I Was Called A Demon

Arc 2: Chapter 9

“Dear, you look like you’ve seen a ghost… Was it truly that shocking?” the kitsune asked, pouring some fresh tea for the Antanian woman, “Here, this tea should supplement your mental energy. It’ll make you feel better.”

She had switched from her dress into a simple, light and white blouse. It lacked sleeves, exposing her thin, firm arms, and with a rather generous neckline, it exposed the kitsune’s cleavage and gave a much better indication of her breasts. However, Bianca found it rather difficult to focus on that, as her mind was still in turmoil.

“I… That… Why? How? What the fuck?”

“One of those is not like the other.”

“I know! It just… Look, I’m not into guys. Like, at all. They’re unpleasant at the best of times,” Bianca explained, “And now, all of a sudden, one of the few techniques I might be able to learn causes me to grow a dick! A dick! How is that in any way reasonable? Why couldn’t it have been a regular, simple technique?”

Xue Yaling shrugged, “You tell me. I don’t understand your skills or techniques either… though I suppose I can sympathise with your view on men. Though I would not refuse a man’s company unconditionally, the arms of a woman are a much more pleasant place to be. That being said, I would love to figure out a way in which to replicate that technique of yours. Your seed appeared entirely genuine, so it might allow many a woman to have a family without the need to involve a man… assuming it can be replicated.”

“I, uh…” she had plenty of thoughts, but chose to focus on more that would be more relevant, “Any particular reason why it might not be replicable?”

“Your techniques, as far as I have been able to observe, are woven together, produced by the circulation of energy within the same meridians. In fact, your primary cultivation technique appears to occupy most if not all of them… Which is certainly an oddity. I will need to look into this further to confirm that, though,” the kitsune muttered to herself, “Also, it’s a shame that your length leaves quite a bit to be desired.”

“Excuse me? I’m sure it was at least average!”

“Oh, I hadn’t realised it’s so important to you all of a sudden. I thought it was so disgusting that you didn’t even want to contemplate it.”

“N-No, I mean… uh… It’s just mean to talk about someone’s length… Not like it can be changed…”

Bianca genuinely didn’t want to gain a dick again, and she had only possessed it for a little while, and yet she instantly felt bad when her size was mentioned. It seemed to be some kind of innate feature for anyone who so much as experienced having a penis for a moment, so it confirmed that she had done the right thing by not disparaging Lin Shuming’s size. It might have made things even worse.

“Mean or not, it might not be impossible. Yours was produced through a dual cultivation technique of sorts, so either by improving the technique or changing some innate property of your body, it might be possible to affect change to the thing you summon.”

She was still not interested, but she had to admit her curiosity, “What kind of… innate property?”

“It depends on your technique. Perhaps the summoned object is amplified by your innate yang, or the quality or quantity of your planar energy, meaning that if one of these properties is increased in some manner, then you might be able to achieve that which far too many men dream of, yet lack the will to risk…” Xue Yaling smiled, “A larger cock.”

“I… no thank you. I don’t need… no, I’m not even considering that,” Bianca shook her head, but she was giving it more thought than she had been.

Just as having a small dick was innately unpleasant, the thought of having a better one seemed to be a tempting one. If nothing else, it explained why spammers were so eager to offer various enlargement services to potential victims, as mere seconds were enough to give her that temptation, so she couldn’t even begin to fathom what it would be like to live with a small cock for one’s entire life. She felt some relief in knowing that her unwillingness to disparate people’s sizes was not misplaced kindness.

Most likely, the kitsune didn’t miss her reluctance, but she shrugged and moved on, “Regardless, you probably ought to rest. We have better things to worry about, and I am not going to be ready to investigate that technique of yours right away.”

Bianca picked up her cup and took a sip, immediately feeling her mind growing calm. The sight of her own penis remained firmly seared at the forefront of her thoughts, but at least it wasn’t quite so overwhelming as before. It was still extremely strange, but at least she now felt like she might be able to figure out something about the technique and some way to use it.

