I Was Called A Demon

Arc 3: Chapter 3

Bianca would have looked to Song Ming for further answers, but before she had even a moment to do so, Xue Yaling hopped up onto her feet and rushed over to the flames behind them, grabbing the legs of the red-shell grazer that had been cooking all this while.

“Ah, we seemed to have taken up just the right amount of time there. It’s perfectly done, and it cools down quickly, so we don’t even need to wait for that,” the kitsune said with a smile, “And I even have drinks. Hope neither of us is against some sweet nectar from the Eclipse Clover Tree. I have plenty, but it does make you feel thirstier, so you might drink a little much.”

“Is it alcoholic?”

“Nope. I have some wine and what not, but I am not giving any of that to you two. Your young age aside, I don’t think it is a good idea to impair your thinking even further.”

“Excuse me?”

“Here is your food. The shell is already cracked open, so just use the chopsticks and grab a bite.”

“I… hah…” Bianca exhaled as she understood that she wasn’t going to get a proper reply to that particular statement, ‘Is she doing this on purpose, somehow? I don’t see any benefit in making me hate her… Well, at least the food doesn’t look completely awful. It’s like a crab or something of that sort.’

The meat was soft and light in appearance, and although it was brought to her with steam coming off of it, that soon faded away, and the heat she felt from it was barely present after a few seconds of waiting for it to cool down.

Hence, she didn’t wait for Xue Yaling to finish pouring whatever it was she was letting them drink – it wasn’t the first of the odd drinks the kitsune had stowed away in her shrinking bag, and it was unlikely to be the last – and just ate.


“… Wait, where’s the food gone?”

“You ate it.”

“W-what? When?” Bianca gasped, as it felt as if she had just picked up the first piece.

“Guessing it wasn’t as bad as you had thought. Time just flew by, didn’t it?”

“I… guess? Why?”

“You see, the red-shell grazers are actually considered somewhat of a delicacy for those of lower realms and little wealth. They’re known for their… captivating properties.”

“Is it addicting?” she said, alarm plain to hear in her voice.

The kitsune laughed, “Of course not. You think I’d be eating if it that was the case? My ghostflame is decent at clearing certain things, but I’m nowhere near complete immunity to any kind of alchemical property.”

‘So it would be fine to feed it to us anyway?’ Bianca sighed internally, though she didn’t bother confronting Xue Yaling about it. It was likely to be a waste of time anyway.

Besides, her attention was slowly being drawn to something else, something that didn’t disappear after their cultivation was done. For whatever reason, the kitsune had been rather sparing in the lust-inducing aspect of her dual cultivation technique, and so her dick had been left inside of her panties, soft and mostly unnoticeable from the outside, fortunately enough.

It was nice not to be tempted to jack off again, but when she realised she ate a lot more than she intended, she inevitably glanced at the so-called sweet nectar from the Eclipse Clover Tree. Once, there had been a full jug, certainly enough for her, Song Ming and Xue Yaling to drink for several days if it had been water or something of the sort. Now, it was almost empty, and though she could barely remember how much either of the other two drank, she certainly felt more than full.

‘Oh dear… And since that thing is still not going away, am I going to have to pee with that? Tch,’ she quietly looked towards Song Ming and Xue Yaling, then ended up sighing outwardly, “I’ve drank a bit much, so I’ll be right back.”

“Have fun~.”

“Don’t- Stop that!” Bianca exclaimed, struggling to keep a blush off her face while she was still in Song Ming’s view, “Whatever is happening in that head of your, no!”

“Heh. If you say so.”

She would’ve continued, but it wasn’t hard to see how her continued disagreement would just draw more attention. Hence, she turned away and headed off quickly, rushing into the forest and in a mostly straight line. It was important to head far enough away to not be seen – or worse yet, heard – though she knew that her own survival skills wouldn’t be enough to bring her back if she managed to get herself lost.

