I Will Live My Life As A Slime With A Dark Elf Body As A Base!

Chapter 1: Hitting The Jackpot And Getting A Dark Elf Body As A Base Form!

Chapter 1: Hitting The Jackpot And Getting A Dark Elf Body As A Base Form!

Absorption Process: 100% Completed

Full Incorporation: Physical Appearance, Skills, HP, and MP into the main body Successful.

Fusion and Evolution of Specific Skills: Absorption, Area Scan, Appraisal, Object Detection Complete (100% Success Rate).

Time Taken For Processing And Incorporation: 48 hours.

Core Transformed into Spirit Core!

The rapid string of alerts woke me up from what felt like a long slumber and for the first time in this world, I felt normal. I had lost consciousness when I accepted to absorb the body using Appraisal-tan’s prompt. I honestly didn’t think that through, though being honest, I thought it would be over and done within seconds. 2 days is an insanely long time to being in one place. Now to getting up and making my way into a brand-new adventure.


I opened my eyes and my vision was met with a pale blue web-like fabric. It seemed that this was my previous body, if I recall, my core has changed from being a physical and visible one to being one that exists within my current body as a spirit. 

Is that not the same as a soul, then? What categorizes as a soul and what doesn’t?

These were questions I started asking myself as I began to claw myself out of the webbing that I had found myself in. If I had known better, I should have taken the opportunity to go somewhere safe, but I guess I had no choice because of Appraisal-tan immediate action. After much scrapping with my new hands, I began to see traces of the outside world as I did so, and shouted out in joy.

“I AM FREE!!!!!”

I fell on the soft grass which was not too far from a tree, a world of colour showed itself in front of me and I gasped without letting out a single sound. The forest surrounded me and high up in the sky, I could see wyverns flying as well as Mr. Sunshine on his daily grind of blazing on us all. I hadn’t been one for nature, but the cold breeze tickling my body made me appreciate it even more. Speaking of which, I still can’t move my body. 

“Well, at least I am inclined to see what I have become, right?” 

I said so with my lovely new voice, just as I opened my status. The information that I was provided made me freeze up.

• Name: Yukiyo Shinohara

• Age: 0 (19 Body Appearance)

• Race: Slime (Dark Elf base)

• Title: None

• Job: None

• Level: 42 (20 [Base Form Level])

• Job History: None

○ Attributes

• HP: 13,000 (10,000 [Base Form Stat])

• MP: 13,000 (10,000 [Base Form Stat])

• Strength: 780 (500 [Base Form Stat])

• Agility: 600 (500 [Base Form Stat])

• Stamina: 590 (300 [Base Form Stat])

• Intelligence: 510 (410 [Base Form Stat]) 

○ Skills: 

• Area Scan Level 5 (LEVEL UP!)

• Absorption Level 5(LEVEL UP!) 

• Dissolve Level 5 (LEVEL UP!) 

• Object Detection Level 5(LEVEL UP!)

• Appraisal Level 5 (LEVEL UP!)

• Form Alteration Level 1 (LEVEL UP!)

• Mana Control Level 1 (NEW!)

• Chant Revocation Level 1(NEW!)

• Monster Detect Level 1 (NEW!)

Passive Skills: 

• Superhuman Strength (NEW!)

• Superhuman Agility (NEW!)

• Magical Attack Resistance (NEW!)

• Physical Attack Resistance (NEW!)

• Regeneration (NEW!)

• Dark Vision (NEW!)

○ Unique Skills:

• Skill Eater (NEW!)

• Belphegor (Evolved From Absorption Skill) (NEW!)



I screamed out in surprise, despite my body being completely exhausted. Not only had I absorbed a dark elf by complete coincidence, but I gained a whooping 20 levels from that. What is this chick doing in a forest like this all alone?!

“Oh God! I don’t know if you exist (I probably do now), but thank you!!”

I had become so emotional that I was shedding tears of joy or not. Not only that, but I didn’t feel them come up, but I was happy regardless. It appears that this body was quite strong, but I can guess that, judging from the type of monsters that dwell here, she was unable to keep up and eventually died. 

“Oh well, I have to honor you by living well! I will get strong in your place!”

I said it with brand-new respect for the humanoid body. Furthermore, I had only ripped myself out of the fabric that was once my body, so my senses were only starting to collect themselves in a much less chaotic way. I needed to cut the time of getting used to this body as quickly as possible; my hands and arms were the first to get proper recovery, since I did use them to escape the cocoon. I could feel strength well up from within my body as I began to pull my body upwards. Furthermore, I did fall a bit when I tried to stand on my feet, which is a given, but then after some time, I could stand up and started to do some stretches. After jumping up and down, I began to look at my body in more detail. 