Perhaps she could try and piss standing up or something. As long as she can dispel it at any moment, she saw no particular reason to not try.

“Now, I would like to advance your cultivation a little more. I’m curious to see how it would progress, and how it might affect any and all parts of your body – and those other skills you mentioned. I would like to see them as well,” as she began clearing away some of the plates and baskets from the table, Xue Yaling spoke quietly yet distinctly, “I will assist your cultivation to a certain extent, though we need not employ such physical methods every time.”

“Wait, why would you want to skip that part?”

“Because I am very interested in seeing your technique develop. From that brief glimpse of your… Demon’s Commanding Rod,” she had to stop and look away as she clearly stifled a giggle, “I saw something as advanced as what the dragons are capable of, from a first realm technique used by an apparent amnesiac that is either recalling the techniques from past experiences, or simply absorbing something from the manual itself. Either way, I simply must see what will happen once you are permitted to rise up and reach your peak. Imagine if there is more to see from the techniques you possess…”

Xue Yaling looked towards her with hungry, eager eyes, though they lacked even the slightest hint of sexual desire. It was a very different look than she had ever showed before, and it made a chill run down Bianca’s spine.

“Anyway, if you get to the second realm, you will be able to assist me with your external energy and spiritual perception, so it would be helpful regardless of your unusual techniques,” the strange look soon faded and she went back to cleaning up the table, “Mind meeting me in the bedroom you’ve occupied in… hm, ten minutes? I’ll bring you a few things of interest.”


“I’m scared already. What is that stuff?”

“Not much, just a few pills and another manual for you to take a look at. I’m curious to see whether the phenomenon will repeat itself.”

The kitsune handed over the manual, atop which lay a small box with a series of large round balls nestled in softly padded slots. They resembled marbles, having a curious translucent appearance and a faint scent of medicine that actively emanated from them. Each one was a mixture of violet and green, weaving together yet remaining clearly separated – also like a marble, really.

‘Are those… pills? Not only are they rather large, but I’m pretty sure trying to eat marbles was something I knew not to do even as young as… four?’

“You haven’t seen medicinal pills before, I presume. These are simple Energy Condensation pills, which will assist you with absorbing energy and bring more planar energy towards you. It’s not quite as efficient as an equivalent array, especially not in the long term, but it should be good enough for the moment,” Xue Yaling explained, “I’m not sure what your concern with these is, but I can assure you that they are perfectly effective and safe.”

“They don’t exactly look… edible.”

“You’re not supposed to ‘eat’ them, silly. You swallow them-”

“A little big for that, don’t you think?”

“Every cultivator with some wealth will have used dozens of pills, so I see no reason for concern. Of course, pills could be made smaller – as the west does it – but each one will contain less medicinal essence and be less effective overall. There’s no reason to desire such a thing when pills such as this will just slide down your throat once you apply your planar energy to them,” the kitsune said, placing the manual and the box of pills atop it into Bianca’s hands “For now, though, focus on the manual. I’m curious to see what it could produce this time.”

Simply accepting another manual was a little risky, since Bianca only had two more slots to fill before the Demonic Tyrant would – presumably – stop accepting additional techniques, so she examined the front first.

“Soul Spike… What is this?”

“Does it matter?”

“It seems like the skills I get are of the same type as what is in the manual. You gave me a dual cultivation technique, and I got… something that may be described in the same manner.”

“… That is true, and if the pattern was followed with your other techniques, then…” Xue Yaling nodded, “This is a combat skill of my archetype, and although it’s meant to be used in the third realm, it’s actually usable before then, albeit at a reduced effectiveness. However, in your case, the skill will change anyway, so the specifics of its use should be of no import.”

“I guess… I’m just a little concerned that whatever is happening right now might not continue forever,” Bianca tried to hint at the truth, “What if there’s a limit to how many techniques I can… absorb?”