That, and she wasn’t entirely sure that Xue Yaling wouldn’t do anything weird if left alone with Song Ming for too long. If she started being even more overt than usual with her teasing, Song Ming might not even need to see Bianca’s cock to figure out that it was there.

Once she got far enough away, she made sure to put as many trees in between herself and their camp, and then realised an issue.

‘I… I have no idea how guys do this, do I? I mean, it can’t be that complicated, and I know that they can do this standing up, but…’ she sighed again, lifting her skirt with one hand before reaching into her panties and fishing out her soft length, feeling it grow to half-mast from just that touch, ‘Fuck, this feels so weird already.’

Masturbating was one thing, but this somehow felt even more strange. To satisfy a need that was even simpler than her arousal using this thing that she wasn’t meant to have… she felt like it was a bit of a surrender. Strictly speaking, she wasn’t even fighting against anyone but herself here, but still.

‘Well… I… I guess I just let loose and… Oh fuck, I can’t believe I’m doing this…’

She would’ve looked away, but the last thing she needed was to somehow piss all over herself. Luckily, her body didn’t allow her to ponder for much longer before she released the pressure within her bladder.

The experience was… different, even for all the familiar aspects of the process. A thick stream poured out onto the grass, and she quickly felt a sense of relief as she got what felt like a dozen litres of liquid out of her body. It was a relaxing experience, all things considered, and she couldn’t help but appreciate the ease with which male genitalia allowed her to take care of this.

She had enough sense to shake off anything that remained, wipe the tip of her cock with a random leaf – one that looked familiar, and therefore was unlikely to sting or poison her somehow – and then her new energy came to mind. Xue Yaling had been able to take care of quite a few things by simply burning them off her own body, so with some caution she willed the Demonic Tyrant to produce a small clump of dark energy that she brought close.

Bringing it that close was more than a little terrifying, but a single touch of darkness against her sensitive flesh confirmed that, though it did tingle in an odd way, there seemed to be no harm from it.

Furthermore, she had no need to control all of it herself. With a thought, the Demonic Tyrant did it for her, and when the energy receded… well, it looked clean, and she wasn’t about to start doing chemical analysis to determine what exactly it did, not even if she had the ability or equipment to do so.

With that, she put her cock away and turned-


‘Oh fuck,’ Bianca froze, though only for a moment as the understanding that she should probably cover up overpowered her shock, “S-Song Ming, this… well, I don’t even know that it looks like, but-”

“That… have… have you had that this entire time? You couldn’t have, surely?”

“N-No, it’s… It’s the result of one of my techniques. It gets summoned when we do cultivation, and Xue Yaling… that annoying yet extremely helpful kitsune can’t stop teasing me about so… so please stop staring at it,” Bianca blushed, putting a hand in front of the bulge in her skirt, “Just… if you ignore it, I can get rid of it, and never use that again, so-”

“W-Wait… Um… Can I… Can I see it again?” Song Ming looked away, tapping her index fingers together in such a perfect image of a shy girl that she needed a moment to remember that she wasn’t seeing some kind of anime, “Your… thing.”

“… You sure? You don’t have to see it, I know you’re not the most fond of… well, guys. And this is… Fuck, this is awkward to say out loud.”

“I… I know, but… on you… on you it doesn’t look so bad,” she was still unable to meet Bianca’s gaze for longer than a moment, “And if that’s a part of you… even if only every now and then… well, I want to… uhm…”

“Just to make sure, Xue Yaling didn’t insist on this, did she? Because if she did, I’ll try to beat her up.”

“No! She… she had just suggested that I make sure you’re okay. You were away for a while, after all.”

‘Was I? I mean, guess it took me a while to work up my courage, but still… I swear, that bitch is up to something. And… eh, I shouldn’t call her that, but it’s really hard not to…’ Bianca shook her head and focused her attention on Song Ming, “Well, if this is what you really want… remember, it’s fine to just step away, and we can all pretend that you didn’t see this, and that I didn’t have it. It goes away after… a while, so effectively, I don’t.”

