I Was Called A Demon

Arc 7: Chapter 14

The next day, Bianca was woken up in the morning by a gentle tap of something on her shoulder. Since Song Ming, who slept beside her and looked to be deep in sleep the moment Bianca turned to look, couldn’t have done it, Bianca allowed the Demonic Tyrant to examine the outside of their tent.

There, she found Huang Su, standing by casually. She seemed to smile the moment that Bianca spotted her with spiritual perception, though it was no big shock given that it should’ve been significantly easier for her to perceive Bianca’s mental energy than the other way around. Either way, there looked to be no threat in sight, and Huang Su didn’t’ seem to be in a rush either, so Bianca took her time to slowly stand up without waking her dear pet.

‘She still smells of me… lewd,’ Bianca felt herself smile as she stepped outside, covered in nothing but the Weave of the Senses.

“Bianca, would you prefer time to get dressed?” the Sect Master asked, her gaze remaining above Bianca’s neck.

“Depends, what did you wake me up for? No reason to dress up if I’m just going to go back to bed in a bit.”

“Well, I merely wanted to provide you with the bottle we’ve worked on. It was completed rather quickly, and I felt it best for you to have it before anyone else is awake. Oh, and don’t worry about anyone else hearing us talk, I know that the others are asleep,” Huang Su said, providing Bianca with the very same bottle she’d filled the previous day.

It was now clean, and from the outside, the biggest change seemed to be very small indentations in between chunks of the bottle, as though someone had taken it apart into small plates and put it together again. From a distance, it wouldn’t even be noticeable.

“Uh, is this it? I thought this would purely be for… you know…”

“It happened that it was simplest to work on this instead, not to mention us lacking a spare bottle that could suit our purposes. Regardless, it fits the criteria you had set out in every way, and further modifications can be performed later, provided they’re relatively minor. In addition, since you’d filled it up, it still contains everything.”

“It does? Ah,” Bianca reached out, accepting the bottle from the Sect Master when it was given, “It doesn’t feel like it at all, to be honest.”

“Even when at the limit, the bottle will only weight a few kilograms at most. It shouldn’t inconvenience you or Song Ming, regardless of how full it is. Furthermore, it should be possible to open up the top and drink from it without needing to completely remove the lid – which, incidentally, please be careful with that.”


“If the bottle is flipped and the… contents escape the container, they will surge out quicker than intended, and in larger quantities than intended. Simply drinking from it is fine, but if you’re careless you could cause a small flood.”

“Ah, that’s… dangerous, though I have a feeling there’s at least one niche situation where it could prove useful,” Bianca opened up the top and saw – just faintly – a hint of her own seed in there, as fresh as the moment she let it all out into the bottle, “This amount-”

“Is the same that you had deposited into the bottle, give or take a minimal amount that was needed for a few tests of our inscriptions. It has all been compressed via a similar principle to the shrinking bags.”

“I see, right… smells quite intense, still…” Bianca sniffed the substance within, blushing as she realised not only how much she was enjoying it, but also that Huang Su was still here, looking away the moment that she noticed Bianca’s attention, ‘Right, I shouldn’t be indulging in my kinks while I’m next to her, not when she’s genuinely trying to help me…’

She would be lying if she claimed that a certain thought didn’t cross her mind – her energy can influence others, and with enough influence, wouldn’t Huang Su be swayed to her side no matter what? It was hard to tell how much of Song Ming’s character was due to Bianca’s energy and how much of it was not, but even with Song Ming, it felt like the maximum for demonic corruption was far from being reached.

If she could imbue enough of her energy into the Sect Master, one way or the other…

Of course, she threw this idea away instantly. Even though Huang Su couldn’t read her mind, as far as she knew, such a thought was dangerous. The more she allowed such a thought to linger, the more she would feel that it wasn’t such a bad idea. The more she thought that, the longer she’d keep these ideas around, until it seemed like the only way.

Bianca knew herself well enough to see that, even if she kept failing to keep herself in check. Perhaps it was but another extension of whatever part of her was responsible for her kleptomaniac tendencies.

“Anyway, Bianca, although I won’t pretend that this was an inordinate amount of work, I’d still ask that you respect it and attempt to contain yourself. There are some things that cannot be undone in this world, and it is possible that a sufficient degree of corruption from your energy is… irreparable, for lack of a better term.”

“… Yeah, I know. I-”

“I know you’re trying, Bianca, I really do…” Huang Su sighed, “If only this world was a more forgiving one, you’d have so much less trouble, but the heavens are not merciful enough that they would spare us from tribulations, be they made by the heavens or by our own hands.”

“Mhm, I know that… But I promise, especially with this thing, I should be able to make Song Ming happy without needing to influence her excessively.”

“Make her happy?”

