I Will Conquer The World!

Chapter 78: Sky High - Part 3

The soldiers dragged the man outside the throne room with the baker following them closely. Only the king of Eryeth, Chester and his advisor remained in the throne room. Chester was about to say something when suddenly, he heard the sound of something being smashed.

He turned his head around to where the noise came from, and saw an armored man standing in front of his window, with the window's wooden panes fallen on the floor in pieces. 

His instinctive response was to shout out for the guards, but before he could do so, the armored man ran towards him and in a blink of his eye, knocked out his advisor and put a dagger at his neck.

Harry was about to say something like, 'Calm down, I only want to sell cursed ore' when he heard a notification ring ring out through his head. He checked what his system notified about to him, when he felt shocked. There was a new section in his missions area. His missions, which were empty till now, only having two headings, 'Main missions' and 'Side missions', had a new heading now.

Emergency Mission:

Kill the king of Eryeth.

Reward: Ability to make controllable clones.

Harry stared at the mission blankly for a few seconds, till Pluto interrupted his thoughts by saying, "I think that me getting freed is not the only bug that your system has, Harry...."

Harry nodded while saying, "I can see that..."

After all, this was a system that endorsed peace, and that's why he only killed the royals of a kingdom while taking over it. Even for the nobles, he had to prove that they would be a threat to him and the general public, or he wouldn't be allowed to kill them. If not for these reasons, he would've just exploded all the kingdoms that opposed him with a nuclear bomb. But now, this system of his actually asked him to kill someone without any currently pressing needs. After all, his original plan was to sell all the cursed ore that he currently had on hand and then develop his tiny town before uniting the human kingdoms and killing the king of Eryeth. Now that he thought about it, it was quite a long process....

Harry didn't bother to think more about it and slid his dagger across the king's neck, while covering his mouth with his hand. He then stabbed the dagger in his heart without giving him a chance to try to resist. He then stabbed the dagger again in his heart, just in case he lived, which was not possible anyway. Okay, he was just enjoying stabbing the king.

Another notification ring rang out in his head, and he immediately opened the system's missions interface to see his only mission marked as completed.

Emergency Mission:

Kill the king of Eryeth. {Completed}

Reward: Ability to make controllable clones. {Claimed}

Harry exited the system menu and saw two options pop up in front of his eyes as soon as his eyes met the king of Eryeth's dead body.

The two options were : 'Transform body into clone' and 'Make clone based on body'

Harry looked at the two options with confusion, but decided on choosing 'Transform dead body into clone', as he couldn't let the king of Eryeth's body lying around, could he? As soon as he chose the option, all the blood that had leaked out of the king of Eryeth's wounds immediately disappeared and the cut that was visible on his neck too went nonexistent. The king then slowly got up, adjusted his clothes, which did not even have a speck of blood on them now, and then looked towards him and smiled.

The smile slightly creeped Harry, as it looked like that of a psychopaths.

[You can imagine that he had this sort of smile :


The king kept looking at him with the creepy smile, without even blinking. Harry then realized something. The system had said that the clone was controllable, right? He thought that he would control the clone with a remote control, or maybe his thoughts, but that did not seem to be the case. So, that would only leave voice control as an option, right? Um, atleast as the most obvious option.

So, Harry said, "Lift your hands." 

And just as he had said, the king, no, the clone lifted his hands immediately and looked at him like an obedient child. Well, except for the creepy smile of his. That was totally out of place.

Harry then ordered, "Stop the creepy smile."

The clone immediately obeyed by looking at him stolidly. Harry smiled and was thinking on what he should do next, when he suddenly heard footsteps coming towards the throne room. Harry immediately whispered, "Act like how the king normally does, and wake the advisor up!"

After saying that, he immediately jumped out of the window.

Two soldiers walked into the throne room to see something that made their jaws drop in shock. Their king was bending over and holding his advisor with their bodies interwined. Now, this was all a big misunderstanding. The clone was just holding the advisor and was examining him to see if he was alive or dead. But to the soldiers who just arrived, this scene gave them all sorts of dirty thoughts. After all, royals are known to have all sorts of weird hobbies, and their king had chosen this advisor who had no proper qualifications over many others, and hence, you can imagine the sorts of thoughts and imaginations that would come into their minds.

One of the soldiers, who was clever, immediately nudged the soldier standing beside him and whispered, "Let's get out of here! If the king sees us and knows that we've seen him doing, well um, this, he'll make sure that we won't live to see the light of the day!"

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