I Was Called A Demon

Arc 2: Chapter 10

Xue Yaling licked her lips. Bianca’s sweet taste was still fresh upon them, and she wanted more.

She returned to kissing the young woman’s lips, lightly biting her upper lip before forcing her tongue inside, all while staring into Bianca’s blue eyes. With such proximity, she could clearly see the young woman melting in her arms, the kiss combined with the activation of Xue Yaling’s Yin Circulation likely flooding her entire body with pleasure.

As tempting as it was to ravish her, to force her tongue into her mouth and devour her whole – figuratively, of course – the kitsune waited for just a brief while. She hadn’t stopped monitoring Bianca’s energy since they began, and she could see that she was on the brink of her next realm.

The moment the breakthrough occurred, a great flood of energy would overwhelm her body and then leave her wanting for plenty more. In that moment, Xue Yaling could infuse her with a lot more of Yin Circulation’s effects, make her incredibly aroused, and have even more fun with her. However, if she began acting too fiercely too quickly, she might distract the poor girl and get her thinking about all kinds of things she shouldn’t bother with.

To sate her thirst for now, the kitsune brought her hands to Bianca’s large tits, groping the soft flesh through the thin blouse. The young woman’s bra impeded her efforts somewhat, but nothing could hide the pleasant feel of her body, nor was it able to completely conceal how Bianca’s nipples grew hard, straining against the thin fabric of her bra.

‘Just a little more…’ Xue Yaling shut her eyes, focusing most of her attention on the state of Bianca’s dantian, ‘Another few moments, and…’

Her eyes snapped open in the very moment that she saw Bianca’s dantian fill to the brim, and the intimidating darkness within surged out for an instant. When it shrank back into her planar aperture, however, there was a brief void, a momentary absence that was yearning to be filled.

With certain skills that Xue Yaling did not possess, but certain others did, this moment could be used to influence a person’s body or even mind to a vast extent. A single breakthrough likely wouldn’t be enough for any but the most masterful of experts, but there was a reason that most people preferred to be alone during their breakthroughs, excluding all but their most trusted friends, allies and lovers from their cultivation chambers.

The kitsune’s skills – and lack of desire to ruin this innocent girl just yet – meant that the most she could do was amplify the effects of her Yin Circulation to a great extent, driving her wild with lust.

Naturally, she did exactly that, and she was able to see the results instantly. Bianca’s pupils dilated and her cheeks reddened, while her loose arms snapped up and pulled Xue Yaling into a deeper embrace, one hand going straight for the kitsune’s ass. That put a smile on Xue Yaling’s face, as she remembered quite clearly how her ass had been the centre of Bianca’s attention not long ago.

“Only kissing for now, okay? Focus on your cultivation,” Xue Yaling whispered, “We’ll have plenty of time for more interesting things later… I have a few things that might be of interest…”

She couldn’t tell whether Bianca even understood her, but she chose not to ask. Instead, she closed the hair-wide gap between them and let their lips join. In her lust, Bianca immediately tried to push her tongue past the kitsune’s lips, but Xue Yaling quickly put that silly notion to rest and put her on the retreat, their slick tongues fighting for control. Their breaths were hot, and Bianca’s mouth in particular was wet with saliva, so their make out session soon became rather messy.

The kitsune had avoided using the lust-enhancing effects of Yin Circulation on herself, since it wouldn’t do to harm her reasoning unless it was necessary, but this whole exchange was making her feel rather warm. Thus, she chose to allow things to escalate just a little.

She reached back and unclasped Bianca’s bra, nearly gasping when it nearly flew off. As soon as she pushed it down and felt the true size of the young woman’s chest, Xue Yaling realised just great the difference between her bra size and breast size was. It was staggering that her boobs even fit inside the bra, though she wasn’t about to interrupt their time together just to pry Bianca’s secrets from her. Spatial shrinking capabilities, as impressive as they were for a girl in the first realm, couldn’t match the allure of Bianca’s sweet lips.

Xue Yaling removed her legs from around Bianca’s waist and pushed her down, pulling down her bra and pinching the young woman’s hard nipples. Bianca’s tongue froze up as a muffled moan escaped her lips, giving the kitsune the chance to intrude even deeper and exhaust the last of their air on a passionate exchange.

When they finally parted, numerous strands of saliva stretched between them, soon breaking and leaving them close together, staring into one another’s eyes.

Bianca’s face was flushed and her pupils dilated, and for a moment she was completely stunned, simply staring the kitsune. When she recovered, she quickly covered her mouth with the back of her hand, all while gasping for air to fill her empty, exhausted lungs. Each time she exhaled, a small amount of steam passed in between her fingers, her hot breath hitting Xue Yaling’s face.

“That was… goodness…”

“You liked it, didn’t you?”

“Of course I did…” Bianca didn’t hesitate even for a moment, “Just… I hadn’t thought it would be quite so… intense.”

“Interested in giving your dual cultivation technique a second chance?”

