I Was A Hero In Another World But My Dog-Girl Slave Swapped Places With Me And Now I Can’t Disobey Her

Chapter 21: In Which I Am Increasingly Desperate For Release, Which Distracts Me Somewhat From What I Am Actually Trying To Do

After cuddling with Ava for some time, she gently informed me she had another appointment coming up soon, and sent me on my way with a deep kiss that had my heart spinning, even as my pussy felt empty without her cock inside it, and ached from the lack of release.

With her precum and my own pussy juices slowly trickling down my inner thighs, though, I felt a little unclean, both in the ‘maybe I should take a bath’ sense, and in the ‘oh fuck I’m a girl, and I just let another girl utterly dominate me on purpose just because I wanted to’ sense. Was this actually me that wanted to get dominated, or was it some of Mistress’s mind magic? ...or was the abuse getting to my head?

I headed towards the place the Late Night Court was held, as best I remembered, and there were some girls lazing around in it, resting among cushions or bathing. Not much fucking going on at the moment, to my relief, or rather, the lack of my relief from my arousal made it relieving, perhaps, the closest was one oiled up naked girl massaging another one’s back with her hands and her breasts and… yeah, I shouldn’t be watching that, I didn’t need to be more horny.

I looked around desperately in an attempt to find something to focus on that didn’t make me horny, and I saw Valentine sitting in a corner of one of the massive steaming pools, her arm wrapped around a much smaller girl with short blonde hair and who I would’ve pegged for human if not for her lizardlike clawed hands, who seemed to be hanging on Valentine's every word.

It was at this point that I remembered that last time I was here I had had a thought-- I still didn’t know if Valentine had told Princess Asperia about the body switch. It was surprisingly hard to remember to do things that you blocked from your mind in an attempt to stop your mind-reading Mistress from knowing what you were up to… well, maybe that shouldn’t be a surprise.

I made my way over to her, and Valentine smiled up at me lazily. “Oh, hi there Sasha. Yeen, this is Sasha, she’s the slave of the Hero From Another World. Sasha, this is Yeen, she’s a transmutationist, and a slave of Princess Asperia.”

I slid down into the pool on the other side of Valentine, where she wrapped an arm around me as if it was the most natural thing in the world, causing me to tense for a moment, before slowly relaxing in the overly hot water. “A transmutationist!” I blinked, glancing down at her hand. “...thus the hands?”

She grinned a bit sheepishly, and flexed them. “I want to learn every single thing about transmutation.” She was getting more excited and animated as she talked about her subject of research. “Technically, this means I’ve given up my humanity, but I’m a slave regardless, you know? So I might as well be the best transmutationist in the world, right? I switch my body around a lot, knowing how a body part works in theory isn’t quite the same as actually using it, you know?”

I reached up to scratch behind my canine ear. “...Oh, yeah, I guess it would be, wouldn’t it? I’ve just started learning magic myself, but it’s hard to figure out where to start.”

“Oh! I wrote up a list for another friend the other day, let me go fetch it!” She took Valentine’s much larger hand and kissed the back of it, fluttering her eyelashes up at her, a chivalric gesture that could’ve easily seemed silly if they didn’t both seem to take it seriously.

Valentine turned her full attention to me, gently squeezing me a bit closer to her muscular body, drawing a slight squeak from my lips. “You doing okay, Sasha?”

“Oh, yeah, um, I’m fine!” I glanced around, and then leaned in closer, and lowered my voice to a whisper. “...did you tell Princess Asperia about the body-- mnnnph!”

My words were interrupted by Valentine giving my nipple a tweak, and she laughed. “You’re a shy one, aren’t you? All right, but we have to be quick, we don’t want to be rude to Yeen, do we?”

She picked me up in a bridal carry with both of us naked, and took me to a room nearby with little more than a bed and a table and the walls and inside of the door and ceiling were lined with mirrors. She closed the door behind her. “Hey, you can’t just talk about that sort of thing publicly. Some animalfolk have very good hearing.”

“...ah. Sorry.”

She smiled down at me and stroked my wet hair. I tried not to look at her, but it turned out the entire room was filled with reflections of both of us naked.

...yeah, this mirror room was definitely a sex thing, although, well, I guess I could sort of see the thinking process… was I getting wet again already? I suppose I hadn’t gotten to cum, maybe with Valentine here I could, well, um....

She was still smiling at me, but her words were lightly reprimanding, “I know, not your sort of thinking process to consider the results of your actions."

I focused up on her eyes and frowned at her seriously. “So… did you tell Princess Asperia?”

Valentine sighed. “If I hadn’t, you coming and publicly asking about it would mean I’d have to, in case someone overheard.”

“...so you’re saying you did tell her.” I furrowed my brow.

She shrugged, spreading her arms out in a dramatic gesture. “It would be inconvenient to remember, so I can’t say that I do right now. I’m saying what you should do right now is march over to Princess Asperia’s room and ask one of her assistants for a private appointment.”


