I Was A Hero In Another World But My Dog-Girl Slave Swapped Places With Me And Now I Can’t Disobey Her

Chapter 20: In Which I Get To Know Ava, Both In The Normal Sense And Biblically

After we were done eating, Velt lead me up to another room, and knocked on the door. I was very aware of how sweaty my palm was as I held her hand, and was thinking maybe I was not in fact cute enough to pull this dress off… sure, maybe the actual owner of this body, but…

The red-haired girl – Ava, apparently – answered the door, and smiled at me for a long moment, before smiling at Velt, and then turning her smile back to me. “Hello, you two. Sasha, and… Velt, right?”

A little shiver ran through my body. She knew my name! This in itself probably shouldn’t be surprising.

Velt winked and released my hand, sliding her hand up my arm and giving me a little push on the back towards Ava with her palm. “You got it!”

The push caused me to stumble forwards a few steps until Ava caught my arms and steadied me. She was like, half a foot taller than I was, and I looked up at her and her beautiful smile, mind completely blanking on what I should say.

Velt reached up and patted my head. “She wanted to try out your sex slave training. She has experience with being used for sex, of course, cutie that she is, but she lacks formal training.”

Ava studied me for a moment before letting go of my arms. “Is that right, Sasha?” Her voice was dripping with affection and the promise of… something.

I nodded hard enough it hurt a little. “Um, yes please! Please train me however you want!”

“Oh, she’s just adorable, isn’t she?” Ava wrapped an arm around my waist and pulled me close, and looked back over to Velt. “Anything else you wanted to discuss at the moment?” Ava was kinda softly groping my belly now.

Velt grinned widely and curtseyed, which was actually pretty impressive to pull off with the half-transparent loincloth she was wearing, and I definitely just saw her pussy fully out there for a moment.

“Nope, just delivering this cutie to your door!” She turned and left with a bit of a bounce in her step, and Ava looked back to me and took hold of my chin as she stared down into my eyes.

“You’re sure this is what you want?” Her voice seemed more teasing than a real question, this time.

“Yes, please, Ava.”

“Yes, please, Mistress,” Ava corrected.

“Yes, please, Mistress,” After a moment, I realized what I had said, and swallowed. Technically this felt like the sort of thing that would make Sasha really mad, but also she had told me to blend in with the harem more, sort of. She couldn’t get mad at me for doing a little training, right…?

“It’s okay… you just need to be obedient to me, okay…?” She led me into the room, and gestured to the floor, where I kneeled immediately, looking up at her. She was wearing a flowing skirt and no top, I realized now that I wasn’t caught in her eyes, and flushed, looking at her rather full breasts. She stroked the top of your head. “Now, I’m going to go real gentle this time, because you seem new to this, is that okay with you?”

I nodded. “Yes, Mistress!”

“And even though this is training, it’s not a serious test… just tell me if you need to stop, okay?”

“Sure, like a safeword?”

She blinked, tilting her head to one side. “...safeword?”

“Oh, you know, like, the stoplight system… green means go ahead, yes, I like this, red means stop play right now, yellow means slow down?”

“...’Stoplight’… ‘Safeword’… these must be sexual techniques from another land. And colors… not intuitive, yet very clear.” ...oops.

“Um, yes! Mistress… that is, the Hero From Another World who is my Mistress Owner taught me them!” She laughed softly and smiled down at me.

“She must care about your comfort a lot, hmm?” I teared up a little. That was so very… well, maybe, a little, as long as I was being perfectly obedient. Still, I couldn’t let Ava know that. “...sorry, could we not talk about her, Mistress? I… she’s on a dangerous mission, and I want to think about other things right now….”

She scritched behind my ears with both hands. “Of course, cutie. It’s just you and me for right now.“ I could feel my tail start to wag behind me as I wiped my tears away.

She placed her foot on my thigh, and pushed slightly, encouraging me to widen my stance.  “Now, the proper way for a sex slave to kneel is more like this… does that make sense, slave?”

“Yes, Mistress!”

“It’s good to enjoy yourself as much as possible, but the most important thing is to determine what the person you’re serving wants and give that to them to the best of your ability.”

I nodded. “Yes, Mistress!”

She pressed her foot between my legs, pressing the thin fabric of my dress against my wet pussy… she could probably already feel how wet I was, with how fast it was soaking into it. “Now, what do you think I want?”

I looked up at her uncertainly. “...mmmmnn... obedience, Mistress?”

Her entire face lit up. “That’s right, good girl!”

My tail wagged frantically. “Last night you got very thoroughly pleasured, but you didn’t take care of my pleasure at all, did you…?”

I swallowed. “Um, no Mistress! Sorry Mistress!”

“So today you’re not going to get to cum.” She pressed her foot a little harder against my pussy. “Do you think you can handle that, pet?”

I nodded without hesitation. Although I wanted to cum, it was nothing compared to just being, I don’t know, consensually adored by Mistress and doing what she wanted. “Yes! Just please let me obey you, Mistress!”

She pulled her foot back from my crotch, and stepped closer, and pressed her crotch in my face, causing me to inhale her smell, and also feel a rather familiar hardness against my cheek. “How do you feel about cocks?” Mmm, would she put it inside me…? Could I cum on it? Well, maybe not today, but still, the idea of getting fucked…

“Umm… very aroused, Mistress.” My voice was rather quiet, I was still a bit ashamed about liking cocks, even on cute dominant girls.

“What are you so shy about? Can you say that again, but more proudly?”