“It isn’t impossible for there to be a certain limit… though I would question what the cause of such a limit would be. If the contents of the manual are somehow absorbed by you, then it would depend on the method employed… If it is some remnant of energy within you that I am unable to perceive, then it might be… hm…” she placed her thumb by her mouth and bit the nail, her eyes losing focus as she focused on her thoughts.

She stood like this for quite a while, to the point that Bianca was actually contemplating taking one of the so-called pills just to see if Xue Yaling was telling the truth this time. Although there wasn’t much of a reason to doubt her so far, the foxy woman did seem like she might play a prank on her eventually.

When she picked one of the up, she found the pill to be surprisingly light and soft, despite being as firm as an actual marble might be. Somehow, she could simultaneously feel her fingers sinking in into something soft and gooey, and like she could never break the surface even if she put all of her strength into the attempt.

“Alright, I cannot guess at the true nature of your ability – not yet, at least – but I believe that the addition of a combat skill to your arsenal ought to be beneficial even if you are unable to obtain others quite so easily. What types of techniques do you possess already?”

“A cultivation technique, body cultivation technique, a dual cultivation technique, and a combat skill.”

“Indeed, you would greatly benefit from increasing your offensive arsenal with another skill. Even if your one combat ability is incredibly powerful, any enemy that endures it once will have a decent chance of avoiding, blocking or even reversing it in some way the next time,” Xue Yaling stated, “Of course, it would be best for you to obtain a movement skill and a defensive skill of some kind, but both of those factors can be supplemented with your cultivation and various items.”

Bianca would have questioned how that was possible, and she still wanted to, but with the pills and all the other strange stuff she’d seen, she was feeling like it might be best to just accept whatever is told to her until something contradicts it.

She already knew enough to not fall for people offering her candy… although, on second thought, perhaps she didn’t. Here she was, being offered candy, and she was readily accepting it.

“Anyway, please open the manual.”

“Oh, alright… Fine…” she let the kitsune hold on to the pills for the moment and took the manual in both hands, breathing in to gather her courage. This was the first time she was going to get a repeat type of technique, and with the last new technique proving to be completely different to what she actually wanted, she was somewhat apprehensive.

Nevertheless, there wasn’t much that Bianca could do to dissuade the kitsune, nor reduce her own curiosity.

The book opened with expected ease, and the introductory page was visible to her.

A moment of silence punctuated the moment, as both of them waited for the dark mist to emerge and flow into Bianca’s body. At this point, it was the only reasonable thing that could happen, given every other time she’d opened a manual.

And yet, as the moment stretched into seconds and then minutes, there was nothing.

“Uh… Is something happening from your perspective, perhaps?”

“No. I don’t feel any knowledge showing up in my head or anything like that… D-Despite that, I don’t feel like I’ve exhausted whatever it is that lets me obtain new techniques.”

“… Interesting. What gives you that impression?”

While Bianca struggled to figure out something appropriate to claim, she involuntarily looked away and felt herself blush, “It’s… uh… well…”

Xue Yaling sighed, rolling her eyes, “If you’re going to keep something from me, you ought to do a better job. That being said, you’re also being really successful in making me believe that you aren’t a demonic cultivator that is simply recovering her techniques, as you are doing an awful job in just about everything you should be able to do.”

“… Thank… you?”

“No need,” the kitsune accepted the compliment and plucked the manual from Bianca’s hands, replacing it with the box of pills, “Now, let us focus on the process of cultivation, shall we? I will seek out a different technique for you to take a look at. I know there likely isn’t much of a difference beside the type of technique or skill it is, but still, given the possible limitations, I would prefer to get it right on the first… second try, I suppose.”

Since the kitsune had already decided on everything, and probably had a better idea about matters of cultivation than Bianca ever would, she just nodded and took one of the pills, holding it with her thumb and index finger.

“So, what do I do? Just sit here?”

