I Was Called A Demon

Arc 7: Chapter 11

Returning herself to some semblance of modesty and decency, Bianca had to complete her walk back while realising more and more with every single moment not just what she’d done, but the extent to which she’d overdone it. Huang Su had helped her a lot in the short time she’d accompanied her little group, and thus she felt as though she’d be betraying that trust to some extent.

Of course, it was just a bit of cum, which was exactly what they’d asked for – Xue Yaling did, while Huang Su reluctantly acquiesced – so she was probably just overthinking it.

No matter what, it was a bit too late for her to regret anything, so she just approached those two as is, trying her best to keep a neutral expression on her face even as she distinctly noticed the smirk on the kitsune’s face, and the slight awkwardness on the Sect Master’s.

“Uhm, here you go… what’s all this stuff?”

 In the time she was gone, the two had laid out a few tables and covered them in various items and tools that she could only assume were used for the creation of artefacts, inscriptions, or whatever else was involved. It was very nicely laid out and organised at the Sect Master’s side, though Xue Yaling’s items were a little more scattered.

“This is what we’ll be using to improve this bottle here to hold a lot more of the thick load you stuffed into it,” the kitsune accepted the bottle from her, grabbing it with her fingertips and clearly avoiding the cum-stained parts of it, “Here, catch!”

She threw it straight to Huang Su, who, despite showing a brief spark of surprise in her eyes, was able to effortlessly catch the container with her energy, the flames burning away some of the white that trailed down the bottle. While moving it over to place it roughly in the middle of her work table, she nodded to Bianca.

“Thank you, Mistress. We’ll attempt to finish at least a prototype within the day, and finish it within a week. By the time we’re close to the lake, it should be more than safe to use however you wish.”

“Ah, that’s good… Uhm, I’ll head back to the camp, then, if that’s alright. Thank you for helping me with this,” she invoked all her might to prevent herself from blushing or looking away from them shyly, then turned around, departing.

“Don’t worry about it, I’m sure that our Sect Master here enjoys this!” the kitsune’s voice behind her, followed by a sudden eruption of flaming light that came with no comeback.

Still, they were certainly going to complete this sooner or later, as it seemed sufficiently easy compared to some of the lunacy that existed in this world. As such, she didn’t worry about it too much and let herself relax – or attempted to, anyway.

She couldn’t recall the exact moment that she had developed her scent fetish, so she couldn’t quite compare it to now, but she had a feeling that she might’ve awakened to a bit of a kink after pissing in the woods. It was a rather strange thing to think about, but the more she did, the more certain she was that her enjoyment of it couldn’t have just been as simple as the afterglow of her orgasm.

Well, at the very least, not that alone, though she was sure that it helped.


As Jia Bo Xun sat around in the camp, she felt a little awkward. Her joining into this little group was blatantly impromptu, and once the leader departed into the woods, she was left with the others, who clearly didn’t know what to do with her.

The dragon-blooded woman glanced at her whenever she thought that she wouldn’t notice, and the two that had captured her in the fight seemed to more or less ignore her besides the minimal interactions that they had to commit to. Therefore, even if this wasn’t some scheme to kill her when she was caught off guard – which would be the strangest scheme she’d ever seen, seeing as they had all the opportunities to kill her even before then – it felt rather difficult for her to fit into the group.

Therefore, after a while, she eventually had to get close to one of them and question what was going on. Her choice was the young woman who had nearly killed her earlier in the day.

She looked rather approachable when out of combat, when that dangerous sparkle in her eyes went out, so she seemed like a good bet. Her green eyes and blonde hair were also rather ordinary when compared to the draconic features and the blindfold with light burning behind it, present on the other two choices she had.

“Hello, I… well, you know who I am… um, what is your leader like? Normally, that is.”

The woman – Song Ming, if she recalled correctly – turned to her and smiled right away, “Ah, Bianca? She’s wonderful! She’s sweet, kind, and yet can be so domineering at times…”

“Right, you’re her girlfriend… I didn’t mean it in quite that way, but…” Jia Bo Xun found herself at a loss for words, “So, Song Ming, right?”

“Mhm, that’s my name. Truth be told, I wasn’t sure whether we’d take you in, but since we did… welcome aboard. I hope you can fit in with our sect, once it is formed.”

“… What now?”

“We’ll create a sect for those of us that the world around us hunts and despises. Bianca’s energy only has an evil aura, and isn’t inherently evil, and yet the sects in the north chased us down for no reason, simply to torment us.”