“Um... I like cocks, Mistress?” I managed a slightly louder voice, and looked up at her, tail wagging softly, only to falter as I saw a look of faint disapproval on her face.

“Mmm, try again, slave.”

“I want to cum on your cock, Mistress! Um, that is, I know I won’t be allowed to today, but maybe sometime…!” My voice was quite loud, maybe loud enough to go through the door. She blinked, then smiled slowly, and stroked my cheeks with gentle affection.

“Yes, that’s my good girl.” She pulled the front of her skirt to one side, presenting her cock to me, and I took it in my hand and started to lick and suck on it eagerly… not that I quite knew what I was doing, still, but I very much wanted to make her feel good. She moaned softly, so either my expertise was a bit better than I thought, or she was at least a little aroused by my enthusiasm… still, I couldn’t help but think I wasn’t doing the best I could for her… I wanted to fully satisfy my Mistress!

After a moment, I pulled my head back, and looked up at her, tail wagging. “Um! You can fuck my throat too, if you want! I know I’m not very good with my tongue, but I was trained to take cock down my throat!”

“...mmm, tempting… how can we use the ‘Safeword’ if I’m fucking your throat, though, slave?”

“Oh, I can tap your thigh with my fingers if I need you to stop. Like this.” I demonstrated on her thigh and smiled up at her.

“Mmm, okay… you’re so eager to serve me, slave… why is that?”

“Um… I dunno, you’re hot and it’s actually my choice… I guess… it’s not bad, submitting, when it’s actually my choice…?”

She sighed softly. “Yes, we’ve all gotten very used to that, haven’t we? Just the novelty of being able to choose our own partners seems like such a luxury.”

I tilted my head to one side. “...Were you not always a slave?” I didn’t think that sounded like quite the viewpoint a slave would have, really, unless they were unusually philosophical about things.

“No… no, I wasn’t. A few years back, I was once a member of a noble house. Princess Asperia was a personal friend of mine, and I used to get invited to play with her harem now and then… When I was divested of my noble title, I thought that this life would be easier and more enjoyable than figuring out how to survive as a commoner, and asked her to make me her slave. She agreed.”

She started slowly fucking my throat. “It’s… a little humiliating that I’ve been reduced to this, though. An equal with slaves… I realized I had always been too cruel to them. Hadn’t realized they were also people.” She was gripping my hair now, and pumping her hips faster, and it hurt a little, I was even gagging a bit… I could tap out, but I wanted to hear more about her story, and I felt guilty about putting Lady Wren in a similar situation, and most of all I just wanted to make her feel good.

“Still, I crave power… so I take it from those who give it freely. I train those who wish to be better sex slaves in the art of it. But I’ve learned to submit too…” She lapsed into silence except for soft moans and the lewd wet sounds of her cock thrusting down my throat, and I let that silence hang, let her fuck my throat even as I became increasingly dazed, and my lungs complained they wanted to breathe… I desperately wanted to prove myself to her, but it was getting harder and harder to keep my eyes open, and….

I woke up to a slap to my face, and coughed, whimpering, and looked up to see Ava holding me with one arm, looking down at me very concerned, her hand lowering as she saw my eyes flutter open, and a concerned but relieved smile spreading across her face.

I was fairly certain that slapping someone was not the recommended safe way of waking someone up after they passed out, but… her heart was in the right place, at least.

“...I’m sorry, Sasha. You should have let me know well before you passed out. I got caught up in reverie, but don’t think of me as a noble anymore, if that’s what you were doing… unless we’re specifically training for a real endurance test as if you were serving an actual noble, I want you to stop before you limits and let me know what they are.”

I panted softly, and nodded.

“Let’s stop training there for today, all right? Clearly my mind isn’t in it… I heard what the Hero From Another World did recently, and… I knew some people from Count Rushen’s family.”

My heart sank, and I whimpered softly. “Mmm, it’s okay, Sasha… do you want to hang out and cuddle for a little while…? I can read a book to you, if you’d like.”

My tail wagged behind me wildly. “Yes, please!” I snuggled up close to her, and she smiled, pulling me in even closer to her, than picked me up and bridal carried me over to the bed, giving me a little kiss on the nose and ruffling my hair before she went out to pick out a book.

She came back to me, and snuggled up behind me… her cock was hard again. She opened up the book. “Once upon a time, there was a princess whose family owned everything in the land, and during the day, she was delighted, traveling around and looking upon all her family owned. However, as… mmm, going to be hard to concentrate if you’re rubbing my cock like that.”

“I just wanted to pay you back, Mist-- I mean, Ava.”

“That’s appreciated, but I don’t think I can concentrate on reading if we do that, and it’s more important that you relax and feel good right now… how about this…” She put her hands on my thighs, repositioning me, and pressed the head of her cock against my pussy, and slowly sunk it inside me, making me gasp and moan as she drove her thick shaft deeper and deeper… but then just let us cuddle there with her thick cock deep inside me, and used her arms to pick up the book and start flipping it back to the right page, before kissing the back of my head.

“Is it all right to just cuddle like this, Sasha?”

Mmf, having her cock inside me… I did my best not to move. “...very much yes… Thank you Ava.…”

She stroked my hair and I could hear the smile in her voice as she started to speak again. “However, one night, as the Princess looked up at the sky, she commented to her slave, ‘Look upon all the jewels my family owns’. The slave innocently responded, ‘Ah, those are stars in the sky, they belong not to your family.’ For the first time in her life, the Princess was unsatisfied….”

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