I reincarnated as a vampire, what’s the plan? Act II

The Heaven’s War – Part 3 [Sun Wukong]

The light disappeared... and when I opened my eyes, I was just outside the dungeon where I have been a prisoner for centuries.


Ahh, it's been six hundred years without a fight, I'm excited!


Maybe you all know me by now, but I'll introduce myself anyway, I'm Enigma. And I'm currently about to enter the battlefield.


The dungeon is shaking very badly, maybe it's due to the attacks that are hitting the barrier that covers us.


Well, there's no way they'd penetrate Lottie's defences in a million years. The barriers she makes are of the highest quality, not even a cataclysm would move the dungeon from where it is.


All right, it's time to get out. It's time to get out.


There's no time to waste... I'm starving.


With a simple movement, I cut the huge hair that was going to get in my way, until it's at my shoulders. I hunch over, so that I use my hands as a base of support, as if they were the paws of an animal.


The magical energy seeps through my pores, enveloping me in a crimson armour, completely surrounding every corner of my body with such an impenetrable defence.


The eyes of that helmet that simulates the head of a wolf, glow with the same colour of the armour in the darkness.


And without making the slightest effort, a shrill sound overcomes the impacts that are taking place in the barrier. A sound that seems to have stopped time.


My body was shot out of my body with a single jolt at a speed that far surpasses the processing level of my first targets, whom with something as simple as stepping out, I had already taken off three heads with a single attack.


One with each hand, and another with the maw of the helmet, where blood began to seep between the crevices of the helmet.


[Vampirism was activated, all your stats have increased by 1.7E+8.]


Blood of Gods... this is the first time I've tasted it. And it tastes as good as I expected it to. It reminds me of the sip Elise gave me of the Dragon Queen's blood.


It's something new and refreshing. I am motivated now.


As soon as my feet hit the ground again, the Gods present hear what has just happened.


-Horus, Osiris and Saturn were killed by that thing! What the hell is it?!


-Heimdall, look out!


The one who named my first three victims barely escaped when I tried to rip his throat out. I find his voice annoying.


-You're not going any further! -. Heimdall brandishes his warhammer, similar to the Mjölnir I know, but in a smaller proportion.


I move to the side, millimetrically avoiding any impact.


And just as the armour was produced, my magical energy moulded the same hammer in Heimdall's hands, but the difference is that mine impacted brutally against the God's chest.


Once I knew the blow connected, I modified the hammer with thought alone, and added spikes to the design, these spikes managed to penetrate Heimdall's body like a piece of slime.


Heimdall vomits blood, having had his internal organs pierced.


While I was at it, an ability called [Extrasensory Detection], which allows me to discover the directions of attacks at a distance of a league is activated, and my body reacts automatically, grabbing Heimdall's corpse to use it as a meat shield.


Having done this, all attacks, mostly magical and a few with arrows, were blocked at the mercy of Heimdall.


Whose body was being mutilated by all the attacks coming at him. Spilling chunks of flesh all over me, and the blood of this one managed to reach my mouth to consume it.


Once the attacks stopped. Only Heimdall's torso remained, and I finished him off by ripping out his heart only to throw him away like a dead animal.


-This is getting exciting. -. I say to myself.


And I get ready to continue my slaughter.


-Artemis, by your side! -. shouts a toga-clad female goddess.


But the warning was in vain, for I was not prevented from cutting off the arms of Artemis, who was carrying a bow the size of her body.


-Ahh...! -. I stifled Artemis' scream with blood, having thrust a spear, created with magic, through her head from the jaw.


The other goddess with her attempted a melee, I dodged a couple of blows before gutting her with my claws. I sliced her entire torso open with a single blow, even splitting her ribs in half.


To finish her off, I crushed her head with the heel of my boot.


I pick up the bow Artemis was carrying... and took it in.


Hm, this reminds me of one of the relics that Gulliver Cross had a thousand years ago. It looks pretty similar to the one from back then, though of course, this is a weapon of divine stature.


