I reincarnated as a vampire, what’s the plan? Act II

The Heaven’s War – Part 2.5 [Intermission]

[Maxwell's Colossal Dungeon]
[30th Floor]

The teleportation spell was completed. We arrived safely at [The Codex], and having teleported here only managed to attract the attention of the only person present here.

-Oh, Liselotte...! You... come... back...

Elise's tone of voice lowered as soon as she saw how I was. My appearance is not the best, and besides, the earth arm did not transport with me.

My clothes are soaked in the blood of everyone I've killed today. Oh, and I lost my glasses in the course of all this. Plus the spear in my left hand must make me stand out too much.

-What happened to you! Are you all right?!

Elise throws herself off the first floor to get to where we are, and the closest she comes to me. She also looks sideways at Morrigan, maybe Elise wants to keep her distance from her.

Oh, right. What I came for...

-Morrigan, please go get me one of the large containers loaded with phalna in that warehouse, one that has a red mark on it. I'm going to unlock the door for two minutes, so go quickly.

-I understand.

-Ares, go help Morrigan, please. I need a little time alone. Then we'll go get more reinforcements.

-As you command.

Morrigan moved ahead of Ares, and just like that, they both left to bring me what I had just asked for.

I didn't want to go back until it was over, but I'm not very functional with one arm, so I don't have much choice.

-Liselotte, what's going on?

The moment she asks me again, having a serious face... I simply deflated on top of her and leaned on her shoulder.

Fatigue is taking a bit of a toll on me. It had been too long since the last time I had such continuous fights.

-... I'm protecting you...

I stifle a sigh, at the same time as I tell her that.

-What are you talking about? You come with Morrigan and... the God of War... it's weird that you say you're looking out for me, haha.

-My day has been too long, and I haven't finished with those who come after you yet.

-Business with the Deified Pantheon?

-It got out of hand... I can't tell you more than that... otherwise, I'm fine.

-... remember that you can count on me for whatever you want, Liselotte.

If only you could understand the magnitude of the things I'm doing right now. But well... it's no problem for me if you don't understand, Elise.

It's not like I'm going to back down now that I've come this far.

Nergal won't either, so it's going to be a battle of endurance.

Hearing that the other two are already on their way back, I turn away from Elise so I can continue where I was.

-What is this thing, Sitri? It smells too strong even for phalna.

Morrigan asks me, to which I simply answer:

-Body parts. Or almost exact imitations in their entirety of any part of my body. Each vessel contains a dismembered body, and this is the one in use.

-Oh... so you thought of everything. -. Morrigan mentions in a moderate tone of voice.

-That's right.

I leave Gungnir to Elise for a moment, while I remove my robe so I can perform the transplant to my body.

I'm also going to have to change my clothes completely. I need something lighter than this, and at the same time, armour so I don't get hurt so much.

-Open it, Ares. -. I ask, as I leave the tunic lying on the floor.

Ares, using a good amount of strength, removes the lid that was vacuum sealed to store these things without risk of rotting.

A strong smell makes everyone else frown, it seems to disgust them, though I'm used to it.

I take a few steps closer, so I can stick my hand inside the jet black liquid, and rummage around inside for a spare right arm.

The last time I used this thing was to find a spare eye, because I'd had an accident while experimenting.

Bad memories, uh... I remember that that hurt like hell...

When I could feel the texture of the fingers opposite my left arm, I pulled it out without hesitation.

I even got Morrigan a little wet with the water, and I can only apologise inwardly to her.

Once the arm was off, all that was left was to glue it on.

-Hold my new arm in the joint. -. I say to Morrigan, who was already wet with the preserved phalna.

-This is a great nuisance.... -. She complains almost whispering.

I'm not going to deny it, because it is a nuisance, but for her, haha.

I pull one of my phalna vials from my inventory again, and pour it into the severed joint of my original arm. This phalna soon forms a reaction and unifies my tissues and bones as one.

Good, the weight is right.

