I Will Live My Life As A Slime With A Dark Elf Body As A Base!

Chapter 27: Going Out Not With A Bang But With A Loud Screech /The End is Near, So Shout The Loudest

Chapter 27: Going Out Not With A Bang But With A Loud Screech /The End is Near, So Shout The Loudest

In the span of 12 days the Xagreas Kingdom had been brought to its knees. The elves with demonic might and aid conquered most of the nation and razed everything to the ground. Slave markets, cities of commerce and trading, churches, adventurer’s guild sites and important government buildings with important documents that were used to run the day by day workings of the government. All within 12 days. One had to stand in awe of the power that those demonic elves received. They were a whole new monster ready to rip the world apart and show it their new found strength. Starkweather found an opportunity to strike and soon he was going to behead the royal family so he could appease the elves. Yes it was rather late for him to destroy the areas that he needed to snuff out but the elves were doing that job for him, but if he was to ignore genuine conflict with anyone using the fastest route to the royal capital which was by the river then he would arrive there in due time. Only one day was left and now just a couple kilometers from the royal capital and a single rest he would be able to grasp his dream after so long.

The days were hot and the nights were cool, their morale was quite high that the nation would be saved by General Starkweather. The noises of the crickets and the cicadas made their hearts feel at ease, he nodded as he drank water from his flask.

“The night is certainly beautiful. Is it supposed to represent my glorious capture of the royal capital?”

“Yes sir. It is”

“It is a blessing from the gods that we shall capture it under your guidance!”

“We shall lead the Xagreas kingdom into a new era!”

“Praise be to the Starkweather dynasty!!”

One of the noblemen who agreed to join his cause said valiantly and another and another. Hope was drawn within their hearts and they really did believe they were the heroes that the Xagreas Kingdom needed how else would Irving have brought them together?That sense of patriotism and quest for valor and greatness was what he took advantage of. He knew that if he exploited this urge then he would be doing them all a favor. 

“Alright men. I’ll run through the whole scenario once again: We are to enter the royal capital, aim for the main gate and splitting up within to kill the knights located at each of the gate openings. These forces will be led by you, my admirable men. I put my faith in you all so I trust you are going to do your jobs properly”

“Yes sir”

“We shall do it fantastically!”

“Our nation shall be saved by us after all”

“Even if we were to kill our countrymen, it is for the future after all!”

“Alright. I shall take a small walk to contemplate my thoughts.”

They all waved him a short farewell as well, morale was high and it was enough to cause panic within those who heard of their just rebellion. Irving walked by the river with his weapon of course, it was the night before his crowning as king of the new nation he was about to lay the foundations. The glorious image of the heads of the king and his family surrounding the throne as he wore the crown that was going to be his was burned in his mind. He could taste victory and all of it was in his grasp, sure it would take a long time to rebuild the nation but he would be called the hero who saved the nation from certain doom.

After walking for a while he heard the sound of a howl in the distance, it made him freeze on the spot, the hairs on his skin were all standing and he could feel fear crawling beneath it. There wasn’t much in this world that would cause him to have a reaction like that and yet he did, there was something in that howl that made him feel that kind of fear. It was bestial and savage whilst having the raw unfiltered murderous joy of a demon, and to top it off demon wolves were not found in this forest that much he knew. Soon after the howl came sounds of agony filled screams, he could hear the sheer pain induced madness in their shrieking. Irving knew moments when he should run and he did not want to join whoever was being tortured by whatever was out there. Just as he turned around his eyes came into sight with a large animal, its black fur was almost shadowy emitting out some kind of flame like wisps from its body, its numerous fangs were in a cruel smirk that sought to rip him apart, its crimson filled evil eyes were like tears coming out from where its eye sockets were supposed to be. This creature was at odds with the very world itself. Its very essence screamed of the void itself. Walking towards him Irving was struck by utter fear, he could feel himself regress into being a child again. He knew nothing could stop this creature and once it opened its rows after rows of teeth filled maw it leapt at him with a sinister growl filled laughter. He closed his eyes in fear of what it was going to do to him and then……


He was still very much alive, were his nerves breaking because of tomorrow?Or was he hallucinating because of the thing in the distance. He did not know and he wasn’t going to find out. Irving fled from the spot as fast as he could. Intense fear was built up in his body and he knew that if he remained at the spot who knows when that thing would decide to actually devour both his body and soul. Upon arriving in the campsite he headed straight to his tent without speaking to anyone, it was best that no one knew he fled like a coward in the face of a monster that he could have defeated with his own hands. With the gentle touch of sleep washing over him like a great wave.

His dreams weren’t as pleasant either, not even the forgetting power of sleep could help him escape the jaws of the creature he saw within the forest. In this nightmare he was constantly running away from it with it always being a step behind him ready to snap his legs from his body and slowly devour him. Trees were nothing more than just decorations to it that it could just breeze right through them and leave the background being transformed in its wake. He couldn’t do anything about it either. His sword was half broken, armor tattered and shield discarded for more focus on his now broken sword. Running out of energy to flee he stopped at the cliff that was right before him and stared at the abyss of trees that were down below, would he take his own life like this or allow that thing to eat him alive. He tries to turn around to find an alternative but the monster is right in front of him opening its maw wide for a big bite. The more terrifying thing about this was he could see something within its mouth, a deep red flame that felt like it would eat at his very soul. Within that flame were people suffering to the greatest degree and he too was joining that group of people, he was going to go to hell for all of his sins and there was nothing he could do to stop.

With a great scream he roused from his sleep, he looked around and saw that the confused faces of his men. They had rushed in to see what had happened to their leader, using a gesture for them to go back. His whole body was drenched in sweat, was it the cold dew that made him have this or was it the hot summer weather. Irving couldn’t tell. All he knew was there was something peculiar about that monster, if it was a demon sent by the Demon King then he would have to face it sooner or later. Not today, today was his special day to take the throne and become king. Today was the event that he had been looking forward to for a very long time. He got up to wash his face in the river to rinse away the shame of him having cold sweat in his sleep, he did not want this to remain on his body. The light blue tinge of the morning was ominous but nothing out of the ordinary, Irving goes on his knees and cups the water in his hands to begins to wash his face. Followed by a similar motion he washes his hair and then his face again, Irving opens his eyes to stare at his brave reflection, instead he is greeted by the image of the monster staring back at him with a smirk filled grin ready to pounce at him from the water. 

Like a man possessed Irving immediately backs away from the water and slowly gets up to stare at it again. There was nothing, it was just an apparition. Mental attacks was what it was using from this moment on and he had to be on guard but how can one defend against his own fear was something that Irving wanted to ask. He had no time for such, now was the time to march down to the royal capital and begin the operation that would begin his reign as king.


The city was a fair distance away from them, they could all see it from the great distance that they were still in. Cloaking themselves with magic items Irving made sure that they were not seen by the people who he wanted to invade, the time had come and he had to give an inspiring speech to raise the morale of the people.