-Get her! -. shouts a group of about ten or twelve gods.


They all cast chaining spells... but nothing like the Chains of Hades that held me for a thousand years. This crap is just child's play.


They manage to stop me for a moment. And one of them lunged, managing to land the first crushing blow of this fight.


My left shoulder was split, almost literally, by the impact of an axe that penetrated my armour like butter. It caused a stream of blood to spurt out, as I was hit near several important veins.


The God who wielded the axe met with immediate death the moment he drew his weapon, as my blood fell on him and began to melt his skin to a pulp.


-Acid blood...! -. shouts one of the Gods holding me back.


-It can't be, this woman...!


-Besides, this degree of weapon recreation can only be...!


-ENIGMA!!! -. shout all the others in unison.


Wow, and I've been trying so hard to hide my identity until now.


There is nothing that can be done. Just keep killing them.


I grab the axe that's stuck in me, and immediately transform my body with one of my vampiric abilities, turning myself into a mass of black smoke, which was released from all the spells with no problem.


-Don't let them... gagh...!


He was going to say don't let me escape, it's a classic. Too bad I had to enter his throat while he was still smoke, but not completely, because that way I was able to blow his body apart from the inside.


The next closest one, I put a pair of pointy rods I created through his brain. They went in without any problems from the eyes.


This way I can use it as a meat shield, while I set about stealing its blood directly with my bite. I block the magic attacks again, and regenerate the wound and armour in the process.


It was a win-win.


I throw the bleeding remains of the god away, and continue.


Getting back on all fours, I propelled my movements with magic, and in this way began to tear my victims apart.


One of them I started at the knees, pierced them with my claws and when I could I tore his legs off from there. Once on the ground, I tore his whole body apart using my claws, until he was a pile of flesh.


With the next one, I was a bit more violent. I removed the helmet from my armour and with my own teeth I ripped off his nose.


This one managed to put up a bit more of a fight.


He got off me for a moment, but not long enough for him to defend himself before I bit into his frontal lobe, and ripped out part of his brain along with his skull.


The brain is a very juicy meat, best if it is bathed in blood.


Then came another one who wanted to confront me head on, again, a big mistake. I cut open its stomach and lifted it up, bathing in its blood, before slamming its head into the ground with such force that it simply turned to mush.


I am far from filling my appetite.


The rest, I just killed them from a distance by throwing magically created weapons at them. Surely they are small gods, they couldn't defend against any of these attacks or even resist them.


Who said Lottie is the only one with the power to kill Gods?


My title [Primordial Vampire] gave me the ability to deny immortality to any individual who is killed by me.


It's not that they can't regenerate, but if I manage to kill them once, it's going to be permanent.


That's why my methods are brutal, because I need efficiency to not allow them to regenerate any kind of wound.


That's old news that all the Gods must know about by now.


And there is someone I want to see again after all these centuries. To beat the shit out of him again, old school style.


I just have to wait, the bastards who are attacking the dungeon must already be looking for the one individual with whom I can have an equal battle.


Six centuries ago, it was the only time under Liselotte's rule that a deity interfered directly with the dungeon's inhabitants, teaching them techniques from a foreign culture that strengthened both body and spirit to reach "Complete Immortality".


At that time Liselotte asked me for help because she had no method to nullify immortalities, and as the only individual suitable for such a thing, I had to confront the deity responsible for such a problem.


He has a diadem on his forehead, wears golden armour and rides on a flying cloud. He is a man with a back that looks like a mountain for all the centuries of training he has had.


And his name is Sun Wukong.


That's the man who just appeared in front of me.


-It has been six hundred years since I last looked at that crimson armour. I knew you'd have to show up sooner or later, Vivian Ifgraine.




I decide to keep silent.


Last time it narrowly slipped through my fingers. That's why this bastard's still alive.


-I had to take a little walk to Ahrsei to ask the Cross Family for their greatest heirloom. After the way you absorbed my staff last time you didn't leave me with much choice.