“Hm… I said we didn’t actually need to get intimate, but it would be far too dull not to do so. Also, your energy may not be the most… conducive to an efficient usage of the pills, so I’ll offer a little bit of my own. Should also make things go faster,” Xue Yaling smiled mysteriously, taking the pill from Bianca, “Make sure you’re sitting comfortably first. Take your time…”

She already had a comfortable seat on the bed, but seeing that the kitsune had something planned, Bianca figured that it would be best to go along with it.

When she got sufficiently comfortable – mainly, she was just waiting for Xue Yaling to give her the go ahead without providing any commentary – the kitsune approached and sat on her lap, hooking her legs around Bianca’s waist. With her elevated position, she ended up looking down on Bianca, though only slightly, their gazes meeting and staying on one another. Bianca found herself getting lost in the kitsune’s black eyes, feeling her warm breath hitting her lips and her own cheeks growing warm.

Although she might not have known what Xue Yaling had planned at first, she now had a rather good idea, and she was looking forward to it.


‘This girl looks so young and innocent… it’s so cute,’ Xue Yaling felt a smile tugging at her lips, but held it back as she opened her mouth and put the pill inside, ‘If she sticks around, it’ll almost be a shame to wear that innocence away…’

Mere saliva was not sufficient to dissolve the pill resting on her tongue, but she still made sure that it was covered in it before proceeding. It would make it easier for Bianca to swallow it, and she couldn’t deny the enjoyment she would derive from making the young woman taste her spit like that, so there was no reason to avoid doing it.

Once the round pill was sufficiently lubricated, she drew upon a small wisp of her planar energy and enveloped the pill with it, allowing it to begin eroding the outer shell. The moment it was fully eaten through, the medicinal essence within would begin working, so she didn’t hesitate and leaned forward.

Bianca’s lips parted before she even neared them, accepting the kiss. Their lips joined and they melted into one another’s touch, but before Xue Yaling could enjoy this in full, she gently held Bianca’s chin with two fingers and forced her mouth open. As soon as she could, the kitsune pushed the pill in with her tongue, pulling back and using her grip on Bianca’s chin to force her mouth shut. From there, she just gave her a stern look and provided a simple instruction.

“Swallow it.”

‘She had complained about the size… and the pill being too large as well. Since I’ll need to take one too, I might as well prove that it’s easy to consume,’ Xue Yaling plucked out another pill and popped it into her mouth, surrounding it with her energy right away.

The outer shell softened and a faint sweet taste filled her mouth. She held it there for a moment, appreciating the pleasant sensation, then swallowed it in one go, feeling the sweetness travel down her throat and spread throughout her body, followed by something that resembled a weak breeze brushing against her skin. In truth, rather than any regular wind, she was feeling planar energy beginning to rush towards her, being pulled from the air by the medicinal properties of the Energy Condensation pill.

Bianca continued to hesitate, so Xue Yaling brought her lips to the young woman’s ear and whispered, “Come now, don’t be so hesitant… You don’t want me to force you into it, do you?”

Although she was ready to grab Bianca’s nose and force her to swallow or spit the pill out if she wanted to breathe – which she would prevent as well, since the whole point of this was to get this kid to take her medicine – her whispering finally seemed to convince her. With a strained look, she forced herself to swallow the pill, only for it to go down with extreme ease as the shell had long been worn away and left only medicinal essence that was quickly dissolving.

Strictly speaking, Bianca might as well have just left the pill’s essence in her mouth, since the overall efficiency was already lowered and wouldn’t be changed that much further. It wouldn’t be as fun for the kitsune, though, so she chose not to mention that fact.

“It’s a bit late now, but channel your energy towards the medicinal essence before it fully dissolves. Your energy will help you process the essence, and if you’re lucky, it might well boost the pill’s effects,” Xue Yaling instructed, continued to whisper into her ear. There was something absolutely delightful about seeing Bianca shiver from her words.