“Well, she likes the idea of this a lot, so although she wasn’t the one to commission this, I know she’ll appreciate it,” Bianca explained, and the Sect Master’s shoulders dropped a little.

She looked away again, muttering, “Right, of course it would also be…”

The Sect Master sighed, looking down and pressing her hand to her chest, seeming to go so deep into thought that Bianca didn’t really want to interrupt. It was hard to guess exactly what she was thinking, especially not when Huang Su didn’t show much on her face, but it had to be related to what Bianca said.

Was it that much of a shock that Song Ming was into this stuff? Surely the Sect Master had to have considered that Bianca wouldn’t just be drinking from the bottle herself in all the time she’d spent working on it, and that would have had to lead to the conclusion that Bianca’s girlfriend was into that sort of thing, so… it was difficult to guess much, and that was about all that Bianca really could say on the subject.

Eventually, Huang Su seemed to return her attention to the present and looked back into Bianca’s eyes.

“My apologies, I had allowed myself to presume some things that were best avoided. I hope you enjoy this little creation of mine, Bianca,” the Sect Master bowed her head slightly, “That being said, it would be best if we didn’t linger here too long. While the Phoenix Sect is likely to still be rattled from my sudden departure, the chase has almost certainly begun already. It’s only a matter of time until they find out traces and begin chasing us at full speed. The sooner we can reach the Heart Lake, the sooner we’ll be safe from their tracking.”

“Is the Phoenix Sect not great with water?”

“Rather than that, water tends to muddle all traces besides planar energy, and to track that, you’d need to be extremely sensitive to the correct type of energy. In other words, it would require me to be on their side, but I would naturally not attempt to harm you.”

“Yeah, of course… Then, should I wake up Song Ming?”

“It’s not necessary, but it would make our journey safer,” Huang Su nodded, “If you want, you can… no, never mind. We’ll have time later.”

She stepped away, leaving Bianca confused for a moment before she realised that the Sect Master might’ve wanted to offer her the opportunity to fill up that bottle a little more. After all, if Song Ming was to drink from it actively, she’d need a lot more fluid inside of it than just the one load she’d poured in the day before.

‘It’s a shame that I can’t cum too quickly even with a nice fantasy in mind, or else I’d definitely spend a few minutes to fill this up… I’m feeling so turned on from imagining Song Ming enjoying this already, especially out in the open, somewhere in a city… everyone would be able to smell me on her breath, but they wouldn’t dare to say anything…’

“Bianca?” Huang Su interrupted her fantasies, making Bianca realise that she had bit her lower lip amidst her excitement, “Is everything alright?”

“Ah, sorry, just… got distracted for a moment,” she replied, feeling her hard nipples rubbing against her shirt and her panties getting wet from her arousal.

Maybe it wouldn’t be so hard to get it done in a short while after all.

“I’ll go and pee first, then wake up the others, if that’s okay,” Bianca said, ‘She’s going to know, but at the same time, she can’t exactly watch if I tell her something like this. I should have enough privacy to quickly jerk off.’

“… Alright, take your time.”

‘She definitely knows… well, she did make the bottle for me, so she better not complain,’ she thought, walking off and getting out of the line of sight of the camp before settling down, pulling aside the Weave of the Senses and manifesting her cock.

It began hard and throbbing, her scent wafting off the shaft as though it had been in her pants all day long. Her balls felt full, almost to the point of bursting, so she didn’t hesitate to start stroking the length, using her whole hand and focusing on speed over any kind of technique. She was going to get off no matter what, and there was no reason to overcomplicate things.

Her spare hand was used to feel and fondle her heavy balls, enjoying their heat as she imagined pouring her seed out into the bottle. She didn’t even need to descend into the realm of fantasy in order to satisfy herself this time, the mere presence of the bottle next to her driving her wild.

As always, her cock was slick with sweat, though she decided to spit onto the head and use that to help herself out, her saliva wetting her length enough to let her go all out.

As she played with her balls, she could almost feel the cum within slosh about, and as her furious masturbation brought her close to the edge, she definitely felt the seed within surge out through her length.

She quickly released her balls and grabbed the bottle, thrusting the tip of her throbbing shaft into the opening and, with a feral grunt, let out her load. Even when she had first played with her cock, she had never cum quite so quickly, but she didn’t feel bad about it in the slightest. If anything, she felt ready to go again, especially with her cock remaining on her body instead of fading… the last few times it had appeared, it was oddly persistent, though each time, it appeared that she could get rid of it by just sating some additional desires.

‘I wonder… is it actually the case that it disappears after use, or is it that I always wanted it to go after I was done with it?’ Bianca asked herself as she closed up the bottle, though not before glancing in again, ‘Heavens, it barely filled up, but I feel like I came enough to fill a few buckets… Should be enough for Song Ming for now, nonetheless.’