She shook her head with just as little thought, though it was more of a slight wiggle given her position. Bianca removed her hand from her mouth, her breath having slowed to a slightly more ordinary speed.

“I… I thought we weren’t going to go beyond kissing? And… that I was supposed to focus.”

Xue Yaling smiled, “I might have overdone it a little, but I’m not sure why you think I’ll be escalating things. I’m only enjoying your wonderful chest.”

As if to prove this, she pinched Bianca’s nipples and planted a kiss on her cheek.

“Hm… This gives me a good idea. Just a moment,” she looked aside and waved her hand, unleashing a quantity of her ghostflame and resonating with the numerous flames she had positioned around her land.

It allowed her to extend the reach of her energy control far enough to open one of the drawers in the room and bring out a lipstick. When she made it fly towards her, she nearly missed it, but since Bianca was far too focused on her eyes to notice, she didn’t make a fuss of it and simply opened it up and applied it to her lips. She had a variety of shades to choose from, but opted for a darker red to ensure the marks it left would be visible with ease.

There wasn’t anyone around to see them, but she had enjoyed marking Bianca’s bed the other day, and she was very keen to leave a few more marks on her. Perhaps one day, she’d escalate things a little more, and she had plenty of ideas for what she could do, but she was already pushing things a bit too far.

“Do you like the colour?” Xue Yaling asked, puckering her lips and giving Bianca a good look.

“Do I… You’re gorgeous,” Bianca’s response seemed as honest as it could be, which warmed the kitsune’s heart.

“In that case, let me share some of that gorgeousness with you… not sure if that is even a word, but whatever,” she muttered the last part, then moved down the bed to position herself over Bianca’s chest, softly biting her nipple before planting a kiss on her breast, making sure to apply enough pressure to leave behind a strong mark, “Focus on your cultivation, and I will make sure that you enjoy every moment of it…”

Bianca barely had a moment to nod before Xue Yaling returned her attention to the young woman’s nipples, sucking on the left one while squeezing and tugging on the right. She started out slow and gentle, but she judged her reactions and increased her efforts accordingly.

Prior to Bianca, Xue Yaling had been with numerous women, so she knew exactly where to stop, and what limits not to exceed. The young woman did prove to be more resilient than most, enduring quite a bit more nibbling and twisting before the pain began to overwhelm the pleasure. Luckily, she was still flooded with the influence of Yin Circulation, so it likely felt like nothing more than a moment of discomfort amidst a sea of ecstasy, one that Xue Yaling was more than happy to contribute to by grinding her knee against Bianca’s groin.

Without anyone to obscure her mouth, her moans quickly filled the room. It was a sexy thing to hear, and it was even nicer to see the young woman quickly losing more and more control over her reactions, losing the ability to hide each and every time that Xue Yaling was able to grant her yet another moment of pleasure.

Though the kitsune was enjoying herself quite a bit as well, her focus remained on Bianca’s cultivation, ‘Interesting… Somehow, she doesn’t seem to have a cool down period. As soon as there is a place for energy, she is absorbing it right away…’

There was typically a delay between a breakthrough and the time that a cultivator would be able to properly cultivate again. Their body and dantian would need some time to accommodate the growth in their energy, and although this differed based on realm and one’s individual physique, but it appeared like Bianca’s technique was also able to negate that period and permit her to progress at an greater pace.

‘Makes me a little jealous, like these nice tits,’ Xue Yaling, ‘This does mean that I should be able to help her up another stage or two, seeing as her body can take it… She better recognise the help I’ve given her after this, though I’m not sure why I’d ever expect something like that from someone as ignorant as her.’

She briefly removed her lips from Bianca’s nipple and inhaled, activating both her cultivation technique and the power of Yin Circulation to the limit. With most of her absorbed energy being directed towards Bianca, she would not benefit much, but the progression of the young woman’s realm would be beneficial for the both of them, especially if her techniques had more surprises like the effects of her Demon’s Commanding Rod.

‘What a silly, yet accurate name,’ she had to hold back a giggle.

As she went to suck her other nipple, she noted the thick coating of sweat and its subtle yet notable flavour. By this point, Bianca was completely covered in sweat, small droplets sliding down her skin and staining her clothing and sheets. The scent filled the room, though her arousal overwhelmed it by far. It tempted the bestial side of the kitsune to breed her, somehow, but even if the desire was intensified a thousand fold, she would be unable to obtain an appropriate method within the next few minutes… even every thought she had about it made her want it all the more.

Instead, she made up for it by intensifying her efforts, forcing Bianca to the edge and keeping her there for as long as she could. With each moment, she seemed to get more sensitive, her sweet, passionate moans making Xue Yaling want to pleasure herself as well, but she endured until the end, when she could no longer keep the young woman’s lust in check.


Bianca was struggling to stay conscious and sane with the overwhelming pleasure that filled her body and mind. If she could find release, if she could have the briefest moment of rest, perhaps the pink mist would clear and she could think straight for a moment, but whether deliberately or not, Xue Yaling managed to keep her on the edge for what felt like hours and seconds at once.

