I Was Called A Demon

Arc 7: Chapter 15

They travelled for a few hours before a pause, where Huang Su stepped before them.

“We’re getting close to the territory of the Dancers, and so it would be best if we skipped this area. I can use a group movement skill to get us past, but this particular one has a certain downside.”

“Which is?” Bianca asked first.

“It will warm up the air around us, effectively bringing us to a temperature similar to that in the north. You will likely end up sweating a lot and needing to recover all those fluids afterwards.”

Naturally, Bianca instantly got a mental boner from this idea, as it presented her with two perfect opportunities. On one hand, she’d be able to get herself and Song Ming all sweaty and hot – which was rather hot – and on the other, she’d have a perfect excuse for her pet to start drinking her white, sticky loads…

‘Fuck, that’s really hot…’ she gulped, tried to put on a straight face and nodded, “Ah, that should be fine, as long as we can get water afterwards. Song Ming already has a bit to drink, so it should be easy enough to find enough for the rest of us.”

“Indeed, Mistress, it should be manageable.”

“In that case, what are we waiting for?”

Han Rushu would not have an issue, Xue Yaling would be fine, Yu Juan… might be kinky enough to be into it too, Jia Bo Xun had no room to complain and Song Ming would naturally defer to Bianca’s judgement in most situations. Therefore, there was no disagreement with Bianca, aside from the woman herself as a thought came to her.

“Oh, by the way, the thing you made-”

“Can regulate the internal temperature well enough, so it won’t be an issue.”

“Ah, good, good,” Bianca nodded twice, “So, how does this work? Do we just stand around and let you carry us away on the construct of a phoenix?”

“Not on, but in, Mistress. Hence the flames and heat… it’s not fully refined yet, but the speed it brings is undeniable, as befits the immense cost of energy…”

“Is there something wrong with the movement skills of the Phoenix Sect? Last time, you also needed a trinket to manifest a sufficient movement skill to transport us from the sect,” Xue Yaling noted, “I have a sneaking suspicion that your sect requires some work in that respect.”

“I will not deny that there are certain flaws to our skills, but the issue here is purely my realm. The skills I learned were meant for the Sect Master, a seventh realm expert, but I’ve yet to reach such a level,” Huang Su said, “I am able to adjust it to suit our needs, but not without a downside.”

“Hm, fair enough…”

Seeing as the kitsune didn’t continue pushing, Bianca looked to Huang Su and nodded, “Alright then, let’s hurry up.”

The Sect Master nodded and unleashed her energy, flaming feathers surrounding them and quickly forming a loose sphere around them. The temperature within it heated up, but it was only like going from spring to summer, nothing too extreme.

As if sensing Bianca’s confusion, Huang Su said, “We will need to get closer together. As is, this movement skill cannot envelop us all and give us enough speed to justify the energy I’d be spending on it, if it remains intact long enough to work at all. So, please, gather up, and try not to move around more than necessary.”

Everyone agreed and moved closer to her and Bianca, who happened to be at the centre of the movement skill. As they did, the sphere narrowed, the flaming feathers growing denser, until some scattered from the sphere and arranged themselves into the vague shape of a bird – a phoenix. The closer they got and the more of the feathers gathered around them, the hotter it became, until the temperature reached boiling, at least.

“Damn, this is hot… not in a good way… yet…” she muttered, looking at Huang Su, “How long will this take?”

“I would expect it to be around an hour, Mistress. I did warn you.”

With that, she waved her hand and the phoenix flapped its wings, sending all of them soaring into the air, the flaming feathers keeping them steady as it soared through the air, gaining speed with every flap. However, the heat grew as well, and it became difficult to keep her eyes open amidst the heat, her minimal clothing sticking even closer to her skin, getting soaked through by her sweat.

The only thing that remained entirely unaffected was the Weave, as it felt exactly the same on her skin as before, if not a little more comfortable. The rest of them didn’t fare quite as well.

“By the ancients, this heat… fuck…” Xue Yaling muttered, her eyes narrowed as she tried to prevent them from boiling, “Huang Su, if this is some plan to kill us all, then great plan…”

“Don’t be foolish. If that was my intention, I’d have no need to put on an act. I may not be equal to the other Sect Masters, but my realm is more than sufficient,” Huang Su replied calmly, entirely unaffected by the heat, likely due to it being her own skill, “So please, refrain from making silly assumptions. It doesn’t befit your level of intellect.”

Han Rushu was handling the warmth about as well as the Sect Master, meaning that she seemed absolutely immune to it. It was hard to compare the warmth of the movement skill to the heat of the forge that the dragon-blooded blacksmith had worked in prior, but it was definitely below her tolerance for high temperatures. This let her stand around casually and watch as the others suffered, though she focused more on Yu Juan, who stood next to her.