“Okay… but I want to see anyway.”

At that point, Bianca had to relent, though she still moved as slowly as she could in order to give Bianca all the time she needed to back out. She had already revealed enough to risk their relationship – at least, the physical aspect of it – and she didn’t want to be the one responsible for not giving Song Ming the chance to back out of anything uncomfortable.

However, even as she slowly lifted her skirt, then, even more slowly, pulled down her panties and revealed the soft length within, Song Ming didn’t stop her. On the contrary, her attention was on her groin the entire time, and her breathing was clearly getting heavier.

‘Is she… oh fuck, that will get me excited too…’ she thought as she moved her hand away.


‘That… why… why does that make me feel so warm down there… She is right, that’s a man’s… thing, but it… it doesn’t look that way on her,’ Song Ming felt her cheeks grow hot as she looked upon it, and found herself breathing even heavier when the flaccid shaft began to grow.

It twitched and moved upwards, becoming longer and thicker seemingly with every beat of Bianca’s heart, and as unimpressive as it started out, when it got to its peak, it was… quite something. Song Ming had never spent much time staring at such things, especially since she had few opportunities even if she had wanted to, but this made her feel like she had never done before. Something about it was endlessly captivating, and even though she had never seen how the typical man and a woman would have sex, she felt like she wanted this thing.

It was an extremely odd feeling, and yet she really, really wanted to feel more. She wanted to see what such a thing could lead to, what she would feel if she allowed her desires to control her.

“P-Please stop staring so much. It… if you want me to put it away, then-”

“No! I mean, please, don’t… I don’t hate it. It’s… captivating.”

Song Ming may have struggled to look into Bianca’s eyes, but she couldn’t take her gaze away from her dick. And she saw, quite clearly, how it twitched with her last word, even as Bianca herself flinched and seemed intent on cursing that very reaction.

‘Why do I… feel like that down there? Like… like I want it. I want it inside of me. I want…’ she stopped herself and pressed a hand against her own chest, feeling the intensity of her own heartbeat, ‘N-No, I’m going too far. I’ve got no idea whether I’m just… fantasising and exaggerating everything. I… I should… should get closer…’

Her feet stepped forward on their own, taking each one slowly and breathing all the more heavily as she saw that thing grow in her eyes, filling up more and more of her vision until she was right next to Bianca, just a step away from being able to touch it.

Even from here, she could smell the difference, as odd as that might seem. She had been with Bianca enough times to remember all kinds of minor details about her, and there was a faint hint of a sweaty scent mixed with something odd, yet not entirely unfamiliar. If she hadn’t seen the source, she might well have missed it entirely.

It, too, proved captivating. She wanted to get down on her knees before it, take in deeper, maybe even…



“Is… is it fine if… I touch it?” Song Ming asked, barely able to decipher what her own desires were, not to mention what one was supposed to do with a thing like that.

And yet again, she saw that thing twitch. It only excited her more, making her wet down there, and she even felt herself clench up around nothing. She couldn’t believe that she would have such a response, and yet the urge to get down on her knees grew with every single moment.

“T-Touch? Are… are you certain?”

Her response was breathy and immediate, “Yes.”

“… Well, if that’s what you want to do… Then sure.”

Song Ming nearly fell straight down to her knees, though she had a moment of good sense and slowed her descent just enough.

As she landed on her knees, she found herself right in front of that hard thing. It throbbed in front of her, some kind of white, nigh-transparent fluid dripping out the front. It added to the already strong smell, one that clouded her thoughts and flooded them with all kinds of blurry yet arousing phantoms, images of her touching and being touched, images of her using her mouth and her nether parts that she couldn’t fully fathom, yet that appeared more and more within her head.

