I Will Live My Life As A Slime With A Dark Elf Body As A Base!

Chapter 26: Like An Infection/ Elven Sword of Doom, Deathbringer

Chapter 26: Like An Infection/Elven Sword of Doom, Deathbringer

Sweet memories of days gone started to play as if prompted to by the very mind itself, the almost dreamy landscape of faraway mountains with forests that held many creatures that made one want to wander within this land forever. A gentle smile could be seen through a child’s eyes, the warm embrace of a mother and her love made this lovely scene come together. The fairies laughed and sang in the air, dancing as they played together. This was pure happiness, but that joy just like all things in this world was short lived. The mountains erupted in anger as they turned into vengeful volcanos, the forests burning letting out sounds as if they were screaming, the blood of the animals flowing like a river. Soon the mother was taken away never to be seen again, with the faces of strangers replacing her. Their evil sneers and devil like eyes shining in delight as their hands reached out to grab her, she was soon in chains as they had many tools of torture they wanted to use on her. Before any could touch her skin she screamed herself into the waking world.

She felt like she was a stranger in her own body, it was a body that was convinced through magic and mental manipulation alone that it was male. And now that had been undone she felt weird, her looked at her hands, they were small and fragile. And yet they carried the weighty suffering of a warrior, her bruises from training still remained. The confusion was what tore at her very soul, the blankets that she had found herself in were very soft and for the brief moment she had been on it the pillow even softer carrying a scented flower’s aroma to it. A sharp pain ran across her head with her immediately using her left hand to touch her forehead, she had to convince herself that she was human, she had to be. Otherwise the horrifying truth of her betrayal to her own kind would send her plummeting down the great highway of hell. This was far more terrifying than facing off a thousand blood thirsty demons because there was an absolute truth to it that she couldn’t escape from, and as such hell was waiting for her at the end.

Those she trusted the most, her most prided comrades were dead. Her guide in the darkness, Luke was riddled with holes in his body. Her dawning laughter that cast away the shadows, Matthews had his body skewered by knives and daggers. Her wisdom filled beacon of light, Wilson had a massive hole torn right through his chest. These were the people she trusted with her life and yet within moments they had died, she was powerless to stop the strength of one leagues ahead of her. There was only one thing to remember them by, one thing she could at least keep for her memories she had with them not go to waste, the loss of her right arm. However she knew very well that as soon as she looked at her hands, her right arm would be there was as well. And now questions she never asked herself started to latch themselves at her, what was her past?What was going to be her future?Who was she?Where did she come from?And most importantly was her destiny of being one who would bring the warm of the light of her faith all just a lie?How would she carry on from now? 

Her very being was interrogated by the harsh truth, slowly getting out of bed with an unsteady trod she walked towards the only mirror which was within the room. She hadn’t paid any attention to the room before she noticed how well furnished it was, it exceeded even her own bedroom in her father’s home. The walls were a light pink of the rosy kind, the furniture was made from a superior kind of wood, the curtains seemed to paint this room in an almost watercolor blue color. The mirror revealed to her that she couldn’t lie to herself: she was truly a woman. The mirror displayed a lady in her early twenties, fairly on the averagely tall side, hands and arms covered in scars, her ruffled long blonde hair reflecting a certain level of madness peaking out of that was the most important thing that denied her of her delusions: those sharp knife elven ears, pain filled deep sea blue eyes with eye bags beneath them, one might ask what her clothing was: a dress?A gown?Those would be the correct answers for the situation however this was where the answers were wrong: a t-shirt and shorts. Something that emphasized the ease of movement, all this did was show clearly how much of a woman she was. Any man would drool over her because of how “sexy” she was, she was attractive that much she could tell and yet she did not want to acknowledge it instead opting to get out of this room where the horrible truth would continue to haunt her.

In an effort to not think much about it her mind went into a daze wandering aimlessly. The hallways carried a dream like feeling about them, one could wander inside of them for hours on end with different scenes changing the more she walked. She froze upon hearing children laugh, the image was peaceful, blessed by the very gods themselves. Flowers bloomed within the area, the sunshine coming down to bring about a heaven like light, the clear water flowing from the stream made it even more ephemeral, most of the fairies she saw before she blacked out were here, going even further than this was the tree at the center with the area expanding into the city that she could see was in peace. As if being pushed into it, she sat down and watched the children play. Her mind began to forget all the problems that were plaguing it. This was a picturesque setting, it was art, their smiles had a certain charm to it. 

“Their smiles are beautiful aren’t they?I do not think we would have managed to create such a beautiful scene without the help of the Dark Elven Queen Yukiyo and her allies.”

A voice said those following words accompanied by the heavy noises of metallic boots, a practice sword was laid to rest as this being sat with her.

“We’ve achieved much as a nation and it is all thanks to her. The blood we shed was necessary.”

Said the murderer of her comrades who was smiling at the scene. Seratta seemed at peace with what was going on at the moment, and she didn’t feel a sense of hatred towards her. Neither did she shrivel up in pure fear rather a sense of respect was coming out of her heart instead of her wanting to feel the opposite. But then fear started to make its wild song known in her heart once again and she began to be greatly concerned for her life and what would come after this.

“Relax. We are not going to kill ya or anything like that, nothing will happen. I promise.”

She gave a reassuring smile that blew away all of her fears, it even helped her mental state to a certain extent. Those words did more to aid her than any kind of healing magic she knew from the bottom of her soul and yet the next words that would be uttered were going to throw her completely off guard just as she was beginning to feel secure.

“To tell ya the honest truth you’re one of a kind. Even amongst us elves none of us can have that many fairies following us around. We looked into the matter ourselves to figure out why was this the case and how you are related to us.”


“You are technically related to the former court mage, I never knew the man but Mother always said he was a kind man and yet grew distant with us after something happened and died alone in misery. After much investigation we grew to understand, his most treasured child, his daughter got married off to some scumbag noble from the Xagreas Kingdom.”

This strung a chord inside of her, this was intentional, she was meant to be a weapon against the elves. Her mother was unwillingly brought to the kingdom because it would benefit both the Church and the Xagreas Kingdom. She could hear an audible crack coming from somewhere, she couldn’t tell where but it felt very important.