“Now is the time for your bravery to shine, you who are the future of the kingdom. You who have seen the great disease that has plagued the nation, I want all of you to live and become the great nobles and knights that you were meant to be. We must rid the nation of the parasites that continue to make it ill!We must be the ones who purge out the evils of our nation!The elves will understand that we are still good people, that we are not representative of the vile sickness that rules our nation!We shall offer up the heads of the king and his degenerate son!NOW THEN LET US BE THE JUSTICE OF THE NATION!!!ONWARDS TO GLORY!!!!!!”

His men roared out in pure courage like the lions he believed them to be. With a single gesture they began their sprint to untold amounts of fame and wealth. Irving smiled as he watched the march move in synch to his words. Their feet sounding like a war drum that was steadily moving towards the royal capital that was going to be taken by them, the cavalry slowly riding behind them. He smiled in full pride as he watched his efforts come into fruition, the moment of truth was here for him to witness. He wanted to cry out of joy but now was not the time for it, they were halfway through to royal capital but suddenly they all came to a halt. 

Something was heading towards their way. The aura surrounding that thing was pure evil itself, like a demon coming from the abyss itself. Jet black plated armor which had the air of a sinister dragon, the helmet was fashioned to be similar to that of a wolf’s however the shape of the head had numerous sharp fangs that acted like they could open at any moment in time and begin cackling in pure malice, carrying its weapon of violence on its shoulder was a great sword the color of the starless and moonless sky at night. Slowly walking towards them as if it didn’t see them if at all. An ordinary adventurer would run away and ignore the royal capital if he saw this army marching towards it but not this thing, this thing was walking straight towards them. Irving immediately recognized what it was, this was the monster’s physical form, the very thing that was causing the screams of the other night. He shivers as he stares it with the crimson eyes behind that helmet shining in full joy that it had met him, the beast of malice went from leisurely walking towards them to sprinting at great speeds to reach them.

With a sword that huge one would normally be very slow however this thing was quickly arriving at their location. Within mere minutes it was already there, right in front of them and they could do nothing to stop it. A flash of blood sprayed into the air as it swung the great sword across the bodies of the soldiers, this became an awakening to all of them that the beast of malice was here to slaughter every single one of them. Another swing of that tool of mass murder took the lives of the several men who were caught in its wake, their bisected bodies sent flying as it continued to kill everything in its sight. With speedy efficiency it sliced off the limbs of the ones who tried to come next, their heads sent flying with ease. The land was slowly being covered in blood and guts, it leapt up in the air with its great sword that was stained in the blood of their comrades high up to represent their certain doom. Numerous wolf like jaws were made from nothing as it dropped to the ground with everyone being devoured by the jaws that surrounded the beast of malice. Its sheer power was present in their deaths as all of them screamed on the top of their lungs as they were eaten alive by the spell that it had cast on them. It drew back its sword to throw it towards the now awake remaining members of the army who all started to sprint towards it, the sword acting like it had a soul of its own started to kill those within its vicinity spinning continuously like a murderous wind. The beast of malice was left with no weapon but that did not mean they could easily conquer it as it took out something from its hips, within its claw like hands were arrows of different colors that it threw towards them. Explosions of different colors occurred but the results were all different: some were burnt alive, some frozen solid, some covered in the very essence of life itself: plant matter and some turned into undead to rip the very bones out of their once comrades. It lifts its hand up to receive the great sword once more in its grasp after it committed its very own murder. From the perspective of those who were being slaughtered like lambs its metallic jaws came open as its crimson eyes left a red afterglow that made them see the very beast of hell itself and scream as they watched it use its sharpened fangs (the sword that it was carrying) to send them all to the great fires below where the evil gods resided. It swung that tool of death once more causing the halves of their bodies to be sent flying, throwing another arrow that released a black flame that devoured anyone caught up inside of it. The battlefield had turned into its killing playground, it was experimenting on how it should kill them next. Stopping for a brief moment before it laughed sinisterly as its shadow turned into a massive wolf like monster that was just like its master, in unison they both howled from the bottom of their hearts in joy as they dove straight into the groups of humans who were now running for their lives. Sword and fangs with claw had now become one as they all served a single purpose and that was slaughter. The lives of the brave soldiers who wanted to save their nation were snuffed out and their continued screams reminded everyone here they were going to meet the same fate.

The army that he had gathered to immediately take over the royal capital was dwindling down in mere moments, it was all vanishing like paper that was set on fire. His dreams were going up in flames under the might of this beast, the power displayed by its raw power made him remember something very crucial about its movement.

“This………is what a Hero looks like……”

In his mind he remembered the project to create a Hero that was suggested by one of the priests who had a vision of the end. What happened to the lad who was chosen to become the one who would become the Hero of the Xagreas Kingdom when the time came?What happened to their Anti-Elf weapon that was waiting to stop them at all costs?The answer to that was given immediately as the crunch of the neck could be heard coming from somewhere. Total annihilation had occurred amongst the infantry, the noble who had his neck snapped off from his head rolled down to the ground with the immediate bisection of man and horse happening to the next group of people that were all surrounding him. Next with nimble movement it was reaping the heads of the people whilst only jumping on the heads of the horses, putting its sword on its back it stretches out its claw like hands to quickly rip out the hearts of those who were unlucky enough to get caught in this rapid action. Irving had to get off of his horse before he was murdered like the others, he leapt off just as it had pulled out its sword to wildly swing at everything in its way in a massive burst of wind that aided to kill everything in the vicinity. 

General Irving Starkweather watched the beauty of the storm that had arrived to kill his men, he was entranced by it, the mastery of the art of genocide was something to behold. A one man army that could kill 1500 men in mere moments. Had his life culminated to this point?Just to see a monster so powerful that he could never reach the height of its power even with 10 lifetimes. The great sword that ate the lives of his men was on the ground, the field was painted in the blood, organs and body parts of his men. It stared back at him with the monster he saw the night before standing right next to the knight of malice, the jaws of the helmet seemed to move on their own to purely laugh in pure delight which made him all too sure that this was not something that was even human. He got up from the ground picked up his sword and unsheathing it with the intent of strengthening his resolve, he points the sword at it and begins to run towards him. It grabs the sword which turns into a long sword just for him. Feeling more honored than previously he lifts his sword into an upward swing and crashes his sword down on its blade.

The two of them clash with the result being clear who was in the lead of strength as Irving gets thrown back by a light push, he uses his weight to stop himself as he sprints towards it once more. He continues to clash against its blade without mercy, a flux of emotions are born from this: joy, anger, fear, sadness, confusion. As he continues to fight this thing that appears to be leagues above him, just as he is about to make another crashing clash his face is grabbed and he slammed to the ground where it stabs his chest immediately. It was at that moment he could feel the pain and agony of all of his men who had recently died. He could feel his very soul experiencing death again and again and again and again. With a twist he groans as the excruciating torture doubles, and with the release of the blade he falls into a hell of torment. Before he completely loses himself to the darkness he sees the wolf helmet come alive and roll back into the armor to see the face of an elven woman resembling the young lad who was supposed to be the promising Anti-Elf weapon of the nation. On her face was a smirk worthy to be called abysmally evil, and with that General Irving Starkweather is but a corpse that was punished for taking the glory that belongs to the elves.

