I Was Called A Demon

Arc 3: Chapter 4

Bianca reached out, wanting to tell Song Ming to stop, but a moment’s thought prevented her from actually calling out.

It didn’t take long for her to comprehend that they may have gone a bit too far a bit too quickly, and that Song Ming might have been carried along by the momentum. After all, so was Bianca herself, so it was important for her to give her some time… especially if she was trying to find the nearby stream, which she could just barely hear now that all the other noise was gone.

‘To be fair, if I had to taste even a little bit of that, I’d imagine I’d throw up,’ Bianca thought as she glanced down at the ground, spotting a large puddle of her own cum staining the grass below, ‘Damn, with all she swallowed, there’s still so much? Um… Might need to drink whatever the red-shell grazer has before I get extremely dehydrated.  How in the world did I produce that much, anyway? Do I… do I even have a prostate?’

She knew a little about biology, and she was pretty sure that the balls didn’t actually store the cum that they produced – not that they would have had enough space to fit everything either – but she was also not sure how most male features would fit in amidst what she already had.

‘Though… magic. I suppose it doesn’t need to make more sense than that with all the other nonsense in this world,’ Bianca looked away, cleaning herself up and returning her clothing to how they were meant to be, aside from the blatant moist spot at the front of her panties from the combination of precum and her current, continued arousal.

However, given that Song Ming had come over because of Xue Yaling’s insistence, it was likely that hiding would be pointless. Song Ming knew, Bianca herself knew, and even if Xue Yaling wasn’t observing this region with her spiritual perception, the kitsune had likely guessed that they didn’t spend all their time just chatting… and even if Xue Yaling had no idea, there was no way that Song Ming would be able to wash away the smell on her breath without drinking the entire stream, so that would give quite a bit away as well.

She glanced in the direction that Song Ming had rushed off into, listening out for any kind of trouble that might have befallen her. There weren’t too many dangerous beasts in the area, at least from what she had been able to see, so she concluded that there was little to worry about.


Song Ming spat out another mouthful of water, but the taste did not leave her mouth no matter how much she tried. Sure, her face was completely clean, as was her mouth, but the flavour and, more importantly, the strong scent of her cock and cum. It was such a strong musk that she wasn’t even sure if it was truly within her mouth anymore, or if it had simply stuck in her memory so much that she wouldn’t be able to eliminate it no matter what she did physically.

‘It’s… it’s not awful, but at the same time, it so… overpowering. I don’t my every memory of her to be consumed by that…’ the young woman sighed, glancing at the stream once more before concluding that there was little benefit to wasting more of the water.

It already felt as if she had permanently corrupted the stream, and however she interpreted the scent, she wasn’t especially keen on a bunch of planar beasts coming over as a result of it.

She attempted to dry her hands a little, but the thought alone was enough for her to realise the vast amount of moisture that she could feel between her legs. It was as if she had spilled a cup of something there, to the point that she could clearly feel her panties sticking to her skin. Any time she moved, she sensed it all too clearly, and after a little hesitation, she decided to remove her dress.

When she did… her comparison seemed woefully inadequate. It wasn’t just some spill, but an outright waterfall of slick fluids that covered her groin and thighs, completely soaking her underwear to the point that she could see right through it.

Song Ming pulled them down, difficult as it was, and what remained was her bare skin, slick from sweat and arousal. A thin layer of pubic hair covered her groin, a consequence from lacking the time to shave in recent times. However, that hardly mattered in comparison to that which truly attracted her attention.

A series of glistening strands connected her underwear to her nether lips, and more dripped out with every breath, With the cloth cover gone, her own scent spread out around her, and while it certainly did quite a bit to distract her from Bianca’s overwhelming musk, it also reminded her of her own fantasies.

Without any deliberate thought, her hand slid down her slightly inflated belly and down to her groin, sliding across her sensitive pussy. A single touch sent a shiver down her spine, and it didn’t take long for her to slip a finger inside.

Her nether lips accepted the intruding digit with no resistance at all, and she was immediately filled with an even greater sense of emptiness than before. It was so tempting that she could only hold back for a moment before she added her middle finger, feeling her inner walls clench around them, gasping from the pleasure that it brought.

It was as if her whole body was aflame with excitement, and it prompted her to throw all hesitation to the wind. She thrust her fingers deep inside herself, gasping and moaning with every thrust, and as the world around her seemed to fade, her earlier imagination grew more prominent. She recalled her desperate fantasies from when she got to see Bianca’s cock, but now those images were so much more vivid and so much more prominent.

She could clearly imagine Bianca standing before her, her cock as rock-hard as when Song Ming was on her knees before her, her tip pressing against her nether lips.