I open my inventory again, then stow Gungnir inside. I pull out the only other thing I have to wear, but not before I put on pieces of armour adaptive to my body shape.

These pieces cover my arms, hands, chest, back and knees. They are made of adamantite that was combined with mythril to increase the durability, magical conductivity and strength of the material.

I haven't worn these things since I became a Lich. I really didn't think they were necessary again.

-Prepare yourselves. There may be worse things waiting for us once we return.

The other two began to do as I did, and it wasn't long before they changed the equipment they were carrying.

Surely what I have faced so far is child's play compared to what lies ahead. So precautions are necessary.

For my part, it only took me a moment to reactivate the enchantments that were put on this super light armour in the past.

Now comes the annoying part...

-Those clothes... I've never seen it before... -. Elise mentions, seeing what I just took out of my inventory.

What she's referring to is my apprentice outfit, the same one I wore in the countless battles fought while the [Redhart Hunt] was in force.

It consists of a skirt, a small tunic that covers a little below the solar plexus, a long-sleeved shirt, all of it light blue, with a lily detail, which was Maxwell's emblem, dark stockings and boots with spikes on the soles to keep you in one position.

I use magic to change the colours of each item of clothing, turning the skirt and shirt a black colour, while the tunic now possesses a dark green colour.

The only thing that retains its white colour is Maxwell's badge. It is located on the left side of the tunic. 

-Maxwell would have wanted me to change the colours of this damn thing, it was too flashy.

-A bit?! I wouldn't be surprised if you were attacked all the time wearing that!

-Relax, you'll get used to it sooner or later...

-Don't tell me that with a smile on your face, you scare me! -. Elise replies.

I'm not joking. I remember with bitterness all the times this damn thing made the attackers focus only on me, even during the night.

That's why I have a severe resentment of its original colour. I always asked Maxwell to let me change it, but he said I was too young for that.

Now that I had a better colour, with a snap I put on the clothes over the armour, though with the metal gloves there's nothing I can do about it.

And to complete the outfit from the old days, there's nothing better than the only material relic for personal use that Maxwell left me.

Everyone thinks Maxwell was buried along with his staff, but they couldn't be more wrong.

The wooden staff covered with sections of gold and platinum, which is filled in multiple places with precious gems such as emeralds, rubies and diamonds that conduct magic in a masterful way, then comes out of my inventory, where it has been for a millennium.

At the tip, it has a huge sapphire coated with a quartz crystal to protect it from any impact.

I hold it with both hands, and rest it on my right foot, because I cannot allow this object to touch the floor, merely out of respect for its original owner.

This is the second time in my entire life that I have held this staff, and I have not yet dared to do so in a disrespectful or careless manner.

I have never wanted to use it before because I was afraid of dishonouring Alexander Maxwell's memory by misusing his staff. But I suppose that doesn't even matter.

"Protect this world I love, Liselotte. That is all I ask of you for all I have done for you."

A few hours before she died that was something she said to me. And I respect that wish above all things. That is why I will not allow anyone or anything to interfere in the fulfilment of that wish.

It is time for me to fulfil my role as his sole successor.

And if I learned anything from Maxwell, it's that allies are a cornerstone if you want to accomplish your quest.

-Elise. I want you to stay here. No way you're leaving the [30th Floor] until I get back. When I get back, we'll go visit your aunt again.

Elise's eyes, red as crimson, sparkled with the excitement of what my words meant.

She rushed to... hug me...

I think it's funny, because it's the first time someone has done this with me outside of my parents...

-Promise you'll come back safely. I don't want anything to happen to you.

-I can't promise that, it would be too dangerous to be raising red flags, my luck isn't good at all...

-Haha, I understand. Have a good trip, Liselotte. I'll be waiting for you.

Phew, I feel less weight on my conscience now.

Even if I end up dying by any chance, I know there will be someone to finish what I started.

But that's not going to happen. I'm not going to let it happen.

I turn to one of my many bookshelves, and from one particular book, which functions as a hiding place, I pull out a key.