She felt as if she would do anything just to get that sweet relief, but fortunately for her, it didn’t seem like the kitsune had an interest in taking advantage of her.

There was a sudden rush of euphoria that rocked her whole being, along with a flood of power that came from somewhere within her. For the briefest moment, the pink, lustful mist was taken over by a dark storm, only for the elation of orgasm to push both aside and leave her gasping for air. Her panties had already gotten wet from Xue Yaling’s efforts, but now they were completely soaked through, likely managing to wet the kitsune’s knee as well.

Perhaps she cried out then, or perhaps she couldn’t muster a single sound, but she knew for a fact that she was completely and utterly drained afterwards. She could barely muster the energy to look the kitsune in the eyes as she returned to lying atop her.


After a second breakthrough in a single day – within a single hour, in fact – Xue Yaling figured that it was probably best for the two of them to rest. Even if Bianca’s body was somehow able to accommodate the increase in strength and energy density within an instant, it was best to let her get used to it properly, without allowing for too many skips and leaps in power to come at once.

Hence, she returned to her earlier position, looking straight into Bianca’s eyes and admiring their shade.

“Huh… I hadn’t noticed that before.”

“Hm?” the young woman made the loudest noise she was able to, “Wha…”

“There’s a faint red… or perhaps pink… shade just around your pupils. It’s quite fascinating, actually,” Xue Yaling couldn’t help but examine them further, the tiny ring of red that mixed into the blue of her irises, “It makes your eyes look rather… hm, exotic?”

She wouldn’t get a proper response from Bianca at the moment, but she did get a slight raise of an eyebrow. It seemed as if the young woman wasn’t aware of the colour of her own eyes… though it made sense, given how closely Xue Yaling needed to look to even spot it, and the fact that the woman claimed to have lost her memory.

Most mirrors that the common people could access weren’t especially clear, so it would be easy to miss a small detail.

‘Unless… Hm, I will need to pay attention to her, just in case this wasn’t a case of me failing to spot something at first,’ Xue Yaling thought, rolling over to the side and laying on her back, “You should rest up for now, and get some exercise later. Your body will have grown stronger by a noticeable amount, and you should spent some time getting used to it. I wouldn’t want you to injure yourself by accident the next time you touch yourself.”

That got another weak reaction out of the woman, and prompted Xue Yaling to giggle to herself.

“Alright, I won’t bother you any longer. Have a good nap.”


Bianca wasn’t sure when she fell asleep, but she was sure that she woke up at least past midday. The sun had gone beyond its apex and began to set once more, and woke her up with an aching body and dry sweat coating her skin. Her clothing was still stuck to her skin, and from the way the room smelled…

Well, concluding that it had been the site of a lesbian orgy wouldn’t be strange at all. Bianca was tempted to conclude exactly that, and she knew full well that it hadn’t happened.

‘Did she… say something about my eyes?’ she still felt tired, but given the stunt that the Demonic Tyrant had pulled with her dual cultivation technique, she thought it was better to be safe than sorry. In the best case, she would find nothing unusual, and it would turn out that Xue Yaling had simply seen something incorrectly, and would give Bianca an excuse to put glasses on her – if she could find and make them, somehow.

With far more effort than usual, she got up from the bed and approached the mirror.

It wasn’t an ideal mirror by any means, but she was able to see the colour of her eyes well enough when standing at an angle that allowed enough natural light to illuminate her. She struggled to spot anything abnormal, but when she got as close as she could, she could vaguely see something that might resemble a hint of pink around her pupils.

‘Hm. Maybe it’s something to do with blood vessels bursting? I know it can happen around the iris, but maybe it can happen in the iris as well…’ Bianca struggled to recall the exact manner in which the iris functioned, so she couldn’t decide whether that explanation was in any way sensible, ‘Either way, there’s not much I can do at this point. If this gets worse, and perhaps if I can narrow down the cause, I could do something about it… otherwise, it’s just going to be like the Demonic Tyrant and all the stuff it tends to do without asking me.’

Perhaps it was the fault of the Demonic Tyrant, but she had no way of knowing. The panel was extremely opaque in what it and the techniques it provided her did, so for all she knew, she could fly and conjure objects from thin air and simply didn’t know it yet.

Maybe that was the case, somehow, but she lacked the strength to investigate such things right now. Having some actual food would be helpful, but before that, she needed to clean up.

After stretching a little, Bianca headed out to the baths, quickly undressing and throwing her clothes to the side. When she was about to enter the actual bath room, Xue Yaling poked her head in and looked her over, clearly taking the time to take in her naked form and enjoy it. She would have done the same in the kitsune’s position, so she paused and let her see her fill.

“Ahem. I suspect you haven’t spent the time to work out yet, so make sure to do so after your bath. If you crush something by accident, don’t tell me I hadn’t warned you.”

“Right, I- Ah, by the way, can I expect a meal later?”

“I can prepare something for you, I suppose, you greedy lass,” Xue Yaling jested, “Don’t take too long, ‘kay?”

“I won’t.”

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