I Was Called A Demon

Arc 7: Chapter 10

Bianca didn’t personally go over the items they collected, as she wouldn’t know of most of their value anyway. She could learn it eventually, perhaps when she had a sect to herself and all the time in the world, but for the moment she would rather move along and let the others handle everything.

Thus, she mostly stood around until everything was done, and tried really, really hard to ignore the scent of blood and other unpleasant stenches that were building up in the area. As soon as the others were ready, she made sure to depart as quickly as possible, and settle camp somewhere far away, where she had no chance of recalling that terrible experience.

Once they settled down in a camp, though, she noticed that Xue Yaling and Huang Su seemed to go off together, which was unusual given how much the kitsune clearly disliked not being in control of their current situation. Before they could get far from her, Bianca decided to follow them, leaving Song Ming to warm her seat near the fire after a few pats on her pet’s head. Those two didn’t get far outside of the camp before stopping, and both clearly noticed her following them, entirely unsurprisingly given their realms.

“Mistress, did you need something? You could’ve just called out,” Huang Su addressed her first.

“I was just wondering what you two had gone off to do. Whatever it is, I assume there’s no reason for me to remain unaware.”

“Indeed, it’s not something that must be hidden. Simply put, the kitsune here approached me regarding an item that you had wished made, and I concluded that I ought to help,” before Xue Yaling had any chance to speak – though she visibly tried to – the Sect Master spoke up yet again.

“An item that I… wait, do you mean the bottle? Right, I did ask for that…” knowing that this motherly figure was getting involved made her cheeks go ever so slightly red, though recalling what Huang Su had already done for her managed to supress that embarrassment for a moment, “What are you two going to do? How does making an item of this sort work, anyway?”

“It’s relatively simple if I understand the criteria correctly. A bottle that can keep a very specific substance preserved in every regard, with an opening sufficient to fill or consume from, and a method to contain more within than would seem possible from the outside. Correct?”

“Yes, more or less that. Would you need to use spatial stuff to achieve that, or can you copy a shrinking bag?”

“No, Mistress, we don’t need spatial ‘stuff’, as you put it. By modifying the principle behind a shrinking bag, we can achieve the desired results easily enough, provided that you don’t desire results that massively exceed any semblance of reason,” the Sect Master explained, “I don’t believe we should be concerned about that, though.’

“No no, I don’t feel like going so far that I would need to compress space or whatever goes into that… uh, so, again, what will you do?”

“We will get the basic materials, figure out how to get the result we want, then throw it all together into a single bottle for you to jerk off into,” Xue Yaling finally got a moment to speak, “It’s not something you’d be able to learn in a day or two, though.”

“She is correct, Mistress,” Huang Su nodded, “This is closest to the creation of an artefact, or the carving of an inscription, or… well, you understand the notion, I imagine.”

“Mhm. Can I help in any way?”

The Sect Master gave it a moment of thought, but Xue Yaling was not going to let this opportunity slip, not after being kept quiet for the past few minutes.

“Actually, for the best results, we should probably get the sample of what we’d like to contain in the bottle,” the kitsune said with a shy smirk, turning to Huang Su, “Come on, you can try to estimate this stuff, but if we do it correctly, it will be so much more efficient.”

The Sect Master sighed, “Unfortunately, that is also correct. I could attempt to guess at the details of the substance-”

“Her cum, you mean.”

“… yes. I could attempt to guess at the details of it, but the bottle would then be made for a more generic substance, an thus be less effective than if it was made perfectly. Of course, Mistress, if you don’t wish to provide a sample, then-”

“Come on, when would you ever see that Mistress of yours turn down an opportunity to satisfy herself? I bet she’d be hard already, if she had her cock out.”

Huang Su glared at the kitsune for a few breaths, the smirk freezing on the latter’s face as she realised that she might’ve gone a bit too far. Then, with a casual wave of her hand, she summoned a ring of flames around Xue Yaling’s head, which shrank down and clamped itself over her mouth, keeping her from speaking.

“There, we can have a moment of quiet. Mistress, it’s up to you. The difference won’t be significant enough unless you wish to carry around enough to flood a room with.”

Perhaps this was meant as a way to discourage her – as Huang Su clearly didn’t want her to be pressured into this by Xue Yaling – but the imagery she provided was oddly interesting, as absurd as it was. The notion of having enough cum to cover someone with it, to fill a bathtub or more and leave her mark such that her scent would never be removed from someone’s body, was very, very, very enticing. Of course, filling a room was silly, but…

‘I know she’s trying to avoid me falling into complete depravity, but I have a feeling that opportunity has long since passed…’ Bianca made up her mind and said, “It’s alright, I’ll provide however much you need. Do you have something for me to use?”

Huang Su managed to keep her expression in check as she pretended that Xue Yaling was not present and bowed her head slightly, “Yes, Mistress, give me just one moment.”