“The Fall is near, the preparations are complete. The traitors have been dealt with. Begin the Elven Howl”

Something beyond General Irving was coming to take the place of his treacherous army, and that something was ready to commence the final stage of the plan that was to occur.

Alberto’s life had become one of fleeing, it was greatly numbered and there was nothing he could do about it. He could not so easily escape the nation via the border because he knew that he would captured and sent to prison for offsetting the invasion from the elves. Running away was the only option here, he had to contact his friends in the dark guilds to look for a way out of this dying nation. Severing his ties with the royal prince wasn’t a good idea but it was a very good one nonetheless otherwise he would be seen around that idiot and then everyone would act accordingly to the people who caused the war to occur in the first place. 

One might ask how did the information of his message leak to everyone who had ears to listen, the answer to that was very simple: General Irving had spread the word across all regions. Making the silent tranquility of daily life so foreign that he wished that he never said what he said in front of them at all, without Graves’ help he would be a dead man long before he could even escape his own house. The irony of entrusting an elf with his life made it all the more sad that he was forced to live this kind of life. Graves was oddly very loyal to him despite what was happening which gave him a certain level of relief, he had to hide out in one of the slums of a city selling off his rich clothes in exchange for dirty ones. As for the look?Graves had to mess his hair up, make him grow a beard and the final part was his own doing smelling like a drunk. How else would one escape the horrors of his life but only for a brief period of time before Graves came back from her intel gathering.

The dirt cheap booze that he lapped into his mouth tastes sinisterly good for some reason, he had never thought about it thoroughly and for that good reason it never passed his mind. Heading into the house that he rented for 5 copper he acted the way he should: slammed the door open and entered in a unhinged manner before locking it. Alberto stand down in the corner as Graves was sitting on the only chair in the house.

“Any good information to get me out of this predicament?”

“Yes. You no longer have to live in squalor Master. But you may need to act some more.”


The walls were not soundproof but Graves’ magic certainly was. He could speak in the prided tone that he always spoke in as long as Graves was inside of this small one roomed house. 

“Sadly that is the reality”

“What do I need to do now?”

“You must wear these?”

“Hmmm?A collar and some chains……?Wait aren’t those used for slaves?!WHY WOULD I WEAR THAT!!”

“Please be calm Master, allow me to explain. As you already know these are a slave trader’s collar and chains however as you can see.”

She opens up the collar and takes out another one just like it which is already open to show him something odd.

“Your collar does not have the seal of subordination and servitude, this is what prevents you from becoming a slave owned by someone.”

“Ohhhh I see and here I thought you were going to be devious with your intents with me”

“Master I am loyal to you alone”

“Good, alright then what is the plan after I put those on.”

“There is a slave company that managed to survive the wrath of the elves and we are going to hitch a ride out of here”

“But are you not an elf as well?”

“I have magic to disguise my ears and mana signature”

“Ah then it’s good, will they not reject me because of my body stature?”

“I’m afraid not, it seems they need all the types of merchandise they can get”

“I see, because of the shortage of elves am I right?”


“Fine then, as long as I come out of it alive then I will bear with it.”

“I thank you for your understanding Master but I must act my part as well.”


Alberto didn’t like any of this, he never did this before, not even in consensual situations. He best avoided being ever put in chains because he found them to be rather insulting to his image, right now his image really didn’t matter. No one would care if a fat drunk got sold off to the slave market. Graves put on the collar around his neck, then put on the cuffs around his hands, taking out one more thing inside of the small box she had. He wanted to scream that he did not want to put that on but Alberto had no choice in the matter.

“Please do not be offended by these next two items, they are regular things put on slaves”


A gag was put on his mouth so he could not speak, this was made for the sole reason of being unable to chant and finally a blindfold for people who were exceptionally well at the teleportation spell. If they didn’t see the journey they underwent it would be more difficult to escape for them. He understood the reasons and for that he had to thank the slave masters for thinking ahead of their time, but then he noticed something peculiar. Right before the blindfold was fully transfixed on his face he saw Graves’ face for one final time and on it was a sinister grin that stretched from ear to ear which frightens his entire being. Her eyes were soulless and they were filled with the madness of the abyss, with a certain quality of malice found inside of them that he never faced before. For that single moment he felt like he was staring at a demon but then Graves’ face went back to its stoic expressionless nature as if he had never seen whatever he saw the moment before. He felt something was wrong, that he was making a mistake in this very action he had willingly resigned himself to acting upon. Perhaps it was the nervousness of being put in the position that he often put others in but he was scared regardless, with a lingering emotion lurking inside of his heart that he couldn’t explain. He had to believe in her, if he didn’t then his life would be over before he would know it. These were all done in good intentions and she had a plan for his future.


The lingering emotion that Alberto had when he put on the blindfold and the gag worsened, not only could he not see or speak but for some reason he could not hear as well. The only thing he could do was move forward but even that was becoming hard as time passed. It felt like had been walking forever and Graves was merely doing this out of spite than anything else, how far away was the location?How close were they?What part of the country were they in?Who was talking about this very sight?He did not know it felt like this was the very emotion that the slaves felt, the powerlessness of being captured and being sent somewhere far from home. He could see their agony, he could sense their despair, he could taste their bitterness. At some moment Graves stopped and was allowing him to hear his surroundings for a little while. Graves was having a conversation between herself and a man who sounded like he would strangle women and children for fun if he was let loose.

“A criminal slave huh?With no markings of punishment?”

“He is a special case”

“Bullshit, okay then little missy. I won’t let that swine through unless he has some form of being punished for his crimes. I don’t give a fuck about who or what he is, everyone should get at least a scar to remind them of the things they’ve done in life. Hell I have one too!”

“…………….what will be the punishment mark then?”

She had no choice in the matter, he had to bite the gag in frustration. This was the problem with dealing with people, they didn’t care at all about the other person’s side of logic. And now he was going to taste a fair amount of pain that he never felt before in his very sheltered life.

“14 whips to the back”

“14 it is then. Hey pig, time to have a wild time.”

Her voice almost sounded excited to hear that but it was all an act. Being led by a different hand which was far more rough than Graves’ own, he was slammed right against the wall where his tattered cheap and dirty clothes were cut open and with a hearty laughter the whip cracked onto his back. Each lash seeming to be much more painful than the last, the coarse laugher of the other guards who joined in were sounding almost demonic to him. 

“Look at the bitch he is weak in the knees!”

“I know people who are interested in watching people like him be degraded to actual swine man, its rather entertaining”

“Tch he is still standing, fine then!I WANT YOU TO SQUEAL LIKE A PIG!!”

He did not wish to hear this, why had Graves allowed him to hear their insults was there any purpose for it?A nose hook is forced right into his nostrils and he is whipped a couple of worse whips as he degraded even more. It wasn’t long for him to make the bestial noises of a real swine, even when he succeeded to do what they wished he was still very much forced to keep on wearing the nose hook and to only respond in pig like noises. Graves poured a potion on his back but much to his surprise it had a stinging sensation, he could feel himself sense the sharp pain of the whip making its mark on his back again. The scars were branded for all to see, stripped down to nothing the only thing that could be considered clothing at the moment was the ripped clothes that was being quickly used as a loincloth for his crotch. The humiliation he was facing was worse than death, he felt legitimately angry at the people who were degrading him this way. Who were they to make him snort like a pig?!Why were they……..this furious train of thoughts halted immediately as soon as he was harshly reminded of his position. He was a slave, he had no decent rights to complain. He was nothing more than a plaything to whoever was currently handling him. Barely a person and nothing more than an animal.