“That daughter was a genius in magic and was blessed by the fairies themselves. Those carried on to her child, namely you. The Council of Elders kept the whole thing under wraps and got paid for it, leading our court mage to leave this world with lingering regret. I knew the motherfuckers were untrustworthy. Selling one of us like that and without our knowledge too!We’ve decided to publicly execute them, to amend this mistake my mother the Queen decided to adopt you into our family.”

She stared at the princess who was spouting this nonsense, why would she the worst candidate be nominated to that kind of position after committing such acts of terror?!Why would they even think of such?!She was about to open her mouth to speak her thoughts out but Seratta who felt like she already knew what she was going to say put her index finger on her lips smiling even more as she did so.

“This has already been decided for you. You do not have a say in it. Everything that you have done against us was under the influence of the shitbags in the Xagreas Kingdom, all the more reason to burn the whole thing down right?The others, your big sisters are all happy that we have a new little sister we can spoil.”

Seratta was elated that this had happened and placed her hand on her head patting it as she did so. The crack was becoming more and more audible the more time passed, as if in accordance to this her eyes narrowed down in pure joyful evil.

“Don’t you want to take everything from them just as they did from you?Isn’t your heart filled with malice for what they did to your body?The lies they fed you, the great harm they’ve caused to all of the innocent lives that they preach are all precious and do not need to suffer.”

Like something being thrown at a window, the shattering came with a loud crash. This had been breeding the emotions that were being held down were spreading all over. It was strangling the good that she was taught by the church, her fears and doubts were vanishing like a fog in the face of the bright sun. In this case a black sun had risen to take the place of her soul and she could feel the change grow even more.

“You’re one of us now, and I would love to give you the love that you deserved. Accept the change from within your soul. Mother named you after something Hawthor kept dear to his heart, Euphobia. Shall we make them fall eternally into the Abyss?And most importantly will you come with me on this journey of slaughter and bloodshed my lovely little sister”

Seratta stood up and offered her hand to her with gorgeous smile, she would kill all the nobles and church leaders who allowed this to happen. Her happiness would truly begin now. She was reborn, Cedric died alongside with his comrades and in his place was Euphobia who took up her sister’s hand and rose. They had to suffer for what they did to her, write their sins in blood and be baptized in the suffering they caused for others. A different kind of being was born here, something the humans of the Xagreas Kingdom knew very well and wanted to prevented.

Euphobia was to have a meeting with her new family, Seratta led the way of course because she knew the layout of the palace like it was the back of her hand. Something important was going to happen today and she had to be with everyone at that moment, confused as to why she suddenly got elevated to having an audience with the Queen and her other esteemed sisters the answer was simple and quickly shot at her question: She was family. That was all there was to it. Dressed in a uniform designed for males she appreciated the fact that she was being respected on a personal level, the uniform itself was black in color and with golden trims giving off an authoritative figure aura to her. She walked down the hallway with Seratta who was inside of the same jet black armor she found her in on that fateful day, she looked at her for a moment’s glance. Seratta despite being wild and energetic could be relied upon, she was strong and yet aimed to be even stronger, she was well loved by her knights and the people who knew her. She was admirable to say the least and just like that Euphobia respected her on a level that could be understood when one had a very talented older sibling. 

“Lady Seratta”

“Just call me Seratta lil sis, yeah what is it?”

“S-Seratta, what is the Dark Elven Queen like?”

“She’s a good friend!She and I spoke over what kind of monster was fun killing and she mentioned fighting a horde of orcs all by herself using some kind of monster bait was the best way to grow stronger, she’s utterly wild that one I’ll tell ya!”

It seemed that Seratta enjoyed being in the presence of the Dark Elven Queen, she never thought that the elven royalty would interact so well with dark elven royalty.

“What about her subordinates?”

“Oh those guys are fantastic. Especially Lord Odin, he and I do a lot of training together, he teaches me new techniques of efficiently killing my enemies everyday. My kindred spirit Wynter also a good person she understands entirely what its like to be a knight, truly the gods have blessed me with some good friends and allies”

Euphobia didn’t know much about this Lord Odin but Wynter was the first princess of the beastkin kingdom, that much she knew and the fact that the Dark Elven Queen had already made her subordinate that would mean the Beastkin Empire was backing them as well. She never thought that the rabbit hole would go this deep and it was going ever deeper.

“Chill okay?They are the nicest people you will ever meet. Especially Queen Yukiyo, she will make you instantly like her. Mother says she is like her mother that way”

“I will take note of that”

Previously when she had the personality of a brash and flirty youth she would be excited but now she had her own personality it would cause problems if she were to continue that kind of attitude to elven royalty and other similarly important figures. This one sided conversation of theirs had to end however as they had arrived at where they were supposed to go, the door was right before them and it was now time to act. Seratta looked at Euphobia one more time before patting her on the head with a smile, she had never been doted on when she was younger but this was closest to it. Feeling slightly embarrassed by this behavior she blushed for a single moment before the door was opened, a unique lineup could be found in here: a dark elf, a dragonborn, an undead knight, a demon, a human, and several elves. The setting was light hearted and they were discussing as if in an informal meetup, Euphobia knew immediately the side where the variety of races that the room housed was the Dark Elven Queen. She could tell that she was a beauty even from this distance and so were her sisters and mother. She felt like a fish out of water.

“Oh it seems the new family member is here, we can finally begin”

“Welcome in our dear new little sister”

The introductions of her family were already underway: The responsible looking one was the first born Rosa, the researcher type looking mage was the second born Clyne, the serious intellectual was the third born Hortus and the fifth born wasn’t around because she was playing with the children of the Dark Elven Queen. And finally her mother who appeared to be an older version of Rosa welcomed her into their family with a heartwarming hug, after this they began to discuss more serious issues.

“I have to thank you for your contributions so far, they’ve really helped us”

“You’re welcome, I came with a purpose as I usually do.”

“Speak, I am willing to hear what you have to say”

“We are going to have the dwarves join us”


Euphobia looked at the Dark Elven Queen like she was insane, the elves for the longest time never saw eye to eye with the dwarves. This was the unspoken rule of the world, they could never agree to work with each other hence why they never once talked to each other. But she saw the eyes of the ones inside of the room, that included Seratta’s they all had an accustomed gaze in their eyes as if this was commonplace here.