“Ah, I see… I’ve never really belonged anywhere, and each time that I’ve ended up in any group, they either disbanded, or tried taking advantage of me, or… died.”

Song Ming’s gaze softened a little, “Ah, I see… don’t worry, Mistress will definitely succeed. The heavens couldn’t possibly look down on our noble cause, and we’ve got… well, a few reliable helpers. We’ll reach the point where nobody can look down on us and crush us just because we got in their way.”

Her softness did diminish a little by the end, especially when the mention of crushing others came about. A flare of anger seemed to spark in her eyes, and, now that they were so close, she could make out a ring of red around her pupil, seeming to melt into the green that was clearly the natural colour of her eyes.

It must’ve been some kind of cultivation technique, Jia Bo Xun reasoned, though when they were so close, it was hard to ignore the resemblance to the distinct crimson that Bianca’s eyes had. While she’d been interrogated, she got a very good look into those ruby eyes that gleamed like gemstones, and she knew for a fact that Song Ming’s eyes had to somehow come from her girlfriend, her Mistress, her… owner?

Their exact relationship was a challenge to map out, especially since she didn’t want to ask any overly explicit questions to either of them – and especially not Bianca – and so she couldn’t help but move along.

“S-Say, what exactly does Bianca want from me?”


“Well, the lot of you seem to be doing perfectly well on your own. You, Bianca, that kitsune… all of you are a lot more powerful than the average cultivator. I doubt I’m going to be able to help you much.”

“Mistress hadn’t planned for this, I don’t think, so I can’t say for sure. However, I’m sure that once she’s back, she-”

She stopped mid-sentence as she looked up and… sniffed? Surely not… Regardless, she sensed something and stood up, her eyes gleaming as she looked out into the woods.

“Mistress, you’re back! Are you alright?”

“Of course I am, sweetheart… have you been getting acquainted with Jia Bo Xun?” their leader, Bianca, emerged from the woods, and aside from a strange scent that did stick out the moment she got close – surely Song Ming hadn’t picked up on that from this far away? – she also noticed a different feeling.

For some reason, as she looked at Bianca, she felt… attachment. It was as though she was tied with her, belonged to her, even… it was a strange sensation, but with the odour that suddenly permeated the campsite, it was difficult to figure out which to focus on. As though to make it even harder for her, Bianca approached and stared at her with those vibrant crimson eyes, drawing her into her gaze and trapping her there.

“Yes, we’ve been talking a little. Did you… um, is it okay if I talk to you later, when we go to sleep, Mistress?”

“Sure, even if I already know what you’ll ask about… So, Jia Bo Xun. You seemed a little confused earlier,” Bianca came so close that it was hard to ignore… well, anything about her, be it the scent, her gaze, the intense aura that felt as though it could cut her at any moment, and the outfit she was wearing.

The strange black fabric that covered her chest seemed very unordinary from the first time she saw it, and being so close, she could tell that it was of extremely high quality. A weave like that couldn’t have been made by ordinary hands, and that meant it couldn’t be any kind of ordinary clothing.

“Jia Bo Xun?”

“Ah, sorry, I was a little distracted… Um, I wasn’t sure what you intended to do with me.”

“The answer to that is simple enough. I had a look at you earlier today, and by the looks of it, you are a perfect fit to be my… disciple.”

“W-What? Me? B-But…”

“Shush. You were able to accept a good amount of my energy, and I think you have what it takes. Besides, that sword of yours is interesting.”

“The sword? You mean my jian? I’m not sure what it’s made from, but it’s not done me many favours so far. It’s just like any other sword, perhaps a low-grade artefact at best, so I’m not sure what you see in it.”

“Shush now, I know many things you do not. Just wait and see, and I guarantee you, you’ll be able to master skills unlike any you would’ve thought possible.”

She didn’t necessarily trust this, but for some reason, she felt that Bianca couldn’t possibly be wrong. It was yet another in the list of strange sensations, but she ultimately chose to not argue with her more than necessary. Even if she was being treated well so far, they could easily find a reason to punish her if they so chose. As such, even if this was nonsense, even if Bianca simply wanted to mess with her and humiliate her, she had to go along with it.

‘It doesn’t feel like it, though… I guess I’ll see,’ Jia Bo Xun thought things through and eventually nodded, “Alright, if you believe so… if I am to be your disciple, do you want me to call you Mistress too?”

“… No, just Master. Your first assignment will be very simple – I will show you a move, and you ought to contemplate it on your own. Try and replicate it if you can, but it’s fine if you don’t. Do your best, and when the time is right, I will ask you to tell and show me what you’ve understood. Is that clear?”