The horrors of being a slave were woven into his body, the pain still stung his back and with his step unsteady and unsure of what would happen to him, for now he understood he entered the gates of somewhere. He could hear screams coming from somewhere which scared him for a while and then silence. Not even Graves’ calm breath could be heard. He could hear his own echoes of his own feet, he came to a halt as he felt like something was ahead of him. As if to compliment the situation that was making him sweat profusely the blindfold came off on its own, at first he thought he was still closing his eyes but then he noticed they were still open, fear was striking his heart in ways that it had never done before. Alberto kept on standing where he was, unsure whether he should move or not, and then he saw them. From the deep chasm he stood before a darkened light that was rising from the very bottom of the endless chasm. In their silence they held deep despair and in their solitude an infinite suffering that made his very soul crushed by its sight.

“no……no……no…..this can’t be………”

He understood what it was. He understood where he was. This was the abyss, a place worse than the great fires of the evil gods themselves. His eyes did not deceive him as the souls of the damned kept on rising up to a starless sky, the deeper he stared the more his heart shrank. 


As if hearing his words something pushing him down to the depths of the abyss, now that he was falling into it, he could hear the damned souls’ voices. They were screaming in pure anguish and terror, the things they had witnessed at the bottom of the abyss were far much more sinister than anything they ever did in their lives. And that was the place that Alberto was falling into, previously he wanted to see but now he wanted to be blind. He did not wish to see whatever was down there, he began to scream like them too. Horrors beyond his imagination were awaiting him at the bottom of the abyss.



“Ah he’s awake, I thought he would never rise from that slumber of his”

“Certainly he’s not that relaxed”

“No, he was certainly having a nightmare and that’s always a treat for us”

“Oh it certainly is. I hope he sees more from now on”

Alberto recognized these voices, he knew them all too well. His eyes opened and gazed at the elven queen and first born daughter, the room they were in was well lit by candles that surrounding them. The queen sat on a lavish throne that wasn’t her own but it seemed rather comfortable as her daughter stood beside her with her arms crossed smiling sinisterly at him. 

“So then we’ve finally caught you, anything to say?”


“I see, you are calling on her, Graves dear please come near”

Rosa calls out to his loyal servant so nonchalantly with an exaggerated tone in her voice. Her mother quietly chuckles at her eldest daughter’s hilarious antics, and surely enough Graves comes through that door and kneels before the two of them.

“What is it that you desire my Master?”

“The pig was calling for you, do you have anything to say to him?”

“Prostrate yourself to Her Royal Highness and the Royal Princess you filthy shit swine”

At that point he had been standing but now he quickly fell on his knees for some reason. It had been like he had grown a second brain that was telling what to do and he couldn’t disobey no matter what. A flash of memories happened right then and there, he remembered the details that Graves gave about the slave collars as well as his being an ordinary slave collar and chains, the very moment he had made his ultimate mistake with Graves quietly explaining everything to him in a neat and easy to understand way.

“Oh?The foolish shit swine notices, yes you fell into a trap. And yes, I was never loyal to you to begin with. I am loyal to the Empress, the one I call my creator.”


“Heh, scream all you want that will not rescue you from your fate”

“Ahhhhh, seeing him like this pleases my heart however we have not reached the climax of this play”

“Mother we must make him suffer for his arrogance, his death must be a slow and painful one. And even after he dies he must feel eternal torment. Ah before that please look around.”

It was then that Alberto noticed the oddities within the room, it was filled with human heads, but that was not the only thing that concerned him. No, far from it. Had it been any other ordinary person then he would have no issue with it but these were the heads of all of the people Alberto ever knew. His parents, his friends, his siblings, relatives, people he was acquainted with because of his business, everyone he knew in his life excluding the prince was here.

“Do you like it?I hunted every single person who is connected to you through blood and is well acquainted with you. It was a pleasure telling them that you are the cause of their deaths. The screams they gave as they tried to fight against the horror of death was very very entertaining ~ ❤️”

Rosa’s eyes were filled with the darkness of the abyss that he had found himself in earlier and so were her mother’s eyes. They both seemed tainted, twisted and malformed into beings who could commit evil without hesitation, it was as natural as breathing to them. 

“Graves you do the honors of leading us to the room where we shall be greatly entertained by this pig’s suffering”

“At your command Your Highness”

She grabbed his chain and started dragging it as Queen Amaryl and Princess Rosa walked ahead, he was screaming the entire time as fate was about to deal him a cruel end. He did not want any of this. This was a nightmare. A terrible nightmare. He was going to wake up at any moment right?He was certainly going to find himself in the comfort of his blankets where he was going to rely on his new servant Graves to prepare food for him. The sharp pain of being thrown into the ground made him wake up from all of his delusions. He was running away from reality, Alberto found himself in a square shaped hole with cages at the corners. If fear was a good minstrel who sang in bars then terror was an opera singer who was hitting the climax of her song. He did not want to know what was beyond those cages but he was going to find out soon. At some point the gag was removed from his mouth. 


“Silence. You have no right to speak in front of Her Royal Highness and the First Princess.”

Suddenly his voice vanished, he tried to utter words but they couldn’t come out. The horror of his voice being forcibly taken away from him was so shocking that it left him completely motionless. Amaryl’s face lit up in pure delight as she saw that expression of his but she wanted more, of course she did. 

“That day I was just as speechless as you are right now. I felt like fate was a cruel mistress and that she wanted to see us elves suffer for sins we did not know. I despaired at the very thought of losing the future of our kingdom because of the simple desire of a scumbag who thinks with his crotch. Graves allow him to speak”

“Speak, you fool”

Like he was being choked he coughed out as many words as he could before they were taken away again.

“I-I have many connections!Y-You can use me however you want!I-I am sure I will make the future even bri-”

“It doesn’t matter to me. Do the right thing and just give up, you do not want to suffer even longer do you? You can always make use of those connections in your next life right, I am sure the undead would love to be acquaintances with those people ~ ❤️”

He said those very words to her once, and now for the third time they were used against him. His face drained of all color as he stared at her abysmally dark smile, he had awoken something within Queen Amaryl that day, and from then on it was slowly growing into the beautiful abyss flower that it was blossoming right at this moment. Whoever the Dark Elven Queen was, she had sowed the seeds of pure vileness within Queen Amaryl. 

“Now then you are expected to be the wife of the little ones and the big ones who are down there with you. They are going to play with you so much, they will violate you like a woman, torture you like a man and expect you to give birth as well. And the first thing they are going to do is remove that useless thing between your legs, with that you would have a hole that they could stick into you with. Open the gates”


“You are going to be a great birthing tool and pleasure device for the lust goblins and passion ogres.”