I have to make a stop before I leave here again.

-Let's go. There's somewhere I want to go while we're around.

-Where are we going? -. Ares asks.

To which, after thinking a bit, I answer:

-To an old friend. -. I reply with a fearless smile.

I insert the key into a random place in the air, and turning it over creates a shortcut to where I want to go. The key is actually the [Dungeon Master's Key], and it can only be used by me, clearly.

I shake my head slightly, indicating to the other two to follow me through this passageway.

Ares and Morrigan pass through the door, and I stay behind only to wave goodbye to Elise. She answers me in kind.

Someday I'll introduce her to the person I'm going to see.

[Maxwell's Colossal Dungeon]

[80th Floor - End]

As we stepped through the portal, we were greeted by a field filled with lilies... Alexander Maxwell's favourite flower.

The flowery field was totally contrasted by the figure in the middle of it all. It has been a thousand years since she has been here, and so have I. She marked my life in an inimitable way.

She marked my life in an unimaginable way, and all for defending the one I loved.

But without knowing it, she became a truly malicious woman full of resentment.

Hair as black as the night itself. Eyes of the same colour. White complexion. Dressed in the same clothes in which she was locked up in that place.

Her hair stretches several metres on the floor, a sign of the time she has been in captivity.

-Look who deigned to show his face! -How long was it? Ten years? Twenty years? -. The woman, raising her face, asks me.

-Sixty, actually.

-Ohh, I thought it was much less time. And who are the assholes you're bringing this time? Fresh meat?

-You wish, Enigma. They're just tagging along, they're the God of War, Ares. And this is the Goddess of Death, Morrigan.

-I thought you hated gods.

-I do. But they've proven themselves to be fine individuals, even among the scum that are the gods.

As I said, she's Enigma, the "first vampire" in theory. She's the one who brought about the fear of vampires after Redhart's death. She is also the one who caused my people to die, but I gave up feelings of hatred towards her ages ago.

Apart from being a vampire, she is a [Living Weapon] since she can transform from a human form to a weapon.

-Look, I brought you something.

I mention, then pulling Gungnir out of my inventory.

-Liselotte Sitri, my friend, you are insane! -. Enigma exclaims, seeing what I have in my hand.

She could analyse it in an instant, I suppose. On several occasions I have brought her weapons to keep for me, as she can assimilate anything I bring her.

I've also brought her food, but that's not something we talk about.

-Othinus entrusted you with his most powerful weapon after death, how can you ask this... monster to assimilate it?!

The one who got excited was Morrigan, who stepped in my way to try to stop me.

-It was important to Othinus. He's dead, I can do what I please with this trinket.

-Would you like someone to do the same with Maxwell's staff? I haven't seen you let it touch the ground at any time.


Well played.

-Seems like this thing is important for some reason, so another time I'll give it to you, Enigma.

-That's fine with me.

-Don't settle so easily! -As a goddess of death it bothers me that you have no respect for the memory of the deceased!

I have respect for Othinus even after he's dead, but not enough to give my all to protect the weapon he entrusted to me.

Well, what does it matter.

-Othinus... uh, my [Valuation] didn't want to tell me the name of the weapon, but now it makes sense. Lottie wouldn't use something as vulgar as a spear willingly.

-Can you get an idea of what's going on and why I'm here?

Enigma focuses her gaze on me. And in a cheerful voice he utters:

-You come to take me out after last time! It's about damn time you decided to reveal yourself against the Deified Pantheon!

Excitement is heard in Enigma's voice. She now begins to crave a fight at any cost.

-Last time? -. Ares asks.

-Ah, it was once when I was still a bit of a novice at dungeon management. A monster suddenly got too much power and it was creating an imbalance in the dungeon. It was about six hundred years ago.

My tone may sound carefree, but I almost kicked the bucket many times on that occasion, and it was Enigma who was saving my bacon all the way.

I didn't think I'd have to release her again just to get her to help me, haha.

I undo the spell imbuing the chains containing Enigma, and with a simple wave of Maxwell's staff, they are pulverised.

