I Reincarnated into High School DxD as a Random Guy

Chapter 14

After that before leaving I asked Rias if I could get some magic and fighting training. Rias was surprised and asked, “Training but you only just started”. I said with a serious face, “Yes but there are fallen angels lurking everywhere and there will be future fights so I wanted to be prepared”.


Rias agreed and told Akeno to first start by teaching me magic after school and the following days Koneko and Kiba will join. I was happy and said thanks and asked Issei to join.


But he said, “ I want to but tomorrow I am watching a new DVD with Matsuda and Motohama so I will join later”.


I said, “Ok but remember the White Dragon Emperor is also out there so you need to be careful and train more or else you will be in serious trouble and he will find you sooner than you and your partner The Red dragon Emperor thinks”.


[A/N: From now on I will use the Japanese names for The Red Dragon Emperor and The White Dragon Emperor that is Sekiryuutei and Hakuryuukou as the English titles are two long to write and I am lazy heh heh]


“Hakuryuukou? What do you mean?”, Issei sked me confused.


I explained him about the two dragons and their rivalry and Rias filled in with their lore during the Great War and how they were sealed.


He listened seriously and carefully and asked me what to do.


I told him to just rain to get stronger and ask Ddriag who will contact Issei first so wait for that.


Issei nodded understood and left, after which I greeted everyone good night and left.


My parents were waiting for me and seeing my satisfied and happy face were happy and we had dinner and I went to sleep.


I was happy despite today’s misfortunes because I could train from tomorrow which was what I was planning for.


I fell asleep sometime after lying in bed.


I was in vast open space. The space around me was multicolored like the barrier put by the fallen angels. I was confused as to where is this? or why am I here? or how did I get here?


So I asked out loud, “Where is this? Why am I here?”.


A familiar voice answered, “You are in your dream”.

 “Dream? Then who are you?”, I was confused and asked that voice. That voice was somehow very familiar but I can’t remember where I heard that voice.


“Me? Well take a look yourself”, the voice said. And in front of me from the multicolored space a figure appeared.


It became clearer little by little until it was fully formed and after seeing the figure I was speechless and a bit scared too.


Huh? Why scared you ask? You too would be if Great Red suddenly appeared before you.


“G-Great Red? What are you doing here? What do you want with me?”, I stammered.


“Yes it’s me but I am not the real Great Red but an avatar residing in your sacred gear”, said Great Red.


Sacred Gear? Ah  that makes sense, now I remember this was the voice that told me the name of my sacred gear in my mind so I wasn’t hearing things after all but raises a lot of question.


So I asked, “But what is an avatar of Great Red doing in my sacred gear? What exactly is my sacred gear? And what does Great Red have to do with sacred gears? Is it the God of Bible’s field?”


Great Red nonchalantly replied,” To answer all your questions, yes normally sacred gears are the domain of the God of Bible but during the years I have been alive I have seen many sacred gear users so I was a bit intrigued by them, then towards the end of the Great War a faulty sacred gear accidently found it’s way to the dimensional gap, I witnessed Ddraig and Albion being sealed in sacred gears by the god of bible and together with my curiosity for sacred gears I decided to do an experiment”.


“Experiment?”, I asked confused. “Yes an experiment to make my own sacred gear so as to see how it will make people stronger , so I repaired the sacred gear and put a complete copy of my magic on it along with this avatar whose main work is to assist the users but the gear was too strong so for many thousands of years I couldn’t find a human soul strong enough to bind the sacred gear to so until before now this sacred gear didn’t have any users until you came.”, said Great Red.


No previous users? That explains why there was no information about this sacred gear. “Me? My soul was as strong enough?”, I asked not believing my soul could be strong enough to withstand Great Red’s power, after all I was an ordinary human.


“Yes, your soul was a special case, it came to the dimensional gap from another world, something that never happens, this was an unique case. But because your soul was in the dimensional gap it accumulated the energy from the dimensional gap in it so it was strong enough for my sacred gear. Due to that case I bound the sacred gear to your soul and allowed you to enter this world, otherwise I would have destroyed your soul”, said great Red a matter of factly.


“I see haha guess I am lucky”, I said while sweating but this explains everything, why I got a never before seen scared gear, how I got to the dxd world, the power potential of my sacred gear and also why this sacred gear didn’t appear in canon, it didn’t appear in canon cause in that timeline I didn’t remember my past life and so didn’t contact Rias and hence couldn’t become a devil to access my sacred gear.


As if confirming my thoughts Great Red said, “ I tried contacting you many times before but you were too weak but now that you are strong enough I can talk to you, I also wanted to warn about Ddraig being near you but you already seemed to know that so I kept shut”.


Hmm that makes sense but wait….if this sacred gear has Great Red’s power stored then doesn’t it mean it has something like a Juggernaut Drive to release all the power? As if reading my thoughts Great Red answered, ”Yes it’s called True Dragon Release but I would like to refrain you from using it  because your body is too weak and this required a strong enough body and will power to open the barrier put by me to prevent direct access to the user and it takes a lot more effort to undo than drowning previous users voices as in Juggernaut Drive and it consumes a lot more life force than Boosted Gear or Divine Dividing because my power is much stronger you will die in 5 minutes”.


“Well shit, talk about bad luck”, I thought.

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