“As you already know I am not entirely normal when it comes to these kinds of things”

“More like she lacks common sense hence why she can easily ignore it”

“I agree with you there”

Amaryl interjected with the dragonborn’s words as she nodded whilst drinking the tea that was handed to her by the gorgeous maid who was in the room.

“Let bygones be bygones right?”

“But what do you wish to convince them of an alliance?I am more than sure words are not going to convince the earthfolk”

“I have just the thing and it also involves the Xagreas Kingdom, you just have to come with me. Oh yeah the new daughter can come along too, I am sure she wants to see what’s gonna happen right?”

Her face gave it away, she was immensely curious as to how this would play out. It seemed she was reeled in by the allure of the elves becoming comrades with the dwarves. The bigger question was how would they get to the dwarves, they neither had the time or magic to do so but the Dark Elven Queen Yukiyo simply smiled as she saw right through her. 

“So then how about we make a new alliance on the fly again?”

“You wonder me to no end. Alright then, I agree to go with you and hear what you have to say at the Dwarven Kingdom of Hymdall.”

“Great. Let us go then.”

“Lady Yukiyo if I may ask, where’s my sister?”

“Wynter is with Sturm at the moment, they are practicing together”

“Ohhhhhhhhh can I join?!”


“Thanks you are the best!”

Seratta smiled as she walked off with a black eyeball that opened some sort of portal that she enters in. Amaryl and Yukiyo began to talk as Euphobia was right behind them. 

“If I may ask how did you even locate the kingdom?How do you know the royal capital in the first place”

“I sent one of the Dark Matter right before I first met you guys and things worked out after that”

It was a well established fact that the Dwarven Kingdom was within the Nasgraf Mountain Range but it wasn’t necessarily known where. Their capital used to be very close to both of the elven countries but it seemed they shifted because they disliked being near the knife ears. But it seemed that this woman either had very powerful skills that could change the world or she was so irregular in it that all would end up being the Demon King herself or the best answer would be both of the above. Euphobia gasped at the sight of the portal that tore through the fabric of reality, she was amazed by how beautiful it was on the inside: the myriad of colors flowing like a river, the glass like floor that they were walking on and the numerous star like objects in the distance. She felt like she was entering a whole new world because of this, but just as it had began it had also ended as shortly. Soon Euphobia found herself in the midst of a group of dwarves who were confused by the appearance of the weird looking portal that entered the throne room, they held spears and swords in pure fear as to what came into their most precious place. She could understand them coming from their position they were a mysterious group that easily breached their security and could do anything at any point in time. 

Euphobia allowed herself to look around and saw how well decorated the throne room was, a different assortment of gems covered the pillars that supported the room, the floor was made from a clear golden like marble, the carpet that reached the king was made from a sort of metallic fabric and the throne of the king himself was a rather rare crystal known as Earthen Sky. She nodded that the dwarves had truly taken in the stride of being one with the earth and the things that dwelt in it.

“Halt. I wish to know why these knife ears have appeared in my throne room and why, allow them through”

“Wise decision”

Her mother uttered as she walked forwards with Queen Yukiyo who seemed like she was about to burst out in joy. The dwarven king sat on his throne with an interested look in his eyes, he had a long dirt brown beard that was tied into braids, his similarly colored hair was fashioned into a short ponytail, the glitter in his deep golden eyes could be seen even from this distance. He wore a blood red armor that seemed to fit his seemingly overweight body, the man could be very agile for all Euphobia knew. He carried the aura of both a wise and learning leader as well as a brutal warrior. 

“I thank you for granting us audience on such a short notice”

“More like surprised us amirite men?”

They all laughed nervously as if to respond to the strangeness of the situation. Euphobia could tell that they didn’t feel comfortable at all with them around, and yet the two queens before her were as calm as the ocean. Her mother just as curious as she was with what was going on in the head of this crazy dark elf.

“I am Queen Yukiyo Sinoharl of the Dark Elven Kingdom whose unification with the Elven Kingdom of Gainevia has created the Elven Federation”

“And I am Queen Amaryl Gainevia, our wonderful two kingdoms have united to become one”


The king was speechless, of course he was. Who ever heard of dark elves and elves coming together to make a unified kingdom that would lead to a better future it was ridiculous and yet the both of them were here. 

“Ahem, I apologize for my delay. I am just surprised, don’t you guys hate each other’s guts?”

“We used to”

“But those days are far behind us”

They answered in perfect synch, it was as if this was planned from the very beginning and yet it was not. This was all the natural state of being that came with being a queen. Euphobia admired the two and continued to stay quiet she did not want to say something stupid and ruin everything. 

“Right…..I am Artosas Hymdall pleased to meet you. Now might I ask why you suddenly invaded my throne room without a message?”

“Simple. I want you to join us”


The confusion in his voice was very clear, it spoke in volumes of how absurd that claim was. Normally one would expect the elves to go to war with the dwarves, that was the kind of relationship that they had with them. This would be the perfect opportunity to say that but that ideal was betrayed in the most unexpected way possible. They wished for peace.

“You are not joking are you?”

“Nope. Why fight when you can improve the well being of both nations”

“I-I see where you are coming from. I do not think our grudge can be forgiven by mere words can it?”

“Of course, that is why I came prepared.”

Putting her hand within a black space that appeared in front of her Queen Yukiyo pulled out a metal from it. The eyes of the king and the dwarves all around him opened wide in shock, they knew what kind of metal it was.

“This is Skysilver, the metal that is very rich within the mountain range. But it has started to become very scarce with gradual time, you have been running your metallic resources thin as of late. Do not ask how I know, I just do. For a dwarf minerals are like their blood, it is what keeps them alive and so being afraid of reaching ever deeper into the mountains because of the threat of powerful earth monsters that may lay inside, I have come with a solution”

“Hmmmmmmmm…speak I am interested to hear what you have to say”

“The Elven Federation is invading the Xagreas Kingdom, we have no use for it. And we have no ambitions of expanding any further than needed to, we wish to take 40% of the nation and you can take the remaining 60%. After all the Xagreas Kingdom is rich in minerals, it is still very ripe for the taking the humans haven’t touched some of their rich deposits.”