The first thing I touched were my pointed ears, which felt soft to the touch. Then my eyes darted about as I stared at my light brown skin, which I loved through and through. In my previous life, I wanted to get tanned skin, but I was unable to because I had become a NEET. 

That said, I needed to know what my face looked like. 

“Yosh! Let’s get this show started!” 

I nodded as I came to a pretty obvious conclusion. 

“Let’s look for a nearby lake or pond!”

 Area Scan』『Object Detection: Lake』『Appraisal: Distance Between Lake and me 

I used all the Area Scan and Object Detection skills in tandem, as well as Appraisal-tan, to identify the distance I needed to go. I hope it is not too far. I am a former NEET after all, but I should be able to handle it.

Lake Arensha, 4 miles From our current 

I psyched myself up as I made my journey towards the lake.

You know there is a thing called outside? I am glad I got to touch the grass I was constantly told to touch online while getting roasted by normies and trolls alike. Well, my running speed is, to put it this way, terrifying. I might even put the fastest girl on my high school track team to shame! This forest just seems to continue on and on, but because I have Appraisal-tan to tell me where I should go, I should be alright. Luckily, I haven’t run into any monsters for now and all I am seeing are trees, grasslands, and more trees.

Back to the main objective, I was quite close to my destination and now had to slow down. Having checked my status, I saw my stamina had gone down a bit, but not a significant amount. It was much better that way, since I might need it just in case I want to either fight or flee from any monster I may encounter. The lake was huge, maybe even big enough to house a dragon. I should stop setting up flags like this. To be honest, I jest, but Area Scan did say there was a water dragon around here somewhere. For now, it was still, and I didn’t have to worry about much, so I stared at myself. 

“Uwah?! A beautiful girl! Or not…..”

She looked exactly as I did for some reason, which made things even more weird. How was this even possible? Did I somehow change the body to suit how I looked originally, or was she always like that? These were real questions I had to ask myself; there were not too many differences between her and me. She had short white hair, ice-blue eyes, and a cool, relaxed face, which I did not have due to not taking care of my body and going for 2-day all-nighters every week. There were no eye bags beneath her eyes either, which looked nice. Even as she made the surprised sounds I was emitting, she looked like someone a person could drink with and spend a night doing crazy shit. I wonder if she was the quiet type in this body of mine; maybe she did well because she was strong. Ah, well, no thinking about it now. Well, well, I need some clothes, though I am naked in a forest. Was the joy that I was feeling, the excitement of being an exhibitionist?!

“No, I shouldn’t get excited about such things, otherwise it will turn into a real fetish that I have no way of explaining how I acquired.”

Yosh, Clothes are of the utmost importance right now. The ground shook for a bit, accompanied by a large rustle that entered my ears as I thought this. I turned around instinctively, taking hold of the fallen branch in my hand. What am I? Naked Barbarian #1?. 


I silently gasped at what I saw. It was a rather large wolf that seemed to be as huge as 4 residential houses put together, with beautiful gray fur, bright purple eyes, and a third eye on its forehead. It had multiple tails, each with an individual eye that stared right back at me. I felt like I had met this being before, or at least felt its gaze, before I arrived in this world. As for my current condition, I was terrified that it might eat me. The fear was so great that I started to shiver. I am supposed to be strong, but I am still afraid of actually fighting. All or nothing, am I right?

“Fear not, Reborn One; I shall not harm you in the slightest.”


I should have at least expected that from a fantasy wolf, but it was still surprising to see a wolf of this size talk at all, and here I was thinking it was going to have me for dinner! I didn’t even think about what it had said and continued to panic, but then an idea struck in my slime head. Maybe it is a divine beast or something like that. I’ll use Appraisal-tan to check it out for me.

Evil Goddess Of Life, Lythalia Level???

Holy fucking shit! An Av*ngers level threat is here?! RUN AWAY!!! I tried to run away, but of course, I failed to do so as the evil goddess grabbed me by the neck using some magic hands that were made out of pure mana. I felt like a puppy that was desperately trying to escape its mother. She looked at me while sighing. Her aura was not evil at all; she seemed kind-hearted and rather attentive to my emotional well-being. 

“If I wished to kill you, I would have done so right from the beginning. I did say I was not going to harm you in any way, did I not? Now calm down.”

She set me down for a brief moment, waiting for me to take deep breaths as I started to become more rational in a more or less irrational situation. Now that I think about it, she did say that. I just panicked from seeing a monster, that is all. Uwah, how embarrassing.

“I have been observing you even as the Great Goddess plunged you into the waters of the void, leading you to a world where your soul would find solace. I took it upon myself to summon you here. My apologies for setting your soul in such a lowly creature.”

