I Was A Hero In Another World But My Dog-Girl Slave Swapped Places With Me And Now I Can’t Disobey Her

Chapter 22: In Which Princess Asperia Makes Me An Offer I Can’t Refuse, In Bed

I stared up at her uncertainly, trying to ignore that her fingers were currently pressed against my entrance and rubbing softly. “Wait, what?”

She stroked my ear and smiled down at me. “Foolish puppy, I knew all along. Even if Valentine hadn’t told me, I would’ve figured it out by now. You and your other half are too different, and even if her attempts to mimic you are impressive, yours are not… except for you foolishness, perhaps.”

My heart sunk.

“Oh, don’t make that face. Of course she’s going to choose her goddess who controls her entire life and saved her and many of her companion gladiators over a slave who saved her life once. Power… it’s something almost everyone follows, if they like it or not. If it makes you feel better, she did plead with me not to kill you… she really thinks you’re such a good girl.” She leaned down and kissed me gently on the lips. “Now that you’ve told me, though, your Mistress will find out you told me, too. You’ve made the whole situation more volatile with your stupidity… but that’s okay… I don’t dislike that you’re a foolish little pup….”

I growled softly. “You know I’m not a pup, why are you calling me that?”

“Who more subservient and obedient than you? Who more loyal and gentle? Who the more perfect house pet? You made a point of not harming any of my girls, didn’t harm me, and went back willingly went back to her body, back to being her slave. If you were one of my girls, I’d treasure such loyalty towards me.” I opened my mouth, and then closed it… it wouldn’t really help my situation to let her know that Mistress had stolen my body back. Probably.

“I… I don’t know. I couldn’t follow up with the lie I told you, and it’s our only real chance at ending slavery.”

She nodded. “So that’s it. The two of you are united in a goal, and willing to do everything to accomplish it. Well, that’s very good to know… but now that she’s going to know I know her weakness, and that is you, in every sense of the word… I’m afraid I’m going to have to take more firm control of you two.” She thrust her fingers deep into my pussy suddenly, causing me to squirm and moan at the sudden stimulation, looking at at her in confusion. She leaned in to kiss my nose. “Because while you’re a good girl who just wants to get along with people… your other half is very willing to do a lot to get things done. You know that, right?”


“And yet you’re like Valentine, trying to avoid responsibility that your power naturally grants you.”

I giggled, only to fall back into moaning as she started to fingerfuck me. “Yes… sure... sure… I have a ton of mnnn, power in this situation….”

“You do everything you can to avoid power, pet. It’s a very suitable quality in a pleasure slave, really… girls trying to gain power in my harem have been the biggest issue.” She trailed kisses along my neck, and then whispered in my ear. “So, my little puppy... Tell me how to get Sasha to serve me, so I don’t just swap you back and kill her.”

“You… you wouldn’t!” The threat was mostly making me horny.

“I’ve done far worse.”

“You need her mind magic!”

“...ah. I suppose I did tell you that…” She pulled her fingers out of my pussy, and licked them thoughtfully. “...now, come to think of it, why did you agree to have a Null spell cast on your head?”

“Would’ve been more suspicious if I had refused, don’t you think?”

“But… you genuinely didn’t know how much she had messed with your mind, unless you’re a much better actor than you’ve been acting.”

“Well, thanks to you, I do know. Enough that I decided to trust her again."

She shook her head a little, frowning. “Mmm, I guess I was the fool there.”

I was the far greater fool, I did not say. Instead: “You already have her weakness in the palm of your hands, from what you said. Why would you need further information from me, Princess?”

She groped my breast idly. I reached up to grope her back, figuring tit for tat was fair enough, but she glared at me and I dropped my hand. “Don’t distract me right now. You’re my bitch, and soon your other half will be too.”

“...has she decided on a new name yet?”

“No, it makes things rather awkward, doesn’t it? But it hardly feels right to refer to her by your old name--” I quickly moved my hand up and covered her mouth, and she stared down at me, slowly raising an eyebrow, and I could almost feel a chill settle over me.

I quickly took back my hand. “Sorry, Princess! I don’t remember my name from the other world, and I don’t want to.”

Princess Asperia reached down and took my nipple, squeezing it very hard and making me whimper. “Hmm… I do really wonder if she found out some way to do permanent mind magic that lasts even through a null spell… no matter.” She wasn’t letting up on my nipple, and I was squirming, tears in my eyes, trying my best not to push her away or pull away… anything I did to resist her would only make it worse… she finally let go, and rubbed my nipple softly, causing me to gasp as the pain mostly subsided under the new sensation and pleasure. She stared down at me with a slight smile. “No matter what, you have no right to shut me up, do you understand that?”

“...yes, Princess….”

“Good girl. Since you’re being obedient, I won’t inflict that knowledge on you, since I punished you enough for your indiscretion right now.” She pinched my nipple very softly, and I tensed up in anticipation... then as it seem she wasn’t going to inflict more torture on me, slowly relaxed back onto the bed, panting softly.

“...thank you, Princess….”

She smiled down at me. “I think I have a good enough tools to make you into a leash for your other half. And as long as you’re utterly obedient to me and her, you can live a very happy life, I think.”

I whimpered softly. One of the few upsides of being a slave up until now had been I didn’t have a second layer of management. “You don’t mean like, a literal leash, right…?”