Without thinking about it, she reached up and wrapped her fingers around the hard, hot length. She froze, feeling not only the overwhelming heat that felt like it should have come from a blazing oven rather than a person’s body, but also the intense throbbing that resulted from that simple touch.

She heard Bianca groan, but against her better judgement, she kept her hand right there and glanced up.

“A-Are you okay? Am I… Am I doing this wrong? Does it hurt?”

The response came with another few drops of fluid which dripped from the light-red, diamond-hard tip, sliding down and along the underside of the shaft. One drop fell to the ground, splashing in between Song Ming’s knees, but the other slid down and touched her fingers, sticking to them even as she tried to move her hand back.

Song Ming wanted to pull away, in part out of an odd sense of caution, but also due to the desire to see this fluid up close. She was tempted to smell it from a closer distance, to feel its texture, and maybe even taste it.

Of course, there was a better place for her to taste it. It was right in front of her, coming right out of the tip that she had revealed further by sliding her hand back. The skin that had been partially covering the tip was pulled away, and showcased the full mushroom-shaped head, tempting her with each moment to lean in, to lick it, to taste it, to see how it feels within her mouth, to see if it could fit, to see if…

“Song Ming...”

Whatever Bianca was about to say, she never got to finish, as Song Ming brought her head forward and wrapped her lips around the tip, giving it a kiss with her eyes focused entirely upon it.

Immediately, she was struck with the strong, peculiar taste and scent. It was unlike anything she’d tasted of Bianca before, thick and strong and so… so dirty, yet delightful. Although even that quick touch was enough for her lips to feel as if they were forever stained by the musky flavour, she didn’t hesitate to use her tongue to lick the head, starting from the bottom and going all the way to the top.

In the process, she got to taste that translucent white fluid, and she immediately knew that there was more to be had. It only had this faint hint of flavour, and yet it was so addicting that she licked again and again, trying to tease more of it out of Bianca’s dick.

However, what she truly wanted was the true, full taste that hid within the sticky, thin liquid. From the way that Bianca gasped and moaned simply from her lips touching the head, Song Ming determined that the best thing to do would be to take it deeper, to let her lips slide along the length. She felt the length slide in along her tongue, travelling towards the back of her throat before she felt so full she had to withdraw and take a breath.

Even when she pulled back, copious amounts of saliva remained, most causing the base of Bianca’s cock to glisten while some stuck to her lips and more still dripped down in strands.

She hadn’t realised just how much she was drooling and salivating the whole time, but she knew that if she’d removed her lips from the shaft it would be just as slick. Somehow, this realisation made her blush with pride, though she suspected she was already blushing so much that it wouldn’t be noticeable.

With her lungs filled, although she wasn’t sure if there was more air or Bianca’s scent in there, Song Ming went down on her again. She filled her mouth with more and more of her cock, until she felt it bump into the back of her throat just as her nose pressed against Bianca’s groin, feeling the soft stubble of her pubic hair and flooding her nose with her musk and sweat. Song Ming gagged on that hard length, her saliva splattering onto Bianca’s body and balls.

And then, she felt those balls, those hot and heavy orbs sitting within a sack slick with her spit and Bianca’s sweat, tense up and rise just a little as Bianca’s hand ended up on her head, grasping her hair and forcing her to remain there. Before Song Ming could respond, she felt the length in her mouth throb and pulse.

Her eyes widened as a thick liquid spurted out into her throat, and the next moment, more flooded her mouth after Bianca pulled her head back a little. It was blazing hot, and yet it was the overwhelming taste that burned her tongue. It was utterly indescribable, and yet she desperately gulped down each and every drop that she could, barely managing to keep up with the sheer volume of fluid that flooded her mouth.

Soon, it became so copious that she couldn’t swallow enough, and the white fluid spilt out from between her soft lips, dripping down her chin incredibly slowly.