Artosas shouted out in pure anger, it wasn’t possible for the elves to give up something to the dwarves especially at a time like this. This had to be a lie, there was no way that these tree loving assholes could mean what they were saying. And yet the Queen of the Dark elves was smiling as if content with his reaction, Euphobia had to remark how truly absurd this woman was, she was batshit insane.

“Does this not suffice?We can lower it you know?I simply wish for us to be really good friends”




Artosas let out a strong burst of laughter, one could feel the power radiating out of it. He was laughing from the bottom of his heart holding his stomach as he did so, he couldn’t handle it anymore. This was too much for him to logically take apart and analyze. She had bested him in the most unthinkable way thought possible, by hitting with the sheer amount of bullshit she could let out.

“Fine then!I accept your offer Dark Elven Queen!You owe me the best alcohol for the upcoming stress I am going to face for the next couple of days”

“I have just the thing but we have somewhere to go first”

“Where would that be?”

“The royal capital of the Xagreas Kingdom, we are going to make it official so you don’t back out”

“How will- no I will not ask that considering the way you got here through that portal thingy. Fine then I shall be in your care”

The knights within the room protested that he shouldn’t go alone and yet he waved all of their worries away with a reassuring smile that would comfort them in the mean time.

“I can certainly trust the young lady, plus I have an amulet left by my father that would curse her entire bloodline for the next centuries to come so I should be safe. And I am a warrior I fear not anything. The quiet lady in the back can stay here as collateral to ease your nerves men.”

Artosas smiled bravely as he uttered that, it was reasonable as well. Euphobia nodded to that idea with the trio opening another tear, she had to admit that the place that was once her home didn’t stand a chance against that person. She could see why they were losing so quickly. 

For a time there was silence until one of the dwarven knights decided to speak up about all of this.

“Hey you!”


“Just what are your Queens thinking by doing this?Especially the dark elf one!”

He spoke the things which were laying in their hearts, the questions that were striking their minds in pure bewilderment. For a moment Euphobia really didn’t know how to reply, searching within herself for the answer she found it. 

“Being quite frank with you I do not know much about Queen Yukiyo, my relationship with her isn’t that deep. But I can definitely say that it is because of her intervention that my fate has changed for the better. Trust me she just wants the good for all of you”

“Is that so?I see you are a good young lass so I will take your word for it”

“You should” 

The tear opened up once more for a brief minute making it seem all planned like she wanted to hear what Euphobia had to say about her. The Dark Elven Queen peaked her head out of the tear smiling mischievously as she did so.

“Oh yeah I forgot to mention, as a gift I am going to give you my latest power armor that I am not using, it’s going to give you brand new skills and level you up quickly but please don’t mind that. It will be fun, I hope you like it.”

Euphobia didn’t understand what she said at the time but those words were going to be the beginning of her very bizarre transformation.

When message got to the royal capital it was all but too late, fear had spread like wild fire amongst the people. Those who survived brought messages of impending death and a marching army of evil, they brought omens of doom that would cause the people to flood the churches to pray. One had to calm the people first that they would survive and that the elves would be sent back, thus a meeting was held between the royal family and nobility to bring hope to the people. But the grim faces of everyone inside of the conference room spoke a different story, a heavy atmosphere was upon the room and silence prevailed supreme here. Perhaps it was the feeling of hopelessness or the sheer surprise at the rate it was happening everyone here was completely quiet, the door of the conference room opened with King Henrik coming through. King Henrik was a much older and serious looking version of Heinrich, that didn’t help to make his case any better. He sat down without saying a word and looked at everyone present.

“I thank you for arriving on such short notice. You do not know how happy I am to see you all here. Please let us discuss the details of what is happening to our kingdom.”

He spoke in a deep voice that seemed regal and didn’t belong to a body such as his. The only one wasn’t present in the room was the regional pope of this kingdom, he was nowhere to be found and the king had ideas of where he could be. The nobles inside of the room were served glasses of water to which they took and downed as if possessed. Henrik nodded his head before proceeding to snap his fingers and an elite spy brings out papers to the table in front of all of them.

“This is the information gathered by my eyes and ears, please read it through and I would like to see your thoughts on it.”

They all scanned the documents through without slowing down, some reading it again once they finished all of it. They all stared at him with a look of utter disbelief, they did not want to believe what they read here.

“Your Majesty this cannot be possible”

“And yet it is”

“But……..the elves have been docile since the creation of the kingdom!They wouldn’t be able to act in such….”

“There is no changing the past, what has been done has already come to pass. I am sure all of you know that very well. According to this information the elves and the dark elves have set aside their differences to become something even greater which is in of itself an anomaly”

One of the intelligent looking nobles spoke out as he assessed the entire situation. It was strange that the elves who hated the guts of the dark elves united with them and began to share a relationship one can say is akin to close sisters. Even stranger were the monsters who came from somewhere, there was a hierarchy to them and they understood orders.

“Could it be that the Demon King’s army is involved?”

“Likely. I judged this to be the case, any more questions?”

“Yes. What forced the elves to abandon the religion of their silly little tree in favor of demonic power?”

The king froze for a solid minute, up until this moment he had reflected on everything but this was the point where he couldn’t figure out what was the cause of it all. He had no clue despite sounding knowledgeable of it all but the following words of his spy came to shock him.

“Prince Heinrich is the cause of the elves acting out this way. His actions caused a sense of desperation never seen in them before hence their decision to fall into evil.”

“My son……?”

“Yes. Apparently according to Alberto Holland the prince’s faction enticed him to marry off the first and fifth princesses of the elves for his own pleasure as a way to discourage them from rebelling and as a showcase of power.”

The room was invaded by a death like silence, it was concerning. The king never looked so distraught by the news he heard from his own spy, he seemed like he was going to kill every single person in this room from his gaze alone.

“If we take his head will that appease the elves?”