The gates opened and soon those disgusting creatures were dashing straight for him with his face being written in full despair and dread of what was to come. The queen and her daughter’s eyes danced in pure dark delight of what was going to happen to him, he tried his best to fight the goblins but alas he was too weak to fight them all off. Like the damned souls he saw from the deep abyss of his dreams his screech could be heard as the passion ogres ripped his genitals with the lust goblins healing him immediately. What came next was already decided for him. 

“Now then, The Grand Opening To The Great Fall Of The Xagreas Kingdom is underway and I want front row seats to it.”

“I am glad we are of the same mind mother.”

They left the room that was now starting to get filled with sounds of pleasure as the muffled screams accompanying them soon after. Alberto’s hell was only just beginning and he was going to see all of it with his very eyes but even those were going to be used for pleasure one of these days.


The morning and afternoon quickly left as if in sequence for something more sinister, the dusk or nightfall. The skies were covered completely by dark clouds that gave the sense of a foreboding that made everyone who looked upon them feel down and depressed. Even the nobles who lived very decadent and lavish lives were affected by it as well. There was something about the atmosphere that surrounded the royal capital it was as if it had reached its last day of being a city, everyone could sense it. And for the one who began all of this the atmosphere was despair inducing, Heinrich hadn’t talked to Alberto in quite some time. That was to be expected because of all the trouble he gave to the man, not only had the elves retaliated but they were out for blood. His father would have immediately kicked him out of the role of being the heir to the throne if he heard so much as a whisper about this plan. And that was the reason he did it, of course it was to have a little pleasure on the side but he was going to have an influence on those lowly elves by having their future in his hands. It was suggested to him and he thought it was an excellent idea but as of the last couple of days that had proven to be very wrong. 

Not only had the elves become so desperate that they decided to abandon their old beliefs but they pushed their differences to the side with the dark elves and came out as different beings. The power of the Elven Federation was terrifying, it was overwhelming like flood. It did not help that Heinrich was currently being searched for by his father and other nobles who heard of his plans, he had to lay low and quietly escape the nation if he could. He killed his brother just to get closer to the throne but now all of that was going to waste. The elves are going to destroy this kingdom and leave nothing behind, he could feel his soul being crushed by the pressure but there was nothing he could do. He had to hide somewhere safe where he would be able to secretly escape the royal capital under the veil of the night. 

There was one place left currently, because the king, his father had already searched and destroyed all the potential ones where he could have entered. The eyes of the king were scary at times, attentive and very speculative Heinrich without a single moment of hesitation walked into the back alleys of the more well off Hartler District. Counting five houses he had to pass by then taking a left turn he arrived at where he was supposed to be hiding out. It was a fairly well lit mansion, having little to no guards. Heinrich opened the gate, briskly strolled his way to the door and knocked on it.


“The petals of a maiden are delicious in the spring and fully savored in the summer”

That was his personal passcode, everyone who entered this place had their own passcode they would say to the guard who stood at the door. It slowly unlocked with the figure who was behind it slowly bowing down before him. Walking right in with a sigh in his voice he took off the drab filth covered cloak he had on his person, throwing it to the side without a single care in the world. Heinrich was safe now and he could at least afford to be himself for a while. With a spring in his step Heinrich strolled with the maid who was now directing him to the bar where he would slowly drink away his problems until the time to escape was near. The room was filled with other nobles who were like himself, he could even spot a couple of the ones who supported him. He hung his head low and went directly to the bartender who was cleaning a glass with a slow and careful wipe. 

“What will it be?”

“Stairway to Heaven”

“Coming right up”

It was a cocktail that wouldn’t make him too drunk but he wouldn’t be able to think properly for a while. He heaves a sigh and slowly touches his own head in a embrace.

“Well well well, if it isn’t the man behind it all”

A man promptly sat down right next to Heinrich, his words having a certain level of knowledge about his situation. He was fairly aged much like his own father, he had a full beard followed by a gentle face that made him look weak and defenseless but the old man was anything but feeble. His body was huge brimming with muscles and almost no openings could be found if at all.


“Don’t be scared, everyone makes mistakes. Your mistake was trying to have the cunt of a girl who is in direct line to the throne and the other who is the youngest of them all. A grave mistake. It would have worked too but fate dealt you a heavy deck of cards. A glass of whiskey, no make that the whole bottle, some ice as well.”

“Right up. Your Stairway to Heaven is done”

Heinrich took the glass and began to slowly drink it, it was delicious but he could deal without all of the hostile stares he was getting from the other guests. The old man got his whiskey and began to laugh loudly.

“You fucked up bad kid. Real bad. I have my own sources within the elven kingdom and I have to say that it became intensely interesting what happened soon after.”


He was interested in the information this old man had and so were the others, they wanted to know what happened for all of this to occur. How had it occurred and why did it occur. It was rather very forbidden information one would only get to know after getting caught in a really bad situation and dying soon after. This was valuable information.


“Soon after your little messenger, Zeolus help his soul, left the elven capital the elven queen was furious as would any parent learning they are going to be having their oldest and youngest daughters be made into the royal family’s bitches for a while. As you already know the elven race have a council of elders who they look up to, who they seek for advice, you already considered them didn’t you?”


“Then your question is why didn’t work out that way?Why didn’t the council of elders just allow this to happen to preserve the world tree. The answer is simple. The dark-”

The room began to shake and the magic lights of the room begin to flicker for a moment. The old man stops talking for a while to observe the situation, he strokes his beard with a serious gaze before becoming jovial again.

“Call it precise timing but that is when the dark elven queen came by and struck a deal. Using the elven queen’s desperation she crafted a plan to save them as well as putting aside both of their racial tensions all together to become something more. The Elven Federation as you now know today. I would love to say more such as how they dealt with their council of elders or how they received international help from other nations but I do not have the time for it. I shall make my leave.”

“Have a good day Master”

“Likewise Barry”

Whether the other guests noticed it or not Heinrich could tell something was happening in the outside world. The tension had risen more than before, it felt even heavier. But now he knew the circumstances of why things happened the way they did, the dark elven queen was the issue here. She was the one who enticed the elves into evil and caused them to retaliate against the Xagreas Kingdom, she was the source of all of his problems. If she didn’t exist then he would be in his cozy bed with the broken first princess of the elves in his thick stubby arms, he decided to calm down by getting out of the bar and heading outside. Upon opening the door, for a brief moment, he saw the image of something rapidly pass his sight. He did not have the eyes of a trained warrior but he certainly did see something and it had the color red on it. Perhaps his mind was playing tricks on him, perhaps it had been the information that he had been recently told, or the booze that he just took a couple moments ago, he didn’t really know but that image lingered within his heart for a while. He slowly paced himself forward where it had ran past, it went to the left wing of the mansion or so he thought. Heinrich decided to go to the right wing instead where he proceeded to ask the maid where the garden was. 