The man... Wukong, came down from his cloud and stood in front of me with a deadly expression. Wukong holds an ominous looking spear in his right hand.


A golden-coloured spear that possesses a rainbow glow. There is a red line in the centre of the blade... which is that colour because of Liz's blood...


That is the Spear of Gulliver Longinus Cross, and it is the weapon that was used to kill Liz in the final battle, that thing would have the power to annihilate any vampire...


Of course, it "would have" it, not "has" it.


-Well played, but... -. I mutter at a volume where I know Wukong can hear me.


With a single swing of my right arm, I slammed full force into the spear, sending my claws tearing the damn thing in half.


That one move was faster than Wukong's reaction time.


After the spear was destroyed, I lashed out at Wukong, landing a kick in the middle of his chest that sent him flying as I sucked all the air out of his lungs.


He bounces back with no trouble, stopping the thrust from a few seconds ago with the strength of his legs alone.


Despite being hit so hard, he doesn't back down at all and lunges at me looking to land a direct blow to my face or belly.


I block the first one, it was a left hook looking to hit my liver area. With the second blow that came next I decided to dodge it as it was a blow to the face.


Without losing momentum, Wukong raises his left leg to knee me in the belly, for my part, I raise my own right leg to intercept such an attack.


It's time for a counterattack.


I let go of Wukong's arm that was going for my liver, and making use of every strength point I have in my stats, I punch him in the jaw that lifted him vertically at such a speed that he reached hundreds of meters in a few seconds.


I'm not going to give him a chance to recover.


I destroy the ground around me as I propel myself in the same direction with a single leap.


As I reach him, I create a bed of swords on the cracked ground, something that will come in handy later.


Once I could reach the height where Wukong was, I break my left hand into the same black smoke to filter it from Wukong's left ear cavity.


Wukong struggles to free himself from it, but to no avail.


His eyes are gouged out of their sockets from the inside, while several streams of blood seep out of his ears and nose. I'm destroying everything in his head with black smoke alone.


Once he's sufficiently wounded, I gain momentum with his body and climb a few meters again. Enough distance to mimic the weapon I stole from him six hundred years ago, his staff, Rú Yi Bàng.


This is going to be quite precious.


I rest my feet on one end of the staff, and then I shout:




With that code word, the cane began to extend and widen incrementally, to the point where it reached the size of a wyvern.


The weight took over, and consequently we began to fall in the same direction where Wukong and the bed of swords lay.


The pillar landed safely, burying Wukong in the middle of it all.


By that point I had climbed down from the pillar, and standing at the base, I just muttered.


-...next time you bring a borrowed weapon, first make sure it's a real one... -. It was what I had been holding back for a while.


The Longinus Spear that Wukong brought was just too good an imitation that it even looked like the real thing. It's obvious that the Cross Family doesn't have it in the first place... it's guarded in Ifgraine castle waiting for its next bearer.


The simple fact that it was a fake is why I had no problem destroying it. That thing wouldn't even scratch me.


Since I have some time, I'm going to reinforce my armour with magic. I haven't done that until now and I've been slaughtering a lot of gods, heh...


It's also time to activate one of the skills in my repertoire. It's going to be of fundamental help for what's coming from now on.


-Lend me your power once more, Azathoth.


[You have activated an ability linked to an "Outer God". The ability is called "Outer God Apocalypse"].


By activating this skill, "Chaos Energy" was released in all corners. The affliction zone of this skill is limited to seven leagues around me, who activated it.


-Azathoth. I will be your intelligence, and your will. In this inherent part of space-time by Yog-Sothoth.


The sky changed to a white colour, and the area around me begins to whiten from Azathoth's influence on this land.


The Outer Gods. They are an amalgam of deities whose origins lie on planes different from our existence or at distances so great that they seem like different universes.


It was after Liz's death, where I was able to drink the blood left from her corpse that I learned about the Outer Gods as she had a link to them because of her origin.


