I Will Conquer The World!

Chapter 79: Upgrade

Harry, who was sneaking around the castle, while making sure no knight saw him, was over the moon. 

A burst of happiness assaulted him whenever he thought about the new ability that he had just gained. The potential that it had was limitless!

He could make an army completley of clones, which would be absolutely loyal to him! He could even assassinate all the kings and queens that were against him and replace them discreetly with clones!

["Wait, since the system is the one which granted you this ability, wouldn't it mean it would have the final say and control on the clones?", asked the editor with concern.

"Just shut up, please.", said the author, who was getting roasted by his own editor and readers, to the editor.]

This ability is overpowered! But then he had a thought that poured water over his flames of excitement. His system always had a weird fetish to place some or the other sort of restrictions over all his useful abilities right?

Pluto, who was sneakily listening to all of Harry's thoughts till now guffawed and said, "Oh, you've finally realised the core of the problem haven't you? Yes, Of Course, the system has placed a restriction over your cloning ability. The restriction is that you can only clone for three times for free before having to pay 500 TP each time you want to use this ability again. Another downside is that all it's upgrades cost a lot."

Harry felt like cussing upon hearing the astronomical price of 500 TP to make one clone, but that was not what caught his attention. He asked, "Upgrade? What do you mean by upgrades?"

Pluto cleared his doubt by saying, "I didn't tell you yet, did I? Upgrades are like level ups to your abilities. Taking the cloning ability for example, it would suck if you have to give voice commands to all your clones, wouldn't it? If you upgrade it, then you and your clone will have a type of telepathic connection, and you give it orders through your thoughts. You can also shift your conciousness into your clone, and you can see and do things from it's body."

Harry got excited at what Pluto said and inquired, "How do I upgrade my ability?"

Pluto replied by saying, "Go to your shop and go to the bottomost purchase options. You will have to purchase the items available there to upgrade your abilities."

Harry sneered and said, "Why are all the useful things of the system hidden in such cryptic manners, almost as if it doesn't want it's Host to find it?"

Pluto smiled helplessly and said, "Well, that's something that you'll have to remember to ask the current gods. I'm sure they know more about the system and it's antics than me."

Harry narrowed his eyes and asked with suspicion coated in his voice, "I thought you were a god too. Why don't you know about it?"

Pluto laughed at this and said, "That's because the systems of my time were not this twisted. Well, that was eons ago... And a lot must have changed from then."

Harry shrugged, making a mental note to find out more about this matter afterwards. He then followed what Pluto told and scrolled down till the bottom of the Store's numerous purchase options and saw two purchase options which had titles that were a stark contrast to the rest of the purchase options.

They were titled as :

'Teleport Cooldown Decrease' and 'Clone Control Package'.

Harry was pleasantly surprised when he saw the first purchase option, as the long cooldown after teleporting was something that irritated and bugged him greatly. But, seeing the prices of the two purchase options, Harry fell into a dilemma.

The 'Teleport Cooldown Decrease' costed 200 TP and the 'Clone Control Package' costed 300 TP.

But, he only had 400 TP, which had slowly accumulated over the past month, during the arduous journey, from Lyria's development.

He decided that he would buy 'Teleport Cooldown Decrease' later as he was not in a hurry to decrease his cooldown. He then spent 300 of his TP by buying 'Clone Control Package'.

Harry immediately felt a warm sensation seep into his brain along with slight tongling. 

After savoring the feeling, Harry opened his eyes, only to see another sub option in his System's interface. It was titled as, 'Clone Control'.

He clicked on it only to see two options appear before him. They were, 'Take control of Clone' and 'Pass Orders'.

Harry then had a doubt which he asked Pluto, "Hey Pluto, there's no option to choose a  specific clone, right, so if I pass an order, will all the clones I make recieve it?"

Pluto explained, "The option is not available currently.  As soon as you make your second clone, you will have an option to pass a group order or to pass an order to a specific clone."

Harry nodded and then thought on what to choose. He thought that he should check out what the clone was doing, and hence was about to click on 'Take Control of Clone', when he realised something. He would take control of the clone when his consciousness moves from his body to the clone, right? If he chose that option right now, and his conciousness suddenly went to the clone, wouldn't his body become an empty shell? He was still in the castle, in the midst of knights who were trained from when they were children. If he lost conciousness and was found by a knight... Just thinking about it scared him. Although the king was his clone now, he was sure that if he was found, the knight would kill him first before anything else.

Harry then snuck out of the castle and went back to his inn. He went into his room and then clicked on the 'Take Control of Clone' button. He felt his body lurch and nausea overcome him, and then just when it stopped, he felt extremely dizzy. 

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