She laughed and took hold of me, rolling me over on top of her and pushing my head down towards her crotch, where I obediently began to lick. There was something almost addictive about her scent and flavor… maybe royalty was just different, but probably it was just some form of magic I didn’t know about.

“I don’t mean a literal leash, no… mmm, good girl, you’re picking this up quick, no, use your tongue more there, yes there, good girl…! Now slow down so I can… I can talk….” I slowed down the pace of my lapping and did a little less pressure too.

“So… where was I. Ah, yes. It’s quite simple. I’m going to become your new owner… ah, I know what you’re thinking, usually I’d need your Mistress’s consent for it… but I happen to know some very unique, illegal, and highly secret magic... or perhaps I just have access to someone who does. It makes no difference, as far as you’re concerned.” She petted my head idly and I could feel my tail wagging. Belonging to her at least seemed better than belonging to Sasha recently… although it sounded like I wasn’t about to escape Sasha.

“And no, she won’t just kill me due to some other countermeasures," she continued. "She likes power scenarios to be very clear, so I’m going to make things very clear for her. Isn’t that kind of me, puppy?”

I mumbled something into her pussy, and she laughed.

“It was a rhetorical question, darling, how would the opinion of a mere slave matter?”

I removed my head from her crotch, causing her to furrow her eyebrows. “I can probably stop you.”

“Maybe, if you don’t mind dying. Here… get off me, one moment….”

She gently pushed me off her legs, and strode over to her pile of treasure in the corner, digging through it for a moment, and then pulled out a sheathed dagger, tossed it to me. I caught it and looked down at it, a little bewildered, as she lay down on her front, closing her eyes.

“Now. You’ve had the chance to murder me before, so I thought I’d give you another chance, now that we know each other a little better.” I looked down at her uncertainly. It couldn’t be that easy, but…

“Kind of need you alive to end slavery, don’t I?”

“Up to you.”

I held the dagger for a long moment… it was almost certainly a trap, but even if it wasn’t… I don’t think I had it in myself to kill her. I tossed the dagger back into the treasure pile. “...how are you still alive, when you gamble your life like this at the slightest provocation?”

She giggled, and raised her hips, spreading her legs. “That’s a good question, I’ve wondered the same myself… now get back to licking my pussy, puppy.”

I obediently put my head down between her legs and started to lick her again.

“Part of the thing is, I’m a very good judge of character… you want to be a good girl and make people happy… everything else is secondary to you, isn’t it, pet? You have a residual sense of self-respect because you weren’t born a slave and didn’t have it beaten out of you, I suppose, and that’s what’s causing you problems… mmm, yes, get that tongue in there… I guess… and don’t worry… I’m going to take very good care of your Mistress, okay? I’m going to make you so obedient to her that she’ll be glad I enslaved you. Now lie down on the bed, pet… on your back… good girl….”

Once I had gotten into position, she pushed her pussy down against my mouth, and I continued to lick obediently, feeling even more powerless now that she was in physical control of the situation. It seemed to turn her on, though, and soon she was cumming on my lips and tongue, rutting against my face so hard I was worried she was doing to break my nose or something.

Eventually, though, she pulled her hips away, and snuggled up by my side, petting my belly as both of us panted softly. I arched my back a little instinctively, I still hadn’t gotten any release all day. She trailed her fingers down, sliding them around my inner thighs and right next to my pussy lips without actually touching them. “Are you going to be my loyal little bitch now, pet?”

“...are you really going to end slavery?” The desperate horniness in my voice sounded a bit incongruous for such a question.

“Of course, of course, pet, I’m a woman of my word… when have I ever lied to you…? Why is slavery needed, when all people are essentially the ruler’s slave regardless of their position?”

“You haven’t lied to me, exactly… but you have tricked me repeatedly….”

“And yet I left you alive, despite having every opportunity to kill you.”

“Because you’re desperate for mind magic.”

“Mmm, that’s part of it… but do you really think I’d end up with a harem like the one I have if I wasn’t a little sympathetic to slaves? That I would’ve saved Valentine?”

“...maybe not….”

“Really, I’m surprised your other half hasn’t trained you better, given her previous occupation. I suppose she finds your foolishness charming too.”

I tensed a little. “...do you know everything about us? Did you set us up to meet Valentine?”

She laughed and began to sink her fingers back into my pussy. “Puppy, if you set enough tops spinning, they bump into each other sometimes. Now, beg me to be allowed to cum.”

“Please let me cum, Princess!”

“Tell me that you’ll be my loyal little bitch from now on.”

I hesitated, and her fingers stilled… I really wanted to cum… and more importantly, with our secret in her hands, I didn’t have any leverage, really… “I’m your loyal little bitch!”

She wiped my cheek, stroking away some tears I hadn’t even realized were rolling down it as she started to fingerfuck me… the sheer powerlessness of the situation was getting to me, or I was just so desperate for pleasure, or I felt safer, or… I had no idea, really, I just felt very overwhelmed and vulnerable.

“It’s okay, puppy… I have a lot of experience with making my girls happy… you’re going to be safer than ever, now that you belong to me… just let go and let yourself fall into bliss, okay…?“ There was something very soothing and arousing about her voice, and I found myself cumming hard on her fingers, incoherent cries spilling from my lips.

After I came, her touch became more general, and she snuggled up close, petting me and trying to console me as I cried, my hips still twitching from my orgasm.

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