I Woke up One Day as a God

Chapter-10 The Side Effects of Lilies

I eventually calmed down by convincing myself that I’m not that high up. When I could finally think rationally I immediately made myself a pill that gets rid of my fear of heights. I dejectedly said, “Sorry for panicking like that Lily. I guess I’m not that reliable of an older sister.”

Lily started patting my head in the same way that Annette did a while ago. “It’s ok Big Sis, you’re still really cool for creating all this.” I kind of feel like I’m getting really good at getting into situations where my younger sisters have to comfort me with headpats. At least they’re good at giving headpats even though they should be the ones being patted.

“Ok I’m good now Lily. I’ll show you just how cool everything I created actually is!” To start off I showed her around the entire castle and introduced her to the angels working there. “This is your new house. Hopefully the castle isn’t too big.”

“Nope it’s perfectly fine Big Sis. Besides, I can always have the maids carry me around if I’m lazy.” 

It’s not like being lazy is unhealthy for her so it should be fine. But it kind of seems like her high intelligence is being pointed at the wrong things. Maybe she can come up with some good ideas that I can create so that we can all be more lazy.

Now that I’m thinking about this, should I boost my own intelligence? Or is it my memory that I need to increase? On one hand I feel like being smarter will keep me out of embarrassing situations. On the other hand I don’t want to become some omnipotent god because that just seems really boring. Ah screw it, I’ll consider this some other day since I need to continue the tour.

The next place we went to was the city. I would love to say that I showed her around using my extensive knowledge as the city’s creator, but that would be a lie. When I created it I just thought, “Create a fantasy city in the skies built for angels that use combat as their main form of livelihood.” My power then created the city itself following the guidelines I requested. Anyway, since I couldn’t show her around I actually just had one of the knights from the castle show us around the city.

When we were touring the city there were a few things on my mind. Thank god that I’m not scared of heights anymore because those rainbow bridges are terrifying. On that note the angels are also using them as well for some reason, is it because they like walking? Maybe flying just takes more energy than walking, kind of like how running takes more energy than walking.

Oh yeah, about the other things on my mind… When I created the angels did I make a higher amount of females than males? We’ve walked around for about half an hour now and I’ve only seen females. It was easier for me to picture a pretty female angel because they seem to be more common, but I thought I made at least a few males. Hopefully I didn’t screw up what I created because of my stupidity.

I don’t think I thought of anything special when creating them. I just thought of strong fantasy world humans that had wings they could use to fly. I did give them that birthmark that made them loyal to Lily and everything her name symbolizes, but I don’t think that should change anything. Maybe I should use my eye and check my old friend Google again?

Of course the first meanings that showed up were the ones I already knew about, innocence and purity. I should probably check for lesser known meanings or meanings that only exist in other languages. As soon as I start searching like that I immediately find meanings like femininity, love, passion, and rebirth. I guess femininity could explain why they’re all female and rebirth would probably be how the race would survive. I guess creating passionate gay angels that have kids by being blessed by a god isn’t a terrible way for me to screw up.

It’s too late for me to fix my mistake and I didn’t make one that actually needs to be fixed so I’ll just leave it be. I’m just happy that I figured out my mistake and I hope that someday I’ll be smart enough to not make mistakes with my power. It’s nice having no limitations but that also means if I’m too vague and have no proper guidelines for my power to follow, it will just create whatever.

“Hey Big Sis, get your head out of the clouds.” Is that even a good saying right now? We’re currently standing on clouds after all. Hell, the clouds we’re standing on are extremely high above the ones that give rain to the ground floor. Are we even still in the lower regions of the atmosphere, how close are we to reaching space? Did I even make outer space in this world or did I just make the planet?


“Huh! Wait what’s going on.”

“We finally reached the teleportation thing you created but you were stuck inside your mind.”

“Oh, sorry about that. I realized that something was a bit off in one of my creations so I was just figuring out my mistake. The mistake is completely harmless so you don’t need to worry about it.”

“If you say so, Big Sis. Just try to pay a bit more attention. I’m surprised you didn’t bump into anyone with how careless you were being.”

I puffed my chest out proudly and said, “I’m great at working on autopilot. No matter how lost I get in my mind I can easily perform simple repetitive tasks.”

“Sure but how about you start telling me about this teleportation thingy.”

“Oh yeah…” I’m a pretty disappointing sister with how absent-minded I am. “Ok so this building isn’t that complicated. It just allows you to teleport to any city in the world and you teleport back by thinking about teleporting back. That’s essentially it.”

“So we didn’t really need to walk here in order for you to explain how to use it.”

“Yeah it was unnecessary.”

“So we just wasted a bunch of time walking?”

“Er… Yes?”

“Maybe you should have spent more time thinking about what we’re doing and less time thinking about a harmless mistake.”

“I’m sorry.”

“Are you sure that you’re a reliable older sister? Heh maybe I should be the Big Sis. Anyway, is there anything else left to show me?”

“Of course there is.” I’ll show Lily just how reliable I can be as an older sister. The monsters on those floating continents will all be fodder to show that I can occasionally be cool.

Only one chapter this week because I've been really sick recently and I don't have much of a backlog ready yet.

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