Drinking Liz's blood gave me access to knowledge I could never have imagined about the deities. The Gamma Gods banished the Outer Gods because of the great power and evil influence they possessed.


Some were sealed away, such as Ithaqua, who was sealed in the coldest part of Gamma, Hynder. Or Cthulhu in the Submerged City of R'lyeh.


But others were banished, like Cthugha whose exile imprisoned him in a distant star called Fomalhaut, or like Yog-Sothoth who was banished from our space-time, cast into Chaos along with the Outer God to whom I owe this power, Azathoth.


Azathoth was deprived of his intelligence and will, and among the Outer Gods he is known as [Lord of All Things]. Therefore, as he lends me his power, with the ability to control the same element that the Dragon Lucifer possesses, I must lend him my intelligence and use of reason.


Also, Chaos is an element that the wizards of this world know surprisingly little about. And it is a cabalistic knowledge lost through wars and hunts against the practitioners of the religion of these Outer Gods.


However, such knowledge was preserved in my person, and then communicated to Liselotte for her to put into a book she named "Mythology of the Outer World".


As I am practically the direct descendant of Liz, or rather... of "Entity No.0", I also possess a link to these Outer Gods, and it is what allows me to filter their powers to this plane of existence.


(Primordial Vampire... this is the first time in six centuries that you have borrowed a fraction of my power).


A voice plays in my head. That voice is the consciousness of Azathoth drawing strength from my bond with the Outer Gods.


-I need you to annihilate the same bastard as last time once and for all.


(Oh. Interesting. The prey returned to the hunter seeking his death.)


-This time it's going to be a serious battle. Control the magic stuff, see to it that Chaos doesn't overreach the capacity of my magic threads, I'll move the body.


(As you wish, Primordial Vampire.)


Our exchange was brief, I once again deploy the wolf-shaped helmet of armour. However, through Azathoth's magical influence, it assumed a less stylised design to resemble an ordinary helmet.


(The weight was going to negatively influence your mobility. You may proceed.)


When he said that, the pillar that held Wukong back began to break... I knew it would not be enough for Wukong's immortality.


Wukong has achieved several types of immortality, to the point where we can call it "Special Immortality", killing him physically would only be the first of several steps.


Seconds later, a loud bang was heard. A blow that shattered the pillar into thousands of fragments and raised a gigantic cloud of dust, scattering them all over the battlefield. Some fragments of the pillar hit the maximum height of the barrier.


As they fell to the ground, the fragments began to whiten from Azathoth's power.


And accompanying the disaster, Wukong emerges from the dust cloud, pushing it aside completely as he propels himself in my direction at full power.


It's time to get on with the fight.


-Crematorium of Cthugha. -. I say eloquently.


As soon as I mentioned those words, Wukong was engulfed in white flames.


-What the fuck is this...?! .- He stops dead in his tracks, halting his attack.


But I won't have the luxury of standing by and watching.


My magical energy then moulds a katana... A katana? Really?


(It's one of the sharpest weapons there is, even without spells. Don't be held back by the type of weapon you use).


While it's true that I wasn't going to stop anyway, the truth is that I'm not that used to oriental weapons.


But well, it's no problem anyway.


The katana glows with a whitish colour, similar to that of flames. The Chaos generated by the Outer Gods manifests itself in this way.


Actually this whole interaction took me less than three seconds, I had already made the first cut towards Wukong with the katana.


Although it did not do physical damage, it did do spiritual damage. The Chaos imbued in the katana mixed with that of the white flames opened a window of damage in which it was possible to transcend the earthly world.


Just like that I got rid of his second immortality, the Spiritual.


The "Essential" and the "Imperative" are still missing.


-This is the same point where we left off last time... I suppose you tricked the Jade Emperor into giving you back your physical body and your broken soul?


-... now I have to be serious... put away the weapons, Vivian. Let's fight with martial arts like last time.


Wukong takes a stance.


