I Woke up One Day as a God

Chapter-11 End of the Tour

I was going to show Lily how reliable I could be by showing how quickly I could defeat monsters but we ran into a problem before we even reached said monsters. When I was creating everything up here I was thinking about how the angels would go about reaching their destination and all that. The angels seem to like walking around the city but they can’t exactly walk from one floating continent to the other, so of course they fly. However, Lily and I are not angels, meaning we can’t fly.

“So Big Sis, what else do you need to show me?”

“Uh it’s quite a distance away so I’d rather just teleport us there.” Lily snuggled up to me so that we could teleport, but I had something to do first. I don’t really know how long the angels can fly or if they even like to considering they were walking around town, so I’ll make a port that docks airships. This way they can also actually carry food and materials since I also kind of forgot that they actually need to bring back what they hunt.

With a new airport, is calling it an airport even correct, and a few airships created I finally teleported us to the continent with a giant lake. Well I call it a lake but it’s so big you could easily mistake it for an ocean. I figure this place looks pretty nice and it’s not like it matters what monsters I kill, so why wouldn’t I choose the beach over the volcano.

“Ok Lily alongside the floating city I also created other floating continents. On these floating continents are monsters that can be hunted for food and rare materials.”

Lily pointed behind me while saying, “Is it even appropriate to call it a monster when it’s just a giant crab?” I turned around and of course there’s a giant crab menacingly standing over me. It only stood there for a few seconds before I immediately destroyed it using my authority as its creator.

It disappointingly popped out of existence like an unnecessary npc disappearing when you trigger a story cutscene. I now understand why in movies they always make stuff explode or turn to dust when they get destroyed. Something just being there one second and not being there the next just leaves me feeling empty because I get no satisfying feeling from destroying something.

I probably could make it more flashy but then that’ll just be annoying back on Earth. Creating something like a bag of chips and then having to deal with explosions when I destroy the bag would get on my nerves really quickly. It would be even worse if I’m out in public and destroying something makes it seem like I just let a bomb go off.

“Hey Big Sis are you still there? If you don’t respond soon I’ll dump you in the ocean.”

“Huh? What’d you say Lily? Was there a question you had about the giant lake about the giant lake?”

Lily showed off a really cute smile and said, “No, just marveling at how huge it is. It could probably hide thousands of those giant crabs.”

“Well I forget exactly how many I allowed to exist but they stop being created when a limit is reached. I don’t want there to be too many to fight if the angels don’t come here for a while.”

“Will those giant crabs really provide the angels with all of their food and materials? I imagine they would quickly tire of eating crab and I doubt that the claws can be materials for everything.”

“Don’t worry about that, I actually thought ahead and created multiple environments with different monsters.”

“Are you sure that the angels can actually defeat them? The angels didn’t seem overly strong to me.”

“Well neither do I but you saw how easily I killed the giant crab, right?”

“But you can destroy anything you want to. I doubt that the angels can do that as well.”

“I guess that’s true… How about we have you fight some of the monsters. The angels shouldn’t be that much weaker than you. They were created to serve you after all.”

“Oh if that’s the case then there shouldn’t be a problem.” Lily gestured around her and I noticed that this previously sandy beach is now covered in dead crabs. Not only was the way I killed my crab disappointing but I also had to be protected when I got lost in my head.

I swore in my heart that some day I could be a reliable sister and I began to show Lily each of the floating continents. We didn’t stay that long on any of them because even if both of us are immortal it’s still annoying to have monsters that are as threatening as bugs swarm you.

It’s been a week since I created the fantasy world and my new reliable little sister, Lily. It only took her a week before she left monitoring the world to the angels and just lounged around inside the castle all day. More specifically she holed up in a special room that I created which gave her the ability to connect to Earth’s internet. She spends the majority of her days either sleeping or playing on the computer.

She still remembers to call me but the original phone I gave her was essentially thrown away after I decided to create a way for us to video call each other with our TV’s. Oh well, it’s more convenient for her to only call me when I’m at home anyway. It’s not like I’ve actually left the house in about a month but it’s still more fun to see the other person when you’re chatting. Even more so when that person is one of your adorable little sisters.

On that topic, I eventually gave in and told Annette about my powers. I just didn’t see much point in hiding them from her anymore. Trying to hide everything I’ve already created and anything I might create in the future would just get annoying. Besides, I really didn’t need to be so secretive anyway because if she does ever brag to anyone about my powers I can always use my powers to make them forget. She's also really cute when she nervously asks me if I can create something for her so I don’t regret telling her.

Anyway, I appeased my urges to create something fantasy like, I got a new sister, and I got even closer with my first little sister so this past week has been great. It even managed to make me forget about something that I wanted to ignore. It’s been about a month since I woke up on July 15th which means it is currently in the middle of August. In other words, Summer Break is almost over and I have to decide what Annette and I should do about school.

Might release a second chapter on wednesday or thursday if my cold finally goes away by then.

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