She leaned down to grope my ass softly and licked my cheek with her slightly rough tongue. “And since I’ve heard, and for that matter seen that you’re fucking Ava… I’m still very down to fuck you, if that’s something you ever want. You have one of the cutest souls I’ve ever seen.”

...Fuck. What the heck was that compliment!? And why was I getting wetter!? “Um… like, right now?”

Valentine scritched softly behind my ear. “...You know what I’d suggest you do right now.”

I sighed. “I shouldn’t have asked you, should I?”

She shrugged in response. “It’s not like you were going to hide it from her forever.”

“...I guess. I would’ve liked to wait until…” I trailed off. I couldn’t really think of any likely point in the future at which it would be a good point to bring up. “...Yeah. So I guess I just go talk to her now.”



“...sure? Shows you have nothing to hide. I’ll dry you off, though.” She walked outside with me and grabbed a large towel, and rubbed me down all over in a very gentle and thorough way. I felt like my entire body must be blushing, and glancing down at my skin, well, it was a little red… maybe that was just from the heat, though, I told myself.

Despite Valentine’s suggestion of going naked, I took my clothes and dropped them back in my room in a corner on the floor… I’d have to figure out the actual laundry system… and put on a gold necklace and a long flowing red skirt, leaving my breasts bare as seemed to be a popular style. I… really wanted to fit in and look like a good girl for Princess Asperia now, seeing as I was going to confess to keeping a secret from her, but looking in the mirror, I just saw Sasha, looking all flushed and nervous and with erect nipples.

...fuck, this place was way too fucking horny, but I guess that’s how Princess Asperia liked it. And so, I just powered through and walked all the way to her room, and by “powered through” I mean I stared at the floor on the way and did my best not to notice all the other half-dressed girls walking by.

Coming to her room, there was a lamia woman with long green hair lazing about on a couch outside… couches in the halls to recline on seemed to be a fairly common thing in the harem, now that I thought about it.

I tried not to think about how she was entirely naked, or about the various lewd things I had read featuring lamia back on my world… I wondered if they really coiled people up and did things to them, but um, I guess that shouldn’t be a focus right now.

“Um… hi. I’d like to see Princess Asperia? Privately?”

“You and the rest of the harem. What’s your reason?”

“I’m… Sasha, the... slave of the Hero From Another World. I…” My mind raced on how to give away the least amount of information possible. “Valentine said something I knew would be something that Princess Asperia would want to know, privately, and I shouldn’t tell anyone else anything about it.”

“...well, Valentine does seem to be Princess Asperia’s girl carved from diamond ever since she arrived, and no one else is waiting right now. Go ahead and wait in her bed, and she’ll talk to you when she gets back.” She smiled at me lazily. “...Maybe do other things to you too, if you’re lucky.”

I spluttered. “I didn’t come here for that!”

“Sure you didn’t.”

I didn’t have a good response for that, so I just walked in the room she had opened for me, and flopped down on the bed.

It was really nice and soft, just as I remembered, and… oh, I should… if I was being Princess Asperia’s bed girl, I should… probably at least remove my skirt. I left the necklace on, and hid under the covers, sighing softly.

I… the entire environment with it’s exotic lewdness was really getting to me, and I started to rub my pussy and play with my nipples and rub my cheek against the pillow and butt against the bed as I got more and more into pleasuring myself on the soft nice-smelling cushions, which had the same unplaceable scent as I had smelled on Princess Asperia before, and her scent was apparently a turn-on now, which I guess wasn’t surprising given she had basically fingered me all of last night and I apparently had a huge submissive streak.

I closed my eyes and touched my body as I remembered her touching my body, it wasn’t quite the same, but my body was still aroused by it, and I writhed and moaned wordlessly as I started to build up my pleasure once again, my imagination becoming so good I could almost feel her petting my head as I thrust my fingers into myself…

...wait, no, there was no “almost” about that!

My eyes flickered open to see Princess Asperia smiling down at me in her affectionately disparaging sort of way. “You know, pet, the traditional bed slave thing is to wait patiently until your Mistress returns, and hope to be allowed pleasure even as you diligently focus on serving her… not to hump the bed like a bitch in heat.”

I whimpered softly and stopped touching myself. “I… I didn’t actually come here for that, just like, everything here is wildly sexual and everyone is so hot….”

She laughed softly and gave my nipple a little flick with her forefinger, causing a yelpy moan to rise from my throat. “Well, I’m glad you appreciate my tastes. What is it you came here for, if not to satisfy each other’s needs again?” She stroked my breasts with both hands, sliding down onto my hips, and it seemed unless I answered quickly I’d get entirely distracted from my task… and as alluring as that was, I gathered all my courage.

“Um… I’m actually the Hero From Another World. Sasha swapped bodies with me using her mind magic.”

Princess Asperia’s expression darkened, and she shook her head slowly as she continued to stroke downwards, spreading my legs as her fingers continued to trace teasingly along my inner thighs. “...I do wish you hadn’t told me that.”

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