I think it's Xinyi Liuhe Quan, which means he's going to use Kung Fu. A martial art from the East.


I undo my armour, because Wukong's armour is nowhere to be found, it seems unfair that I am equipped and he is not. I also adopt my own fighting stance. One foot in front of the other for a solid stance, and my arms almost covering my face.


(That's a fighting style in keeping with the culture of one of the worlds my peers have visited before. It's called boxing.)


I hadn't named it, but boxing sounds good to me.


As I said before, Wukong has only two immortalities left. To annihilate the "Essential" I'm going to have to perform several techniques.


So, not only will I have to use boxing. I'll also need to supplement with other martial arts.


I'll also need to complement myself with other martial arts.


-Come here, you monkey bastard.


With my provocation on, Wukong lunged at me. It's unbecoming of kung fu to rush at me like that. I just need to give him some blows to counter this advance.


But I didn't realise what I should pay attention to... Wukong advanced far enough in one bound that he was able to step on my right foot.


And by the time I realised it, my foot was completely broken.


The pain caused me to lose focus, and Wukong was able to deliver a blow to my throat, followed by a blow to my solar plexus area, penetrating my defences completely.


I fell back just the distance of a small jump, a couple of branches away. My lungs can't catch my breath as well as they were before.


It was a good attack to divert my attention.




-Kgh...! -. I stifle a scream covering my mouth.


My hand is covered in blood.


A jolt of pain shot through my right leg a moment ago. I look down, and see that there is a lump on my left foot, green in colour.


Oh, shit.


-Here in the West they have very curious things, such as poisons that destroy nerves at dizzying speeds.


That's an Eastern martial arts technique too, impregnating your hands and feet with so much poison that basically every touch you make is certain death.


[A harmful element has been detected in the organism. We will proceed to purge it. Estimated time: 3 minutes]


-How much time do I have left before I take that irreparable damage?


-Two minutes at the most. But we can shorten the time if you wish.


-It's not like I have much choice.


Despite the pain coursing through my body, that's no deterrent to me fighting on. I moved forward with a single impulse. This time it was I who took the initiative, and I set about throwing punches at Wukong.


These consecutive blows picked up speed, until they became a barrage of attacks coming from all directions.


Wukong was dodging each and every one, looking for an opening in all these attacks.


In the middle of this exchange, Wukong lifts his leg, and manages to kick me in the chin. He didn't lift me up by force, but to imbue me with more venom.


Wukong's leg was still raised. I'm seriously not going to stop for this stupidity.


At fast speed and using only my fingertips I touch the back of Wukong's knee joint, also the sole of his foot and the last touch is on his arm closest to me, the left one.


One on the elbow joint, and one on the wrist.


The moment I snapped my fingers, all the places where I touched Wukong twisted at almost impossible angles, destroying two ways he had to attack me.


Wukong steps back. Knowing that it's dangerous to be this close to me.


But it's a problem, as some of his blood lands on my cheek. Close enough for me to wipe it off with my tongue.


[The poison has been neutralised in its entirety. You have gained immunity to the compound].


[Your stats increased by 3.4E+8]


Those are juicy words I wished for.


A single drop of blood gave me a solution to the problem and gave me a nice increase in power. I can go ahead with this alone.


-You attacked my acupressure points, only this way you could attack towards my Qi.


-That's the point of negating your "Essential Immortality", attacking directly at the source of it. You don't have mana, what you have is Qi, which makes the places where I have to attack you very selective.


-This is nowhere near over!


Despite having two limbs disabled, Wukong lunged at me again, this time using the right side of his body as the base of his attack.


That's a "Tie Shan Kao", it's a strong technique, but it would only serve him better if I had a wall behind me. And that's obviously not the case.


I put my hands in front of my chest to block...


The moment Wukong hits my hands, the magic happens.


All the Qi used in the "Tie Shan Kao" was redirected to Wukong, and being a very high contact attack, the recoil was as if a piece of his body was torn off with a single block.


