I Reincarnated as an Elf in a Broken World.

Chapter 102 – We arrived on a road.

We went deeper into the forest and started to go after some animals to hunt, of course, I used Urushi to guide me since he could smell the animals, and it was very easy for him to achieve this.


After only a few seconds, he already seemed to have detected something and started running through the forest, I followed close behind while looking around to see if I didn't find something interesting.


"Oh, it's here." After running with Urushi for some time, we found a group of wild boars, I call them that but I don't know if they have exactly that name.


I looked at them for a while longer and removed the sword from my waist and prepared to attack them carefully, but before I could do anything, Urushi ended up attacking the boars.


The wolf ran towards them with all his speed, scaring the animals, but none of the four wild boars managed to escape.


The first boar was bitten on the neck by Ursuhi, he died instantly. The other wild boars were hit with magic, yes, large sword-like stakes were stuck in their bodies, all the wild boars died instantly.


I stood there trying to process what just happened.


"Urushi, you are stronger than I thought." I thanked him for not being my enemy, he is even stronger than the wolf I met before because he was able to use magic. But knowing that only makes me more proud of my invocation.


But now is not the time to think about it, I’m very hungry, let’s prepare it soon.


I caught only one of the boars and Urushi took another, he also looked hungry and would eat the Boar the way it was, but I'm not a wolf, so I would have to cook the meat, wouldn't I?


I moved away from that place as the smell of their blood could attract another type of monster and then I found a place with fewer trees to set up camp.


"Urushi, you can sit there and continue eating, I'm going to cut this out, okay?" I took my sword and started cutting the boar. I didn't have much experience in that, but I think I could do something.


I had already let the blood drain, I remember it was good to do that.


The first thing I did was start by opening his belly and pulling off his leather in the process, it was a little difficult since I was using a sword, but I managed to do it somehow.


From then on, I only did it the way I thought it was best, I don't know if it's correct since I never dismantled a boar, but I'm sure it isn't.


I opened his belly and removed his organs while removing pieces of meat from his body, it was a little time-consuming process but it was finished.


When I finished taking the meat, Urushi had already finished eating his boar, I envy him for not having to cook the meat ...


"Alright, let's go." The next step was to look for some pieces of wood to build a fire to prepare the meat, since we were in a forest, it was not so difficult.


And after preparing all the pieces of wood, I used fire magic to light the fire, even though I could use magic, I wouldn't be able to light the fire any other way.


After that, I took pieces of wood and created points, making them very similar to skewers, and after washing them in the same water that I had drunk before, I skewered the meat and started to roast it.


It didn't take long for the meat to be ready, but since it had no seasoning, it was not so tasty.


At least I managed to eat something, didn't I?



Yesterday after I finished eating, I was a little too lazy to continue the trip and stayed in the same place, as there was already food and water there, it was a good place to camp.


I took advantage of Urushi's warm fur to sleep very comfortably while he was on guard, I love having a pet wolf!


But now we were out of there and we were walking a considerable distance, we were walking even faster than yesterday, so I was sure I would find something quickly.


Urushi continued to sniff and seemed to be having some difficulties, it seems that they spent a long time here, so the smell was already close to disappearing, if I had taken a little longer, I would not be able to track it.


Woof ~~


Woof ~~


As I walked beside him, Urushi drew my attention to a certain place, there seemed to be a big picnic in that place, I could see some containers that were left behind for some reason.


There were also animal bones that looked like they had been eaten, it could have been monsters, but since it had these bowls, they were probably human.


"So they camped here, didn't they?" If they just camped here, how long did they keep walking without stopping? Or how fast were they walking? It took me more than a day to get here.


Well, maybe I had another camp behind and I didn't notice.


But there doesn't seem to be anything here, let's move on. Again Urushi started to sniff and I followed close behind.


Even though I was in the middle of an important hunt, I was also enjoying our little trip, I never went far from home, so it's all a new experience, and that makes me happy.


And after walking for a few more hours, we finally found a road.


The first thing I noticed was the light marks on the carriage wheels, but they had several, it seemed to be a little busy road, I couldn't tell which one was the brand of the carriage they were using.


But that was no problem, I had Urushi with me, he soon started to sniff out where their carriage had gone.




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