-It's been so long since I took off these chains! So I can hug you, Lottie.

-Uh, this is no time for that...

I push Enigma away from me, using my left hand. She was trying to hug me as soon as she was free.

-First the reincarnated one, and now the living weapon... are you a vampire magnet? -. Ares asks, wearing a complicated expression.

Hey, I didn't think of it like that.

-Lottie has been the focus of many enemies since she was a child! She's a hell of a lot stronger now than she was in her early days, but I still remember seeing her cry a couple of times over the hordes of monsters that came at her.

-Then it's just bad luck! -. Ares concludes.

Yes, that's a good thing to say. I just have some bad luck.

-Enigma. I need you to focus, okay? As the second most powerful monster in the dungeon, I want you to take care of any intruders who want to penetrate my defences.

-Wait, how dangerous is the current situation?


It's not a good idea to keep things from Enigma. She can kill even me without a problem.

-You see... it's an unfortunate time we're having since somehow your species resurfaced after so many years...

-Explain yourself.

Enigma ordered me with a serious tone.

-I'm protecting someone alien to this world... who owes nothing to you or me. But who is a product of the choices we made a thousand years ago.

-I'm not understanding you... 

-She is someone who was reincarnated here, and it may be confusing for you, however, I don't want you to be angry with me...

-I won't. Come on, tell me.

I can't tell if she's serious or not. Enigma is the only one I've never been able to read, not a thousand years ago, not now.

-That girl's name is Elise. Simply Elise. And she's the first modern-day vampire. She is... identical to Redhart. Both in potential and appearance.


-It's not impossible... and I'm here now because I want to protect her. Almost the entire Deified Pantheon is against me, and things could get difficult in the future, so...

-Liselotte. I'm going to help you. But just promise me one thing.

-Whatever you want.

-Let me be free so I can meet that brat who dares to use the name I gave Liz...

A shiver ran down my spine.

Damn, vampires are serious business. Even to scare me...

Is it some kind of trauma or something, or just muscle memory? I feel like this has happened to me a few times in the past.

-I won't let you kill her, Enigma.

-And what are you going to do? Stop me?


-Don't get so uppity, you're always just a spell away from perishing. I'm not lying, Enigma, I'll kill you without hesitation if you so much as touch a hair on her head.

Pointing the staff at Enigma's chest, only then do I make her lower her threat and shrug her shoulders.

-I just want to meet her, there's no need to get so defensive. Do we have a deal?

Enigma holds out her left hand to me, looking to close the deal.

I shake her hand, and then she gives me a fearless smile.

-Can I go wild?

-Go wild. Kill anyone who crosses your path.

-Haha! Always talking in a ruthless way, that's worthy of the Dungeon Master!

-I learned it from you. I'll leave you on the first floor. If anything dangerous comes up on my end, I want you to answer my call immediately.

-Good. You can trust me, Lottie.

With a simple spell, I teleport Enigma to the first floor. Well, it certainly looks like she's going to set about killing whatever's in her path.

Now that I have my greatest defence in action, it's time to get back to my mission.

-The plan is this. We'll finish climbing the mountain, and I'll deactivate the Supernatural Rift. Only then, I want you to use every last bit of energy you have. Because we're going to sweep the floor with Nergal and all his allies.

-Sitri, can I take Gungnir in your place? -. Morrigan asks.

-Oh, sure. Just be careful who you aim this at.

-You have nothing to worry about. -. Morrigan says to me.

She stows her halberd in her inventory, and smoothly manages to wield Gungnir. Wow, it looks pretty good on him.

-It's time to go back. I won't be back until it's all over, so I hope it all works out quickly.

-You have the favour of a War God. Be assured that victory will be yours.

-A Goddess of Death guarantees it, there's no way they'll beat us no matter how difficult that might be.

Heh, heh.

-I like that attitude. Alright, let's go back to Zawar Orcubalis!

We then go back through a portal that would take us back to where we left off before returning to the dungeon.

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