This technique is called "Hua Jin", and is essentially everything I explained, it focuses on redirecting the opponent's energy with a block in which I use my own Qi to counter him.


It is time to continue with the acupressure. I touch his right arm in the same way as the left one and by making a short movement I could reach his back, where I could touch the back of his neck, neck and lower back.


As before, once I snapped my fingers, the acupressure points compacted, leaving Wukong as an amorphous, bleeding mass on the floor.


Well, I was close to being done. I just had to be faster than him. That's how I got rid of the "Essential Immortality".


A golden glow emerges from Wukong's body, restoring the physical body even though my "Dim Mak" (the techniques to attack the energy meridians that move Qi through the body) was immaculate.


I can't waste my time in the same way.


Let's switch from fist to fist boxing to leg boxing. Kickboxing? I guess so.


I'm going to use my legs more now than before. That's what I mean.


My right foot has completely regenerated, so it shouldn't be a problem.


Wukong stands up again, the golden glow around him symbolising the climax of his God-like story. The fact that he is a King.


This whole fight has been pretty technical. Maybe it's time to be brutal all the same.


How can I kill him now? That's my question.


I've already used three functional methods, so what do I have left to finish this fight?


(I find this fight exciting, Primordial Vampire.)


You're right, Azathoth. This fight is proving to be more exciting than I imagined.


I make eye contact with Wukong, ready to take any of his damn attacks wherever they come from. He walks over, until he's in front of me. I don't have to look up much to maintain eye contact.


And, as if synchronised, Wukong and I throw the first blow at each other at the same time.


We both contacted each other's cheek with brutal power. It was a blow so powerful that it burst the inside of my mouth without any problem.


While Wukong lost a couple of teeth from my first attack.


We were both stunned by each other's attack. It was a brutal blow without a doubt. But I'm sure I've been hit harder.


I raise my left knee to try to hit him in the stomach, but my attack was blocked with no problem. And instead, another punch flew towards my face.


I move my face a very short distance away, the momentum Wukong built for the punch left him open to receive another upward punch to the chin from me.


But this time I compacted my force of impact so as not to send him flying, and instead leave him static in that position.


And overcoming my defences again, Wukong grabs me by the shoulders, only to then gather momentum again and headbutt me squarely in the forehead.


Blood shot out of my nose, my blood vessels were ruptured with that impact alone.


But I'm not going to leave him at that!


I respond to his headbutt with another headbutt, I could feel Wukong's skull fracture as soon as my blow hit him. Despite not having the same result because of the state I was in, Wukong let go of me.


I then drove my right fist into the solar plexus of the Monkey King, who spat blood from the power of the punch.


I then create a knife imbued with Chaos, and plunge it into Wukong's shoulder so easily that it looked like a thin layer of paper.


Once more...


-Crematorium of Cthugha!


The white flames this time went inside Wukong's body, who in itself has no resistance left.


But ignoring the damage I'm doing to him, Wukong responds with another attack. This time it was for my eyes.


Damn it, I have to drop the knife now!


Although I tried to escape, it was useless. I resign myself to taking the damage, losing my eyesight for a moment but still not letting go of my perseverance.


-Why do you keep this up, Vivian, just give up! I don't want to have to kill you!


Wukong shouts at me, as if in desperation.


-You want to continue your bloody hunt for a brat who's not of this world! No matter how much you hurt me, I'll be sure to bathe in the blood of all you bastards!


-It's the same as back then, you're just being used by Liselotte Sitri!




-You're wrong, stupid.


-How can I be wrong?! Once again Liseotte Sitri left you fighting on your own! You're nothing but a tool she uses when she needs you! How many times has she sought you out for something else?!




He's pissing me off.


-Figure that out and take our side! She's the one ultimately responsible for Liz's death! Can't you put anything else aside?!


-... don't talk about my precious friend like that...


I can feel my magical energy starting to boil over. My craving to kill him is only growing with every passing second.


I'm hungry again...