Within her mind, she saw – and more importantly, felt – that length enter her, forcing her open in a manner she had never previously experienced, getting deeper and deeper inside her, making her feel all kinds of things she never would have imagined. That hard, throbbing shaft touched every sensitive spot she never even knew she had. The thought alone made her so delightfully full, and soon she found herself on the ground, one hand devoted to filling herself while the other played with her clit, as if she truly lay before Bianca and remained utterly at her mercy.

‘Y-Yes, take me, Bianca! Take me!’ she exclaimed within her mind, finding an especially sensitive point within her depths that she reached again and again, everything blurring into a rush of lust that culminated in an eruption of ecstasy.

A vast volume of her arousal spilled from her nether lips, squirting onto the ground before her, coating what little skin on her hands wasn’t already wet from earlier. It happened at the exact moment that she envisioned Bianca thrusting herself inside so that their bodies met, her balls slapping against Song Ming’s ass, her cock throbbing and the underside bulging as cum surged out, flooding into her body, filling up her pussy until it began to add to the bump in her belly.

She went from simply looking full to seeming outright pregnant, and although she had barely ever considered such a thing before, the thought of bearing Bianca’s children brought her inexplicable joy and excitement, bringing out another spark of excitement that shook her body. However, even though it felt akin to an eternity, it still passed, and she was left with a view of the blue sky above.

Although she felt tired, sweaty and lacking the desire to move even a little, she was satisfied and relieved. It was a similar experience to when she had first experienced Bianca’s touch back in Xi Village, though the difference couldn’t be understated.

‘I never thought that it could feel so… amazing. Even without her there... Heavens, what has happened to me…’


“Well, there you are. I was beginning to assume you had gotten lost somewhere. Seen Song Ming anywhere?” Xue Yaling asked as she turned her head to look behind herself, “She went off after you since she got worried. What a nice girlfriend you’ve got.”

“Don’t pretend like you’ve got no idea,” Bianca replied, though she approached nonetheless, “Is it impossible for you to avoid sticking your fingers into stuff like this?”

“I don’t know whatever you could mean… for one, you’ve not got your memories, right? You need some guidance and direction if you are to make something of your life until you get better,” the kitsune said with a smug smile, “Besides, you do know that there’s quite a potent smell lingering around you? Even if I was a human with their typical senses, I’d certainly be able to tell that you two had gotten together.”

“… Why even ask then? Ugh…”

“Tired, are you? My, I wonder what could have caused such exhaustion. Surely you’re not so out of shape that a few kisses will have been enough for you?”

“I do not understand you.”

“And why ever would Song Ming not come back with you? You didn’t make a mess of things back there, did you? It would truly be a shame if-”

“Look, do you just want me to admit that I ended up using it?”


“My… the thing that the Demon’s Commanding Rod summons. You’re not getting me that easily,” Bianca shook her head as she sat down a short distance from the kitsune, “Do you enjoy tormenting me over this?”

Xue Yaling’s expression could not be summarised any better than with a ‘:3’, the smug aura pouring out from every pore of her body, “Well, you look like you’re outright glowing at the moment, so I need to offer something to calm that down. Imagine if we run into a bandit out there and they decide you’re a great target for a quick kidnapping?”

“Yeah, thanks… Am I really glowing?”

“Literally? Of course not. If you were, I would assume some odd imbalance in your planar energy cultivation, perhaps an odd illness or something, but as you are…” the smug aura flared up again as she continued, “It’s obvious you’ve just had a wonderful time.”

“Well… I suppose it wasn’t half bad. Still, it’s not something I can come to terms with that quickly. Just imagine getting an ability like that all of a sudden and tell me you wouldn’t be confused.”

“Oh, I’d make full use of it right away, of course. There are so many women that would love to enjoy something like that, with most of them preferring to be on the receiving end,” Xue Yaling shrugged, “Even if we disregard cultivation benefits, simply feeling the touch of someone more skilled than the average man would make me – or you, if you so choose – a vastly preferable option.”

“I, uh… I suppose you would know better than I do in this regard.”

“Perhaps. Hope your girlfriend wasn’t too tuckered out by the rough treatment you’ve given her, incidentally.”

“Rough t- it was just… Hold up, why assume anything about roughness? You shouldn’t know any specifics if you hadn’t been there, since the only thing you can assume is that… well, that I happened to be especially productive this time.”

“You were indeed. It almost seems as if you would have been able to fill someone’s belly up in just one go, which is mighty impressive. If nothing else, it means that I ought to pay closer attention to your particular technique and decipher its intricacies so that I may apply it to a skill of my own… Hm, can you just imagine being able to do something like that at will? You could paint your lover’s face just like that, marking them as your very own slut,” Xue Yaling said almost dreamily, “With the kind of load you seem to be capable of producing, no way would the scent depart within a reasonable time… though I suppose they would need to wash eventually…”

“Wha-… um… ahem… Let’s not…”

The kitsune chuckled, “You are too easy to tease, you know? There may never be a time when I stop if you don’t learn to respond better.”