She spoke rather kindly, slightly lowering her head to me because of this, which would have made me flustered and profusely apologize, but for some reason, I was filled with peace of mind instead.

“I have amended my mistake by providing you with the body of a Dark Elven Princess who died not long before your arrival here. She comes from a faraway land and is on a journey of strength. Thus, do not fear about her soul haunting you; it has been taken to go to other worlds.”

“What about her appearance? Did I change it or”

“A mere coincidence that I took no part in.”

“Ah, it’s no problem if it is like that; I apologize for running away too”

I apologized for looking like a complete idiot before an evil goddess and looked at the side. She ignored my actions and began to speak once more. 

“Now to the introductions: it seems you have already seen my name, but I will say it regardless. My name is Lythalia, and I am the evil goddess of life. I am pleased to meet you, Reborn One.”

“My name is Shinohara Yukiyo. Pleased to meet you too.”

I waved my hand at her with a nervous laugh to lighten up the mood, but then she spoke again before I had the chance to say a dirty joke.

“Now that introductions have been made, I have but one request”

“What’s the request, Ly-chan”


“I can’t say the rest of your name that easily, so Ly-chan”

“Hmm, it is of no importance; call me what you wish”


“Please take care of my children”


What is this wolf goddess saying? Wait, hold up! I am becoming a babysitter for the evil goddess of life?! Isn’t this too much for a mortal like me?!

“Currently, I have been caught up in a multitude of issues and cannot afford to leave them be. Thus, I am requesting that you, who have been sent here by the Great Goddess, raise my children as your own. Take care of Lyst and Thabis for me.”


I obviously did not want to be a mom. I was too young to be one. Furthermore, I wanted her to seriously reconsider, but I dared not utter those words because I was afraid she would end me right then and there. Noticing my exact thoughts about this, Lythalia chuckled.

“I know it is much to ask of someone who just got into this world, but I will reward you handsomely for it”

“I accept”

“How fast. Fufufufu”

Be it money or OP skills, so I have to accept them in order to survive in this world. I smiled as I heard that I was going to be rewarded for my pain in taking care of the children of an evil goddess. I am a worldly-minded person; after all, maybe that’s the reason this evil goddess is laughing. She nodded as two black portal-like things appeared from out of nowhere and from within, coupled with vines carrying them over. They were wolf pups! They both looked at me, then at their mother, who gave a nod, making them run towards me, licking my face as soon as they reached me. 

“The first thing I will reward you with is what you desire at the moment. I don’t want people to think of the lady raising my children as some pervert”

What the hell is this evil goddess talking about? I looked up at her, but she was gone, and what was left was something neatly wrapped in a navy blue cloth. I started untying it while sitting down on the soft grass. She really vanished. As she had disappeared, oh well, let’s think about the future with me and the puppies.

“It’s a shame; I had so many things to ask her, so what am I going to call you two? Those names she gave you are hard to pronounce, and I have a hard time even thinking about saying them. I can’t go with Fido #1 and Hero #A.”

The pups tilted their tiny heads in confusion at the idiotic things I was saying. I finally opened the sack, and it was?! Clothes?! God bless the Evil Goddess, that sounds totally wrong. In here was a black shirt with some black gloves, a bra and black underwear, some comfortable jeans that were easy to move in, and heavy black boots. I, of course, wore all of them. She did me a huge favor. Now the next thing I am going to look for is shelter, but before that, what race are her children? I made Appraisal-tan handle that for me by pulling up their status for me, so I could gain a more accurate view on these two.


Age: 0 (Older)

Race: Fenrir

Level: 1


Age: 0 (Younger)

Race: Fenrir

Level: 1

“Uwah they are god eaters alright, well this makes it easier to give them names then.”

Back in my world neopaganism had taken up the stage as a rising religious force for some reason. Which made my task very easy as I picked up some of the most popular names from that, names I wanted to give to characters and the like.

“I’ll call you Geri and Freki. How does that sound?”

“Bark bark!”


“Hmm hmm sounds just right. I am glad you liked the names Geri and Freki. I still do not understand why your mother left you in the hands of a mortal, but I will probably not think too much of that.”

These two pups were rather cute, and I honestly adored how they looked. Geri was the younger twin of the pair, with a black lightning bolt birthmark running across the left side of his face, and Freki was the older twin, with a flame birthmark on the right side of his face. I stretched once again and began to ponder what to do in this world. Get stronger? Find a home. Escape this forest? There were a lot of things to do, and I didn’t know what to do about it. Well, at least one problem was solved, and now another has popped up. Will I really be okay?


First chapter redone,I've more or less cleared up several misunderstandings that happened in this chapter. Onwards to the next chapter. I'll see you soon.

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