I Reincarnated into High School DxD as a Random Guy

Chapter 15

“Well…it’s time for you to wake up”, said Great Red.


“What?’, I said before falling into a dark hole screaming, ”AAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHH”


Then I suddenly woke up and heard the alarm, I stopped it.


I sighed, talk about a weird dream, meeting the Dream Dragon in a dream how poetic, I thought.


“That’s disrespectful brat, I told you important stuff and now you act so ungratefully”, a voice said in my head.  I almost jumped and hit my head.


“So that was real”, I thought. “Yes very real, for your information I won’t to talk to anyone other than you, so I will talk to you telepathically, however everyone will hear my voice when powering up”, said the voice.


“Well that’s fair and understandable, ok let’s get ready for school”, I said.


“Akira are you awake?”, my mom asked as usual from downstairs.


“Yes mom I am awake and coming down”, I said and hurriedly got ready or else I would be late.


My dressing style was the same as Issei’s that is both my shirt and jacket were unbuttoned, I mean if the school allows us to dress like this why won’t I take advantage of it. The color of the t-shirt I wore inside was however blue instead of the red he wears.


Anyway I head down for breakfast after, I was in a good mood as things went well yesterday albeit the crossdressing part but that’s ok since I got a contract.


My parents were happy seeing my happy face, mom said, ”You finally have friends, we are happy for you and we are happy that you don’t look worried anymore, but please tell us in the future if you need our help”.


Father said, ”Yes we are happy but don’t stay out late all the time ok, we get worried”. Mom nodded.


I could only say, “Yes”, with a smile, inside I was getting worried. The devil’s work required me stay up late at night, the anime didn’t tell us how Issei’s parents were convinced but I suspect it was that demonic hypnotism power of Rias’s but how do I convince my parents? I decided to ask Rias today about it.


So I made my way to school. On the way I met Issei and decided to go to school together.


“So how do you feel about being a devil? I still can’t get used to it. I mean I know you know the future and it was your choice unlike me but still how do you feel?”, Issei asked me with a serious look.


“Well you see Ise, it’s not like I am 100% ok with being a devil, being what’s it’s known for and the glaring weakness to light but honestly I am more than enough ok with it, I mean without it I would be very weak and my life would be at danger cause of my sacred gear if other people find out and Buchou and the others including are good people so I am overall accepting of my position”, I said. (Issei had asked us all to call him Ise as everyone familiar to him calls him)


Issei smiled and said, “Yes I believe you since you know the future, thanks for telling me that as it helped ease my mind and yes that light weakness sucks, I find it difficult to walk in the morning sun, I stay up late at night and have difficulty waking up in the morning”.


“Yes that is a bit of a problem, I was aware of that that’s why I slept as early as I could”, I said.


Issei suddenly remembered something and asked me with a perverted face, “Speaking of knowing the future, do I become a harem king in the future?”, he asked hopefully.


I looked at him and sighed inwardly, I was expecting this question knowing issei and I bet this won’t be the only time he will ask me that question, so I answered ambiguously,” Well I only watched the anime and it was up to season so I don’t know if you became a harem king but you were well on your way to become one”, I said with a smile.


“HOOOORAY YEAAHHHHH I WILLLL BECCOOME HAREEEM KIIIING”, said Issei loudly, causing the girls of our academy passing by to make faces like they saw something disgusting and glared at us and said words like, "Disgusting”, “Pervet”,”Enemy of all women” and what not.


I sighed and endured it, I mean I will be accompanying Issei from now on so I have to get used to this right?


Anyway we entered our classroom and as soon as Issei’s pervert friends Matsuda and Motohama   saw Issei and came towards us.


“Ise what are you doing with this loner?”, asked Matsuda, Motohama nodded and said, “We are in the loser club as perverts, he is in another category”.


“Wow they really have a low opinion of themselves but I guess that’s to be expected considering how everyone sees them, but they called me a loser too, that’s hurtful but I guess that’s true so I let it slide”, I thought.


Issei said, “Well we are both in the occult Research club so we became friends yesterday, let me intrude you all his is Matsuda and this is Motohama and this is Akira, say hello to each other everyone”, with a smile and introduced us by pointing at each of us.


“Hello I am Matsuda while we are in the same class this is our first time talking so nice to meet you Akira let’s get along.”, said Matsuda and Motohama joined and said, “Yes and I am Motohama nice to meet you too”.


I smiled and said, “Yes nice to meet you too I am Akira, let’s get along”.


And with that the day after becoming a devil I became friends with all members of  the perverted trio.

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