“And you don’t make it easy… Please, let’s avoid that topic for now. I… I had a question.”

“If you need tips on how to use-”

“No. Sects. I wanted to ask about sects.”

“Why would you… oh, is it that topic again? Really?” Xue Yaling rolled her eyes, “Fine, do go ahead. Not much we can do here until your girlfriend returns, anyway.”

“Alright. What makes a sect?”

“What makes… Ah, I see. Well, it’s rather simple: an identity, a location, and power.”

“… That’s it?”

“Mhm. Now, you’re not going to become a major sect if you have three people and a shack on a mountain top somewhere, but the key aspect of a sect is to be an organised power that will keep the lands secure and prosperous, in one manner or another. As long as that is the case, most will not attempt to enter into a conflict with you unless they’re either sure they will win, or there is some other good reason.”

“Which is why the strength is important?”

“Of course. In this world, nothing matters without the strength to back it up. Not all strength is physical, as you might imagine, but it is often the simplest one to observe. If you can see someone punching through a mountain, it is far more straightforward to assess their power than someone that possesses a large sum of wealth or a big number of contacts to call upon for aid.”

“What about an identity?”

“A sect has to mean something, or work towards something, or to simply have a focus. Techniques or even whole archetypes that are developed and perfected to allow future generations to work upon them and maintain or even grow the status of the sect,” the kitsune glanced to the north-west, “The Blazing Skies Sect and the Calm Skies Sect were once one, and they had a powerful focus on the skies, allowing them to perform all kinds of skills that would impress many of the other sects. However, they fractured, as did their archetype, resulting in a distilled variant of both.”

She sighed, looking back towards Bianca.

“Hence the importance of the identity.  With a single focus, everyone can contribute to it, letting it grow to its utmost peak.”

“… Okay? Um… What about territory?”

“What about it? You need some land, and you need to be able to keep it safe.”

“But couldn’t a bunch of people just wander around and claim to have a sect as well? Does it really make any difference?”

“Some sects have existed that lacked a home base of sorts, but there is a certain issue with that. One of the easiest ways to boost one’s own strength are static defences, such as arrays and inscriptions, especially when they are connected to a powerful cultivator that can employ them effectively and amplify their own strength to fend off incoming foes,” Xue Yaling said, “That’s one of the many things that make a proper location a necessity, at least if you lack the ability to enforce your will in other ways.”


“Strictly speaking, your energy is a rather impressive one. If it could be channelled properly, it would certainly prove very beneficial in comparison to ambient planar energy or cultivation techniques that are, relatively speaking, inferior,” the kitsune looked down for a moment, then it looked as if her eyes sparkled, “Ah, but of course! I keep telling you and power and what not, yet you have not seen the effects that a single realm can have! You’ve not experimented with most of your skills yet, have you?”

“No, I suppose not-”

“Then get up and give them a go. Not like you have a large list to work through, anyway.”

That much was true, and Bianca would be lying if she claimed that she didn’t have some interest in what other effects her breakthrough had. She had seen how her energy had changed, observed a… notable effect on the Demon’s Commanding Rod, and she was sure that her hair and skin were only going to get lighter if things continued as they were with the Demonic Form.

All that remained was to see how her Dominion’s Light and Tormentor’s Strides might have grown, though she doubted that the effect would be that great.

Each one already performed feats that were beyond ordinary human capability, and even having seen the serpent’s like planar construct that Song Ming could produce, it didn’t seem plausible that either of her abilities would get that much better than before. Cutting into hard stone with little more than a kitchen knife or even just her fingers, and moving at speeds that felt like teleporting… Was there really that much room to grow?

Getting an answer was simple, given that she had her knife on hand. She took it out, raised it, and directed her gaze to the Demonic Tyrant panel again. There was no clear difference displayed there, and the number of slots didn’t change either, so she moved on to the practical side of things.

There were plenty of trees around them, and she knew that she had the ability to cut through that much, so it would be a good test to see the difference in strength.

“Stop. Don’t approach it if you’re going to test your skill,” Xue Yaling said, and when she saw the confusion on Bianca’s face, she sighed and added, “You’re in the second realm now, dummy. You can externalise energy, assuming your skills have followed your general strength. So, you should attempt to attack at a distance first, and if you find yourself incapable of doing so, we’ll examine the nature of your skill. Perhaps it is one of the rare few that focuses all that power on a direct, melee strike, which, given your movement skill, would not be as awful as it might otherwise be.”