-I'm sorry, but you leave me no choice but to kill you! So long, Primordial Vampire!


Wukong seems to have risen up against me, as he pierced my chest too easily. But by this point I had forgotten about even the pain.


He even went to the trouble of ripping out my heart. But it's already a hopeless case.


-Chain of Hades. -. I utter.


I hear only the sound of the chains wrapping around Wukong's body.


I also hear the slimy sound of my heart falling to the ground.


-Ahhh...! What the hell?! This spell you shouldn't know!


Oh, poor Monkey King. Now he's scared.


I move my arms to try to reach Wukong's face, who is pinned down.


I really don't even care that his arm is still embedded in my chest, it just makes it more exciting than it already was.


-You know...? I realised that neither Azathoth's nor Cthugha's power can destroy your "Imperative Immortality".


My voice is hesitant. Perhaps because I may be on the verge of death, I imagine.


That only gives me one conclusion to this problem.


Azathoth, thank you for everything. I hope you enjoyed your meal.


(I'll be looking forward to the next time you require my assistance, Primordial Vampire. Next time the price will be higher than feeding me a few Gods).


[The skill "Outer God Apocalypse" has been deactivated]


-This... was a terrible battle in a big way... this is the second time I almost died today...


I still haven't regained my sight, but I can feel from the way the muscles in his face are tensing that Wukong is getting scared of what might happen now.


I'm getting more and more excited.


-You're already dead, Vivian. There's nothing you can do now. Just let me go.


-Of course not. It's too soon.


[The title "Regent of Gluttony" has come into effect]


[You have activated a skill linked to an Outer God. The ability is called "Outer God Paradox"]


[You have opened a "Gate" for the Outer God, Yog-Sothoth. Do you give him permission to use your body?]


-What the hell is that thing?! It's... hideous...!


-What are you saying? If he is a God like you. That's the image they must convey.


-That's not a God! It's a bloody monster, an aberration of divinity! Something that doesn't exist within our universe!


Sure, that's what an Outer God is. They were expelled for that very reason, weren't they?


-Good riddance, Sun Wukong.


[You have allowed Yog-Sothoth access. He will take control of your body for the next ten minutes.]




The hell that Sun Wukong went through in his last moments can be summed up as being devoured.


Enigma had the solution at her disposal all along, all she had to do was to devour his body to then take the title of King from Sun Wukong, and she could destroy his last immortality.


And of course, she allowed another Outer God to use her as a food source in order to extend Sun Wukong's life to the maximum.


Of course eating it once was not enough, Yog-Sothoth was not satisfied at all. So, using Chaos, Yog-Sothoth triggered a time loop in which he would eat Sun Wukong in different ways.


The Monkey King's consciousness and last will was lost after being devoured seventy times.


But the symbol of cosmic horror was far from satiated.


There were 114,533 iterations until Yog-Sothoth was satisfied. Those last ten minutes of life were the most horrifying in the existence of any God.


While the Deified Pantheon could only grit their teeth at the arrogance they felt right now. They could do absolutely nothing to help Sun Wukong or to put him out of his suffering.




My eyesight returned to normal after the multiple murders done to Wukong.


That certainly was quite an experience.


(Thank you very much for the feast, Servant.)


-No problem.


[You deactivated the skill "Outer God Paradox"].


I finally got rid of the most damn annoying god. And for a change, Azathoth wiped out everyone in the area.


I can drop my body, so I can see the sky.


-Ah... Liselotte's going to kill me for whitewashing an entire area around the dungeon...


It's been a long time since I've looked at the sky. Things must be very different all over the world.


I feel like things are going in the same direction as in that war. But I feel a little more reassured to know that there are only Gods involved and no mortal lives.


-Well... she can handle it. There is no God who can stand against Liselotte Sitri who will not meet death.


Surely they've given up on sending any more Gods here. It's a pity because I'm still a bit hungry.


I'll rest for a while, until it's time to go and support Liselotte. What's the worst that can happen?

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