“Hey, you look like you’re handling this worse than my forge… Are you alright?” the blacksmith asked in a rare display of care.

“It’s… hah… fine…” Yu Juan exhaled, “It’s just… I’m not used to… this…”

“Hm, and the type of flames is also different, so it’s no big shock… Bianca, you’re doing better than I thought.”

“Ah, I’m probably just benefitting from my body technique… still fucking hot, though.”

“That’s possible…”

Jia Bo Xun fared the worst, devolving into a sweaty mess long before the journey was done. She had no experience in such warmth, and so she was the sweatiest of the lot, sweat practically pouring from her skin in a waterfall.

Song Ming held on remarkably well, even if she did end up as wet and sticky as the rest. Most importantly, she was staring at the bottle in her hand, clearly worried about it even with the confirmation from Huang Su that the contents were going to remain intact. She even tried to open it up a few times to look in, but each time her hand stopped just near the top and didn’t go on to do it, meaning that the surprise remained.

‘Damn, I can’t wait for her to gulp it down so thirstily, eagerly swallowing it all without a thought, before realising what she’s drinking and then continuing, satisfied to drink my seed…’

Bianca would’ve been tempted to bring a hand to her groin and touch herself, if not for the fact that she’d definitely melt from that additional warmth. Right now, they were less than half-way through the flight, at least, and they were already struggling.

That was until Bianca had an idea for once.

‘Wait a minute, Song Ming had a bunch of skills that related to simply creating a field of energy around us, and the previous element she cultivated was water, so maybe…’

She faced her pet and quickly let her Demonic Tyrant stretch out her spiritual perception in some attempt to comprehend whether her idea would work. It was difficult, considering that she didn’t even know what to look for, but she did attempt to figure it out before she spoke with her pet.

“Sweetheart, could you attempt to use one of your skills to fill this space with some colder energy?”

“Uh… Against Huang Su’s energy, my own power wouldn’t be worth much…” Song Ming lowered her head.

“Song Ming, you’re using a Planar archetype technique, correct? What skill does Mistress mean?”

“Ah, I believe that Nebulous Aura or Planar Current might be suitable…”

“Nebulous Aura does not create a significant area affected by your energy, so it would be worthless, but by using Planar Current, you ought to be able to create a sufficiently wide area to provide some relief to those unaccustomed to the heat,” the Sect Master said, “You obviously won’t be able to eliminate the heat entirely, nor will it be possible to maintain the field perfectly, but… it will be better than nothing.”

Song Ming looked back to Bianca for approval, which she gave readily. The flames around them were far from comfortable, and if anything, having more moisture in the air would make them all far sweatier, which was purely a positive from her perspective.

Thus, her pet proceeded to shut her eyes and let out her energy, carefully controlling it so that it didn’t simply scatter all over the place. She performed the skill itself after a short while, and all of the energy flowing around them changed, transforming into a strange mixture of water and the cosmos, countless near-invisible droplets forming stars and galaxies that surrounded them, all of them tinted violet.

It was quite a sight, but more importantly, it did suppress the insane warmth a little, each droplet clinging to her skin – and to the others, too, of course – and then was reduced to a mere drop of regular water, boiling away quickly.

It only made them perspire more, letting them recover just that little bit of fluid only to lose it once more a moment later. It saved their newest companion from melting outright, and made it much more bearable for Bianca, to the extent that she allowed herself to relax and instead peer down at the world below them.

The phoenix had soared high into the air and thus they were now peering down on the world, the vast forest giving way to a tiny-looking town far in the distance, one that Bianca needed a second to recognise.

‘Heavens, is that the Dancer’s Abode? It looks so… small from up here…’ she thought, sighing, ‘I suppose that makes sense, Antanian cities were much bigger and could still look tiny from a satellite view, though some of the trees in this world are insane for sure… Feels like some of them could reach the sky and pierce through it, which makes no sense and so would make all the sense in this place.’

There were many forests in this part of the world, and some trees within them stood far above the rest, though even those felt rather small compared to the mountains Bianca had seen when she first awoke in this world – the Dragon’s Fangs.

“The world… from up here, it has a certain beauty.”

“Hm? Yes, it does, doesn’t it?” Huang Su nodded, glancing in the same direction she had, “Not that it lacks such a thing without such a perspective, but… We’re about ten minutes away from me no longer being able to sustain this skill. In around five or so minutes, I’ll search for a spot to land, ideally near drinkable water.”

“Please… hah…” Jia Bo Xun muttered, still barely able to muster the energy speak even with the cooling energy around her.

The Sect Master didn’t waste her time in replying, instead concentrating on the trip, forcing the phoenix formed of flaming feathers to accelerate and soar a little higher up, passing by the distant Dancer’s Abode over the new few minutes. Each one felt longer than the last, but eventually, they did begin to descend, slowly gliding towards the ground, until they fell to the ground in a small clear area beside a narrow stream, barely large enough to be an obstacle.