She waved Bianca on.

“Come on, don’t mind me. I can ramble about cultivation techniques and skills for ages.”

‘That much is obvious. She’s like that one guy I met in the last year of school who managed to spend an hour talking about… was it 3D global illumination using ray cascades? The fuck does that even mean?’ Bianca thought, then frowned for a moment, ‘And how is that something I recall, and not other stuff? What is my head doing lately…’

Whatever that memory did to settle within her head in such a manner, she disregarded it and raised her weapon again, willing her Demonic Tyrant to do its work as she turned the knife sideways and watched the energy gather upon it.

Before, it was clearly contained within the weapon, even if the glow easily emanated outwards and seemed to surround the knife in vivid crimson. Now, as soon as it filled the weapon itself, it surged out, arcs of crimson bursting out of the metal and either fading into the air or returning to hit another point on the knife. However, random as these arcs seemed to be, as their number grew she noticed that this energy gathered mostly at the cutting edge of the blade and arced back, shrouding the entire weapon in a crimson glow.

Needless to say, it was significantly more intimidating than before, and that’s without her feeling a significant desire to kill something. She was tempted to test that as well, but merely considering it caused the crimson to flash brighter and immediately prompted her to drop that test and just swing the knife horizontally.

The swing felt like any other, but the outcome was anything but.

A vast wave of crimson burst from the edge of her knife, speeding out and striking the tree before her with a sound akin to thunder. Wood turned to dust from the impact, exploding out and masking, for the briefest moment, the sound of cracking wood and a falling tree.

Bianca’s eyes widened as she saw it descend right towards her, many metres of thick wood coated in an even thicker crown of leaves that covered the skies and completely overwhelmed her vision.

‘Oh… FUCK!’

Her legs froze up, but her free hand did not. She let the Demonic Tyrant direct her energy towards it, and then swung her hand while willing all of that energy to be unleashed, to burst out in the manner it knew best.

The earlier explosion was nothing in comparison to this. Wild and utterly unstable might erupted from her hand, crackling crimson seeming to tear the very air itself apart and overwhelm everything around her. It was as if the world around her was consumed by demonic power, and for a moment she could see nothing but.

Bianca’s mind was overtaken by the image she had seen around herself during her breakthrough, the demonic skull that had manifested for the briefest of moments. The memory came unbidden, and it seemed to be little more than that, but nevertheless it stuck around, seeming to peer into her very soul, glaring at her with words unspoken and intent unsaid. Her thoughts froze, and she could see nothing more than the skull, something that almost seemed to serve as the embodiment of the Demonic Tyrant she had ended up with.

And then-

“Bianca!” Song Ming’s voice shook her mind, and the skull vanished, as did the crimson storm.

All that remained was terrain that was torn apart by the blast, and remnants of a tree a few metres from her.

“Huh… W-What just happened?”

“You nearly managed to kill yourself, that’s what,” Xue Yaling seemed to almost appear beside her, flicking her forehead lightly, “I did suggest this, though, so I can’t pin all the blame on you, but the fact that you didn’t just run away… you do remember you have a movement skill, right?”

“Um… Did I do that? To the tree, that is?”

“Partially. After you tried to destroy a whole tree by swinging – with your hand rather than a weapon that’s surprisingly conductive for planar energy, by the way – at it, you were mostly able to remove a bunch of branches and leaves, but you left yourself essentially empty. Not a good idea to do that, in case you couldn’t realise it after the fact,” the kitsune explained, “So, I had to step in and aid you – again. You’re welcome.”

“T-Thanks… Does, uh… does exhausting yourself typically result in… no, never mind,” Bianca shook her head, ‘Even if they say that the skull showing up when I break through is normal… actually, if I had expended all of my energy, maybe it was just exhaustion. Yeah, must be it.’

“Could she have even used her movement skill if she had spent all of her energy?” Song Ming asked, “I think you’re being too harsh on her… again.”

“It’s no surprise you’d say that, given that you’re glowing even more than she is. And stop glancing down, you’re making it even less subtle than it might otherwise have been,” Xue Yaling said, “I swear, the two of you seem to be competing for who can be the least subtle at any given time. It’s almost impressive.”

“I- uh… ehm…”

“Oh come on, can you not do this to both of us? Surely one is enough.”

“If that’s you agreeing to me teasing you and only you exclusively, every single day, any time something comes to my mind, then I would be all too happy to oblige,” the kitsune grinned for a brief while, then her expression turned serious, “But we ought to move. The ruckus aside, Bianca is certainly not going to be able to practise her skills in the near future, and you, Song Ming… Well, your breath stinks, and I hope that’s enough for you to understand.”


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