“I do not think so, they’ve been torturing the slave merchants and burning slave markets to the ground from what I’ve gathered. They will not stop until they reach the capital and raze it to the ground”

“………..oh Zeolus why did you give me a fool for a son……..why”

“Your Majesty there is also the issue of General Starkweather what do we do about him?”

“The Rampaging Wild Dog is choosing the right time to bare his fangs at us, at the moment of time that we could have dealt with him we chose to let him go because we were afraid of what he could do”

“Your Majesty what if we request the help of the Cornelia Empire, they would aid us in our time of need”


He realized it wasn’t too late, they could still call for the Empire to help them at this moment. Hope was near and they could push back the elves using the strength of the heroes. But like the moment before one silently gazes at the beauty of the moment they are thrown off the cliff by a trusted friend such was the emotion that King Henrik gained from this. And like an omen coming true the door burst open in as if to make the sight of hope very far away. 


The pit of his stomach felt like he had been punched, he could feel his very sanity on the whole situation be questioned. This was so abnormal that he couldn’t even accept it properly, how did they arrive here so quickly?Why had the three races that never once seen each other in centuries of their existence now coming together for this exact moment? This was unreasonable even to the standards they had been anticipating. Despair was written on their faces, how could they anticipate something as absurd as this? The information bore a grave mark of a point of no return, its gloomy presence could be felt throughout the room. Like a spirits gathering up to reach the heavens one by one they began to mindlessly walk towards the throne room, this was what fate decided for them. The king could only move forwards without looking back to his subjects who had similar eyes to his, the foreboding aura that the  hallway had was strangling him with the peak sense of fear rising like a flood from within him. The knights opened the doors connecting to their doom filled destiny, the trio that stood at the center had evil plans for them, they all knew what was to come. Henrik walks past them, not saying a word was his way of showing respect to these people. He sat on his throne stared at the trio that could never join hands even after a million years, the most dangerous was the dark elf who was smirking at them. He could feel that she was the beginning of everything, the malevolent force that wanted to crush this nation into dust.

“I welcome you, what brings you here?”

“The Elven Federation and the Dwarven Kingdom are joining hands to crush this nation. We will strip you of your territories and take them as our own, this is the decision that we have taken.”

Like a vengeful ghost coming back to haunt them and torture their very souls with a mocking laughter that insulted them at their core, that declaration was more impactful than anything else that had happened over the course of these couple of days. One could see the color from the king’s face slowly disappear, sweat trickling down his face, eyes looking like they were going to pop out of his brain.

“We will see you soon”

They turned their backs as a mysterious tear within the throne room appeared, he needed answers, he needed to know why this was happening to him of all people!He didn’t want this nation to fall to such evil and such he jumped out of his throne in desperation.



The dark elf looked back along with the others, she seemed happy to see his face dyed in pure misery woven into his face. The elven queen seemed joyed to watch him grovel on the ground like this. He never expected elves and dark elves to resonate in the darkness of evil like this, their eyes seemed to shine in pure delight.

“Why……..?Why are you doing this!”

“Hahahahaha do you really have to ask that boy”

The dwarven king spoke out with a hearty laughter. They knew exactly what both the elven queen and dwarven king looked like because of the following: close proximity with them, trading weaponry with them for minerals. This dark elf woman who they never saw before was the beginning of all of this. She smirked even more as he looked up at her.

“We are repaying an old debt. Everything that you have done to our races shall be paid in full. You are going to get every single thing coming to you. Do not worry you and your son are going to be last to taste the vengeful blade of the elves”


The room started clamoring in confusion as the king had gone absolutely mad from this interaction of theirs, and yet he ignored their cries. If he could save this nation by a thread he would, he didn’t want this kingdom built by his fathers to fall under the whimsical hand of this vile demon. He would lick her boots to avoid such from happening. The elven queen decided to speak up in the dark elven queen’s stead, her words piercing his heart like a sword.

“The elves have lived in fear of what your kingdom will do next. Our World Tree being burnt to the ground, our families taken away from us, our elders bribed to keep us silent, our children forced to be your playthings, and our future dashed to the ground. I have to thank your son for awakening me into a realization, the gods will not save us. We have to save ourselves. Our elders will not guide us. We have to pave our own path. Even if Tanis says we shouldn’t we’ll do it anyway. To preserve our future. All of this just like the World Tree you threatened to burn over and over again will be sent up in the flames of destruction. Enjoy yourself, have fun, drink, make merry, attempt to have more worthless children because your days are greatly numbered”

She turned around with the dark elven queen and entered the tear leaving the dwarven king the only one not entering.

“Fate has dealt you a heavy hand. I pity you. And yet seeing the benefits I do not feel sorry for you, starting from now our weapons will start acting against you. Be sure you stay clear of them. I take my leave.”

He too left after saying these words, the tear closed up leaving the room in pure silence. The nobles disgusted their king would willingly sacrifice them began to leave, with his knights harboring a certain level of hatred towards the king for doing such. The man was already on his knees, he hugs them and begins to cry as Fate had spoken out the oracle of doom to this kingdom.

The Wings of Light, the shining hope of the church hadn’t made contact with them since their mission to the city of Misdral. They were to protect the city to their utmost ability and if they couldn’t they needed to return with valuable enemy information. If they knew how the enemy operated they would produce a counterattack that would be effective to these monsters. It was something rather simple to them, however this silence betrayed what they had expected of their own men and as such was creating a tension that would make them realize the Wings of Light had but faded out from this world. It was this realization that made the bishops and archbishops formulate a plan with the regional pope of this kingdom. Archbishop Andrew Halloway was the most concerned out of them all, his face was constantly pale and he looked like he hadn’t slept for the past 2 days or so. His blonde hair was thinning, blue eyes having eye bags beneath them and he looked haggard to say the least. There was an air about the man that was hard to describe, it was as though he had seen the very end of his life, survived and feared for the rest of his days. In his mind were horrible things that his dreams had showed him, burning churches, the screams of the faithful, mangled corpses of those who served their Lord, and last of all a single black knight with a helmet shaped like a wolf’s head with a crown of horns carrying behind it a long sword of jet black that was dyed with the blood and guts of the devoted. This dream was no stranger to him, he had been given this dream via the unique skill of Prophecy. He did all that he could to prevent such a fate from happening, he took the prized daughter of the elves’ court mage and brainwashed her to be his son so he could counteract this black knight of death and despair. 