Despite that, the instant the feathers began to fade, those that had been melting in the heat hastened to the stream, and the only ones left standing were Han Rushu, Huang Su, Bianca and Song Ming.

Although her dear pet might’ve seemed out of place, she remained as she recalled right away what Bianca had given her earlier, and the offer to sample the contents of the bottle in her hand after this flight. Her sweat-soaked hand was barely able to grasp it, but she nevertheless attempted to open it.

“You wanted me to drink this… right, Mistress?”

“Mhm, I’m sure it’ll be helpful,” Bianca said, ‘Aside from the fact that my cum is rather thick, so it won’t be the smoothest drink, but it’s definitely got water in there somewhere… probably.’

Her pet nodded and, with some difficulty, managed to pop open the bottle, not even looking within before raising it to her lips. However, as she inhaled a little air before her sip, she paused, realisation dawning on her face.

“Is this… Mistress?”

“What’s wrong? Aren’t you thirsty?” Bianca asked, a smile growing on her face.

Song Ming gulped, but she shook her head, “N-No, I just… wasn’t expecting it, but… thank you, Mistress.”

With that, she returned it to her lips and tilted the bottle so that the contents within poured forth, and after a moment, the white fluid within flowed from the bottle’s opening and past Song Ming’s waiting lips.

Her sweetheart let her mouth fill before swallowing – or rather, trying to – bringing the bottle away from her mouth and working to get it all down her throat. The substance was indeed quite thick, and the scent of it filled the air quickly as she struggled to gulp it down, each swallow only allowing her to down a little bit of what she’d filled her mouth with.

Inevitably, Han Rushu noticed, glancing over with a raised eyebrow.

“What are you… oh, no way! Is that bottle full of-”

“Just something for my darling to satisfy herself with – and something for me to satisfy myself with, of course,” Bianca admitted, indirectly confirming the suspicion the blacksmith had, “There’s nothing wrong with that, is there?”

“Hah… I like your style, boss, or Sect Mistress, or whatever you’re going to call yourself…” Han Rushu focused her attention on the bottle, “Say, you wouldn’t happen to have more, would you?”

“It’s one of a kind, for now,” she replied, “I’m sure you can figure out who it was made by. Anyway, sweetheart, you managing okay?”

Her pet swallowed once more time and finally opened her mouth again, gasping for air as she – perhaps unintentionally – showed off her tongue, devoid of any of Bianca’s cum, at least visibly. In terms of the scent, though, it was similar to when Song Ming had just given her a blowjob. The scent of Bianca’s seed was strong, and when mixed with her pet’s sweat, it was absolutely delightful.

It helped that she had an expression of drunken delight after she was done, as though she’d been intoxicated by Bianca’s cum. It was probably just her being dazed after the flight, her body lacking the fluids it needs to remain fully coherent, but it still resulted in a delightful sight that was satisfying to behold.

Better yet, Bianca knew for a fact that there was a lot more in that bottle, and that she’d be able to fill it up even more the moment she got a few minutes alone with it.

“Hah… hah… M-Mistress, I… it’s so thick and… and the flavour…” Song Ming swallowed her saliva, having started drooling quite a bit as she thought about it, “I… you wanted to mark me, didn’t you?”

“Of course, sweetheart. Everyone should know that you’re mine, and mine alone.”

Although her eyes remained hazy, a bright smile lit up Song Ming’s face, “Then I’ll be sure to mark myself even more, Mistress!”

She took another drink from the bottle, filling her mouth less this time as to make the part that follows easier. Before swallowing, though, she tilted her head back a little and opened her mouth, letting Bianca see the semen in her mouth as she wiggled her tongue about, letting it be fully immersed and soaked in the thick white fluid.

Bianca felt the phantom throb of her cock, as though it had manifested all on its own, as she looked on. It was unbelievably sexy, and the difference from how her pet had been months ago, when they had first had sex, was rather charming.

After a while, having let the cum mark her mouth and replace her own scent, Song Ming shut her mouth and swallowed, gulping loudly as her throat bulged from the sheer amount of cum she downed.

“… Fuckin’ tease,” Han Rushu muttered, looking away, “You’re so lucky to be able to unsummon your dick when you don’t need it. I swear, if that ever changes, you’ll understand the pain you lot keep putting me through.”

“Heh, I’ll keep that in mind,” Bianca chuckled, though she also found herself growing all hot and bothered in a manner that she couldn’t exactly address immediately… not without doing it incredibly publicly, of course, ‘But heavens, if that ever happened, I’d be fucked. There’s no chance I’d fit an ever-growing cock within my pants, or in the Weave, or in a skirt, or… anything, really.’

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