To test her reactions, Xue Yaling lightly bit Bianca’s earlobe, keeping a light hold on it for a while as she considered what else she might do. There was so much room for fun and exploration…

She was distracted for a moment by the activation of the second Energy Condensation pill. It pulled in a great amount of energy, more than she would have expected from a girl in the first realm, though it was nothing unusual for a strange, unique technique.

‘If only it was easier to figure it out…’ Xue Yaling couldn’t help but feel some frustration towards it, as it was just too far of a leap for her current level of comprehension, “Now, relax and let me take care of you…”


In a dark room, the only faint source of light was a gleaming jewel set into a thin length of black leather, complete with a buckle on one end. The purple glow was barely sufficient to illuminate moist red lips.

“… they’ve reached out to the other sects in the Dragon’s Fangs, but so far, little of note has been reported back. The group is heading south… in the direction of a previous customer. It’s of low importance, and the group is only in the second realm,” the speaker spoke quietly, softly and swiftly, pausing only to lick their lips, “I will continue investigating the nature of the demonic cultivator to check if she would be a good… product…”

Crimson marked the figure’s cheeks, shortly before they bit their bottom lip and their calm, dry tone changed, lust and desire filling it. If there may have been doubt before, now no listener would fail to hear the feminine tone or miss the crimson in their cheeks.

“Please, Mistress, let me return. I miss you…”

“Now, now, I thought I trained you better than that,” another voice, sultry and dripping with a sweet venom, replied through the glowing jewel, “Do what you’re told, pet. Watch over the actions of the Blazing Skies Sect, don’t let those people spot you, and when you’re next on a mission outside, you can return to my embrace for a while. I’ve had a few interested parties asking about you, incidentally…”

“M-Mistress… I… I want to keep serving you.”

“Then stop complaining. Besides, even outside of the sect, you’re too useful for me. Out of all of my trained slaves, you’re perhaps the most obedient… I’ll think of a good way to reward you once you’re back. Any ideas?”

“I…” the cherry red lips parted, steamy breath escaping her mouth, “Anything… I would do anything, and get anything from you, Mistress…”

“Of course you would… I’ll have something interesting for you. Anything else?”

“T-The demonic cultivator… there was some conflicting reports about her nature-”

“It doesn’t matter. If she’s strong but malleable, I will make her a slave, just like you. If she is powerful and wise, perhaps she will be a customer. If she’s something more than that… As if. The west’s Master of Yi City is an extreme rarity, for better or worse.”

“Yes, Mistress. Do you have any other instructions for me, Mistress? Please?”

“Getting a little excited, aren’t you?” the voice from the jewel clearly expressed a smile, “You want me to order you about, don’t you? To do anything I demand, to the most precise and minute detail. I bet you’re already staining your panties… What would all those fellow disciples of yours think? I’m sure they will be able to feel something.”

“I don’t care about them!” her breath became heavier and warmer, “I’ve already undressed. I was imagining putting on your collar and letting them all see the truth!”

“So, you were expecting this. You wanted to use your Mistress to get off, didn’t you?”

The words stung, and yet she grew even more excited, rubbing her thighs together, her gaze locked onto the purple glow, “I-I’m sorry, Mistress, I can’t help it… You’ve made me like this.”

“And now you’re blaming me. What a naughty pet you are. Perhaps I ought not to give you that reward after all,” the voice from the jewel remained playful, but the venom became much more prominent, “So, are you a good pet?”

“Y-Yes, Mistress, I-”

“Then stop. You’re not going to cum today, understand?”

“Ah…” despite being so close just from speaking with the voice, she stopped and held herself back from finishing the job, despite how easy it would be, “Y-Yes…”

“Good. You better figure out some additional information by the next time we speak. If you do, I might send a small gift your way, as a reward for that loyalty of yours. It’s so good to know that my pet will remain behaved even after we’ve spent so long apart. It makes me feel proud as your owner and your trainer.”

“Mistress…” she smiled, ‘I make her proud… I’m a good pet…’

“Now, go. It would be unfortunate if the sect caught you speaking with me.”

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