He was to attend the meeting with the pope immediately and say everything that had been on his mind, this was the only way for them to form some sort of plan that they could all execute. An advanced version of Assembly Imagery existed and it was the 【Council Phantasm】spell that would teleport said person over long distances to the location that they would all meet, there were downsides to this spell as compared to the previous spell. But at the moment it was much better relaying his message in person than over a great distance and looking a mirage on top of that, Andrew walked towards the room that would lead him into the grand cathedral of the church. Opening the doors with a  light touch he immediately saw the crystal that would take him to the location floating at the center of the room, his hand reached out for it but immediately receded backwards as if telling him there was something that was going to happen. His gut feeling had been saying something to him and yet he chose to ignore it, this wasn’t the time to be listening to something stemmed from his emotional instincts. Andrew touches it with a temporary static forming in his mind and the flash of a black wolf snapping its jaws at him, he focuses even more and the image of the Grand Cathedral comes into view. Within minutes he is sitting with his peers who were already discussing the events of what had been transpiring in this nation, one could tell they were all distraught by the stacking bodies of the innocent through the unreasonable violence of the demons and the elves who employed them. For a moment he questioned what he had seen before he came here, was it his troubled mind that had seen that black wolf baring its fangs at him in such a wild and cruel manner?Was it the fact he was just tired? He didn’t have the answer at the moment and kept on looking at the high quality elven wood that this table had been built with. He gazed for a little bit the orb which was floating beside him and those thoughts began running wild within him.

“Our main priority is to first safely evacuate out of the nation and head for the empire. Our first order of business there is to tell the Grand Pope and the Emperor there what has transpired in this nation.”

Pope Alexei Macenlesis spoke with confidence of what was going to be the roadmap of orders that they would all take. It was rather simple but soon he explained it in more detail.

“It is a shame that we have to allow the kingdom to fall, the people of this land are going to die but it is necessary loss that we are willing to take because of how dire the situation is. We will then gather up troops from within the empire and prepare to take back the nation. We can always appoint a new king. One who is righteous and upright. After we drive out the elves from this nation we will have to bring them back to their senses before it is too late.”

The pope spoke out what would happen in the next following days, maybe months or years, the damage was rather great and it couldn’t be fixed by simple matters alone hence it required very special care. With the aid of the Empire they could do it, he had absolute faith that they could bring justice to this kingdom and yet somewhere deep inside of his heart and soul he knew something was wrong. He felt like he was lying to himself that they would even step out of the nation if at all. These doubts were what kept him away at night, they made him feel like all of the efforts of the people here meaningless.

“Do you all agree?”

They all answered in accordance with the plan and were going to save the very few that they could but before they could end the meeting Alexei stared down at him for some reason and stabbed right through his veil of seriousness.

“What is the matter Archbishop Halloway?Care to tell us”

He remained silent for a time before mustering up the strength to speak. 

“The Unique Skill given to me by the gods, Prophecy foretold of a beast like black knight who shall come and slaughter the holy ones of the gods. One who shall burn the churches and be the end of us all”

“But we took countermeasures for that didn’t we Archbishop Halloway we have prevented that from happening”

“I am afraid not. I’ve been witnessing the same dream over and over again for the past 2 days. Your Holiness what has happened to the Wings Of Light, please I must know”


For the first time the confidence of the pope had disappeared from his face and puckered up a little bit. The news was probably very grave from the looks of it, this was the very thing that he had not been prepared for. He couldn’t even look Andrew in the eye as he was saying it.

“The Wings of Light have perished. Despite their strength they all died. I saw their mangled corpses near the church slaughtered by a knight wearing black armor”

“Did that knight have a wolf like helmet?”


He showed visible confusion to that question, the most important fact of them all wasn’t there. He could feel his heart being set ablaze in pure unbridled levels of fear. He was sweating buckets and his face growing pale more and more by the minute, his heart began a rapid beating that would send any normal person to their deaths had it not for him not being a cleric then he would have dropped dead right here in front of everyone. The remote viewing of the Wings of Light was via the skill Ordained Light of the Church, something that only the popes could use so they could see the states of the cities via the holy grounds that the churches were built on. It was only useful if the remains of the church were not completely demolished with nothing left behind.

“Apparently not.”

“That is not the knight of prophecy I foresaw in my dreams. That nightmare knight wears a wolf like helmet that feels like its alive, tell me were there any similar figures around?!”


“What about Cedric where did they take him?”

“I could not find his body, it seems he was hit by some kind of lightning attack that completely erased him.”

Bullshit. Andrew Halloway said within his mind, he knew that this wasn’t true. He could feel it within his soul and so did the Pope, he wanted to avoid unrest between the bishops and archbishops. He did not want them to worry about some prophecy from a unique skill that he could have prevented years ago. And yet they all looked worried, it was something that was going to happen, the inevitable was going for them. 

“Let us be on the lookout for that black knight with a wolf helmet”

“Thank you Your Holiness”

“I shall make an encouraging speech to the people before I leave however please do not leave before then. Make sure that your respective orbs are functioning for quick teleportation to this location for later. After all this will be the place where we will meet up to escape the nation in the end.”

As if to punish the Pope for his information withholding the orbs all crack within the same time not before showing off the image of a wolf baring its jaws at them. The needle of fear is often a very sharp one, it can pierce one single point and allow the blood of terror to spread across their hearts and very souls. It was what made them begin to worry about this knight they had never seen before.

“It seems our friend has already made his move, we must be wary my brethren. The enemy is ready to make his attack. I shall gather the people and quickly make my escape from this place.”

