shatter my face. I spin on my heels, looking to minimise the impending damage. And I managed to receive a single scratch on my left cheek.


Turning, I gained enough momentum to manage to connect a blow to Hera's own left cheek using my elbow. She remained unresponsive to the impact, despite how hard it was.


She seeks to grab my left arm this time, but I react better than she did by doing what Othinus did to me, a full and powerful headbutt.


-Agh! -. Hera whimpers in pain.


She lets go of my arm, so I was able to readjust my stance to get a hold of her neck and start choking her. Then, I release my "Aura of Death".


Hera's expression changes instantly as all my murderous intentions concentrate on her, penetrate her existence and make her start to fear me. I use "Blood Magic" to seep a small amount of my blood into Hera, and thus, infect her with the "Lorynium Aspermicetus", which immediately acted and suppressed her magical power.


-I want you to answer my questions.


-Ghg... hah... -. Hera struggles to try to free herself from my grip.


But it's no use, now that she's weakened, there's no way for her to escape.


So... I came up with something good...


I haven't used this spell Maxwell taught me for too long.


-Magic of Chaos... Chain of Hades.


He then released Hera's neck, and a series of chains began to wrap around the body of the Goddess. Causing her to fall to her knees unable to defend herself.


-Ahhh! Let me go! -. Hera begins to scream from the immense pain that runs through her body.


The Chain of Hades is a spell designed to restrain mythological beasts and some deities, it was originally created to keep the Cerberus in place, and then taught by Hades himself to Maxwell for him to use on the vampire Enigma.


The chains burn a bluish colour, due to the flames from the underworld, Tartarus, that cover the chains.


They not only burn you physically, but also your soul. The greater your resistance, the greater the power of the fire.


-Let me go, I demand you do it! You'll regret it if you don't...! Gah... ahhh...!


The flames do their work, burning Hera even more fiercely.


I look at her from under her shoulder. She looks pitiful.


-You don't give me orders. So shut your damn mouth and answer.


-Fine, ask your damn questions!


Well, now that she's agreed I guess I can get straight to the point.


-Why was Elise chosen?  Any of the reincarnated could be an equal candidate for what they want to do.


-Nergal wants to crown himself as the "God of Gods", and for that he needs the entity with the most potential, even among the reincarnates! She owes us, we gave her everything she has now! We allowed her to come to our world in the first place! We have the right to use her as we please!


-Elise is a child. She has nothing to do with this miserable world. She owes nothing to anyone. She didn't ask you to bring her here or anything. You and your selfishness as usual... so who does Nergal want to bring?


-I don't know... I really don't know! Ah, shit, this hurts too much!


-You must know. I'll add more chains if you don't want to talk.


Hera's teary eyes look at me pleadingly, she can't seem to bear the pain the chains attribute to her. I really don't care.


-Even if I knew, it wouldn't do any good! You'll kill Nergal before he can even get close to the reincarnated girl!






-Nergal, where is Nergal?!


-He's in...!


Before Hera could tell me his location, a spray of blood splashes my face. Hera's head had been penetrated from above with an axe, splitting the skull in half, scattering the brain matter that shatters into pieces before it reaches the ground.


My killing intent vanished, as did the Chain of Hades that was encircling Hera, dropping the corpse, its grey matter spilling out like a jumble of brains and dirt.


I could only drop my shoulders in a sigh as I look at Hera's corpse.


I am not even able to say anything back to the one who brought down the weapon that ended her life.


-Ares... you didn't have to do that. I was going to do it anyway...


The burly man then drops to his knees in front of me.


-A thousand thanks, Lich. I thank you for giving me the opportunity to avenge my father's death, and for sparing my life in the process. I never thought an opportunity would present itself in this situation.




-I knew it, Hera killed Zeus...


-It's pitiful what we gods will do for a little power.


-It's best we don't talk about pitiful gods, your father hated you at birth, so why avenge him?


-Because at the end of the day, he was my father. I couldn't sit still, but when I tried to confront my mother, she didn't hesitate twice to put me in my place again.


-That's not so pitiful, uh...


-Thank you for your compassion. And to repay my debt, let me join your rebellion.


Oh. That took me by surprise. I wasn't expecting a juicy proposition like that.


-Right now I have to fix my body. So for the moment it's a strategic retreat... and, that's fine. Come with us. You've already proved your loyalty to me.


At my words, Ares then stands up and starts walking behind me. I then gesture to Gungnir, who, in a few seconds, arrived at my left hand, and I also give another small nod to Morrigan, for her to come to us.


I will save this location for the time when we return. For now, it's time to go back to the dungeon—.

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