The thick length within her mouth suddenly faded, and she was left with a mouth full of cum, more of which dropped out before she had the chance to shut her mouth. Even then, she was left utterly full of the thick, sticky white fluid, and she could think of little more to do than to look up into Bianca’s eyes for guidance.


Bianca could barely understand what just happened, but she knew that if her dick hadn’t disappeared after she came, she would have most certainly gotten harder. The sight before her was so overwhelmingly sexy that she could even ignore the presence of a distinctly male fluid covering Song Ming’s face – and when she said covered, she most certainly meant it, because this was almost excessive.

Song Ming’s mouth was so full that even her cheeks were bulging out slightly, and there was enough on her chin alone to put the average guy to shame, at least as far as the people of Orbis were concerned.

It seemed insane that such an amount could be produced with the kind of equipment she had, though with the element of magic, it was a little more understandable. There was also the fact that her dick had clearly grown some more, cumulatively giving her at least a centimetre in addition to her original size.

On one hand, it wasn’t much, but on the other, not only did it grow that much in just the first realm, but she also managed to cum so much that she filled not only Song Ming’s mouth but also her belly. If she kept going, even the most excessive of porn she’d seen would be unable to match up with her potential. She might end up seeing Song Ming’s belly bulging from her cum, and it was a rather exciting thought.

Back onto the present, though, she saw Song Ming gazing up into her eyes, this gorgeous look on her face that Bianca was really, really tempted to bring out her cock again.

“Um… Can you show me?”

Song Ming tilted her head for a moment before she understood, raising her head and parting her lips to reveal the copious load in her mouth. It was thick and almost seemed to steam due to its warmth, but one thing she was absolutely sure about was the smell. It had already filled the area from what had spilled out, but now she got to experience it wafting out of Song Ming’s mouth, extremely similar to one of the most unpleasant stenches she had ever been forced to endure.

And yet…

‘It’s not terrible this time… It’s a little different, sure, and it came from me, but… Huh,’ Bianca realised that her own stance in this regard may not have been quite so straightforward as she thought – as straight as a girl liking other girls could be – but first, she licked her lips and made a request she thought she might never make, “Could you… swallow it?”

If she had things exactly as she might have wanted them, she would have put Song Ming besides someone else and allowed them to kiss and exchange all of that cum between them. Scenes like that turned her on even when she knew that it was either fake or came from some guy, so if it was all her own, she’d have even less of a reason to complain. She half-expected Song Ming to refuse and just spit it all out, but-


‘Swallow… even more? Uhm… She looks so hopeful, so…’ Song Ming gave it a bit of thought, then shut her lips and eyes, forcing herself to swallow despite the sheer thickness and viscosity of the substance.

She struggled to force it all to go down her throat as her body struggled against it. The taste had been building up within her mouth, and the smell seemed to have flooded into her mind with each breath that she took, leaving things blurry while her every thought drifted back to Bianca’s dick and cum. With how thick it all was, every single gulp was a momentous effort, and she could distinctly feel the heat of each chunk of semen sliding down her throat and filling her belly, adding to everything already within to the point that her stomach bulged out a little.

Even then, after she swallowed all she could, it felt as if the inside of her mouth was still coated with Bianca’s jizz. It seemed like it stuck to every single millimetre of her tongue, as if it was intent on permanently staining her taste buds, to remind her forever more that she had tasted Bianca in a way she had never imagined to be possible.

As clouded as her mind was at that moment, she nevertheless had the thought of parting her lips again and bringing out her tongue, showing Bianca the results of her efforts.

She saw Bianca’s eyes widen, her breathing pause for just a moment, and then a blush spread across her cheeks. As her own soft lips parted, words likely already on the tip of her tongue, Song Ming suddenly realised just how… much they had done. What she had just committed to, what she did while in her daze, and the new experiences that she went through – it was all too much for her, even if she enjoyed it at the time.

Song Ming leapt up onto her feet, mumbled something and ran off in the search of the nearest water source, too ashamed to say a single thing.

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