She continued looking anywhere but in the kitsune’s direction while she reached into the air and pulled out a small bottle made of some kind of ceramic. It looked to be enough for no more than a litre at best, so it would be beyond sufficient for any normal person, but Bianca’s cum output has increased significantly since the first time she had jerked off, so such a size was for the best.

“I’ll be back in a while, so feel free to handle your side of this however you like.”

Neither of them stopped her, luckily, so she didn’t need to supress her embarrassment any longer. It was a little strange to be speaking of masturbating into a bottle to fill it with her cum for the creation of an even better bottle that could then be stuffed with so much cum that Song Ming could drink from it all day, but… Xue Yaling was definitely right in that Bianca was absolutely delighted by the concepts she suggested.

To have Song Ming’s diet replaced by her seed, to see her gulp down and drink hot, thick cum and to smell it on her breath whenever she was near… Bianca subconsciously summoned her dick already, and felt it grow hard in her shorts, unbearably hard in the unbearably tight shirts.

The moment she thought she was far enough away from the others, out of the line of sight, she pulled the shorts down and let her cock flop out, a cloud of steam wafting off the length as it was freed from its cloth prison. Even then, after the initial perspiration and heat had the chance to be aired out, her dick continued to let out an overwhelming scent.

Her shaft had reached somewhere around 17cm at this point, but the size increase paled in comparison to other properties of her cock. Since the kitsune helped her to add some techniques from Han Rushu, her dick had been getting hotter, sweatier and far, far more musky with every single stage that she stepped through. Now, it was so overwhelming that there was zero chance of anyone with a working sense of smell overlooking it, the thought of which made her even harder and turned on. It might prove to be a nuisance in the future, but… she wanted that.

She wanted to stand out, to make her mark – literally and otherwise – and to force all to acknowledge her. It was selfish and something she’d definitely not have acknowledged back on Orbis, though perhaps it was born from her experiences there. Having to come back to her room only to be assaulted by the stench of some man’s activities was beyond frustrating, and now that she had the chance to do the same, she would never say no.

As such, she savoured her own musk, a rich, thick scent that felt as though it was blocking all clean air from reaching her nose. Her cock was covered in sweat, further adding to the smell, making her whole length sticky when she grasped it with her hand.

Each throb of her length was more obvious than ever, as though she was already half of the way to orgasm before she even began. Better yet, she could feel her balls – sweatier and far, far muskier than the rest of her conjured length – brimming with cum, so full that they could explode. She already knew that her load would be beyond sufficient to fill the bottle, but she wasn’t going to stop herself from working up an even more impressive amount.

Grasping the middle of her shaft firmly, she began to stroke up and down, instantly picking up to a high speed as she imagined what this would lead to.

Envisioning her pet drinking from the bottle, filling her belly with seed, perhaps being a little messy and leaving her lips stained with cum so that anyone could see the truth of what she was drinking… her breath quickly became ragged and heavy as her arousal grew, her precum soon coating her hand as she fell back against a tree, all of her energy and focus being devoted to this single task.

Her other hand gravitated to her breast to play with her nipple, but the bottle in her hand reminded her that she couldn’t just spill her seed all over the forest, prompting her to focus for just a moment. She brought the opening at the top to the tip of her cock, ensuring that most of the cum she shot out would land where it was supposed to, and then returned to the depths of erotic fantasy, paying zero attention to her surroundings.

Quickly, her fantasy moved along to lewder notions, from her pet simply drinking her seed with joy to her sucking Bianca off with an equal excitement. She could almost feel her pet’s lips on the head of her cock, stretching around her growing girth while her tongue swirled around it and licked at the precum-leaking hole.

Her lips, wrapped around the shaft, left vivid red marks thanks to her lipstick, a clear ring defining just how far she’d been able to go down on her length.

Song Ming then placed her tongue over her teeth and opened up wide, bringing herself down onto the length, swallowing Bianca’s cock until it reached the back of her throat. Her pet gagged, but she kept her length inside her mouth even as her eyes, staring with dutiful intent into Bianca’s own.

Her eyeshadow was smudged and ruined by her tears, black streaming down her face and marking her cheeks as she slowly forced herself to move forward, impaling herself on Bianca’s dick, overcoming her body’s resistance with every breath she took through her nose. Her dedication was gorgeous, so Bianca decided to give her a hand – literally.

Placing her palm on the back of Song Ming’s head, she gave a reassuring smile before pushing her further, forcing her dick down her pet’s throat even as every single millimetre caused her to gag and tear up more. Any hint of her original makeup was long since gone, all of her black eyeshadow streaming down to her chin and her lipstick smearing onto Bianca’s cock, leaving what little red remained on her lips smeared and faint.

With Bianca’s help, she took two thirds of the length, only for Bianca to abandon all restraint and to push with all her strength, ignoring Song Ming’s feeble taps on her thigh as she forced the full length of her shaft inside, not ceasing her efforts even when she felt her pet’s nose pressing against her belly.