There are moments of serenity in times of turmoil, times where you have to appreciate the struggle of humanity at that very moment. Heinrich was having a similar moment he gazed on the people of the slums rioting at the moment, his position?One of the tower walls of the mansion. He twirled the wine he had at the moment and staring down at them, there was beauty in this at the same time pure fear in it. Heinrich decided to walk away from it all and head back to the mansion, the time for escape had come. He was afraid that he might lose himself if he stayed any longer inside, he climbed down the stairs as quickly as possible. The sounds of his footsteps were heavy and he could feel it, for some reason the silence was overwhelming. He could feel it with his bones, the full moon was high in the sky illuminating everything within sight. Not even the noise of the clamoring riots could be heard, as if a large barrier had been set up all around the mansion, maybe that was for the best. He couldn’t see any signs of it being erected into place. 

“Then the fall of the city is imminent I need to hurry. I must live, even if I do not see my father again it doesn’t matter I have to do live. Everyone is replaceable except for me.”

He encouraged himself to move faster, upon getting into the door and swiftly heading to the hall where everyone was waiting for him. The hall where all of the nobles were gathered together was large, it had a stained glass at the center with the moonlight painting the room in a myriad of colors. They all stood with item bags shaped like necklaces, rings, bracelets and other countless mundane daily items. For Heinrich it was a small pendant with nothing inside but his belongings. The old man was located right at the podium of this building, he could very well fit the role of a warrior priest if he wanted to pretend to be one.

“Now then, the armies of the Elven Federation have already made their move. Now is the time for us to escape, I am sure all of you are ready to take a long journey out of this place. You are safe with us, I Benja-?!”

A crack happens on the stained glass just the old man is about to say his next line. It shatters completely as a red armored being enters the room, with its right leg outstretched to land directly on the head of the old man. The result was pretty clear, the armored figure in rapid speed uses the old man as a landing with the wooden podium breaking into pieces as the old man’s body bloodily drags across the white marble floor until it reaches the door which Heinrich used to enter. All of the nobles in the room were in complete silence as to what happened and now they were paying attention to the armor of such a figure. The armor was a deep red color, it closely fit the person inside as if like another skin entirely, one could say this was an elaborate golem made for murder but that was not the case. The helmet that had menacing face of a eastern oni opened up revealing a beautiful woman with mint green short hair with electric blue eyes that shined in the darkness staring back at all of them, what was more shocking than her astonishing beauty was the ears she had, they were sharply pointed which meant one thing: She was an elf. The pit of Heinrich’s stomach immediately dropped as soon as he recognized who she was, this was the first princess who he was supposed to marry, Rosa.

“Greetings scumbags, I do not wish to deal with any of you at the moment. Its a good thing that our contact managed to gather all of you here, the idiot thought he would live, too bad we lied”

Her voice sounded sinister as it was utterly pleased with the result of it caused, all of them were like lambs to slaughter in front of her gaze. They could all feel it, the color started draining from their faces, their safe haven was broken into and the moment that they thought they were about to escape death.

“With the very money that you used to buy slaves I am going to use that to handicap all of you.”

What did she mean by that?What was this crazy elf saying?Some wanted to shout that she was speaking utter nonsense but then she stretched her hand out into a black void that was right beside her, pulling out a small purse which she slowly unwraps before she throws it at them. The purse spills out the gold coins that they usually used to purchase slaves, bewildered by this action they were utterly unsuspecting of what was going to occur right at that moment. An electric spark could be heard around Rosa’s hand as she points at the coins which are in the air with a dark smile on her face.

“I learnt this trick from Lady Severn during her magic class lessons, she calls it 『Golden Blitz』”

A lightning bolt cracks from her hand in a straight line hitting the gold coins immediately upon contact, the reaction was the coins ricochetting into the various very important places of the nobles: the hip, the thigh, the Achilles’ tendon. There was nothing that could be done to make them less the pain of a hole inside of their bodies, the guards who were supposed to protect them immediately started to pull out their weapons but it was already too late as Rosa rushed towards them in unnatural speeds. She bisected the first guard with several swords appearing at her back like wings of some sort, using the same momentum she takes his sword and throws it straight into the head of the next one. Without stopping she sends the swords on her back forwards to decapitate the guards who were too slow to dodge her attacks, their swords now joining the fray as they form a circle around her. Her beautiful form with the swords is seen visibly as she dances right into the middle of another group rapidly turning them into minced meat via the swift slashes that rotate around her, she leaps off from the walls grabbing one of the swords and heads to the collection of guards who are actually mages who could use simple spells such as fireball, or water burst. Using the swords to block incoming spells she slashes the arms off of the first, heading to the next who Rosa drives the sword deep into his head before leaving his corpse behind. Approaching them at a speed that leaves an afterglow of her eyes three mages send four fireballs flying at them, with a smirk on her face she merely punches the fireballs right back at them with the high pitched immolated screams of the mages could be heard throughout the room. Rosa was not done yet she kicks up the dagger laying right next to her feet and punches it to the escaping guards who see this as utterly hopeless. Through magic the single dagger multiplies into tens if not hundreds of daggers all flying at breakneck speeds it was truth to say they got shredded into bits and pieces. Rosa leaps up into the air reaching the ceiling staring at the larger guard remaining in the room with the swords glowing all around her she points them all at him with his face slowly draining of color as he is impaled by all of them.

“Well then ladies I am sure you know what you are here for”

One by one the nobles started to scream hoarsely as they were locking their eyes face to face with the victims of their hedonistic pleasure. The hallway that was supposed to be used for their escape from the burning city had now become their mass grave. Rosa reaches the ground with her eyes gazing up at the door where Heinrich had obviously limped away from. Various amounts of torture was occurring all around her, some were being skinned alive, some being slowly burnt alive over a nice flame, some having their bones broken in their bodies, some having their teeth broken and forced to swallow parasitic worms that would crawl inside of their bodies, some having their flesh slowly cut off from their bodies. This place which was supposed to be their safe haven had become their torture and of course they were being healed in the process so they could live longer.

“Enjoy girls, I have a prey to catch”

Rosa slowly walked towards where the prince was running to.

The blood pouring out from his wound was making a trail for those who wanted to follow him a very much easy job, the worst of the worst had happened. The moonlight shining down on his blood giving it a glistening effect that was unnatural. Heinrich didn’t want to die, he would get out of here and no matter what would rebuild his own kingdom with his own hands. With great enough he kept on running and reached the stairs where the fountain was located but right at the end of them was a scene that was both disturbing to look at and beautiful. The fountain was filled with blood and floating heads, the one sitting in the hands of the blood stained angelic statue was the first princess of the elves. Her smile seemed serene as she stared at him, she was honestly beautiful and he wanted to make her his but that led to a spiral of death and despair.

“Welcome my dear husband to be, did you enjoy the show? I am sure you did ~ ❤️”

Her evil tainted voice gripped his entire soul, he was speechless and he wanted to run away from her but he noticed he was frozen completely solid in place. Fear sung her wonderful song of horror, Rosa jumped off and started to walk to him in the most leisurely way possible. He overcomes his fear and grabs a sword from one of the statues that was standing close to the stairs.

“Stay back!I am not afraid of using this!!”

“Come then.”


“You are going to use that right?Come on, give it your best shot. If you win I will do whatever you say”


This was his chance, the miserable bitch would not see it coming. He would use the light of the moon to momentarily blind her and then strike her, using the right angle to reflect the light he flashes it to her eyes and swings the sword across her armor. But then he notices something rather peculiar, the armor was not damaged if at all, what happened next was expected. Rosa punched his stomach which sent him flying towards the stairs. Almost puking out the food he ate Heinrich held it in.