There was a bit of stray cum on the rim of the bottle’s opening, but she ignored it and just closed it up, seeing as Song Ming wouldn’t object to it. Then, she looked down on her near-flaccid dick and knew exactly what to do to take care of it.

‘I awakened to the fetish, so I might as well indulge… I did say I would be here to pee, anyway,’ Bianca grasped her cock with just her fingertips and aimed it at the base of the tree she had leant on earlier.

She avoided indulging in the act quite as much as last time, though it was still rather relaxing and pleasant to empty her bladder. Bianca was considering making it a regular part of her schedule, though she would prefer to not walk around with a cock more often than she had to – her balls weren’t so small that they could be completely disregarded, among other issues.

Her cock began to fade the moment that the last few drops trickled out from her length, and the Weave settled back into place over her pussy lips the moment it was able to. The fabric was still as miraculous as the day she first put it on, compressing and then stretching over her skin as though both states were exactly what it was made for, without any sign that it could ever be otherwise. If such a thing was possible on Orbis, she knew for a fact that clothes made out of this would be made.

‘Anyway, I should get back before I give Huang Su a good reason to look in on me,’ Bianca thought, retreating from this spot and returning to the camp.

The journey was short, as it had been in the other direction, but upon returning, Bianca noted that that instead of being greeted directly, the Sect Master that had woken her up was instead present in the middle of the camp.

There, Huang Su sat on a tree stump with her eyes shut, her hands firmly placed upon her knees as she took long, heavy breaths, as though she was meditating. Bianca tried to feel for the pull of energy towards her, considering that it would only make sense for a Sect Master of a prestigious sect to spend some time cultivating now and then, but unless Huang Su was somehow satisfying herself with less energy than Bianca would use, then she wasn’t cultivating.

‘Is she deep in thought? Surely what I said earlier couldn’t have brought up enough things to contemplate for… what, at least ten minutes?’

She didn’t have the chance to ask, though, as the Sect Master opened her eyes and turned her way as Bianca got closer.

“You’re back. The sun is starting to rise, so it would be ideal if we got on our way.”

“Ah, yes, of course… I’ll wake up Song Ming, Jia Bo Xun and Yu Juan, if you could take care of the others, it would be a great help.”

“I don’t need to wake the kitsune, but waking Han Rushu won’t be a challenge, Mistress,” Huang Su replied, snapping her fingers and causing a faint burst of energy to spawn from her fingers, though it faded just as quickly.

What did appear was a yelp from one of the tents as the blacksmith suddenly leapt out, faint flames fading from her nose.

“Who the fuck… oh, it was you, wasn’t it? Shit…” Han Rushu calmed down and sighed, her shoulders dropping, “Why are we up so early, anyway?”

“I believe the Sect Master and Sect Mistress have decided it’s best to move on,” Xue Yaling emerged from a tent without a hint of wariness or sleepiness, making Bianca wonder just how long she’d been awake already.

Huang Su had stated that the kitsune woke up in the time that Bianca was gone, so presumably she couldn’t have heard anything they talked about before, but still… It was very much like the kitsune to invest every bit of effort possible in order to find out some more of their secrets, after all.

The others still looked to be asleep, or at least lying down, so Bianca didn’t stand around and wait, instead heading to Yu Juan first. She opened up the tent and gently nudged the Dancer’s shoulder, which seemed enough to wake her. As soon as Yu Juan turned over to ‘look’ in Bianca’s direction, she went off to see Song Ming.

‘Jia Bo Xun is in Yu Juan’s tent this time, so I’d imagine that the Dancer will wake her as well,’ Bianca reasoned as she returned to her tent and gently tapped her pet’s nose, “Sleepyhead, wake up. Time to go.”

“Hmmm… M-Mistress? I’ll… I’ll get up.”

“Yes you will, sweetheart. I’ve got a present for you when you do.”

No human being in all of history had ever gotten up faster than her pet did, standing entirely naked out in the forest for everyone to see the moment she mentioned the gift. It took her longer to realise that she was, in fact, wearing nothing, but by that point all she could do was shyly cover herself up from the gazes of the others.

“You didn’t need to jump up like that, sweetie…” Bianca chuckled.

“S-Sorry… So, the present?”

“Ah, yes, here you go,” she handed over the bottle, “Just drink from this when you feel thirsty. Don’t worry, there’s more than enough in here for a few drinks, and, well, I can refill it for you if it does run out.”

“Refill…” looking confused, Song Ming accepted the bottle and examined it, “Feels so light, but… okay, I’ll do as you say, Mistress.”

She didn’t look at the contents of the bottle, luckily, so Bianca got to look forward to her reaction to drinking from it and being shocked… she couldn’t wait.

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