She made sure that Song Ming would have naught to breathe but her scent and sweat, both having built up at her groin from her excitement. Her struggling slowed with every moment until her pet was visibly drunk off of her, her eyes barely focused and rolling into the back of her head as her attempts to stop Bianca ceased. Now, her head was filled with nothing but cock – literally and mentally.

Her pet’s saliva coated Bianca’s cock entirely by the time she let her pull away, freeing about a third of her shaft before she thrust all the way back in, giving Song Ming little respite as she began to fuck her throat as though it was her personal hole, used only for Bianca’s pleasure – because it was.

What little resistance Song Ming had put up earlier was only instinctive, her body’s self preservation instincts underestimating her capabilities when it came to serving her owner. She was well aware that her purpose was to please Bianca in whatever way she could, and the look of pleasure Bianca inevitably had on her face was enough encouragement to go on. And go on she did, cooperating with her owner’s movements and beginning to deepthroat Bianca entirely of her own volition.

Having begun this experience while already worked up, it didn’t take too long for her to completely give in to the pleasure and go over the brink, her hips bucking as she pressed Song Ming’s head down onto her cock again, burying it within the depths of her throat as her heavy, cum-filled balls finally released their blazing-hot load.

A mighty torrent of seed travelled up her length, causing the underside to bulge as all of it surged through and burst out from the tip, the surge of pleasure forcing her out of her overly realistic fantasy. In place of her pet was that bottle, and the very first rope of seed she shot out nearly filled the bottle.

While the second burst was lesser in volume, it was still more than sufficient to overfill the bottle and leave the rest of her cum spilling onto the grass below. Some of the excess fluid splattered onto the side of the bottle, only barely missing Bianca’s fingers on the way to the base, but no matter what, it wouldn’t work to fit the rest of her overwhelming load, so she moved it aside and resumed her stroking, encouraging the rest to shoot out.

She gasped as another thick, hot, stinking rope of cum splattered all over the forest floor, mixing with the scent of her sweat that had long overwhelmed the air around her, producing an arousing aroma that she couldn’t help but savour.

That urged yet another string of pearly white from her cock, though this one was finally less intense, signalling an end to her orgasm as the remaining amount of seed slowly dripped down from her cockhead. It landed in between her feet, though Bianca didn’t have the energy to check that her feet remained clean of any splattering. Instead, she rested her back on the tree behind her, taking deep breaths to recover – through her nose at first, until she realised that it would only make her more horny and frustrated.

Though, even after she switched to inhaling via her mouth and let her cock soften, she realised that her dick was lingering on longer than it should’ve. She distinctly felt that it would fade in time, but it was blatantly refusing to depart her just yet.

‘This… huh. I feel like peeing right now, and I have a cock for a while, so…’

Bianca glanced around, checking just in case anyone was looking, then spent a moment gathering her tired thoughts and, finally, shrugged.

Since one of her hands was already stained with cum and precum, she decided to grab her stained bottle with it and use the other to hold and direct her softened length away from anywhere near her. As she sighed and let herself relax, she let out a translucent stream onto the grass, her piss splashing onto the forest floor and making a further mess of her current location.

While she did this, her mind couldn’t help but flash back to her earlier fantasy, except that the subject changed ever so slightly. Rather than her pet sucking her dick, she was instead kneeling before her with her hands cupped beside her face, her mouth wide open and her tongue out.

In her fantasy, her pet was eagerly drinking her piss as though it was some kind of divine nectar, gulping it down without a moment of hesitation. Her cock hardened involuntarily, but she didn’t immediately dismiss what her imagination had conjured, letting herself indulge in this. Nobody else would know, even if they were watching her right now, and with all of her thoughts of marking her pet – and others – with her seed, this was a bestial step that seemed almost natural.

Perhaps it had been a while since she had last emptied her bladder, since she didn’t generally worry about such matters as much when combat came around, but she had quite a bit to let out, and thus she had enough time to recover some semblance of sane thought by the time that she fully relieved herself.

By then, she naturally snapped out of the fantasy, although it did linger in the back of her mind.

It was a more soothing experience than she had expected, and it was apparently enough for her cock to finally fade, the last drop falling as her length receded, revealing her dripping wet pussy. Since she hadn’t had time to shave in a while, a short layer of hair had grown over her groin, a light bush that was soft to touch. Most importantly, it kept her sweat trapped, letting her scent accumulate even more, though she couldn’t let herself get too turned on right now.

She still had her bottle in her hand, filled to the brim with musky cum that looked so appealing that even she wanted a taste. It wouldn’t be ideal to sample it when the whole point was to give it to Huang Su and Xue Yaling for study, especially when at least one of them might well be watching right now, and if it was useless to them afterwards, she could always gift it to Song Ming.

Her pet would likely be even more eager for it than in her fantasy.

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