“My, that was it?How pitiful”

“I-I can still fight”

“Against how many swords”


“Let me show you true despair”

Rosa lifted her right hand up and suddenly the sky was filled with swords, there was not a single space that did not have a sword in its place. There were hundreds no, thousands of swords in the sky!

“………no……this is not happening………no”

“But it is happening. This is the power given to me by Queen Yukiyo. I thank her for saving me from a shitbag like you. Now then since you know what will happen if you try to fight me properly, do you know what will happen if you just accept your fate like the miserable insect you are ~ ❤️”

She came ever so closer to Heinrich who began to scream incomprehensibly. She shoves something into his mouth shutting him up completely, whatever it was he did not like the way it tasted.

“Do you like the taste of that?That is a newly developed drug I created just for you Heinrich. The research was made from the drug that you give the elves you stole from us, the pleasure increasing drug Euphoria, this is the pain increasing drug Agonia. Do your best to stay alive Heinrich ~ ❤️”


“And another”


“And another”


“And another”

She slapped him and he felt like something sharp ran across his face. Then another until his face was swollen up. He fell to the ground filled with tears, the pain from his cheeks felt like they were being torn off and this was coming from mere slaps.

“Pish shtop!I bweg of you!I will change!”

“Its too late for that, and that is not even the main course. That’s just to show you how it works. I heard you have a amputee fetish, how about becoming one ~ ❤️”


Swords with jagged edges were chosen for this task and thus when they cut through his flesh he felt unspeakable amounts of pain as if his soul was being slowly broken bit by bit. By the time they were done he was merely staring at Rosa with tears constantly flowing from his face and the blood making a nice big puddle in the center.

“Lets have our firsts here. I am going to be the one who will be absolutely destroying you, you do not have a say in it either”

She grabbed a rod with spikes all over, his fat body was turned over just like a woman to her lover. He knew what was coming would quite literally finish him as a human being.

“The roles have reversed. I hope you enjoy this, last up to 699 times and I’ll let you go Heinrich, to your father dearest”

The rod penetrated him and he could feel the pain devour his soul, he had been plunged into a world of pain but it did not stop. In and out, in and out, in and out, in and out. At first he made a lot of noise, a high pitched scream, a flurry of meaningless bark like threats and insults, gibberish at some point and then silence. She wasn’t going to stop, this was going to continue, a sound could be heard slowly breaking as everything started to become dark. The pain had become his hell and soon he was being sent to the deepest depths on a fast horse.

“698. 699. I am done. Did you manage to survive Heinrich dear ~ ❤️?Oh my, he died midway and I barely noticed. I will hang his body in front of the palace gates, I am pretty sure his father will love the sight.”

Alone. Empty. And bereft of color. That was the current state of the throne room, only the king sat on his throne. He began to run the next line of thoughts as he watched the dark clouds loom over the royal capital. He knew that time was ticking and there was nothing much he could do about it. Who would want to protect a king who thought about his own family and its long standing reign, it was something that he didn’t think through. The people were more important than himself and even then he thought about the next line of kings who would come around if he wasn’t around. The future he imagined, one of glory and fame throughout his bloodline was already tainted with himself and lack of restraint he showed to regulating law and order that he lacked in teaching in his own child. The history of the royal family wasn’t glorious neither was it infamous enough to be considered evil however he knew that was only on the side of the humans. They had treated the elves in the most terrible ways as soon as they discovered they were next door.

It became apparent to them they treated them like they were superior because they were savages who didn’t understand the glory of their god and the strength of the power of humanity. This was something that was evident within the family time and time again, but now all of their sins against the elves and their crimes were now going to be paid in full. The nation was going to fall and he, the lonely king was going to be the last. King Henrik Zailyn Xagreas moved to the armory to wear the armor of his grandfather, it was readjusted for his body type. It felt heavy wearing it, was it because of the sheer amount of wickedness that had stained the kingdom or was the burden of being the last king who would die for this nation. It didn’t matter, certain doom was coming for them all and he would rather die by the blade than die like a coward cooped up somewhere. He grabbed the sword that his father used in battle and walked back to the throne to sit on it. He was sinful and he was ready to pay for it with his life. The Last King, Henrik Xagreas awaited his end.


The royal capital of Exgalia was beautiful at night time, the lights which were coming from the various points of the city had a certain charm. It gave it an eternal beauty that couldn’t be sullied by anything, it was worth protecting. The royal family and nobility lived here, the strongest adventurers had made their bases here, the most successful merchants made their headquarters in the royal capital. It was a sacred place for many and it was to be honored in song and poem. It was built with the intention of elegance and grandeur, white gold colored walls, brass gates that gave the people who looked at them a sense of security and safeness, the roads that were painted in a pale blue color with many of the buildings inside especially the ones heading towards the royal palace being stylized in a unique manner that made one feel like they were entering an enchanted place. The royal capital was gorgeous.

That very same royal capital was being devoured by the flames of war, the march of doom began at dusk all could hear it from all sides. There was not a single space that was not occupied by a demon, dark elf or an elf. An army that came for one purpose, the destruction of this beautiful city. No one really knows who started it but a loud pig like scream coming from somewhere sparked a chain reaction of fear and despair never felt before. Soldiers, and knights who were born and raised to stand for this day shook in their boots, the help of the adventurers could not be relied upon because most of them had fled the nation with their families. Only they could protect the city but it was certain that they were all going to die, better die like a man on the battlefield than a coward caught running away. The glorious walls of Exgalia were torn apart with ease by the strength of large demons who merely kicked or punched their way in. The result was obvious, the murderous flood of wrath hit them. One of the elves wearing a blue cloak flew to the sky and rained flames across an entire region of homes. 

“The end is finally here, isn’t it beautiful?The royal capital you wanted to protect so much is in flames, do you hear the screams of the people down below?This could have all been prevented if they just left the elves alone, hell if we cooperated normally we would be allies with you.”

An excited voice was speaking with someone on an isolated tower roof, the other person was a living corpse who could only reply in sobs as he watched it all burn.

“I told you, you will live to see the nation that you wanted to protect so much burn to the ground. And now I will kill you but not before doing something very good.”

Euphobia grabbed the man who was her supposed father and began leaping across the rooftops, Clyne used an area wide spell that would constantly rain flames on a section of the royal capital. She did this with a purpose, it was done for her special little sister. 


A scream coming from the bowls of hell itself could be heard coming from Andrew saw his vision had come true, the bodies of the saints scattered across the streets, their organs left for demon dogs to devour, some half burning and some still alive. Their dead eyes directed at him, he who caused this to happen. The main church of Exgalia was in flames, Andrew crumbled in front of the burning cathedral with shattered soul, demons dancing in the flames as they destroyed all of the statues of the gods before heading out with more corpses of priests who did not want to be killed. 

“Now then time to end this.”

Euphobia’s voice sounded resolved as she slowly walks towards the man who brought her into this world, audibly laughing to herself Andrew turned to her with a frantic gaze of horror. He knew what she was going to do to him but could not stop her before he could say even a word of apology to her Euphobia impaled him with a spear through the chest. Then another to the stomach, and two more to his wrists and another two towards his legs.