It was, so she nodded. This seemed somewhat in line with her expectations of a typical mysterious teacher, seeming like a test of her capabilities despite Bianca’s claims regarding her confidence in her abilities. Perhaps she did believe that, and simply sought to force Jia Bo Xun’s potential to emerge via this method, or… well, ultimately, she knew very little about this Bianca. She had a bounty on her head, and she was very strong for her realm, but her abilities in any other sense were beyond her at the moment.

There was also that strange smell around her… she’d never admit it in the open, but although it felt a little unpleasant and overpowering, even, it… turned her own. Only a little, but still…

“You’re looking distracted again.”

“Ah! S-Sorry, Mist- Master. I’ll be looking intently, I promise!”

“Sure, sure…” Bianca gave a quick glance to Song Ming, pausing for a moment before she said, “Sweetheart, after I’m done here, could you come with me? I’d like to talk about a few things.”

“Of course, Mistress!” Song Ming perked up right away, radiating the energy of an eager puppy waving her tail in excitement.

‘She looks so different at times like this than when she was fighting us… but at least she seems happy around Bianca, so perhaps she will be kind to those that follow her…’ Jia Bo Xun nearly slipped off into another trail of thought but caught herself just before Bianca looked her way, opening her eyes wide and paying full attention to whatever she’d be shown.

Her new Master went to the edge of the camp, just before the woods grew so thick that it would be impossible to see her. She stood with one side facing Jia Bo Xun and drew a sword, a large black blade that she held with both hands, her eyes shutting for a moment as she seemed to focus.


‘Come on, just for a little bit, let me show her the strongest that I can be.’

Bianca spoke to herself, hoping that the other side of herself would hear it. Presumably, that other side always knew what she was up to, and what she wanted to do, so this was unnecessary, but she didn’t feel sufficiently confident unless she made the request directly.

Perhaps that other side listened, or perhaps she didn’t even need it for this, only the right state of mind. Whatever it was, she felt herself drift away just a little, as though her soul slightly left her body and something else, an endless degree of confidence and might, filled in the emptiness that remained behind.

Her eyes opened, but it was as though she was gazing through another’s eyes. Crimson energy flared up as her arms moved, performing a mighty swing that sent forth an arc of pure destruction, light that overwhelmed the forest and cut through tree after tree, severing the land in two as far as she was able to see. In this particular state, it felt as though it was nothing, but she knew from experience just how much fury she would have to muster to perform at anything remotely similar to this level.

‘And that other part of me, the Demon Queen, is just able to do this without issue… She’s incredible, and a bit scary…’


Bianca raised the blade, and then destruction was brought forth. Endless arcs of crimson surged out from her weapon, striking the earth and trees around her, each impact lightly scorching whatever it hit, but that was nothing compared to the overwhelming flood of desolation and fury that was brought forth from her slash, a seemingly simple cut that nevertheless shook the world – at least, it did shake the mental world for Jia Bo Xun.

Not only was it incredible, but it also seemed to resonate with something deep inside her, some kind of energy that wished to join the crimson tide.

All in all, it was among the greatest things she’d seen in her entire life, and she was sure that such a sight would not escape her mind until her death. The only issue was that she had no idea how to even begin to emulate such a thing. The motion that Bianca used seemed rather simple, and the energy released was wild yet lacking any obvious intricacy, but… somehow, this produced an effect far greater than any of that could’ve.

“There, that’s good enough. Jia Bo Xun, did you commit all that to memory?”

“… ah, yes, Master! I’ve memorized it, but…”

“Give it a bit of thought. You don’t need to get back to me right away,” Bianca said, sheathing her sword and turning to Song Ming again, “Now, please come along. There’s a few things I’d like to discuss with you.”

“Of course, Mistress!”

Song Ming got up and rushed towards her girlfriend, leaving Jia Bo Xun to ponder the sword slash for what felt like years.


“Mistress, did you need me for something?”

“Yeah, I wanted to relax a bit, and all the business with Jia Bo Xun didn’t help me in the slightest. It’s hard to pretend like I know what’s going on,” Bianca sighed, pulling Song Ming in close and looking into her eyes while she caressed her cheek, “Tell me, sweetheart, would you like to try out a few things?”

“What do you mean, Mistress? Is it… sexual?”

“Of course it is, I’m horny as fuck even after I’ve jerked off back there…” she admitted, “Did you smell it, my pet?”

“Y-Yes… it was hard to miss your scent, Mistress.”

“I’m glad. Would you like to get acquainted with a few other scents?”

“For you? Always.”

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