Do not act like you knew what was going to happen you fucking bastard, Andrew said within his mind as he started at the man known as the regional pope of the Xagreas Kingdom. They all got up from the table as soon as he said those words, the church bell that would summon the people of the capital rang because of the signal he gave to the people located in that area. It was a subtle magic bell that only they could hear with no sound coming out from people who were not specially trained to listen to the bell. In other words they were blinded on purpose and forced to ring the church bell for the pope no matter what with their reward being given food and clothes. Andrew was slowly pacing along whilst staring at the towers of the church, it had already been nearing the afternoon and yet those tall peaked towers seemed to suggest an air of night time to them. On the top of each one was an angel reaching up to the heavens to where their god resided, however he then came across one that made him pause for a timeless moment. There it was the wolf helmeted black knight staring at him with a cold and calculated gaze, its gleaming crimson with malice and hatred. There was nothing more it wanted to do with him, its jagged edged sword lying on its shoulder as if to scar him even more mentally the helmet seemed to smirk evilly despite it being completely metallic. He wanted to scream out and point that it was there but then it simply leapt off from the point with its black cape trailing right behind. Then it was like he had never seen it in the first place, his mind was already festering with the horrors of what it would be like to see it in person and then to torture him even further it came to him with ease. 

“Archbishop Halloway are you alright?”

His fellow bishop asked with a concerned face and he replied with reassurance before moving on. This was something that disturbing him to such a degree the others were beginning to notice. He had no choice in the matter at the time he had simply chosen the best possible way to prevent the fate that was going to befall the Xagreas Kingdom. In order for the good to live righteously one had to become evil for their sake, the memories of that elven woman and the modification of their daughter was for the glory of the Xagreas Kingdom. Had he known he would have stopped entirely than create the problem that would soon plague the nation, to be quite frank he never anticipated that the elves would go hand in hand with the dark elves and cooperate to save the people of their respective lands. This came off as a shock to anyone who immediately knew of the information, even now as he was walking towards the platform where he would sit with his peers and colleagues the facts still didn’t leave his mind. It was here somewhere, waiting for them to make a mistake for it to strike and rip them to shreds. The organ being played in the background seemed to ease his thoughts as the people waited patiently outside in the glaring sun without a single care to see the one who would ease their souls with hope for another day. The image of the pope walking towards the pulpit made them roar in happiness and joy as they watched him climb the stairs with the holy knights at his side. He silences them with a single hand gesture and begins to make his speech with magic loudening his voice.

“I thank all of you for coming in this time of tribulation. I am sure you are all afraid of your lives, please rest at ease Zeolus wants you to have faith in him that tomorrow may come in a better light. We will push the demons back, we will bring the elves back to their senses. These are things that Our Lord and Savior Zeolus shall do”

Despite speaking lies to the general public of the capital he did sound comforting to hear, Andrew thought as he stared at him with near happy eyes. Then his gaze shifted to the rooftops and there where no one expected it to be boldly standing was the evil knight of prophecy with a jet black bow and arrow in his hand, the flames of crimson evil in its eyes sparked in delight as he fired the arrow straight at the pulpit. Andrew leapt up from his position in pure terror but he was too late as the arrow struck the pope straight into his left shoulder sending him flying into the statue of Zeolus that was behind him. Another arrow strikes his right shoulder just as quickly as the last one, then four others in his hands and feet. He was crucified on the spot, the screams of the people roared in terror as he was pinned down by burning black flamed arrows. Andrew along with the others were frozen in place to watch the beauty that was the murder of the pope, the black knight descended from the roof after leaping into the air with its abysmal long sword in its hand. It sliced the holy knights with an ease that could be described like cutting through meat with a very sharp knife then it slowly walked towards the pope silently. No one could stop it as it joyfully stabbed his thighs causing him to scream out in pain.




It had dragged the jagged dagger across his thigh to his knee with the same thing happening to his other thigh.


It then stabbed him in the stomach and began to gut him from the inside by some kind of twisted miracle he was still alive and screaming his lungs out in horrendous torture. After pulling his intestines out having pleased itself with this blasphemous act it walked away from him with the arrows bursting into a larger flame that enveloped his body. His hellish screams seemed all too natural for everyone present, he struggled in the black flame that continued to burn him despite chants of water magic to cool off the fire, when he realized he couldn’t put it out he screamed from the bottom of his soul as if he was dragged down to the very pit of hell. Then it cast its gaze at Andrew and pointed at him before pointing back to itself, leaping up into the air towards the rooftops where it was chased by the numerous furious holy knights. Andrew fell on his knees with the hoarse shrieking of the pope still continuing even after it left, he was unable to stop it and now hell was coming for all of them.


The scars of the afternoon left some of the bishops in a state that was unexpected. Some cried as they hugged their knees, others brazenly prayed in tongues sounding like wild animals, and some were devoid of all emotion staring aimlessly at whatever space they were transfixed on. Andrew was amongst the few normal ones who were planning what they should do, the whimpers of the pope could still be heard even from here. He did not die after the black knight left, he lived and no one could save him from his personal hell. This is what all of them were afraid of happening to them.

“We will escape under the guise of the night, the holy knights will lead us out of here and we will head through the tunnels under the Grand Cathedral. Then we run like there’s no tomorrow”

“Agreed. What about the others?”

“I am afraid they are dead weight now, we will not leave them here but we have to get rid of them before they can reach the empire so killing them when we make it to of the tunnels should be alright”

“Sounds good. You have a good head on your shoulders Archbishop Andrew with one like that you might be future Pope of this nation when it is rescued.”

“I hope so”

The decision was made and he was going to see it through, he was going to live, no matter the cost. He failed to protect the pope but he wasn’t going to fail to protect his own life. The passage of time passed rather quickly as it flew by so rapidly, a knock on the door was their signal to come out now. He prepared himself for the bloodshed of his fellow archbishops and bishops, the holy knights in the end couldn’t find the black knight who tortured and murdered the pope in front of everyone. His orders were precise and they listened to them without fail, their numbers being ten to twenty which would cover to protect them from both the front and the rear. This was their strategy if anything unexpected happened in the tunnels, right behind the statue of Zeolus within the conference room via the special mechanism of removing his holy scripture his left hand and placing it to his right the underground tunnel system opened up. The flames that would lead them to their safety lightened their way so they could walk safely.