“Burn in hell you disgusting monster”

The spears that impaled him were set on fire, the black flames began to eat at him from both the inside and outside. His hollow groan marking his slow death at the hands of his own daughter.

“I hope you are happy mom, I’ve avenged you”

Tears started to streamed down her cheeks as she fulfilled the very thing she was destined to do. She would enjoy her days with her newfound family. Her strength would send the humans in utter fear, the wrathful sword of the elves would continue to fight until the rule of the humans was burning like the corpse of her father.


There was a magic that was passed down from king to king, it was a spell that could view all of the royal palace from multiple angles. Henrik never thought this magic would be useful until he made an effort to utilize it. The first thing to pop up in his vision was the freshly killed corpse of his son, his face almost unrecognizable, his limbs gone and his body hung like a sack of meat but he knew it was him. Call it a parent’s intuition not even he could escape the wrath of the elves, from there the bodies of his soldiers and knights, the nobles who lived within the royal palace, and the dungeon masters as well as their prisoners were all being slaughtered in pure cold blood and no remorse for the disrespect of their bodies. He was king of a fallen nation, tears rolled down his cheeks as he could even hear some of the nobles curse his name. The doors of the throne room slowly opened and it wasn’t much of a surprise as to who he expected to come walking towards him.


“You alone live, everyone in this city is either dying or are dead.”

The elven queen, Amaryl says with a clear voice enjoying his despair like a well cooked meal. The sadness within his eyes could be seen even by a fool, he stood up and silently grabbed his sword with both hands the weight of both the armor he wore and the sword he held were incredibly heavy.

“Your son is a beautiful corpse, do you know that near the end he actually cried out your name like the pathetic worm he is?Despite his foolish actions he loved you, and yet he died so goddamn perfectly. Violated like the many elves he had under his care. That’s perfect isn’t it ~ ❤️?”


This shout came from pure rage, the sadness from his eyes were replaced by pure anger. He rushed towards Amaryl and swings the sword down on her but she nimbly dodges his attack, throwing a dagger towards the joints between his armor but he leaps out of the way. In an expected turn of events he finds Amaryl in the place where he was with a devil like smile etching itself on her face, she kicks him in the stomach which sends him flying to the wall. He gasps for air as he shambles about before regaining his footing.

“C’mon now, put on a brave front. The cowardly son just accepted his fate after meeting my daughter, why don’t you accept yours Cowardly Father?”

“I will kill you and take over your kingdom!”

“I would like to see you try!”

They clashed swords but it was obvious who was ahead in terms of strength, Amaryl easily pushed him back with her claymore lightly stabbing Henrik’s right leg. He screams out in pain despite it being a mere cut and leaps backwards before swinging his sword once more, his anticipation of taking her down within the next more is easily broken as she merely smacks away his sword with ease which causes him to be open to her next move. Amaryl stabs his shoulder twisting her sword inside of it.

“Show me more expressions Henrik”

His face is twisted in a mixture of anger and sorrow as he screams in pain before Amaryl leaps backwards with a cruel smile on her face. With one arm made useless he is forced to use the the other to attack her, lunging at her with all he has Henrik swings his best at Amaryl who cuts his arm making him lose momentum before she throws a dagger towards his right foot which goes right through the metal. Falling over like a sack of potatoes Amaryl stabs his other shoulder and twists it like before.

“You didn’t try to run, nor did you use a body clone. You faced your fate like a real king would, too bad you were born into the wrong family Henrik. This is the end. Now it is time to pay in full, all of the sins this nation and your family have committed against the elves.”


“Shut up”

She kicked his head so he couldn’t say another word.

“Good night for now”

She stabs his throat causing him to drown in his blood, this was the end for him. This was how he would pay his debts to the elves. Amaryl’s wicked smile would soon fade from his view and he would enter the blissful embrace of death. 


But that did not happen at all. Instead of being held by death in the eternal darkness Henrik was still alive somehow, he was supposed to be dead!He didn’t want to live in a reality where his kingdom fell!He found himself inside of a courtyard with his hands and feet stabbed through into a pole.

“Remember when I said you will pay in full for what you’ve done to the elves, this is it.”

Amaryl stood in front of him wearing a pleased smile, beside him was his son who was screaming as he was being burnt alive at the moment. His face slowly drains in color as he realizes something. He did die. But she brought him back, the beautiful dark elf standing next to the elven queen waves her hand at him. This was the devil who caused all of this to happen and she was smiling so innocently as compared to Amaryl who was immensely amused by this.

“You are going to be reborn in a fully grown adult body, each one being different from the last. The royal family began to abuse the elves 4550 years ago, you are going to be tortured and killed over and over again for the next 4450 years. The elderly ones who lived from that time are first on the line so you are going to be burnt alive. This will happen every single day, without stop. Welcome to the hell you caused towards the elves”

And just like his son he began to scream incoherently as the flames were rising to eat him alive. This pain would continue for a long time, not even death would rescue him. His suffering was going to be never ending for the following days, months, years, decades, and centuries.

“Now’s that’s that. I’ve done my job”

“You certainly have but what is your plan now?”

Amaryl asked Yukiyo with curiosity plaguing her, this was the plan for now. But now it was seen to fruition what would they do now?

“That’s easy I am going to pick up my students in that flying school or whatever and prepare them”

“For what?”

“I did not tell you already?”

“No I do not believe you did, you just came with the unification papers and the plans for the war we just ended”

“Amaryl the next war will be probably the biggest in the world. Its against the human nations and creating a world where we are all equal”

“…………are you being serious”


“Yukiyo please tell me you are joking”

Yukiyo smirks wonderfully as Amaryl stares at her in pure surprise. She did not expect the scope of insanity that this dark elf had in her mind, that is like the whole world. 

“No. I am not pulling your leg. The elder gods approved of it as well, plus I am just as strong as a god anyway.”

“No, that’s not it”

“I am not ending it there either. We are going to open the heavens and kill the gods too!”

“Okay what the fuck. Stop being nonsensical!”

“Its true you know”

“Shen I thought you would knock some sense into her”

Shen joins in on the conversation to confirm this is a thing and that is the layout of their plans.

“Why do you think that we unified everyone like this anyway?We have the power and backing, just need everyone we have currently to train hard so hard they might become demigods at some point.”

“………..Mother I do not think this is something to be surprised about. This is Queen Yukiyo after all, she helped us destroy a large nation in a matter of 12 days”

Rosa was right, this woman couldn’t be treated with the same logic that other people used. Amaryl thought she had understood the person known as Yukiyo Sinoharl (Shinohara) but she was gravely mistaken. 

“We need more power. Because we will be fighting gods and heroes after collapsing entire nations. The Cornelia Empire’s age of humanity is going to be forcibly ended. And then the foolish gods who summoned the heroes will be killed too.”

Yukiyo states as she stares at the screaming bodies of Henrik and Heinrich. The waves of what was done here was going to reach them and the actions taken against her would start but she would have created a generation of one man army hero killers by that time.

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