I Reincarnated as an Elf in a Broken World.

Chapter 103 – Smile again.

A few more days passed, now our house was ready.


After the roof was made, we immediately moved home, we still had no furniture, so we just set up our cover with blankets just as we were sleeping on the floor before, but this time in the bedroom.


Our new house had three rooms, a living room with a kitchen, a bathroom, and a bedroom.


In the bathroom, a hole had been dug in the floor where we would do our thing, in fact, every house was using a similar system. But we had to be careful not to contaminate the water flowing in the soil.


My aunt, Lucy, and I were sleeping in the same room, but with the cold nights they were having, it was good.


"Aunt, I finished cleaning the floor, what do I need to do now?" I was taking care of cleaning the floor of the house, which had also been made of wood, Lucy was also helping me, so it didn't take long.


"Hmm, I don't think we need anything now, it may be that we will take care of some things." During those days that I spent with my aunt building our house, I also realized that she was doing other things in the process.


Even though she didn't have a lot of free time, she took some of her time to give instructions to the elves who had started training, and this was paying off, in a few days the elves already had a sense of how to fight .


I don't know if they were good at learning, or if my aunt was a good teacher.


But the most important thing, the residents of the village are happy, yes, even, after all, I managed to realize that many residents had already smiled again.


Many of them were tidying up the site with a smile on their face, others also tidying up their newly built houses with an even bigger smile, it was a cool scene.


"Lucy, how about we go to the lake since we're free now?" I approached Lucy who was standing in front of the house watching the elves move.


Some of them were building the fountain that existed in our previous village using stones, they were also making a stone path for the ground not to get too muddy during the rains.


"Clear." After their positive response, we took the path they had created and went straight to the lake.


When we arrived at the lake, we sat down and took a deep breath, it was good to feel the wind on our faces.


"So, how are you feeling now? It's okay."


"Yes, I think so ..." Lucy replied looking at a little discouraged.


"You know, I know you're still having trouble accepting what is going on with your mom and dad ... But I think you should forget about this for now."


"But I already forgot, I don't think about them anymore."


"I sleep with you and you know that, don't you? My aunt also noticed you call your mom at night."


"Calling my mom? Of course not ..." She was serious, but I could also see small tears forming in the corners of her eyes.


Haaaa ~~


I hugged her.


"I know it's hard to accept all of this, but look, we're recovering after what happened, aren't we? Everyone now seems to be happy and having fun."


"I know ...."


"But you know what, I don't blame you for missing your family and calling them at night, I certainly could be doing the same thing ... But I learned to accept it."


"I see ..." She had started to cry as she rested her head on my shoulder, so I hugged her even more tightly.


"You know, it still hurts a lot, whenever my uncle's face comes to mind, I feel like I've just been stabbed in the chest, and I think my aunt feels the same way."




"So you can cry as much as you want, because I promised you that one day we will find your mother, right? You can miss her, you can cry for wanting her presence, nobody will care if you do that."


"But I just don't want to see you sad, because I also feel sad about you like that. Seeing everyone smile again and you like that ... It's not easy at all."


"I swear I'm trying, you know that, don't you?"


"Of course I know that, but it's not easy to forget your mother, is it? And I don't even want you to do that, you shouldn't be doing that."




"I just want you to have fun again as you did before, I watched you running with the other children and smiling... I confess that I was a little envious of all that."




"Sure, I'm still a kid, aren't I? And yet I was rejected by the other kids, don't you remember?" Even though I was an adult mentally, it hurt me a little, I have to confess.


"I see ... So you were feeling sad."


"I will not say that I was very sad since I had my aunt with me, hehe .."


"You really like your aunt, don't you?"


"Of course I like it, she is the most important person in the world for me."


"Hmm, am I not the most important person?"


"I think you are the fifth most important person in this world for me."


"And who is the second, third and fourth? Your uncle and ...?"


"Of course the second is my uncle, who else would it be? The third and fourth person, are people I haven't seen in a long time, but who are also very important to me" I smiled in response.




"But what I mean is, you can cry and regret it, but after you do that, I want you to try to be like you were before and have a big smile on your face, just like mine, look." I showed her a big smile.


"Hahaha, you are really funny, Yuuki. Okay, I'll try my best." She wiped away her tears.


"That's how you talk." I kept hugging her and we continued to look at the lake, I hope that with this conversation she will try to smile again because it has been a long time since I have seen her smile as before.


I also don't know if I should be smiling, but this is still the best thing for me, and also to keep my aunt from worrying.




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