Only the sounds of their shoes and metallic boots could be heard in here, nothing else. It was well lit so those who were now terrified of the darkness had no reason to act unreasonably, the walk seemed long even by their standards but one could guess that they were meant to transverse long distances without being noticed by the general public. There were supposed to be escorts who were going to provide horses for them to ride into the Empire with. In this silence he began to reflect on himself, had he been wiser he would have left the elven court mage’s daughter well alone if he knew this was going to happen. He wasn’t even sure if it was their child or not but he had a hunch it was some form of magic because he knew very well that Cedric did not wield the sword and was completely inept in doing so. The prophecy had already manifested, why wasn’t he told anything about the dark elven queen or her alliance with the elves. Every nightmarish scenario they could imagine started to come true after that event, they couldn’t overturn what happened in the past but he thought it was going to be rather difficult to rehabilitate them into being the kind hearted elves they were before. They had to talk with them extensively about their actions and what they can do to forgive them for it. They were close now, hearing the serene sounds of the forest that now enveloped them, the beauty of the sky with its stars painted across it, as the moon in all of her beauty blessed their path with light. 

But this was not the scene they came across. The trees of this particular forest were special since they were carved into the shape of Zeolus as well as Tanis and made to naturally grow like that, those trees were under  fire right now. The starless sky was in the deep red of the flames with the moon appearing to be stained by a deep foreboding yellow. The mangled up corpses of the ones who would provide them horses were littered all around the premise, their faces dyed deep in despair, fear and intense pain. They died painfully like they were criminals who did the worst crimes in this world. No one could see the perpetrator and neither could they rest easy either but upon moving their first couple steps they heard a bloodcurdling joy filled murder expressed howl that echoed straight into all of their souls. Their gaze was fixated on the being who leapt into the air, in its hand the long sword transformed into a great sword as it dived straight into the holy knights straight into the center crushing the first victim of its mindless slaughter. Its black wolf helmet seemed to twist its fangs in a bloodthirsty smirk as it swung the great sword across the bodies of four holy knights cutting them in clean halves before stabbing the sword into the ground as it took out four knives in each hand from a black space and throws them into the visors of the holy knights that run towards it. The black knight grabs the great sword that it had thrust into the ground a few moments ago and twists it whilst it is in there causing the entrance where the other holy knights were still located to come crashing down on their heads. 2 holy knights and many archbishops and bishops with little to no battle experience were left out. It then changed the sword back into the long sword they were all starting to become familiar to seeing. 


A knife accompanied with a chain was sent straight into the face of the bishop who was shouting that out, the black knight didn’t care enough to hear his speech and merely started to walk towards them.

“Nothing?What bullshit. You have done all that you could to someone like me and my mother. You all deserve to see a continuous world of pain, a bloody mess of a inescapable hell that you are not even allowed to die in”

It yanks the knife towards it as the body of the bishop dragged towards it, the black knight twists the knife ever so deeper into the face of the bishop whose screaming continues to scar the people here.

“W-We can talk about this, we will pay you more than whatever the elves are paying you!Please let us live!”

“I am not doing it for the money but I guess you wouldn’t know that, am I right Father dearest?”

The wolf helmet acting like it had a life of its own peeled back to reveal a beautiful face of an elf who somewhat resembled Cedric, her crimson eyes were in a pool of darkness, her evil smirk made them fear for not only just their lives but their souls. Andrew stepped back with his eyes widened in shock, he created this monster?No. It wasn’t possible, he did not want to believe it. And yet the reality was right in front of him Cedric appeared to be female and wielding the sword with expertise that he did not expect to see. She wanted them to suffer from the bottom of her heart.

“Please Cedric understand!I did it to save the nation!You would understand right?!”

“Yes I do”

“Thank goodness!”

“I understand its humans like you that make the world corrupt with your self righteous bullshit. Humans who think they are higher than every other being that they can do whatever to them. Did you honestly think you of all people were going to be let off easy?No you are going to be just as changed and malformed as me when you made me think I was a human, you will be degraded lower than a monster itself. You will watch your kingdom fall. And you will have the front row seat to it!HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!”

A deeply seeded hatred was born in Cedric’s heart, an evil so black that it seemed to snuff out the hope of tomorrow for all of them. It was an abyss that they found eternal suffering and hell in, none of them were going to come out of it normal people. The insanity filled abysmal laughter of Cedric broke something in Andrew as his composure fell apart immediately.



The elven dark hero was what he wanted to prevent and yet he couldn’t. She was born because of him and nurtured into the monster she became because of the invasion, the world wouldn’t be a safe place if she lived. The holy knights immediately understood that this sprinted towards her but she was already within their sword reach, the long sword blurred into an axe that hacked off the arms of the first knight who fell back shrieking in pain, the second had his knees broken into a different direction. This happened in a rapid fashion just fast enough for her to grab their falling swords and go into a stance.

“I learnt this from Lord Odin, he calls this Murder Gale”

A green light was seen next to her as she leapt forwards to the left side of the priests who were shredded to pieces of meat that flew around, their ribboned bodies screaming afterwards. A red light could be seen from her right hand as she cast an inferno of flames on the closely priests who all fell down in pain, the priests who ran towards her whilst casting water magic tried to stop her mindless carnage. The water shots were completely absorbed into her armor and sent back as ice arrows that struck their bodies and froze them on the spot, Euphobia stabbed several with her sword as lightning electrocuted them to the extent their clothes caught on fire and she threw them to the side. She was getting closer and closer to Andrew and there was nothing he could do to stop her, the ones who had gone insane from what she did in the afternoon were swiftly dealt with by her breaking their limbs in sorts of ways. 



Andrew screamed in pure terror as she had finally reached them by encasing the surrounding priests in earth coffins, grabbing the sword he found lying on the ground he swung it despite not having experience with the sword. Euphobia flicked the sword away like it was an annoying fly grabbing his right arm and twisting it before stabbing it with knives and healing his flesh with them still inside, next she breaks the fingers of his left hand after falling back in agony. She sits on his chest and punches him until his face is unrecognizable. She twists his legs in the opposite direction and stares at him smiling as she does so.

“Oh don’t worry we have all night long, I am going to heal you up and do it again and again and again. By the end of it I will utterly break your soul then you will watch everything you love burn down after that I will send you to the pits of hell HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!”

Look at the monster that we’ve created, his thoughts ran as he let out a wail that was accompanied with her insane laughter. This play of evil was now coming to a close.

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